2022-11-01 04:30:15 Can't open key1 for reading, No such file or directory 139824494062408:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:crypto/bio/bss_file.c:69:fopen('key1','r') 139824494062408:error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file:crypto/bio/bss_file.c:76: unable to load key file 2022-11-01 04:30:20 hi 2022-11-01 04:30:51 i am trying to build the custom kernel in alpine linux 2022-11-01 04:31:05 and i got this error 2022-11-01 04:34:46 sounds like the key doesn't exist so you ran the build wrong 2022-11-01 04:36:05 so how to build the alpine 2022-11-01 04:36:45 so what should i do 2022-11-01 04:37:15 so ,i can remove the key and build again 2022-11-01 04:40:45 I have key in my folder 2022-11-01 04:41:24 I have generated key using abuild-keygen -a -i and then run abuild checksum 2022-11-01 04:59:47 it's not related to any of that, it's probably the key of the kernel build 2022-11-01 04:59:54 but no idea, you didn't post what you did or any of the logs 2022-11-01 05:10:33 I am trying to build linux-lts kernel, when I am doing abuild -r, the above error shows up after building some modules/files 2022-11-01 05:24:33 so is it linux-lts or "custom kernel"? did you make any changes to the linux-lts APKBUILD? 2022-11-01 06:40:22 asdf_: i would guess it is an openssl version mismatch 2022-11-01 06:43:49 asdf_: can you please share what openssl version you are using, what alpine version you are using and what happens before that error 2022-11-01 12:43:46 could someone better than my at understanding openrc explain the most idiomatic way of modifying the nullmailer initd script to log its stdout to a file?: 2022-11-01 12:43:48 https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/tree/testing/nullmailer/nullmailer.initd 2022-11-01 12:44:19 I know it'll probably involve `start-stop-daemon --stdout` or something 2022-11-01 13:06:58 can lightdm do wayland sessions on alpine? It can on Fedora but choosing sway just gets me a black screen then dumped back to the greeter. 2022-11-01 14:31:34 mps 2022-11-01 14:31:37 you here 2022-11-01 14:32:48 morning 2022-11-01 16:05:03 hello, my program requires openssl 3 but apk says it can't select openssl 3 ? 2022-11-01 16:10:03 you cannot mix openssl1.1 and openssl3 2022-11-01 16:10:32 but you can upgrade to edge (or 3.17) 2022-11-01 16:10:52 which has openssl3 for (almost) everything 2022-11-01 16:13:46 is the docker image updated to 3.17 ? 2022-11-01 16:14:35 which 2022-11-01 16:14:44 there is like thousands of different alpine docker images 2022-11-01 16:14:56 with even more tags 2022-11-01 16:15:53 no. 3.17 is not released yet 2022-11-01 16:15:59 i assume you mean alpine:3.17 2022-11-01 16:16:05 yeah 2022-11-01 16:16:15 so I have to set it to alpine:edge ? 2022-11-01 16:16:55 yes. and do `RUN apk upgrade` 2022-11-01 16:17:12 ok, thank you 2022-11-01 16:56:46 I need to resize /boot but I am kind of scared to do so :P 2022-11-01 18:50:27 hey 2022-11-01 18:51:31 so the alpine is nice but need to make it so we can build desktop builds . but i need to know if pkgs exist or if you build all from code 2022-11-01 18:51:50 what 2022-11-01 18:52:19 have you checked https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org 2022-11-01 18:52:31 yes, pre-built packages for gui applications and desktop stuff exist 2022-11-01 18:52:35 we're not like gentoo 2022-11-01 18:52:47 I think they mean ISO with DE 2022-11-01 18:52:51 which is a no 2022-11-01 18:52:55 won't happen 2022-11-01 18:53:19 no building a img for riscv 2022-11-01 18:53:27 for sd cards 2022-11-01 18:53:37 riscv is supported on edge only 2022-11-01 18:54:35 http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/releases/riscv64/ 2022-11-01 18:56:05 there is a script for building but does alpine have repos or do they build each pkgs 2022-11-01 18:56:34 as I said, riscv is supported on edge only, some packages are built but not all 2022-11-01 18:56:47 ok 2022-11-01 18:57:41 https://arvanta.net/alpine/alpine-on-visionfivev1/ 2022-11-01 18:58:15 That's for a specific board 2022-11-01 18:58:24 It's working though 2022-11-01 18:58:40 The packages are all pre-built 2022-11-01 18:58:42 it will work on the v1 /v2 beagle5 and most riscv 2022-11-01 18:58:59 just have to swap the dtb and on some the kernel 2022-11-01 18:59:08 right 2022-11-01 18:59:44 I wanted to see if icewm was in the pkgs to build a desktop kinda like we had on debian/ubuntu 2022-11-01 19:00:11 https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=icewm&branch=edge&repo=&arch=&maintainer= 2022-11-01 19:00:13 It's in testing 2022-11-01 19:00:18 ok 2022-11-01 19:01:20 would be nice to get a testing desktop going 2022-11-01 19:01:32 will see what I can do for all the parts 2022-11-01 19:02:11 I use the board that I have headless, so haven't had any need for a desktop 2022-11-01 19:02:55 well I have 3 boards 1 headless 1 with icewm and the beaglev fully updated running xfce 2022-11-01 19:03:01 Wouldn't rv desktop be worse than rpi 2022-11-01 19:03:14 as I work on the riscvbian img builder for ubuntu/debian 2022-11-01 19:03:22 no 2022-11-01 19:03:28 I can't imagine using that to do anything 2022-11-01 19:04:11 it works well we are just missing jit and libreoffice/web browser and thunderbird . but it runs well 2022-11-01 19:04:18 for what it is 2022-11-01 19:04:31 but the v2 will be better with a real vpu 2022-11-01 19:04:57 2c 1GHz 2022-11-01 19:06:28 it's worse than my GX-420MC lol 2022-11-01 19:06:45 and that barely can run anything 2022-11-01 19:06:48 quad core with vpu will be = to about same as a rk3399 based board 2022-11-01 19:06:58 get an odroid n2+ 2022-11-01 19:07:00 it's worse than an rpi but you don't need much to drive a 1080p display 2022-11-01 19:07:11 well I use my riscv running xvfc daily 2022-11-01 19:07:12 > 1080p display 2022-11-01 19:07:13 pls 2022-11-01 19:07:15 psykose 2022-11-01 19:07:20 muh 4K 2022-11-01 19:07:27 4k is overrated :P 2022-11-01 19:07:33 hey plugged into a tv thats fine 2022-11-01 19:07:40 true, I actually have it in 1080p 2022-11-01 19:07:50 most people can not see at 2k yet 4k 2022-11-01 19:07:51 4k with HiDPI is pretty good 2022-11-01 19:08:00 mostly because scaling on macos sucks 2022-11-01 19:08:55 everyone has a right to run what ever os they want no bashing 2022-11-01 19:09:05 i think people use 4k for HiDPI, nobody uses 4k as is 2022-11-01 19:09:28 did anyone complain about any OS tho? 2022-11-01 19:09:50 well as I am a deaf and half blind person I am fine with what I do and work on 2022-11-01 19:10:12 panekj: mostly because scaling on macos sucks 2022-11-01 19:10:18 thats os hate 2022-11-01 19:10:28 no, that's me stating that scaling on macos does indeed suck 2022-11-01 19:11:07 panekj: before macOS/iOS, no vendor does scale 2022-11-01 19:11:22 I have a mac m1 mini and I have a windows nuck and i have a arm64 nanopct4 running armbian and they all have issues 2022-11-01 19:11:57 and the riscv is just starting out give it time to grow 2022-11-01 19:12:10 its the baby in the game 2022-11-01 19:12:21 how is the performance of riscv 2022-11-01 19:12:56 compared to arm64 i mean 2022-11-01 19:15:04 well its not fair to compare them yet as the first boar dual core works well except for no real vpu 2022-11-01 19:15:18 and not having a vpu/gpu is a drawback 2022-11-01 19:15:52 but so far the v2 is on track to match the rk3399 for speed and performance 2022-11-01 19:16:29 1.5/1.8 range but more ram then most are boards which ahve been limited to 4 g 2022-11-01 19:27:00 I will be back once I see what i can do 2022-11-01 19:32:26 https://github.com/gsmecher/minimax 2022-11-01 23:07:54 hello 2022-11-02 02:00:14 ncopa: did i read you correctly that 3.17 will have openssl3? 2022-11-02 02:00:19 yes 2022-11-02 02:00:27 why shouldn't it 2022-11-02 02:00:58 no reason, i just wasn't expecting alpine to be early on that. i'm only aware of fedora moving to that by now. 2022-11-02 02:01:15 if all, Alpine is late to the party 2022-11-02 02:01:22 ubuntu 22.04 uses ossl3 2022-11-02 02:01:33 gotcha. 2022-11-02 02:01:59 CentOS Stream 9, Fedora 36, Fedora Rawhide, Kali 2022.3, Linux Mint 21, Mageia Cauldron, OpenMandrive 4.3, OpenMandrive Cooker, Redhat EL 9, Rocky Linux 9.0, Ubuntu 22.04 2022-11-02 02:02:45 earlier than arch /s 2022-11-02 02:03:02 arch surprisingly is using 1.1.1 indeed 2022-11-02 02:03:15 but that's probably because ossl3 is so broken... 2022-11-02 02:03:49 all of those distro releases are from this year though, relatively recent 2022-11-02 02:03:56 anyway it doesn't matter, just curious 2022-11-02 02:04:09 well, as I said, ossl3 is so broken... 2022-11-02 02:04:37 openssl has always been a pita 2022-11-02 02:04:55 but I believe that many distros were on hold due to specific packages 2022-11-02 02:05:04 what was it? mariadb? 2022-11-02 02:05:25 which uses some super low level apis 2022-11-02 02:05:46 i'm gonna guess node 2022-11-02 02:06:14 it was mostly just mariadb 2022-11-02 02:08:35 go sleep? psykose 2022-11-02 02:08:50 what for 2022-11-02 02:09:02 because I asked nicely 2022-11-02 02:09:21 come make me 2022-11-02 02:10:38 ACTION rolls up sleeves 2022-11-02 02:11:04 i thought femboys didn't wear clothing with sleeves in the first place 2022-11-02 02:11:36 ACTION tucks psykose in bed  2022-11-02 02:11:49 lucky for you I'm not a femboy 2022-11-02 02:11:58 uhhuh 2022-11-02 11:25:39 morning folks, am having an issue with my /boot partition. It is not big enough to allow a system upgrade, and as such I have expanded the partition from the installer. However, I cannot grow the filesystem to fill the partition due to an 'failed to resize the filesystem on /dev/sda1 (GNU Parted cannot resize this partition to this size. We're working on it) error. 2022-11-02 11:25:44 any tips welcomed, thanks! 2022-11-02 11:29:13 joshaspinall: what is your boot partition type? 2022-11-02 11:29:28 EFI 2022-11-02 11:30:37 I don't have experience with that (it's vfat/fat32/..., btw) 2022-11-02 11:31:55 sorry yes, FAT32 :) 2022-11-02 11:32:25 parted can't resize fat for some reason, you need to use fatresize 2022-11-02 11:32:36 or just copy everything off and create a new filesystem 2022-11-02 11:34:28 strange that i've never come across this before, i'll take a look into that, thanks! 2022-11-02 16:06:06 joshaspinall: you can ... actually mount your ESP to /boot/efi, reinstall grub, modify the /etc/fstab, then your kernel will be in /boot/ which is in ext4 2022-11-02 16:13:42 uniqNuuid: it is not clear from joshaspinall if he has separate ESP and /boot partitions or whether a single partition is acting as both ESP and /boot - if he has a single combined ESP & /boot partition then your instructions may not be relevant (if he is using LUKS encryption for / with /boot unencrypted) 2022-11-02 16:18:48 I have a single /boot partition that contains both ESP and the usual /boot stuff and it is also too small 2022-11-02 16:19:15 elly: yes it is a known issue 2022-11-02 16:19:35 yup 2022-11-02 16:19:44 I am waiting for it to be fixed before I try to reimage my laptop 2022-11-02 16:44:30 elly: how small it is 2022-11-02 16:44:34 32M? 2022-11-02 16:45:28 BOOT_SIZE works right? 2022-11-02 16:45:48 uniqNuuid: 34M 2022-11-02 16:46:56 well, you don't have to wait... 2022-11-02 16:47:41 yeah, but I'm going to :P 2022-11-02 16:48:05 export BOOT_SIZE=512 ; setup-alpine 2022-11-02 16:49:18 that will create a boot size of 512M 2022-11-02 16:52:42 or maybe not. sys install with ESP, the ESP is at /boot/efi 2022-11-02 16:52:53 if [ -n "$boot_dev" ] && [ -n "$USE_EFI" ] && [ -z "$USE_CRYPT" ]; then mkdir -p "$SYSROOT"/boot/efi 2022-11-02 16:53:12 line 1145-1146 of setup-disk 2022-11-02 16:56:20 anyway in order to mount ESP at /boot, i have to modify the setup-disk script to replace '/boot/efi' to '/boot' and export BOOT_SIZE=512 2022-11-02 16:58:41 well, i am using linux-virt, the image is 7.0M /boot/vmlinuz-virt and 6.1M /boot/initramfs-virt 2022-11-02 16:58:55 so 34M is way more than enough. 2022-11-02 17:00:21 on my system (lts), System.map-lts is 4.1M, config-lts is 230K, initramfs-lts is 14.2M, and vmlinuz-lts is 7.8M 2022-11-02 17:00:35 minimal: i dropped tart, it is not stable, someimes stall after reboot, and it does not allow boot from ISO after installation, thus, not possible to fix broken system. 