2024-08-02 09:55:36 Hi 2024-08-02 23:15:48 Foxboron: linux-hardened does not implement PaX 2024-08-12 08:38:07 not sure how to do qtwebengine-chromium security updates for qt6-qtwebengine in 3.20-stable as 112-based qtwebengine-chromium doesn't seem to receive updates 2024-08-12 08:39:43 with the Qt6 upgrade to 6.7.2 (from 6.6.3) qt6-qtwebengine switched to 118-based qtwebengine-chromium 2024-08-12 08:45:29 maybe it's possible to switch to 118-based qtwebengine-chromium in 3.20-stable too, perhaps by upgrading qt6-qtwebengine to 6.7.2 but pretend/say that it is at 6.6.3 (as we pretend that qt5-qtwebengine is at version 5.15.10, but that is just the patch number we decrement) 2024-08-15 22:38:03 https://github.com/grafana/grafana/releases/tag/v11.0.3 for community/grafana{,-frontend} in 3.20-stable 2024-08-15 22:38:45 for edge it was !70579 2024-08-16 00:01:33 look, I can send and email to a list: https://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2024-08/msg00710.html 2024-08-16 00:01:54 related to !70515 2024-08-16 00:02:39 there's also !70516 !70517 !70518 !70519 2024-08-16 09:06:18 omni: great! 2024-08-17 21:18:20 GI​VE​ Y​O​UR FI⁠N⁠G​ERS A​ B​R​E⁠AK N​ H⁠AR⁠D​C⁠H⁠AT W/ UR⁠ MOUT​H N⁠E​RD​ -> htt​p⁠s://ha⁠rdch​a​ts.co⁠m 2024-08-17 21:18:22 GIVE YOUR F​INGE​R​S⁠ A​ B⁠RE​AK N​ H​A​R​D⁠C⁠H⁠AT​ W/ UR​ M​OUT​H N⁠ERD​ -> h​tt​p⁠s://ha⁠r​d​c⁠hats​.c⁠om 2024-08-17 21:18:24 GIVE YOUR F​I⁠NG⁠ER​S A⁠ B​REA​K​ N H⁠A​R⁠DCH⁠AT​ W​/ UR MO⁠UTH NER⁠D​ -> h⁠ttp​s://ha⁠rd⁠ch⁠a⁠t​s.co⁠m 2024-08-17 21:18:26 wueld aljazmc minimal zcrayfish paddymahoney afofu15 dne jvb moat nmeum lonjil jvoisin ncopa tmhoang celie Foxboron fossdd terminaldweller ikke jstoker clandmeter algitbot kpcyrd paper_ fbegyn danieli Piraty bananicorn ptrc dekedro omni e204 fabled_ guizmo34 pj Ariadne fluix _alice aerth sskras mcrute sam_ ericonr ayakael97 panekj smcavoy 2024-08-17 21:18:49 ok 2024-08-17 21:21:11 well, I think it's cross-network spammer 2024-08-17 21:22:13 maybe the channel needs some additional mode to be enabled 2024-08-17 21:55:18 lovely 2024-08-18 12:42:15 28 2024-08-18 12:42:27 Oof, that's bad 2024-08-22 23:55:48 !70839 !70840 !70842 2024-08-23 08:32:10 now also !70850 and !70851 2024-08-26 11:24:22 Ariadne: importers/apkindex: do not unpublish all packages (https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/security/secfixes-tracker/-/merge_requests/20) 2024-08-28 15:20:18 heap-buffer-overflow in ins_typebuf() in Vim < 9.1.0697 (https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2024/08/25/1) 2024-08-31 19:26:13 I merged !71235 but we probably want backports