2022-11-02 17:00:38 so it does fit in 34M but it's not possible to unpack a second initramfs + vmlinuz there 2022-11-02 17:02:19 /dev/sda1 34M 1.8M 32M 6% /boot/efi 2022-11-02 17:02:30 oh yeah, 34M here too, avail 32M 2022-11-02 17:04:19 i mean, 34M for ESP, that is way more than enough, but if the /boot and ESP is on the same partition, then, there could be issue 2022-11-02 17:05:26 yup, and they are by default (apparently) 2022-11-02 17:09:08 elly: are they? 2022-11-02 17:09:14 not the case here. 2022-11-02 17:09:43 as you can see the ESP is at /boot/efi on my system 2022-11-02 17:10:04 which is a default setup-alpine sys installation 2022-11-02 17:13:50 mine is also a default setup-alpine sys installation 2022-11-02 17:14:30 I got three partitions: a 34M one mounted at /boot (which does contain /boot/efi), a 4GB one for swap, and then a main data one for / 2022-11-02 17:14:48 uniqNuuid: for EFI installed /boot may be on the same partition as ESP depending on which type of install you do - e.g. if you do any encrypted Sys install then /boot is on ESP so that it is not encrypted (only /) 2022-11-02 17:14:58 s/installed/installation/ 2022-11-02 17:14:58 minimal meant to say: uniqNuuid: for EFI installation /boot may be on the same partition as ESP depending on which type of install you do - e.g. if you do any encrypted Sys install then /boot is on ESP so that it is not encrypted (only /) 2022-11-02 17:15:29 yeah, I did an encrypted root install 2022-11-02 17:16:27 elly: if you have done an unencrypted Sys install then (from memory) then /boot would be part of the / partition and ESP would only contain EFI files 2022-11-02 17:16:54 aha 2022-11-02 17:17:00 well, that is my problem then 2022-11-02 17:17:34 for an encrypted Sys install /boot is stored in ESP partition as it cannot be stored in rootfs (based on setup-disk doing a LUKS *v2* setup) 2022-11-02 17:19:06 ely: this is mentioned in the issue I raised: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/alpine-conf/-/issues/10536 2022-11-02 17:19:57 yup! I am following it :) 2022-11-02 17:32:11 hello. anyone familiar with nftables? i have this setup with an input and an output chain, each with input and output hook respectively. both chains have a default drop policy. i would have expected that all packets are dropped, but i am still able go acquire an ip address via dhcp. any ideas why? 2022-11-02 17:50:19 elly: I added a note to that Issue with some thoughts 2022-11-02 17:59:18 thanks for your responses earlier. Just to close the loop I had carried out a clean installation onto a physical machine using setup-alpine, using crypt & sys options. I made a note on the issue you have linked that the 3.15 install media can be used, as it creates a 512MB EFI/Boot partition. 2022-11-02 18:19:44 Does BOOT_SIZE effect an EFI install? 2022-11-02 18:21:02 i.e. `BOOT_SIZE=500 setup-alpine` produces a legacy boot install with a 500M /boot when encryption is chosen. 2022-11-02 18:36:52 elagost: yes it does 2022-11-02 18:53:23 is there some sort of ESP_SIZE equivalent? 2022-11-02 19:08:21 elagost: when /boot is not part of rootfs then ESP and /boot are the *same* partition 2022-11-02 19:08:49 and so BOOT_SIZE will affect it 2022-11-03 02:29:54 Anyone have any pointers for where I should look if I'm getting "grep: warning: stray \ before -" on every boot/shutdown (recorded into /var/log/rc.log) after the hwclock line prints 2022-11-03 02:30:08 It seems to be interfering with some boot activities like auto-fsck 2022-11-03 02:31:25 it comes from hwclock itself 2022-11-03 02:31:30 i don't think it causes any issues though 2022-11-03 02:33:05 Hmm... Okay, interesting. Only getting this on one of my two Alpine Edge machines, both x86_64, both with hwclock in boot runlevel 2022-11-03 02:33:10 fixed 3b16e242d350752029a8451562d72b7ed8cc0052 2022-11-03 02:33:14 but it really wouldn't affect anything else 2022-11-03 02:33:35 Awesome, thanks for the fix and the confirmation. Something else is amiss. 2022-11-03 02:33:39 just a grep 3.8 thing https://github.com/OpenRC/openrc/commit/9380347f042f7d294317f4420b648422817eb75a 2022-11-03 02:35:26 Thanks as ever, psykose 2022-11-03 02:35:32 Maybe time for this thing to get a re-image then 2022-11-03 07:50:27 Saijin_Naib[m]: i noticed that too on my machine but didnt care enough to fix it 2022-11-03 08:39:13 Hey, is there a way for a mere mortal to access build logs of release images for Alpine, or at least see which packages are included? Found http://build.alpinelinux.org/buildlogs/ but it seems to contain logs for all packages, whereas i'm looking more for which packages are included in e.g STANDARD vs VIRTUAL 2022-11-03 09:17:36 sliwkr: the base packages of the release isos are listed here: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/blob/master/scripts/mkimg.base.sh#L325 2022-11-03 09:17:59 it does not list the dependencies of those though. Dependencies of those packages are also pulled in 2022-11-03 09:18:58 standard def is here: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/blob/master/scripts/mkimg.standard.sh#L1 2022-11-03 09:19:33 and as you see, there are no added `apks="$apks ...."` so standard image has only the base packages 2022-11-03 09:19:43 same goes for virt image 2022-11-03 09:19:50 so basically, they have same packages 2022-11-03 09:48:31 Thanks ncopa! 2022-11-03 11:43:22 ncopa: If it doesn't negatively impact anything, I guess a boot message is just a boot message, right? I just focused on the one machine that has the message since it is acting up and I thought that was the culprit 2022-11-03 18:47:24 hey guys - having a little issue with snmp monitoring. would appear that my openvpn interface id number changes every time openvpn restarts. anyone have any thoughts on this. I'd really rather not reboot the router. 2022-11-03 18:48:40 Running Alpine Linux 3.14 2022-11-03 18:49:41 http://www.net-snmp.org/wiki/index.php/IfTable_indexing#bouncy_interfaces 2022-11-03 18:50:31 @ikke Thanks! 2022-11-03 20:54:38 Good afternoon. Guake since version 3.16 only appears errors. I am using edge and this same. Is it my mistake ? 2022-11-03 20:54:49 https://pastebin.com/PJZQQjFP 2022-11-03 20:56:45 It does not have it in 3.16 I think I installed it from the edge repository itself. It was bad. But it doesn't work at all. 2022-11-03 21:05:37 it was missing like every dependency and all the files 2022-11-03 21:05:38 funny 2022-11-03 21:05:46 you can try -r1 i guess, no promises though 2022-11-03 22:06:22 Come again? 2022-11-04 00:30:42 how would one package a piece of software that's doesn't have a versioned release - just 'master'? 2022-11-04 00:42:44 at least use a specific commit so there's some chance of reproducing the build 2022-11-04 00:43:23 Oh ok. How would I set that in pkgver? 2022-11-04 00:43:49 pkgver=0git20221103 or something? 2022-11-04 07:39:03 I followed the document on creating Alpine Linux's Xen domU, but it did not boot after installation. The log just stops after BLKFRONT and NETFRONT, and the only button I can press is Ctrl+C, which falls back to GRUB shell (grubdom>). Although I can manually boot with 2022-11-04 07:39:03 it is not intended to drop to GRUB shell, after all. 2022-11-04 07:39:03 initrd (hd0,0)/initramfs-virt 2022-11-04 07:39:03 kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz-virt ... 2022-11-04 07:39:04 Config and log: https://pastebin.com/s7PDjixS 2022-11-04 07:41:57 (Sorry for sending so many messages in a burst. I pasted that from clipboard and did not realize that my irc client does not accept multi-line message) 2022-11-04 08:10:39 inmaldrerah: set root=(xen/xvda,msdos1) ? 2022-11-04 08:16:57 Done in /boot/grub.cfg inside proxy.img. 2022-11-04 08:19:22 i mean, since you can use (hd0,0) to boot, why not try set root=(hd0,0) 2022-11-04 08:25:28 I tried, but it did not work either. Also falling back to grub shell. 2022-11-04 08:32:51 thanks for adding nft_objref 2022-11-04 08:37:20 Hello guys. I'm trying to install nvm on Alpine with this method but I get no luck... 2022-11-04 08:37:22 https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm/issues/1102#issuecomment-550572252 2022-11-04 08:38:02 node -v just pring nothing. like "it is not a command". Do you have success stories with nvm on alpine? 2022-11-04 15:47:46 hello there. 2022-11-04 15:58:35 minimal: the problem is solved (mounted as ro "not clean" root partition). This partition was prepared on debian linux using fdisk. Once i created it using cfdisk, during installation alpine on my RPi, everything went smoothly. Thank you very much. 2022-11-04 16:10:15 brown_fox: strange, but at least it is working now 2022-11-04 17:02:31 when i add -I it doesnt respect -n anymore? echo "1 2 3 "|xargs -I {} -n 1 echo {} 2022-11-04 21:22:43 psykose thanks for fixing up the OpenRC hwclock boot warning. You were right, it didn't help this machine run the tune2fs check/scrubs but at least it is one less message haha 2022-11-04 21:23:47 :) 2022-11-05 00:22:57 Hey, I've never used a firewall and don't know a single thing about them. I was about to default to ip(6)tables, but looking at the wiki, it mentions awall which is alpine-specific. Should I pay any specific attention to awall or can I go on with standard usage of iptables ? 2022-11-05 01:49:43 does Alpine provide builds of hte linux rc kernels? 2022-11-05 01:50:32 nope 2022-11-05 01:56:34 alright thanks 2022-11-05 02:20:31 I noticed for LXQT it says I need to enable the edge testing repo enabled. That doesn't mean I need to be running a testing release right? 2022-11-05 02:22:11 Also, and I know this is kind of counter to the Alpine mantra, but is there a package that would install all the components needed by LXQT for a complete desktop experience? 2022-11-05 02:22:50 no, and you'd have to be on edge 2022-11-05 02:23:14 ah, okay. 2022-11-05 02:23:15 ah no 2022-11-05 02:23:17 lxqt-desktop 2022-11-05 02:23:22 Oh! 2022-11-05 02:23:43 but I'd need to be on edge... hmm 2022-11-05 02:24:27 not sure I'm down for that. I may have to go with XFCE 2022-11-05 02:25:35 thanks! 2022-11-05 10:59:17 Good Morning. Guake, came with a few bugs but executed. 2022-11-05 10:59:24 https://pastebin.com/MFvyXv0m 2022-11-05 10:59:45 Thanks a lot 2022-11-05 17:00:14 spice-vdagent is putting its autostart script in /usr/etc not /etc; is this a bug? 2022-11-05 17:00:51 Good afternoon. chromium doesn't find chromecast 2022-11-05 17:01:22 balrog: That's not where it's supposed to store it 2022-11-05 17:01:42 I have one other file in /usr/etc, /usr/etc/pam.d/vlock installed by the kbd package 2022-11-05 17:01:57 these seem to be packaging bugs 2022-11-05 17:02:06 since apk info shows those paths :| 2022-11-05 17:02:18 I'm running edge on arm64 2022-11-05 17:02:50 apparently you have to explicitly set --sysconfdir, otherwise it puts it in PREFIX 2022-11-05 17:03:03 so that needs to be fixed in the APKBUILD? 2022-11-05 17:03:15 yes 2022-11-05 17:03:19 working on it now 2022-11-05 17:03:27 thanks!! 2022-11-05 17:04:34 balrog: did you by chance open an issue about space-vdagent recently? 2022-11-05 17:04:39 nope 2022-11-05 17:04:44 ok, coincidence then 2022-11-05 17:04:48 ha! 2022-11-05 17:05:18 I did have some software cursor issues with gnome and wayland in qemu (via UTM) though with the lts kernel 2022-11-05 17:05:22 switching to the edge kernel fixed that 2022-11-05 17:05:31 basically the cursor disappears in the right third of the VM window 2022-11-05 17:05:44 interesting 2022-11-05 17:05:49 I did figure that working on bleeding-edge hardware (M2 Mac) might need a newer kernel 2022-11-05 17:06:07 I'm mainly used to arch, but I'm trying to see what issues MAME has on a non-glibc distro :) 2022-11-05 17:06:40 oh yeah has anyone tested rosetta 2 for linux in alpine? 2022-11-05 17:06:49 I haven't 2022-11-05 17:06:54 and how would one even make a package for a proprietary component like that? on arch we have the AUR... 2022-11-05 17:07:27 We do not have an equivalent of that 2022-11-05 17:08:20 just `make install` (etc) then? :) 2022-11-05 17:09:02 Or distribute an APKBUILD and manually run abuild -r 2022-11-05 17:09:13 got it 2022-11-05 17:09:20 But you would need to do a bit of setup before 2022-11-05 17:11:51 pushed a fix, should appear soon on edge 2022-11-05 17:12:45 thanks!! 2022-11-05 17:12:54 I'll test it shortly.. pushed for both packages? 2022-11-05 17:13:01 (kbd also seems to have this issue) 2022-11-05 17:13:10 I only fixed spice-vdagent 2022-11-05 17:13:13 (unless that's intentional...) 2022-11-05 17:13:56 ahh nice, the package browser allows searching by file 2022-11-05 17:14:12 I see one other package that puts stuff in /usr/etc in addition to kbd -- source-highlight 2022-11-05 17:16:51 on a similar note I assume slony1 isn't meant to be putting files into /home/buildozer 2022-11-05 17:17:11 nope 2022-11-05 17:18:38 c7s: can you open an issue for that one? 2022-11-05 17:19:03 sure 2022-11-05 17:22:48 balrog: fixed kbd as well 2022-11-05 17:24:43 ikke: how long does it usually take for packages to be built? just did an apk update/upgrade and not seeing them yet 2022-11-05 17:25:41 It depends on how busy the builders are, seems they are now building some other packages 2022-11-05 17:26:44 I see, alright :) 2022-11-05 17:28:27 But once built, it can take about 15 minutes before they are synced to the mirrors 2022-11-05 17:30:32 In case you didn't see, pkgs.alpinelinux.org seems down 2022-11-05 17:31:35 raspbeguy: try ipv6 if possible, there are some network issues 2022-11-05 17:32:40 My ISP doesn't let their user access IPv6 :/ 2022-11-05 17:43:43 how does one troubleshoot an apparent freeze at "Loading initial ramdisk"? 2022-11-05 17:45:32 balrog: hmm, those are anoying 2022-11-05 17:46:02 I'm using the UTM 4.1.0 beta on an M1 Mac; qemu works but Apple virtualization doesn't. Trying to see why 2022-11-05 17:46:08 The install CD boots fine 2022-11-05 17:46:14 CD/ISO* 2022-11-05 17:46:21 the installed volume freezes at that point 2022-11-05 17:46:40 balrog: I believe Apple virtualisation uses virtio_gpu 2022-11-05 17:47:02 would the regular lts kernel cause a problem there? 2022-11-05 17:47:12 was talking to some (in here?) about it several days ago 2022-11-05 17:47:26 minimal: yeah, I was trying to find that back' 2022-11-05 17:47:34 I guess it was with uuidNuniq: 2022-11-05 17:47:44 balrog: why are you using linux-lts rather than linux-virt? 2022-11-05 17:47:58 minimal: because that's what the installer loaded 2022-11-05 17:48:06 I'm going to switch to linux-virt or linux-edge after 2022-11-05 17:48:37 balrog: so you didn't install using Alpine Virtual download? 2022-11-05 17:48:41 nope... 2022-11-05 17:48:56 balrog: it is designed for VMs 2022-11-05 17:48:56 I guess I should have 2022-11-05 17:49:01 I was using the standard iso 2022-11-05 17:49:40 let's try that one (for this apple type vm) 2022-11-05 17:50:28 "can't open /dev/ttyAMA0" just repeating on my console after I get the login prompt 2022-11-05 17:50:37 from `switch_root` 2022-11-05 17:51:24 balrog: that's looking for a serial port to run getty on 2022-11-05 17:51:35 which there won't be 2022-11-05 17:51:59 was not getting that with the regular iso 2022-11-05 17:52:43 makes it pretty annoying to try to install :| 2022-11-05 17:53:48 balrog: hmm, standard should support serial console also 2022-11-05 17:54:22 it's not that it supports the serial console but that it keeps trying to use one that doesn't exist 2022-11-05 17:54:56 the /proc/cmdline for the virt image contains console=ttyAMA0 2022-11-05 17:55:38 the one for the standard image does not 2022-11-05 17:55:43 balrog: just checked, only virtual image sets up "console=", so remove that from cmdline 2022-11-05 17:56:33 its handled by profile_virt in mkimg.standard.sh 2022-11-05 17:57:32 if I edit a command and try to boot, the boot freezes on "Booting a command list" 2022-11-05 18:00:15 try removing "quiet" from command line and adding "virtio-gpu" to the "modules=" list 2022-11-05 18:01:27 balrog: the previous discussion was on Oct 27, it was regarding "tart" which uses the Apple Virtualisation framework 2022-11-05 18:03:53 no change 2022-11-05 18:04:43 what software are you using to run VMs exactly? 2022-11-05 18:06:29 UTM but I'm trying tart now and seeing the same behavior 2022-11-05 18:07:49 balrog: UTM with Apple Virt Framework rather than Qemu? 2022-11-05 18:07:56 minimal: yes, UTM 4.1.0 beta 2022-11-05 18:09:15 balrog: the previous person didn't get it working, last I heard 2022-11-05 18:09:27 well I'm seeing the same behavior with tart... 2022-11-05 18:09:40 uuidNuniq: did you ever get Tart / UTM with Apple Virt working? 2022-11-05 18:10:20 testing install using standard image 2022-11-05 18:10:24 we'll see if it also gets stuck 2022-11-05 18:10:25 balrog: well Tart uses Apple virt so it is understandable if UTM Apple virt doesn't work that similarily Tart wouldn't work 2022-11-05 18:11:37 balrog: have you ever seen a document from Apple that clearly states exactly what devices their virt framework supports? 2022-11-05 18:11:58 i.e. which virtio devices and also which physical devices it emulates 2022-11-05 18:12:49 https://developer.apple.com/documentation/virtualization/vzvirtiographicsdeviceconfiguration 2022-11-05 18:12:59 I don't know if the problem is gpu though 2022-11-05 18:14:27 balrog: yeah, my question was not specifically about graphics 2022-11-05 18:15:36 they link to the virtio spec 2022-11-05 18:16:41 the installed volume (from the standard iso) does not hang at "Booting a command list" but adding `virtio-gpu` does not help 2022-11-05 18:21:15 I'll test a couple of other distros 2022-11-05 18:21:25 balrog: the problem is the Apple docs all seem to written from a programming point of view - i.e. aimed at the likes of UTM and Tart authors, not aimed at end users 2022-11-05 18:21:40 so it is not clear EXACTLY which full set of devices the framework supports 2022-11-05 18:21:41 minimal: yeah and that's okay for me 2022-11-05 18:21:54 what is your thinking regarding the problem, though? 2022-11-05 18:22:29 there are mentions of storage, audio, graphics, etc but I have not seen any hard info like "for graphics we only support virtio gpu", "for network we only support virtio net and e1000" etc 2022-11-05 18:23:00 balrog: I really don't know and I don't have access to a Mac to try it out 2022-11-05 18:23:08 how would you debug such a hang? 2022-11-05 18:23:53 balrog: spice-vdagent should be available now btw 2022-11-05 18:24:01 well there are 2 distinct things, the lack of output, and the apparent hang 2022-11-05 18:24:11 ikke: nice, lemme test 2022-11-05 18:24:30 0.22.1-r1 2022-11-05 18:25:04 the lack of output during early boot typically relates to KMS/DRM but simpledrm should take care of that 2022-11-05 18:25:33 as for a hang - there are various reasons, without output there's no easy way to narrow them down 2022-11-05 18:27:38 Maybe through a serial connection? 2022-11-05 18:28:34 ikke: I saw mention of serial devices in Apples docs but I guess it comes down to whether Tart or UTM support serial devices 2022-11-05 18:29:17 balrog was getting a /dev/ttyAMA0 error earlier so it sounds like whichever of two 2 he was using didn't provide a serial device 2022-11-05 18:29:27 s/two /those / 2022-11-05 18:29:33 both produced a ttyAMA0 error 2022-11-05 18:29:54 balrog: perhaps there is an optoin in either of them to enable a serial device? 2022-11-05 18:32:21 UTM does support a serial device, tart does not 2022-11-05 18:32:47 ikke: looks fixed, thanks!! 2022-11-05 18:32:51 balrog: so does UTM support a serial device when using Apple Virt? 2022-11-05 18:32:53 balrog: cool 2022-11-05 18:32:54 vdagent starts correctly now, and copy/paste works 2022-11-05 18:33:04 If so then Alpine Virt should be able to use it 2022-11-05 18:35:03 balrog: BTW in Tart code it see refs to "--no-graphics" option 2022-11-05 18:35:42 raspbeguy: it should be working again 2022-11-05 18:35:54 ah, that seems to result in a VNC server being set up 2022-11-05 18:36:49 ikke: yes 2022-11-05 21:56:29 Hi folks, I am trying to understand the following: alpine-rpi-3.16.2 ships with kernel 5.15.55 but linux-rpi for 3.16 has been recently updated to headers version 5.15.76 - So now when I run a 3.16.2 sysmode and install the latest linux-rpi 3.16 package, insmod fails to load any header due to the version mismatch. Banging my head, what am I missing? (https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/ 2022-11-05 21:56:29 commit/?id=ed09a4264701c2e31984b3f91ae28f270608051c) 2022-11-06 00:27:13 running synapse on 3.16 like so: `python3 -m synapse.app.homeserver`, which complains with ERROR:root:Synapse 1.61.1 needs importlib_metadata>=1.4; python_version < "3.8", but got importlib_metadata==0.0.0 2022-11-06 00:27:23 the system python version is 3.10.5 2022-11-06 00:28:06 is there a reason we have synapse 1.61.1 on alpine 3.16 given that it appears to need python <3.8? 2022-11-06 00:39:49 seems like the issue may be here: https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/12223 2022-11-06 00:48:46 looks like it's a problem in py3-importlib-metadata which is fixed in 5.0.0 2022-11-06 00:48:58 any chance we could get this backported to 3.16? 2022-11-06 07:36:56 a 2022-11-06 08:41:37 eddsalkield: 3.17 is on the way, and support of 3.16's community repository will be finished. 2022-11-06 08:51:13 the issue was someone saw a version of 0.0.0 and intentionally left it there and thought it was not broken 2022-11-06 08:51:14 funny 2022-11-06 08:51:15 fixed 2022-11-06 11:19:22 I'm trying to log into the gitlab instance. Trying to register indicates my email is in used, but trying to recover password doesn't send me a link (as if the account did not exist). 2022-11-06 11:19:27 Where can I get some help? 2022-11-06 12:10:15 maybe ikke could help you 2022-11-06 13:24:48 Issue has been resolved 2022-11-06 16:45:36 is it still possible to install mutt and use gmail with pop3+outh2 ? 2022-11-06 16:47:10 probably with the usual 2fa app password thing 2022-11-06 16:49:00 iirc, there's some oauth2 consent screen in gmail settings that you have to go through first, also. 2022-11-06 16:49:19 psykose: url pls or list of progs ? 2022-11-06 16:49:38 yes, I have done, thunderbird works all well 2022-11-06 16:49:47 thunnderbird^ 2022-11-06 16:50:10 no idea, i haven't used pop3 for at least 10 years 2022-11-06 16:50:44 imap does not require outh2 ? 2022-11-06 16:51:14 both require app password if you have mfa enabled 2022-11-06 16:51:26 the only thing i had to do to send email via google imap last time is generate an app password and use it as the password 2022-11-06 16:51:29 and nothing else whatsoever 2022-11-06 16:52:05 and sendmail settings ? 2022-11-06 16:56:19 fetchmail has something in 7.x series 2022-11-06 16:56:25 postfix, could not find 2022-11-06 17:49:01 if someone wants to give try in testing, https://mmogilvi.users.sourceforge.net/software/oauthbearer.html 2022-11-06 21:36:56 noticed current oauth2 tools and clients (google based) are outdated 2022-11-06 21:37:24 compiled some newer urls, https://tpaste.us/RxD5 2022-11-06 21:55:00 seems its v1.0 https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/tree/community/py3-oauth2/APKBUILD and not v2.0 as name suggests 2022-11-07 03:44:21 imagine naming libraries properly 2022-11-07 03:53:00 Good night. chromium doesn't find chromecast 2022-11-07 04:55:58 maybe call this method of auth - BITM (browser in the middle) 2022-11-07 16:40:15 hi, what address to use to subscribe to the users mailing list. i'm getting 'return undelivered' when using "users+subscribe@lists.alpinelinux.org" 2022-11-07 16:40:40 itwrx: need to look into it 2022-11-07 16:40:49 itwrx: that address should work 2022-11-07 16:42:31 cool, thanks 2022-11-07 16:44:36 oh, it's ~alpine/users+subscribe@lists.alpinelinux.org 2022-11-07 16:44:43 *really* liking alpine on the server. a few things missing for me for desktop usage. 2022-11-07 16:46:00 i still get returned email 2022-11-07 16:46:17 tried that one earlier too 2022-11-07 16:47:36 Ok, I see the issue in the logs, will fix that later, have to go now 2022-11-07 16:49:04 itwrx: do you mind opening an issue on https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/infra/infra? 2022-11-07 16:53:33 done, thanks 2022-11-07 17:14:28 Is there a list of templates available at Alpine Wiki? 2022-11-07 17:22:10 Found it, nvmd. 2022-11-07 19:34:56 Does bb ash have its rc or profile file (something like ~/.ashrc)? 2022-11-07 19:35:27 no, just .profile on login shells 2022-11-07 19:39:52 Or if ENV is set, whatever it points to for non login shells 2022-11-07 19:41:21 ok, thank you 2022-11-08 02:08:18 there's not a default CL clipboard utility is there? what do people recommend? I've found wl-clipboard so far 2022-11-08 02:12:04 clipboard utility? 2022-11-08 03:17:38 yeah for example wl-clipboard will let you copy a file's contents that you can then paste into firefox or whatever 2022-11-08 03:18:07 I think xcopy is for X11? 2022-11-08 03:19:13 I thought there was an even older one but the name escapes me 2022-11-08 07:55:14 oh-my-zsh's clipboard functions (clipcopy and clippaste) support wl-clipboard, xclip, and xsel 2022-11-08 08:10:05 does anyone know of an easy way to copy files over to an android device 2022-11-08 08:10:16 Ive tried simple-mtpfs but I get an io error 2022-11-08 08:10:27 I tried changing the cable, remounting, etc. No luck 2022-11-08 08:14:31 If you are using KDE, you can try KDE Connect. 2022-11-08 08:20:36 Ermine: thanks, I think Ill try syncthing 2022-11-08 08:20:53 My media server is headless 2022-11-08 08:22:38 you can use kdeconnect even when headless 2022-11-08 08:24:02 as long as kdeconnectd is running, use kdeconnect-cli -a to list available devices, then -n 'device-name' --pair, then once you're paired -n 'device name' --share /absolute/path/to/file.txt 2022-11-08 08:25:24 or just python3 -m http.server and open the server on your phone's browser :D 2022-11-08 09:27:30 I have an alpine image on Vbox, somtimes it boots and can't find a lot of normal binaries 2022-11-08 09:27:46 like `ip` or `poweroff` `reboot` etc 2022-11-08 09:28:06 and ssh-server not being up 2022-11-08 09:28:49 then at some point the VM become completely unresponsive with no way of interacting with it 2022-11-08 09:28:56 is it a know issue 🤔 2022-11-08 09:30:21 s/know/known/ 2022-11-08 09:30:53 It might be related to glibc I guess 2022-11-08 09:51:19 `process /sbin/getty -L 0 ttyS0 vt100` erroring out 2022-11-08 09:55:15 linex[m]: Alpine uses musl libc, not glibc 2022-11-08 09:56:54 yes, that is what I was referring to 2022-11-08 09:58:48 Does your VM print any error messages? 2022-11-08 09:59:02 no 2022-11-08 09:59:18 i think it's something that has to do with /sbin 2022-11-08 09:59:24 not being in $PATH 2022-11-08 10:10:26 does anyone know how to use webdav(s) in nautilus? i tried installing gvfs-dav, but it still seems unsupported :/ 2022-11-08 10:11:42 linex[m]: if you're a regular user, /sbin will not be in $PATH 2022-11-08 10:12:34 i think it was changed at some point, don't quote me on that though 2022-11-08 10:20:09 Seems like /sbin is on $PATH. 2022-11-08 10:20:59 linex[m]: what if you try to run commands from /sbin directly? Like /sbin/ip 2022-11-08 10:21:21 ptrc: you likely need to SIGHUP gvfsd to have it reload the backends, as well as use dav:// (not webdav://) 2022-11-08 10:23:17 Ermine: yes then it works 2022-11-08 10:23:37 what version of Alpine do you have? 2022-11-08 10:23:39 I just ssh'd and I get /sbin in path but not on the machine login 2022-11-08 10:24:23 316 2022-11-08 10:24:28 * version 316 2022-11-08 10:28:45 Did you edit your /etc/profile? 2022-11-08 10:32:03 nope 2022-11-08 10:39:32 That's strange, /sbin is added to PATH in this file. 2022-11-08 10:40:13 Can you check if everything in your installation is mounted successfully? 2022-11-08 10:57:07 grawity: thanks! i didn't know gvfs has its own daemon 2022-11-08 16:51:58 i think the latest alpine 3.16 x86_64 image is busted 2022-11-08 16:52:13 trying to do a setup-disk sys gave missing packages error 2022-11-08 16:52:33 which packages? 2022-11-08 16:52:59 dosfstools, grub-efi and sfdisk 2022-11-08 16:53:18 also repositories are pointing to /media/sdb/apks 2022-11-08 16:57:02 im trying to mlve my boot setup from bios to uefi, can it be done without wiping the drive? i have not found anything on the wiki 2022-11-08 16:59:47 You can move, boot from efi drive, chroot into your alpine and install grub-efi. 2022-11-08 17:01:40 could setup disk do it without formatting the whole drive? 2022-11-08 18:54:24 Greetings all! Would it be possible to create a custom image as described here (https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/How_to_make_a_custom_ISO_image_with_mkimage) but with the installer's answerfile included? 2022-11-08 19:57:11 Ermine: could you rlaborate please, i did that but ita still not booting 2022-11-08 20:00:21 bl4ckb0ne: I assume the only OS you have is Alpine. You move your drive to EFI computer, boot from Linux from another medium, like USB drive, chroot to your Alpine system and install GRUB bootloader. 2022-11-08 20:06:40 its the same computer, i already nuked the boot partition to make it ef and fat32 2022-11-08 20:07:11 i did that exactly but i think i missed something 2022-11-08 20:09:32 Well, /boot contained your kernel. Well, boot from flash drive anyway. 2022-11-08 20:10:35 yeah i reinstalled the linux-lts package 2022-11-08 20:13:54 you also need efi system partition partition. I guess you want your /boot to be ESP. 2022-11-08 20:15:38 hi, I'm using a acer cb3-111 series chromebook that alpine was recently installed on, but audio doesn't work after following https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Main_Page/Adding_sound 2022-11-08 20:15:48 partition is formatted in fat32 and id ef 2022-11-08 20:15:54 alsamixer looks like this: https://ttm.sh/0TU.png 2022-11-08 20:17:53 pressing up doesn't have any effect, the channels don't seem to have settable volumes (iiuc) 2022-11-08 20:18:31 and there don't seem to be any other sound cards to choose 2022-11-08 20:18:56 apps that try to play sound give print errors like this: 2022-11-08 20:19:02 ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:999:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave 2022-11-08 20:19:57 tl;dr: sound doesn't play and alsamixer doesn't let me raise volume from nothing, how can I fix that? 2022-11-08 20:20:03 bl4ckb0ne: use grub-install --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id="Alpine Linux" 2022-11-08 20:21:52 noisynoodle: I think HDA Intel PCH is indeed the card you have. Is there anything relevant in dmesg? 2022-11-08 20:23:24 Ermine: idk. do I `dmesg | grep PCH` or smth? 2022-11-08 20:23:44 doas dmesg* 2022-11-08 20:23:51 it works! 2022-11-08 20:24:08 noisynoodle: grep -i pch 2022-11-08 20:24:37 i think it was the efivar stuff, i was missing the efivars so i did the install from the usb drive instead of the chroot 2022-11-08 20:24:40 thanks Ermine 2022-11-08 20:25:23 bl4ckb0ne: yes, you need efivars mounted to write boot entry to uefi nvram so it could launch your bootloader. 2022-11-08 20:25:50 ill edit the wiki, the step is missing on the bootloader page 2022-11-08 20:26:17 bl4ckb0ne: which page are you talking about? 2022-11-08 20:26:38 https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Bootloaders#GRUB 2022-11-08 20:28:27 [ 3.304182] input: HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=3 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input9 2022-11-08 20:28:28 [ 3.304302] input: HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=7 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/sound/card0/input10 2022-11-08 20:28:40 also 2022-11-08 20:28:41 [ 3.183864] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:1b.0: bound 0000:00:02.0 (ops i915_audio_component_bind_ops [i915]) 2022-11-08 20:29:27 next time please use pastebin for this. 2022-11-08 20:31:18 also re ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:999:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave : did it say anything else? 2022-11-08 20:31:37 think it depends on the app 2022-11-08 20:32:30 minetest just printed that and this: https://ttm.sh/0T8.txt 2022-11-08 20:33:12 Btw did you relogin after adding yourself to the audio group? 2022-11-08 20:34:25 I didn't but I'm just tech support, my friend who did the install said they did, & fully rebooted too 2022-11-08 20:35:45 check if audio is in output of id -Gn 2022-11-08 20:38:41 https://ttm.sh/0T7.txt 2022-11-08 20:39:06 confirmed id -Gn includes audio 2022-11-08 20:39:34 (second to last msg output of mpv audio player) 2022-11-08 20:39:40 bl4ckb0ne: you don't need efivar if Alpine is the only OS installed on the machine, you can add "--no-nvram" to the grub-install command to not write any EFI vars, then it relies on fallback mode of looking for EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI on ESP partition 2022-11-08 20:40:10 good to know 2022-11-08 20:40:19 assuming its an x86_64 machine 2022-11-08 20:40:26 yep 2022-11-08 20:41:15 minimal: does grub install itself as EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI 2022-11-08 20:42:05 ? 2022-11-08 20:43:09 is it normal that /boot doesnt show anymore? 2022-11-08 20:43:34 trying to make the folder gives a "file exists" and the fstab entry fails to mount 2022-11-08 20:43:47 ls /boot ? 2022-11-08 20:45:16 and did you update fstab entry? I think fs type field should be updated. 2022-11-08 20:52:25 oh yeah i havent updated it 2022-11-08 20:53:22 Ermine, bl4ckb0ne: actually the "--removable" option is also required as well (that's the bit that names the file BOOTX86.EFI, "--no-nvram" stops it trying to write to EFI variables) 2022-11-08 20:56:13 why is genfstab not a standalone package? 2022-11-08 20:56:46 lists only the / partition huh 2022-11-08 20:57:31 turns out /boot was not mounted 2022-11-08 20:57:40 bl4ckb0ne: because there's only 3 files in arch-install-scripts and its 72kB when installed? 2022-11-08 20:58:27 makes sense 2022-11-08 21:04:27 anybody running the intel arc a380 gpu here? 2022-11-08 21:04:43 im on edge but the gpu doesnt seems to be recognized 2022-11-08 21:20:21 you would need the edge kernel and force probe some i915 thing 2022-11-08 21:20:52 im on edge but havent messed with kernel params yet 2022-11-08 21:21:18 probably https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/commit/?id=8f86b5ab3e051170ea240fc409d457e16e24bc21 too 2022-11-08 21:21:27 which is not in a tag of linux-firmware yet 2022-11-08 21:22:20 i915.force_probe=56a5 2022-11-08 21:22:41 it's the last 4 of the chip-id 2022-11-08 21:23:01 and mesa should support it fine on 22.2 i guess so nothing to do there 2022-11-08 22:31:01 is there a date already for the next lts? 2022-11-08 22:33:31 usually the last kernel of the year what I've heard 2022-11-08 22:33:43 around 6.1 2022-11-08 22:37:12 ty 2022-11-09 04:13:59 bl4ckb0ne: I'll be joining you in the A380 camp soon, waiting on 6.1LTS to be tagged and shipped though 2022-11-09 04:15:22 Are you on a machine with Intel Mei capabilities? If not, the GPU driver will not be able to upload/update firmware on Arc parts. Intel is apparently looking to rectify this 2022-11-09 10:02:50 Hi, I want to use Electron(JS) but it appears that the version they ship via NPM doesn't play with musl's libc 2022-11-09 10:03:28 So I'm trying to install it from the edge/testing repository, but I'm getting errors about some messing dependencies... 2022-11-09 10:04:20 ERROR: unable to select packages: libFLAC.so.12, libavif.so.15, etc. 2022-11-09 10:05:23 I'm trying to do this from the latest stable version by manually specifying the location of the edge/testing repo 2022-11-09 10:05:32 you cannot mix edge and stable 2022-11-09 10:05:48 Should I switch to the edge release? Also I'm trying to do all of this from inside Docker 2022-11-09 10:06:28 psykose: Oh... 2022-11-09 10:07:44 Thanks, I'll try it from alpine:edge 2022-11-09 10:08:06 Also any idea when electron might hit stable? 2022-11-09 10:11:43 probably never 2022-11-09 10:14:56 Really? Why? 2022-11-09 10:16:09 it's a pretty large timesink as it is 2022-11-09 10:16:28 don't really feel like backporting fixes for it all the time 2022-11-09 10:23:14 Oh, so there's no upstream support for musl? 2022-11-09 10:24:03 There already isn't upstream support in Chromium afaik, so no reason for Electron to support it upstream either 2022-11-09 10:24:29 Ah, I see... 2022-11-09 10:24:46 That's a shame... 2022-11-09 10:25:39 By the way, was Alpine designed with the intention of being used with containers or is it a normal distro? 2022-11-09 10:31:27 it predates docker by like 8 years 2022-11-09 10:41:43 Wow, guess I should look up the website and wikipedia before I ask more dumb question here... 2022-11-09 10:45:17 is ok :) 2022-11-09 10:56:07 :) 2022-11-09 14:09:18 i'd like to enable Amlogic (phicomm n1 tv box) support on linux-tls and linux-edge, i know how to do it with archlinux, but how can i do it on apline. it is pretty simple : 1) kernel config, switch platform Amlogic on 2) a dtb patch just for phicomm-n1 2022-11-09 14:16:31 Good morning. After the update the lxcfs will not start. 2022-11-09 14:16:39 https://pastebin.com/Vy9eXqnY 2022-11-09 14:34:49 edsonwolf: ls -la /etc/sub* what do you see? 2022-11-09 14:36:35 *ls -ld * 2022-11-09 14:38:21 that init script is ugly written, no wonder it fails 2022-11-09 14:40:01 that chown looks very suspicious 2022-11-09 14:44:27 uniqNuuid: https://pastebin.com/xgn7g9N6 2022-11-09 14:51:01 Restart but even stopping there is an active process, I killed him but the same error happens in estarte. 2022-11-09 14:51:10 https://pastebin.com/LT1e3rnz 2022-11-09 15:25:01 edsonwolf: cat the content of the 2 files 2022-11-09 15:26:05 edsonwolf: i think you can mv the 2 files to somewhere else. and restart the init again 2022-11-09 15:26:47 it will recreate the 2 files 2022-11-09 15:27:12 https://pastebin.com/fMadzPM9 2022-11-09 15:27:34 yeah just del them 2022-11-09 15:44:38 Sorry I'm late. I removed the services but the error occurred in the beginning of the container. 2022-11-09 15:44:50 https://pastebin.com/H53jhUwG 2022-11-09 15:47:27 https://pastebin.com/ELqqXQha 2022-11-09 15:47:50 Container start log 2022-11-09 17:56:56 Hello, do you know a way to see all the packages installed from -> # grep '@' /etc/apk/repositories 2022-11-09 17:56:58 @edge-testing http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing 2022-11-09 17:57:14 example apk add package@edge-testing 2022-11-09 17:57:35 I'm looking to clean up the system 2022-11-09 17:59:56 apk add --no-cache toybox --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing 2022-11-09 18:19:23 I am trying to identify what I have actually installed from what source 2022-11-09 18:19:54 grep @edge-testing /etc/apk/world 2022-11-09 18:20:30 Perfect :) thks 2022-11-09 18:20:46 Very simple, just perfect 2022-11-09 18:26:50 something neat I just realized one can do: apk dot --installed | gvpr -i 'N[indegree==0]' shows you all the packages on your system that have nothing depending on them, i.e., the stuff you installed yourself or that came with the system 2022-11-09 18:29:56 that's also the contents of /etc/apk/world isn't it 2022-11-09 18:30:09 oh, maybe! 2022-11-09 18:30:29 why is so much stuff written in python 2022-11-09 18:30:33 I did not know about /etc/apk/world when I did that, so maybe it is duplicative 2022-11-09 18:31:44 is there a way to get from which repo (main, community or testing) a package is installed? 2022-11-09 18:31:51 apk policy 2022-11-09 18:32:04 bl4ckb0ne: apk does not record it 2022-11-09 18:32:18 apk policy shows what package provides it atm 2022-11-09 18:32:21 thats what i thought 2022-11-09 18:32:50 ACTION pipes apk/world into apk policy 2022-11-09 18:34:11 `< /etc/apk/world xargs -I % apk policy %` if anybody needs 2022-11-09 18:34:52 hows your gpu 2022-11-09 18:35:03 havent rebooted yet 2022-11-09 18:35:11 rebooted sway* 2022-11-09 18:35:24 might do it at the end of my album 2022-11-09 18:36:48 priorities 2022-11-09 18:36:58 always 2022-11-09 18:36:59 i have been doing nothing but python rebuilds for 14 hours 2022-11-09 18:37:01 hows your gpu 2022-11-09 18:37:04 good 2022-11-09 18:37:15 is it running? 2022-11-09 18:37:25 yeah i should catch it 2022-11-09 18:37:26 har har 2022-11-09 18:37:45 ACTION cant yeet testing yet 2022-11-09 18:37:49 :) 2022-11-09 18:37:50 damn you perl-file-rename 2022-11-09 18:39:31 still not working 2022-11-09 18:39:35 got more error log tho 2022-11-09 18:43:12 : ) 2022-11-09 18:43:13 show 2022-11-09 18:44:39 1 mesa warning, 1 ligegl warning 2022-11-09 18:44:50 and 2022-11-09 18:44:52 > [ 2.999205] i915 0000:03:00.0: [drm] Incompatible option enable_guc=3 - HuC is not supported! 2022-11-09 18:44:56 but i dont think its relevant 2022-11-09 18:45:14 ah enospc 2022-11-09 18:46:08 probably missing linux-firmware-i915 2022-11-09 18:46:21 ACTION reboots 2022-11-09 18:47:44 works 2022-11-09 18:48:16 psykose: vkcube does 0 fps 2022-11-09 18:48:20 dont have xwayland 2022-11-09 18:48:34 scammed as fuck 2022-11-09 18:48:59 ACTION sends the gpu back to newegg 2022-11-09 18:51:47 I have what I am sure is a dumb question about wayland 2022-11-09 18:51:57 go for it 2022-11-09 18:52:02 when you have an X-based system, but don't use a desktop manager, you can start a session from a tty with `startx` 2022-11-09 18:52:08 is there a wayland equivalent or is that a dumb idea? 2022-11-09 18:52:26 just start the compositor 2022-11-09 18:52:43 for sway i just type `sway` after logging in 2022-11-09 18:52:46 simple as is 2022-11-09 18:52:57 I can't believe I didn't think of that 2022-11-09 18:52:57 all of them are like that on wayland because there's no separate windowing/compositing 2022-11-09 18:53:31 wayland is really just client sending data to a server locally 2022-11-09 18:53:57 right, but I was expecting to have to somehow start the server 2022-11-09 18:54:11 start the compositor, that's the server 2022-11-09 18:54:21 very cool :) 2022-11-09 18:54:57 I'll fiddle with it later, I currently can't install sway (needs mesa-22.2.2-r2, I have mesa-gles-22.2.3-r0 for some reason) 2022-11-09 18:55:29 probably missing an apk upgrade -al to sort it out 2022-11-09 18:56:14 yeah, quite possibly 2022-11-09 19:03:27 https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Tools/blob/master/cube/CMakeLists.txt#L130 delightful 2022-11-09 19:05:20 got it to work 2022-11-09 19:05:25 but its just flashing white 2022-11-09 19:08:17 could be worse 2022-11-09 19:08:20 could look like my screen 2022-11-09 19:09:39 at least its not building python 2022-11-09 19:09:55 any other vulkan example comes in mind? 2022-11-09 19:10:28 games 2022-11-09 19:10:46 D: 2022-11-09 19:11:32 https://img.ayaya.dev/JgqK8ZIit6eq 2022-11-09 19:11:35 in case you were wondering 2022-11-09 19:12:08 delightful 2022-11-09 19:12:28 i think you got some red there 2022-11-09 19:12:36 might be nothing tho 2022-11-09 19:12:46 yeah just a slight nose bleed 2022-11-09 19:13:14 id recommend to turn off the screen 2022-11-09 19:13:38 sadly the python does not release itself 2022-11-09 19:14:31 only 50 hours to go 2022-11-09 19:18:56 turning your screen into a newspaper? 2022-11-09 19:20:22 heeel yeah 2022-11-10 02:11:19 how goes things 2022-11-10 02:11:48 who was it I was talk ing with the other wee about alping and uefi 2022-11-10 02:12:05 did they get alpine and uefi working ? 2022-11-10 02:23:05 alpine has been working with uefi for at least a few years now, is there a specific thing you mean here? 2022-11-10 02:30:25 they where working on it with riscv 2022-11-10 02:30:39 trying to get it working 2022-11-10 05:09:02 mps 2022-11-10 14:54:21 did something break in a recent update around crond? run-parts --test shows correctly, the script is still named correctly and +x, but it doesn't appear to run. /var/log/messages shows nothing from cron. (yes, it is started) 2022-11-10 14:57:34 zv: which crond are you referring to? Busybox's? or dcron? or cronie? On which version of Alpine? 2022-11-10 14:57:55 busybox. and ah, /etc/crontabs/root.apk-new contains what I'd expected, /etc/crontabs/root is empty. 2022-11-10 14:58:11 I think I upgraded from 3.14 to 3.16 2022-11-10 15:02:18 zv: A *.apk-new file is created when a "stock" configuration has been locally modified and a newer package version has an updated version of that file - the locally modified file is specifically not replaced but rather the *.apk-new file created instead 2022-11-10 18:08:10 is there some way to make ash clear the screen after a script has cluttered the screen and left the cursor in the clutter? even 'clear' at the end of the script doesnt help, have to manually do it aafter the script is done 2022-11-10 18:09:14 frag: that's a concern for the terminal, not the shell 2022-11-10 18:09:22 does `reset` do it? 2022-11-10 18:14:38 lopid: both 'reset' and 'clear' will do it manually yeah 2022-11-10 18:15:11 actually maybe i found a way to do it now by adding 'clear' to the script, strange its fucntioning different from when i run it from zsh.. 2022-11-10 18:15:14 ctrl-l too, if `clear` will, no doubt 2022-11-10 18:15:41 lopid: mhmhmhm :] 2022-11-10 18:16:04 it sounds like the script just creates a mess and should be fixed itself 2022-11-10 18:16:18 tell me about it.. 2022-11-10 18:28:14 not too used to changing IFS, but guess this shouldnt output a blank line between the numbers? IFS=$'±';var='1±2±3±4±5±6';for i in $var;do echo $i;done 2022-11-10 18:28:25 (in ash, in bash it does not) 2022-11-10 18:36:34 ash probably doesn't understand what $'…' is. posix sh doesn't 2022-11-10 18:37:14 I think ash supports it 2022-11-10 18:37:41 it doesn't 2022-11-10 18:37:48 $ foo=$'potato' 2022-11-10 18:37:48 $ echo $foo 2022-11-10 18:37:50 $potato 2022-11-10 18:38:11 but the $'' isn't needed if you're not using escapes 2022-11-10 18:38:54 its the same without the $ 2022-11-10 18:39:26 echo $'foo\n' 2022-11-10 18:39:38 same with IFS=±;var='1±2±3±4±5±6';printf '%s\n' $var 2022-11-10 18:39:54 ash is doing a pass through the loop with i set as empty string 2022-11-10 18:41:28 does it for each "field separator"; if you add another after the 6, you get the blank line after the 6 too 2022-11-10 18:42:35 dwfreed: indeed ... so a bug? 2022-11-10 18:42:56 hmm same happens in dash 2022-11-10 18:44:03 oh, whoops, my test earlier for $'potato' was in dash, not busybox ash... 2022-11-10 18:44:27 in zsh it just outputs 1±2±3±4±5±6 :S 2022-11-10 18:53:22 yash -o posixlycorrect prints newlines for that 2022-11-10 18:53:28 so it's correct for it to have newlines 2022-11-10 18:56:37 mhmhm 2022-11-10 18:56:51 kinda weird tho 2022-11-10 19:03:23 ah, i think it just doesnt handle the ± delimiter, prob needs to be 7bit ascii 2022-11-10 19:04:31 it's probably treating it as 2 separate characters 2022-11-10 19:05:04 so you end up with 12... and between the first and second part is considered an item 2022-11-10 19:06:29 what year is it 2022-11-10 19:06:32 dwfreed: indeed: var='1±2±3±4±5±6';echo $var|cut -d± -f4 2022-11-10 19:06:52 it is the year 2022 2022-11-10 19:06:54 and where bash would consider an empty item to not be interesting, and drops it, posix does not 2022-11-10 19:07:01 soon 2023 WAT 2022-11-10 19:07:16 was 8bit ascii a mistake? jk 2022-11-10 19:37:39 If I trace script with sh -x, will commands be printed on stderr or stdin? 2022-11-10 19:38:51 stderr 2022-11-10 19:39:04 ok, thank you 2022-11-10 19:39:24 (by stdin i actually meant stdout, but anyway) 2022-11-10 20:18:34 Do I need to mount manually EFI system partition or will setup-disk do it for me? 2022-11-10 20:21:25 (if used like USE_EFI=1 setup-disk -m sys /mnt) 2022-11-10 20:23:22 Looks like yes. 2022-11-10 20:32:11 Ermine: you might also want to use "BOOT_SIZE=" to adapt the size of boot partition (which may or may not be also ESP partition depending on the type of installation you do) 2022-11-10 20:32:56 assuming you're not using Edge (where the boot partition size was recently made larger) 2022-11-10 20:34:06 it wasn't? 2022-11-10 20:34:58 psykose: what wasn't? 2022-11-10 20:35:04 partition size 2022-11-10 20:35:28 are you saying it wasn't made larger in Edge? 2022-11-10 20:35:46 unless i missed something, yes 2022-11-10 20:36:12 ncopa made some recent changed to setup-disk which was to resolve the issue of boot partition being too small (i.e. 34MB) 2022-11-10 20:36:53 not in aports 2022-11-10 20:37:04 minimal: I want /boot to be on rootfs. 2022-11-10 20:38:01 psykose: perhaps they've not been applied to aports yet but they were committed in alpine-conf repo 2022-11-10 20:38:10 so, on edge, it's.. 2022-11-10 20:38:15 ..not changed 2022-11-10 20:38:41 psykose: haven't been keep track, I know mkinitfs changes resulted in new package then applied in aports 2022-11-10 20:38:51 I guess same hasn't happened for alpine-conf yet 2022-11-10 20:39:58 Ermine: generally with UEFI installs /boot would be part of / partition unless you select some options such as disk encryption, in which /boot is not part of / as /boot remains unencrypted 2022-11-10 22:51:50 Is /etc/profile.d/xdg_runtime_dir.sh provided by any package? I have it on my alpine, but I don't recall creating it. Also it doesn't exist on a fresh installation. 2022-11-10 22:53:33 no 2022-11-10 22:53:48 *shrug*. 2022-11-11 06:16:23 Ermine: I use `apk info -W /path/to/file` often for that 2022-11-11 10:09:37 what could cause "random" files (presumably non-empty) to become empty on the hd? 2022-11-11 10:10:53 space issues 2022-11-11 10:11:16 did the files already exist, but not empty? 2022-11-11 10:11:41 lopid: hmm not totally sure, kinda long term archived files on an active system 2022-11-11 10:12:00 eg some video clips 2022-11-11 10:12:09 are they completely empty 2022-11-11 10:12:40 if they were always empty, were they truly archived? :-o 2022-11-11 10:13:48 panekj: ls -s says 0 2022-11-11 10:14:48 maybe ill have to try to find the oldest backup and see there.. 2022-11-11 10:15:14 no super important files i guess, but kinda scary 2022-11-11 10:15:23 lopid: did you mean too little space on the hd? 2022-11-11 10:16:04 yes 2022-11-11 10:17:37 But that should not cause files to become emty 2022-11-11 10:18:08 on what filesystem type? 2022-11-11 10:18:16 and what kind of physical storage, just out of curiosity 2022-11-11 10:18:22 You would see it if you just wrote the files and then have a power outage or crash 2022-11-11 10:18:32 grawity: ext4 2022-11-11 10:18:49 Then the files were created, but the contents are lost 2022-11-11 10:18:53 grawity: a samsung fit usb-stick 2022-11-11 10:45:40 I've enabled os-prober but it does not detect any distros but the current Alpine. Do i need to install something else? 2022-11-11 10:46:39 you may need to explicitly enable os probing in GRUB 2022-11-11 10:47:59 I did. 2022-11-11 13:15:51 "what could cause "random" files..." <- power loss and a bad file system 2022-11-11 13:15:59 "grawity: a samsung fit usb-stick" <- ext4 on a usb stick..... 2022-11-11 13:16:14 what's wrong with ext4 on a usb stick 2022-11-11 13:16:33 It's a journaling file system 2022-11-11 13:16:42 and there are better FSs for usb sticks 2022-11-11 13:16:49 and other flash storage 2022-11-11 13:17:34 I'd have thought that's what makes it *good* for USB sticks 2022-11-11 13:17:48 more writes but less corruption 2022-11-11 13:18:13 use ZFS ._. 2022-11-11 13:18:36 lmao zfs on a usb stick 2022-11-11 13:19:52 :/ 2022-11-11 13:20:04 f2fs is actually made for flash storage 2022-11-11 13:22:44 Duck[m]: oh i had a few power losses actually.. ext4 no good? 2022-11-11 13:23:19 That has nothing to do with ext4 2022-11-11 13:23:54 if it went out while copying that particular file -- the file would be gone either way, just in different ways depending on filesystem 2022-11-11 14:00:30 grawity: yeah that's totally wrong 2022-11-11 14:00:35 it should be raidz2 of 6 usb sticks 2022-11-11 14:01:38 more writes but less corruption 2022-11-11 14:01:39 lower endurance 2022-11-11 14:01:43 but for usb sticks it's okay 2022-11-11 14:01:51 for sd cards it's better to disable journal though 2022-11-11 14:01:55 "Duck 🏞️: oh i had a few power..." <- I would say so 2022-11-11 14:02:02 you can still use ext4 then 2022-11-11 14:02:11 It automagically deletes files that are "dirty" after a powerloss 2022-11-11 14:02:18 you don't get an option 2022-11-11 14:02:27 of course you do 2022-11-11 14:02:33 mkfs.ext4 -O ^has_journal ... 2022-11-11 14:03:07 does that disable journaling? 2022-11-11 14:03:11 yes 2022-11-11 14:03:11 or give you an option? 2022-11-11 14:03:21 it disables journaling 2022-11-11 14:03:24 it's not a runtime option 2022-11-11 14:03:38 if you are going to disable journaling, why use EXT4? 2022-11-11 14:03:52 you can't enable journaling later on, can you now? 2022-11-11 14:03:58 because it's a common, relatively robust filesystem with few gotchas? 2022-11-11 14:04:20 q66: mhm understandable 2022-11-11 14:05:05 you could use something older like ext2 but it just make no sense at all 2022-11-11 14:05:21 and f2fs may be suitable for flash storage but in the end nobody really uses it 2022-11-11 14:05:37 and i've heard of a lot more issues with f2fs over the years than with ext* 2022-11-11 14:54:12 I use f2fs 2022-11-11 14:54:13 :/ 2022-11-11 14:54:29 "and i've heard of a lot more..." <- It's because It's a young one 2022-11-11 15:57:23 Duck[m]: do you use f2fs as your rootfs? 2022-11-11 15:58:00 NO 2022-11-11 15:59:21 Duck[m]: ok, just checking as I tried f2fs for rootfs for a while but stopped using it - the boot fsck check wasn't working correctly 2022-11-11 15:59:47 f2fs for rootfs is horrible 2022-11-11 15:59:49 as of now 2022-11-11 16:01:34 Duck[m]: ok, I thought you were promoting using f2fs in general, including for rootfs 2022-11-11 16:02:02 f2fs only for sticks and sdcards 2022-11-11 16:02:12 btrfs and zfs for things that you really care about 2022-11-11 16:02:22 Duck[m]: as rootfs on a SDcard (Raspberry Pi) is where I tried it 2022-11-11 16:02:31 I see 2022-11-11 16:02:42 Duck[m]: well, maybe not btrfs 2022-11-11 16:02:45 anyway 2022-11-11 16:30:10 i use btrfs on all kinds of flash, with the expectation that it could potentially burn my house down, but so far it's given me no trouble 2022-11-11 16:30:23 maybe i'm just lucky 2022-11-11 16:48:29 btrfs is a great fit for flash, I use that on my SD cards 2022-11-11 18:25:28 i just tagged 3.16.3 release 2022-11-11 20:53:14 I realize this is a little offtopic, but does anyone have favorite tarsnap alternatives that have free software clients? 2022-11-11 21:14:34 borg is nice; rsync.net can be a borg server 2022-11-11 21:15:22 https://www.rsync.net/products/borg.html 2022-11-11 21:16:54 interesting 2022-11-11 21:20:30 Hello. I've tried to download some package but I have not finished the process due to bad internet 2022-11-11 21:20:39 Now I cannot download it 2022-11-11 21:20:52 I see just loading state screen and thats it 2022-11-11 21:21:05 another packages is ok, I can install another one 2022-11-11 21:21:17 I've tried apk fix but it didnt help 2022-11-11 21:40:15 dwfreed is use restic -> rclone. I moved from borg to restic, but two tools are great and are similar approach. It's good to manage yourself from end to end. 2022-11-11 21:42:39 boombim apk cache -v --purge sync and apk fix doesn' work ? 2022-11-11 21:42:54 Fixed already. Thanks! 2022-11-11 21:47:39 Another question... How to add alpine to refind list? I use it in dualboot with void right now 2022-11-11 21:47:49 So void's gruv find it 2022-11-11 21:48:11 but refind which I've installed into alpine directrly could not find alpine 2022-11-11 23:50:47 elly, i haven't tried it yet, but i noticed last week that Hetzner sells 1TB of storage with various protocols for something like 4 EUR/month - including explicit restic support i think 2022-11-11 23:50:57 elly, i don't know if it's good but the price is hard to beat 2022-11-12 00:09:33 elly: rclone + backblaze B2. Or if you want to be fancier, kopia (or restic or similar) + backblaze B2 2022-11-12 01:18:50 1TB for 4 EUR/mo is a great price - honestly a somewhat suspiciously great price :P 2022-11-12 02:02:17 not really, backblaze is $5/month, which doesn't include bandwidth but does include comprehensive API and free sneakernet download 2022-11-12 02:06:42 bulk consumer-grade HDD only costs about $15-20/TB, so $5/month covers the cost of HDD in about 6-12 months, assuming you keep 2-3 copies of customer data. HDD last at least a couple of years running 24/7, so only a small fraction of the cost is actually spent on storage 2022-11-12 02:09:30 you can get cheaper storage on lowendtalk, but that shit really is liable to deadpool any day 2022-11-12 02:35:50 I wouldn't trust LET with my grandma's sewing blog 2022-11-12 11:54:05 How can I add entry of Alpine to the EFI? 2022-11-12 11:54:27 if you use grub: grub-install 2022-11-12 11:54:39 if you have your own EFIstub kernel images: efibootmgr 2022-11-12 11:54:47 others: wait for more replies 2022-11-12 11:56:32 I've used void's grub before but I want to use alpine without void :) I use refind 2022-11-12 11:56:45 I've done 2022-11-12 11:57:12 It found void and windows which is on my machine right now but except of alpine 2022-11-12 11:58:16 Alpine did not add entry to the partition when I install it few months ago... 2022-11-12 11:58:44 if you use refind, alpine will be detected if it writes its .efi files to the same ESP partition 2022-11-12 11:59:07 don't forget to mount /boot/efi or similar in your alpine when placing your efi images 2022-11-12 12:00:24 satmd: could you please explain it deeply? What and where should I mont? 2022-11-12 12:00:34 I should mount EFI partiotion into alpine? 2022-11-12 12:01:15 well, I don't use alpine much right now, but there's a rule of thumb: refind looks in the ESP partition for files ending in .efi 2022-11-12 12:01:30 you'll need to find a way to places your alpine efi images alongside the other files there 2022-11-12 12:01:49 some people mount the ESP partition to /boot, other people do it with /boot/efi 2022-11-12 12:02:01 I've myself not come to a final conclusion which one makes more sense 2022-11-12 12:02:11 and unfortunately even the tools aren't conclusive 2022-11-12 12:03:03 So I need to put .efi file for alpine into the refind right? How mounting will help with it? 2022-11-12 12:03:54 I don't see such file ing alpine's /bott partition... 2022-11-12 12:04:04 in* 2022-11-12 12:05:00 I mean put into the EFI * 2022-11-12 12:25:23 in the ESP partition, you usually have a folder EFI 2022-11-12 12:25:48 and therein for each OS one subfolder, you can chose the name, one will be "refind" itself 2022-11-12 12:26:11 if you put alpine in /EFI/alpine/something.efi, it will be picked up by refind 2022-11-12 12:26:29 "something" for me (I'm actually on gentoo) is vmlinuz-.efi 2022-11-12 12:26:56 my .efi file is a efistub-kernel with embedded initramfs, built with dracut 2022-11-12 14:02:01 satmd: I cannod .efi file for alpine on the system 2022-11-12 14:02:04 where is it? 2022-11-12 14:05:14 you must create one 2022-11-12 14:05:29 I do think the handbooks cover this 2022-11-12 14:09:56 I've only find this article 2022-11-12 14:09:57 https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Alpine_and_UEFI 2022-11-12 14:10:09 but looks like it doesnt cover my problem 2022-11-12 14:40:59 why is the system slow _after_ moving a big file? 2022-11-12 14:41:26 it needs a break after lifting heavy weights 2022-11-12 14:43:02 but its a machine! 2022-11-12 14:43:22 recharging 2022-11-12 14:50:23 technically it is recharging, sort of 2022-11-12 14:53:08 frag: don't be hard on it, maybe offer it a glass of water 2022-11-12 14:57:41 deferred i/o, "commit" intervals, disk write caching, ... 2022-11-12 14:57:57 and maybe a head pat 2022-11-12 15:02:29 i even turn it off at night 2022-11-12 15:05:21 I heard that computers don't like blankets however 2022-11-12 15:05:47 I'm unsure about plushies 2022-11-12 16:47:35 belatedly re: cloud storage. it's worth noting (with varying levels of ew) that apple's icloud+ 2tb is 120/yr (usd), no bandwidth charges. you can mount it with pyicloud. 2022-11-12 16:47:59 not sure why rclone hasn't or won't add it. 2022-11-12 16:51:38 https://github.com/rclone/rclone/issues/1778 2022-11-12 16:56:25 cool. i'd be slightly nervous about apple making breaking changes, but it is cheap. 2022-11-12 17:02:43 apple is anti-open; so i'm surprised they haven't already made breaking changes 2022-11-12 18:22:53 Guys any good guide how to add alpine to uefi boot loader? 2022-11-12 18:23:53 boombim: this is done whenever you install Alpine on UEFI via setup-alpine/setup-disk 2022-11-12 18:24:01 as it runs grub-install to do so 2022-11-12 18:24:43 your earlier question however were regarding refind which is not exactly the same thing - you were wanting to add an Alpine entry to the Refind config 2022-11-12 18:24:50 minimal: I guess I had some another entries on EFI partition when I was installing alpine and I reject it to prevent deleting. 2022-11-12 18:25:10 I'm not sure will it add entry to efi or make it from scratch... 2022-11-12 18:36:15 Is it was safety for another entries? 2022-11-12 18:41:40 this is my first real alpine install so not sure if it helps, but efibootmgr worked for me 2022-11-12 18:43:35 this is dual booting but alpine is separate from the other OS 2022-11-12 18:46:33 wakyct: should I mannualy add entry with efibootmgr? 2022-11-12 18:47:32 I've tried to cp wmlinuz-lts from /boot of alpine to efi 2022-11-12 18:47:46 refind find alpine but it boot something weird 2022-11-12 18:47:53 like emergency mode idk 2022-11-12 18:54:00 yeah I'm not using refind sorry 2022-11-12 18:54:25 I manually added it 2022-11-12 18:54:46 I guess refind will not find it... 2022-11-12 18:54:47 I have a /boot for each OS though 2022-11-12 18:54:54 sounds like you want one? 2022-11-12 18:55:17 I want to have entry in uefi menu and in refind as well 2022-11-12 18:55:33 god it is pretty difficult 2022-11-12 18:57:07 boombim: do you have grub-efi installed in Alpine? 2022-11-12 18:57:41 minimal: Yes 2022-11-12 18:59:44 boombim: so in ESP partition you have a EFI/alpine directory containing grubx64.efi? 2022-11-12 19:00:45 minimal: No. efi partition even doesn't contain alpine directory 2022-11-12 19:00:54 I've createt it manually but no success 2022-11-12 19:00:59 created* 2022-11-12 19:01:00 boombim: so how did you install Alpine? 2022-11-12 19:01:28 To be honest I dont remember correctly. It was one yera ago 2022-11-12 19:01:40 I guess I didnt install boot partition into efi 2022-11-12 19:01:57 so how was Alpine booting without a EFI/alpine/grubx64.efi file? 2022-11-12 19:01:59 because I was afraid alpine installer rewrite it completely 2022-11-12 19:02:11 minimal: with void linux and its grub 2022-11-12 19:02:23 that is the problem:) 2022-11-12 19:02:34 I want to boot into alpine without void os 2022-11-12 19:03:20 boombim: when Alpine is installed via setup-alpine/setup-disk it normally sets up EFI/alpine in the ESP partition. 2022-11-12 19:03:34 for a UEFI machine 2022-11-12 19:03:43 next time I will do it if it safety 2022-11-12 19:03:49 but how can I fix it for now? 2022-11-12 19:03:56 so I don't understand how exactly you installed Alpine in the first place 2022-11-12 19:04:29 minimal: cannot describe properly because I dont remember 2022-11-12 19:08:32 minimal: any way to fix it on live system? 2022-11-12 19:09:38 boombim: it sounds like you have a non-standard installation so I can't help you 2022-11-12 19:09:40 minimal, does Alpine set up EFI in the ESP partition if there is an OS already installed? 2022-11-12 19:10:00 or would it blow that first OS away 2022-11-12 19:11:29 wakyct: Alpine will put stuff in EFI/alpine, however it also creates EFI/boot/bootX64.efi (the fallback file) which I assume potentially could cause problems for any other OS that had its own fallback file in place. 2022-11-12 19:11:49 minimal: maybe setup-disk will help? 2022-11-12 19:11:51 now 2022-11-12 19:12:17 I've never tried installing Alpine on a machine with another OS - I think the installer assumes that Alpine is being used as the only OS 2022-11-12 19:15:33 god... I have not idea how to do it 2022-11-12 19:15:56 psykose: maybe you or someone from team could help? 2022-11-12 19:16:01 you can setup partitions, format and mount filesystems etc manually and then run setup-disk and pass it some parameters so that it doesn't do partitioning itself, but again AFAIK setup-disk still basically assumes Alpine will be the only OS installed 2022-11-12 19:18:27 boombim: so you're looking for someone to look at and understand your specific setup and then to come up with instructions specific to your setup to "fix" UEFI booting including with Refind configuration? 2022-11-12 19:19:04 minimal: is my setup really uniq? 2022-11-12 19:19:16 I just have not boot partition in uefi 2022-11-12 19:19:18 that it 2022-11-12 19:19:21 thats 2022-11-12 19:19:45 boot entry* 2022-11-12 19:20:35 boombim: you said you also don't have EFI/alpine/grubx64.efi 2022-11-12 19:20:41 right 2022-11-12 19:20:45 so what would the boot entry run exactly? 2022-11-12 19:21:11 nevertheless dont we have any method to add it? 2022-11-12 19:22:08 yes but like I said without knowledge of exactly how your machine is setup it is hard to give safe instructions 2022-11-12 19:22:48 minimal: I would glad to answer any questions 2022-11-12 19:23:14 to clarify what did I do wrong 2022-11-12 19:23:43 boombim: "is my setup really uniq?" it may or may not be unique but it certainly is not arranged the way that the Alpine installer does things so your setup is not typical 2022-11-12 19:24:59 minimal: I'm not against this thesis. I just say I get this slightly untipical but not trully uniq situation 2022-11-12 19:25:06 and I really want to fix it 2022-11-12 19:27:12 boombim: I don't want to give you commands that might destroy data on your system 2022-11-12 19:27:50 and I don't have the time to spend trying to understand exactly how you have set up things in order to give you safe commands 2022-11-12 19:28:55 perhaps someone else is willing to spend this time to help, I don't know 2022-11-12 19:34:33 got it. Lets see 2022-11-12 21:39:24 Hi. On 3.16/x86, I'd like to run k3s. But k3s crash-loops, because it "failed to find memory cgroup" (as suggested "cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory" is in /proc/cmdline of linux-lts). https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/issues/11308 seems related (for rpi=x86 and rpi4=x86_64), would you agree? Thanks! 2022-11-13 01:15:28 hi alpine linuxers 2022-11-13 01:24:10 I just pulled another Alpine container for fun and education 2022-11-13 01:49:21 Is there a way to see whats going to be upgraded for 3.17? 2022-11-13 08:53:26 3.17 is no difference than latest-stable 2022-11-13 08:56:36 not yet, latest-stable is still 3.16 2022-11-13 11:18:49 latest-stable = rolling stable 2022-11-13 11:35:58 It's a symlink to the most recent major release 2022-11-13 11:41:34 Re k3s/cgroup: ./packages/main/x86/linux-lts-5.15.78-r0.apk of https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/merge_requests/41335 works for me. Thanks for the awesome CI! :) 2022-11-13 16:19:58 is the "perf bench epoll wait" command working for you guys? it shows "Averaged 0 operations [..]" on my machine, strace doesnt show anything suspicious 2022-11-13 16:24:11 nvm looks like it always uses (number_of_cores - 1) threads by default and my container only exposes 1 cpu, got it working with -t option 2022-11-13 18:29:23 Running the command "adb devices", I receive the error "Error relocating /usr/bin/adb: _ZN6google8protobuf8internal16InternalMetadataD1Ev: symbol not found". Is this an issue with Alpine? I upgraded apk today. How else can I approach the problem? 2022-11-13 18:32:49 that sounds like you mixed edge with stable 2022-11-13 18:38:26 psykose: An apk del and apk add has fixed the issue. 2022-11-13 18:38:56 I did switch from stable to edge many months ago. Must have crossed some wires when that occurred. 2022-11-13 18:39:28 ah 2022-11-13 18:39:34 maybe you forgot --available on an upgrade? 2022-11-13 18:39:43 but nice to see it's fixed 2022-11-13 18:40:56 Thanks for the pointer 2022-11-13 18:50:41 Good evening, is there a way to install automatically the *-doc packages when installing anything? 2022-11-13 18:50:58 apk add docs 2022-11-13 18:52:45 ikke: great, that'll change my life forever, thanks 2022-11-13 18:56:37 ikke: Will that pull in doc files for already-installed packages or just mark -doc variants for automatic retrieval on future installation? 2022-11-13 18:56:48 instant 2022-11-13 18:57:01 bovis: both, I tried 2022-11-13 18:57:25 raspbeguy: Thanks 2022-11-13 21:25:13 Hello, since the last time I loaded updates xonotic-sdl runs only with 5 fps. The following message keeps popping up in the terminal (also in glxgears): https://paste.stratum0.org/?0224ec335713d259#9ye21bqxhGcDiZsGLkFxdH4j5c7VRxnnWGxQ5WrMVbo 2022-11-13 21:25:13 has anyone had the same problem or can anyone help me? 2022-11-13 21:31:56 what gpu do you have 2022-11-13 22:56:51 I have a vega64 and use the amdgpu driver 2022-11-13 23:04:39 that error is trying to load the intel crocus driver 2022-11-14 06:30:52 amlogic has very good mainline linux support, which is the kernel from kernel.org, could someone enable amlogic in the aarch64 kernel config? 2022-11-14 06:32:03 there is a good amount of devices that works https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/tree/arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic?h=v5.15.78 2022-11-14 06:38:08 CONFIG_ARCH_MESON=y will do the job 2022-11-14 11:05:29 Hi Androw, Are you the maintainer of crowdsec edge@testing package ? https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=crowdsec*&branch=edge&repo=&arch=x86_64&maintainer= 2022-11-14 11:06:32 Is it desired not to have an openrc service? 2022-11-14 11:10:06 hello, I noticed that the mu4e package installs emacs-gtk as a requirement, but this is not true (i.e. any emacs in PATH is okay, for example the one I built for source); is there a way I can force the package not to install emacs-gtk? 2022-11-14 11:11:23 huh, okay sorry it appears mu4e only requires cmd:emacs so I'm unsure why it installed emacs-gtk for me... pls ignore the noise 2022-11-14 11:13:46 hmm could it be that /usr/local/bin is not in root's path? 2022-11-14 11:15:11 pwr: the cmd:* dependencies requires a package that provides it 2022-11-14 11:15:25 building locally from source would not let apk now that it's available 2022-11-14 11:17:12 ikke: oh fiddlesticks 2022-11-14 11:17:27 any way around this? 2022-11-14 11:19:32 pwr: can you create a local APKBUILD that builds the package? Then that package would get the cmd: provides automatically 2022-11-14 11:20:11 ah okay, it's been a while since I've set up abuild 2022-11-14 11:21:24 tangentially, to me it's unclear what the difference between emacs-x11 and emacs-gtk is supposed to be -- there is a "pure gtk" version of emacs, but this is not what emacs-gtk installs, it's still using x11 2022-11-14 11:30:33 also! does anyone use hikari? I installed but however I call it it only echoes the usage text 2022-11-14 11:34:52 $ hikari => prints usage 2022-11-14 11:35:04 $ dbus-run-session -- hikari => prints usage 2022-11-14 11:39:56 sorry, I need to shut down my bouncer but if anyone has any ideas re hikari pls memo me :) 2022-11-14 18:27:24 "that error is trying to load the..." <- Thank you for your reply. How can I set the amd gpu driver to be loaded instead? 2022-11-14 21:26:43 Hi, I'd like to add support for an armv7 router to the linux-lts kernel. Is there any chance of upstreaming kernel configs? And if yes what's the process? 2022-11-14 22:30:26 pinsl: you can just open an issue saying what options you'd like to see enabled 2022-11-15 01:22:58 clius[m]: depends if your dual gpu is muxed or muxless, and some other things 2022-11-15 01:23:10 google linux amd dual gpu or somesuch 2022-11-15 04:57:08 pinsl: what SOC 2022-11-15 07:26:29 uuidNuniq: Marvel Armada 385 (https://docs.turris.cz/hw/omnia/omnia/) 2022-11-15 09:53:25 hello, I think https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org is down or under heavy load 2022-11-15 10:08:02 It appears so. We had some issues yesterday as well 2022-11-15 10:33:41 I noticed yesterday that there are many repositories that can't be deleted, gitlab print a error. 2022-11-15 10:33:46 I show examples later. 2022-11-15 11:47:48 raspbeguy: It's back now 2022-11-15 11:48:57 Awesome 2022-11-15 11:49:23 Exemple with deletion problem : https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/tetsumaki/aportsold / https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/firefly-cpp/aports / https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/jbz/aports 2022-11-15 11:50:10 Possible deletion from admin panel no ? 2022-11-15 11:57:49 tetsumaki: the first one seems to be already deleted? 2022-11-15 12:05:17 No ikke retry clic. 2022-11-15 12:05:39 top of page: This project was scheduled for deletion, but failed with the following message: PG::ConnectionBad: PQconsumeInput() FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. 2022-11-15 14:05:37 Can an administrator delete my repository? https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/tetsumaki/aportsold 2022-11-15 14:05:44 I'm stuck 2022-11-15 14:06:04 tetsumaki: what's the issue? 2022-11-15 14:06:34 I have tries to delete yesterday. And gitlab failed with this error in top of page : This project was scheduled for deletion, but failed with the following message: 13:git fsck error while disconnected: signal: killed. 2022-11-15 14:06:53 Other repositories have this message 2022-11-15 15:40:09 I have open a issue ;) 2022-11-15 15:40:43 tetsumaki: I can look at it later 2022-11-15 15:41:09 OK ikke thanks 2022-11-15 15:48:06 I think this package, and openrc daemon should be renamed : cs-firewall-bouncer -> crowdsec-firewall-bouncer 2022-11-15 15:48:06 This is the case on all distributions (Debian/Ubuntu/RHEL/CentOS/Fedora/Rocky/FreeBSD/OpenWRT/...) 2022-11-15 15:48:06 https://docs.crowdsec.net/docs/bouncers/firewall/ 2022-11-15 15:49:00 I took the upstream project name 2022-11-15 15:54:32 It would be easier to find here no ? https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=crowdsec&branch=edge&repo=&arch=x86_64&maintainer= 2022-11-15 15:54:32 No problem with apk search. This is just a suggestion ;) 2022-11-15 15:59:37 Yes, understood 2022-11-15 15:59:58 It was just the reason why it's called that way 2022-11-15 16:02:40 im working on setup-interfaces script, switching to `iw` instead of `wireless-tools` which is no longer maintained 2022-11-15 16:03:28 I am adding some testcases for networks with other authentications than PSK, but I dont have that in my neigbourhood, so I wonder if someone could help me 2022-11-15 16:04:05 doas iw dev wlan0 scan | grep Auth 2022-11-15 16:04:21 * Authentication suites: PSK 2022-11-15 16:04:32 I have wpa2 enterprise around 2022-11-15 16:04:52 if you have something different from the above PSK, can you please send me the output of iw 2022-11-15 16:05:05 iw | tpaste 2022-11-15 16:05:16 or anonymized version of it 2022-11-15 16:09:48 actually, only the line with Authorized... is enough 2022-11-15 16:10:14 i can fake that my neighbours' wifi has wpa2 enterprise 2022-11-15 16:20:05 tetsumaki: I've now deleted https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/tetsumaki/aportsold again, see if that works 2022-11-15 16:21:11 ikke I'll check the page again in a few minutes 2022-11-15 16:25:30 Last one failed after 5 minutes 2022-11-15 16:25:37 aside, there was some wpa3 bug in 5.19 that affected iw, i couldn't find any direct refs for it being fixed though 2022-11-15 16:27:51 :-( 2022-11-15 16:32:17 ikke issue openned here: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/infra/infra/-/issues/10784 2022-11-15 16:32:26 Yes, I found it 2022-11-15 16:47:51 tetsumaki: I suspect fsck is taking too long and it's hitting some timeout 2022-11-15 17:22:39 I think it is not possible to solve the problem from gitlab ui. 2022-11-15 17:23:32 nope 2022-11-15 17:23:49 just trying to figure out how to do it alternatively 2022-11-15 17:26:43 i have PSK only, sorry ;) 2022-11-15 17:30:47 That would be great ikke 2022-11-15 17:33:55 I have a little problem to communicating in english, but i try to be better 2022-11-15 17:34:20 No worry, it's going fine 2022-11-15 18:04:58 how can I run package which I've installed with pip? 2022-11-15 18:05:15 depends on where it's installed 2022-11-15 18:05:25 system vs user for example 2022-11-15 18:05:29 user 2022-11-15 18:05:29 and if the package includes a binary 2022-11-15 18:05:37 looks like it doesnt 2022-11-15 18:06:31 I use this guide but I cannot run 2022-11-15 18:06:32 https://docs.qmk.fm/#/newbs_getting_started 2022-11-15 18:09:02 python3 -m pip install --user qmk 2022-11-15 18:09:09 so it's installed in your homedir 2022-11-15 18:10:18 I don't recall exactly where pip installs it though 2022-11-15 18:11:17 I know the path 2022-11-15 18:11:24 then use the path to the binary 2022-11-15 18:11:30 path/to/qmk setup 2022-11-15 18:11:36 it is easy to find it with pip show qmk 2022-11-15 18:11:41 but there is not binary 2022-11-15 18:11:46 only scripts with .py 2022-11-15 19:25:26 ikke do you want i try to delete the repo ? 2022-11-15 19:25:54 tetsumaki: I tried it several times already myself, to no avail 2022-11-15 19:30:58 Ok :x 2022-11-16 10:37:48 hello. Anybody use alpine with qmk? │ 2022-11-16 10:37:48 http://ix.io/3tEY │ 2022-11-16 10:37:48 I cannot flash my keyboard with that infinite loading: │ 2022-11-16 11:04:07 boombim, that url is not showing anything for me 2022-11-16 11:05:55 sorry... 2022-11-16 11:05:56 http://ix.io/4g1j 2022-11-16 11:05:59 that is correct 2022-11-16 11:06:18 There is even no such device in /dev... 2022-11-16 14:11:29 I've opened ticket 2022-11-16 14:11:36 https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/issues/14350 2022-11-16 14:15:43 boobim: why not wait for the qmk devs to respond to the issue you raised there before opening an Alpine issue? 2022-11-16 16:29:46 Is there anyone who runs Alpine on a lenovo laptop? 2022-11-16 16:30:46 I have it running on a thinkpad 2022-11-16 16:31:04 Awesome, i have an ideapad :) does audio work for you? 2022-11-16 16:32:58 yes 2022-11-16 16:33:12 I installed also 2022-11-16 16:33:41 ai installed alsa and kde, but i dont get sound or even an speaker icon, so im forgetting something 2022-11-16 16:34:02 Typing is hell on a mobile irc client ;-) 2022-11-16 16:34:19 yesI have pulseaudio-alsa 2022-11-16 16:34:34 and alsa-utils 2022-11-16 16:34:48 oh, do i need pulse-audio as well? I thought it was also or pulse 2022-11-16 16:34:59 Alsa or pulse 2022-11-16 16:35:19 i followed the wiki in regards to alsa 2022-11-16 16:50:44 minimal: why do you think I didn't do it? 2022-11-16 16:51:01 I've chat wich qmk devs in discord before opening issue in alpine 2022-11-16 16:51:39 looks like you have some personal antipathy to me 2022-11-16 16:52:14 boombim: I simply looked at the github ticket you raised and there was no feedback there 2022-11-16 16:52:55 minimal: thats why you try that I do something wrong publicly 2022-11-16 16:53:17 I might just used hack that qmk devs provide to me and did not open any tickets 2022-11-16 16:53:29 instead of this I think it would be cool to fix it 2022-11-16 16:53:41 i've chat with qmk devs then open ticket on alpine repo 2022-11-16 16:53:49 double the link to this irc 2022-11-16 16:54:02 but you everytime try to prove me I'm wrong 2022-11-16 16:54:17 I do it not for me. I'm ok already with this 2022-11-16 16:54:39 boombim: I'm not trying to annoy you, I merely thought it would be logically to investigate the issue as a qmk-specific problem before looking at it as an Alpine-specific issue 2022-11-16 16:55:25 minimal: that's why i did it before. I have no idea why devs respond me to discrod and not to github ticket 2022-11-16 16:55:35 I've asked them to continue conversation there 2022-11-16 16:56:04 but your notes sounds like accusations 2022-11-16 16:56:16 Oh dear 2022-11-16 16:58:03 ok, I'll stop commenting as it that was not my intention 2022-11-16 17:35:52 jhjacobs yes lenovo t14s @amd ryzen. I use PipeWire and WirePlumber. 2022-11-16 17:36:59 this -> https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/PipeWire 2022-11-16 19:41:32 I can't get gdm to launch X sessions. Is there anything I need to configure for that? Just using a basic 'setup-desktop gnome'. 2022-11-16 22:35:42 Thanks tetsumaki :) it seems my soundcard isnt reckognized, need to look into that :) 2022-11-17 13:37:12 to install my certs I can put them in /etc/ssl directly ? 2022-11-17 13:38:12 linex[m]: you should add them to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates 2022-11-17 13:38:19 and then run update-ca-certificates 2022-11-17 13:38:57 thanks, where is this documented ? I could not find it :( 2022-11-17 13:39:49 ikke: don't you have to also edit /etc/ca-certificates.conf to add the filename before running update-ca-certificates? 2022-11-17 13:40:19 minimal: as far as I know it discovers the certificates in those directories 2022-11-17 13:40:23 ikke: ah, scrub that,, /usr/local/share/ca-certificates is included automatically :-) 2022-11-17 13:40:24 last time I did it I didn't need to 2022-11-17 13:40:27 right 2022-11-17 13:40:43 linux[m]: It is documented in the update-ca-certificates manpage 2022-11-17 13:41:33 linex[m]: it's the same on Debian and other linux distris ;-) 2022-11-17 17:10:19 can gdm launch X sessions? I can only get it to launch wayland sessions. It kicks back to the login screen. 2022-11-17 17:12:29 In /var/log/messages I see 'GdmDisplay: Session never registered, failing' 2022-11-17 17:21:15 and for some reason gnome-shell is taking 100%CPU on the login screen? That's kind of weird. 2022-11-17 17:32:18 my webserver is faster than lighttpd yahoo 2022-11-17 21:31:51 auwooo or skraito here how life been here l33t h4x0r 31337 2022-11-18 03:00:51 is there changelog for eg the linux-rpi4 package? 2022-11-18 03:04:23 nope 2022-11-18 03:16:18 the git history is the closest you can get to a changelog: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/commits/master/main/linux-rpi 2022-11-18 07:59:03 when i set a higher rc_ulimit="-n 6000000 -u unlimited" in rc.conf, it complains during boot: sh: error setting limit: Operation not permitted . that is because it starts before sysctl. i have fs.file-max = 10000000000 fs.nr_open = 1000000000 in sysctl.conf already 2022-11-18 07:59:27 how can i make sysctl start before rc.conf? 2022-11-18 08:17:36 or, how can i make fs.file-max = 10000000000 fs.nr_open = 1000000000 apply before rc_ulimit="-n 6000000 -u unlimited" ? 2022-11-18 08:46:34 hmm, seemingly ive renamed downloading files and they still turn out fine ... is it possible/normal? weird.. 2022-11-18 14:35:32 I a getting this error with docker :... (full message at ) 2022-11-18 14:35:47 s/a/am/ 2022-11-18 14:35:47 linex[m] meant to say: I am getting this error with docker :... (full message at ) 2022-11-18 19:55:53 What do you do if you want to quickly package the laster `master` version of a package? I use the AUR a lot on Arch for this, does Alpine have an equivalent? 2022-11-18 19:56:03 *latest 2022-11-18 19:56:24 E.g.: I want to package and install locally gtk4 from their master branch. 2022-11-18 19:56:29 write APKBUILD that uses git commit 2022-11-18 19:57:52 panekj: Right, nice and easy. 2022-11-18 20:51:28 WhyNotHugo: the fact that alpine doesn't have AUR is widely considered a feature 2022-11-18 20:52:03 Piraty: Hence, I was curious how you solved one of the issues it solves :) 2022-11-18 20:52:13 Tinkering an APKGBUILD seems pretty trivial. 2022-11-18 20:52:45 Tho some project provide tarballs that aren't just a git-archive, so switching from stable to master requires more effort. 2022-11-18 20:53:25 Hi 2022-11-18 21:02:25 WhyNotHugo: you mean making rando user's machine explode ? foolishly `git checkout master` and `make install` 2022-11-18 21:02:37 don't forget --recursive. my bad 2022-11-18 21:03:44 Piraty: I follow upstream when reporting bugs for something, so I find the pre-made -git PKGBUILD useful. 2022-11-18 21:03:52 I wouldn't say it's a good idea for non-developers to install anything from it. 2022-11-18 21:04:03 regarding release tarball: in case it's an autotools project, just run autoreconf -vfi . in case you deal with some mid-sized go project: good luck 2022-11-18 21:04:55 and then you don't need AUR if you know how to build from a repo. makes no difference in arch land as pacman won't save you from shlib breakage anyway 2022-11-18 21:06:24 _Can_ a package manager protect me from that (e.g.: say, if I'm installing gtk4 from master). 2022-11-18 21:12:16 good ones can, to various degrees. it massively helps if upstream gets it right in the first place and properly makes use of SONAME 2022-11-18 21:15:56 APKs enumerate which .so files they provide and which ones they require, right? 2022-11-18 21:16:46 yes, as dependencies 2022-11-18 21:17:12 provides vs requires 2022-11-18 21:17:51 and, it's based on soname iirc 2022-11-18 21:21:50 Hey all, I am the owner of the qontinuum.space mirror and I see your scripts aren't able to fetch my APKINDEXs for some times now, do you know what is the issue so I could try to fix it? 2022-11-18 21:22:11 qontinuum: hello 2022-11-18 21:22:28 Let me take a look 2022-11-18 21:23:41 maybe the scraping script doesn't understand the http -> https redirect? 2022-11-18 21:24:23 it shows only status table for http 2022-11-18 21:24:46 and *technically* the mirror doesn't in fact serve apkindexes over http, only https 2022-11-18 21:28:16 Is there a forced redirect when you connect to i? 2022-11-18 21:28:29 it* 2022-11-18 21:30:46 No, there is not 2022-11-18 21:32:10 Okay, thought I just missed a configuration on the server ^^ 2022-11-18 21:33:42 still checking fyi 2022-11-18 21:34:50 Not sure if that's the issue, but I notice we miss the final / on the mirror url 2022-11-18 21:35:54 is the name a star trek reference btw? 2022-11-18 21:35:59 Yup my server redirects it and there is a weird behaviour I don't understand for now. It shows a bad redirect on most browsers while I just use default nginx behaviour for this 2022-11-18 21:36:37 ikke: it is, my name was Q in the first place but got fed up to be compared to Qanon stuff at some point 2022-11-18 21:37:58 ahh, sorry for misleading, my browser had https remembered for that website, that's why i thought it might be the redirect 2022-11-18 21:38:21 browsers these days tend to try https first regardless 2022-11-18 21:38:28 ptrc: np, it is in the hsts preload database 2022-11-18 21:38:58 dwfreed: also this 2022-11-18 21:39:31 but also yeah, it's in the preload list, so graphical browsers are generally going to force https 2022-11-18 21:41:31 ikke: just something that could be useful: I also host a tor entry node at this address, could it be dropped by a firewall? 2022-11-18 21:41:50 I would not expect so 2022-11-18 21:46:55 qontinuum: that server cannot connect to alpinelinux.continuum.space 2022-11-18 21:47:05 Trying 2022-11-18 21:47:14 mtr for fun and profit 2022-11-18 21:47:35 it ends at monacotelecom.net 2022-11-18 21:47:44 monaco-telecom.net 2022-11-18 21:48:19 I get the same (and I can reach the server) 2022-11-18 21:48:27 so possibly the reverse path 2022-11-18 21:48:30 wtf, it is my ISP blocking your server? xD 2022-11-18 21:48:46 seems like they are blocking linode 2022-11-18 21:48:56 I'm testing from a Dallas Linode :) 2022-11-18 21:49:06 dwfreed: is it working? 2022-11-18 21:49:08 yes 2022-11-18 21:49:09 hmm 2022-11-18 21:49:30 Ahyeah could be, I don't own the address so I can't set PTR record 2022-11-18 21:49:48 curl works from other servers 2022-11-18 21:49:49 the mtr ends at monaco like yours does (presumably qontinuum is dropping ICMP), but HTTP/HTTPS works 2022-11-18 21:49:50 ping just not 2022-11-18 21:50:08 but http from that specific linode server does not work 2022-11-18 21:50:50 that linode is in frankfurt, I'm guessing? 2022-11-18 21:50:57 ikke: can you share the address of the linode server? So I can check if it is the server's IP that blocks it 2022-11-18 21:51:07 sadly I don't have a frankfurt linode to test 2022-11-18 21:51:20 2022-11-18 21:51:24 qontinuum: just a guess, mirrors.alpinelinux.org is the system doing the test :) 2022-11-18 21:51:39 correct 2022-11-18 21:51:41 given that IP, that guess would be correct :) 2022-11-18 21:52:19 timeout 5m expires 3m10s640ms 2022-11-18 21:52:21 Okay xD 2022-11-18 21:52:44 is it blocked? :D 2022-11-18 21:52:50 need to whitelist the IP 2022-11-18 21:53:02 I guess the same happens from time to time to our monitoring system 2022-11-18 21:53:38 Yup, for some reason it got timed out for having more than 120 new connections in a minute 2022-11-18 21:53:49 oh, yeah, it would do that :D 2022-11-18 21:53:59 it needs to collect all the APKINDEX files 2022-11-18 21:54:38 Just whitelisted it, you can try again from the server 2022-11-18 21:54:52 Now it works 2022-11-18 21:55:33 It was so simple haha, thanks for the time ^^ 2022-11-18 21:55:43 look, that goes better nwo 2022-11-18 21:55:58 It will run at 2am UTC next 2022-11-18 21:56:27 Is it a fixed address btw? 2022-11-18 21:56:43 If so, after 2AM I will consider it fixed 2022-11-18 21:56:57 yes 2022-11-18 21:57:02 Linodes have static IPs 2022-11-18 21:57:10 indeed 2022-11-18 21:57:37 Noice 2022-11-18 21:58:06 Really thank you all to have debugged this ^^ 2022-11-18 21:58:15 nice to speak to you 2022-11-18 21:59:16 I will hang around so I hope we will speak again :p 2022-11-18 22:00:00 nice, fyi, we also have #alpine-infra for infrastructure related discussions 2022-11-18 22:00:53 Thanks, joined it 2022-11-19 03:42:47 "nice, fyi, we also have #alpine..." <- Is that about alpine's infra or infra on alpine? 2022-11-19 06:51:20 baalajimaestro: alpine's infra 2022-11-19 09:42:54 I tweaked the linux-lts kernel config to get it to run on an the turris omnia (armv7 router) and most things seem to work now. One notable thing that does not work yet are the PCI wifi cards: https://tpaste.us/X0xJ any ideas? 2022-11-19 09:46:12 I enabled the ath9k and ath10k drivers and installed the linux-firmware package. The two wifi cards are Atheros QCA988x and Atheros AR9287. 2022-11-19 09:50:16 complete boot log: https://tpaste.us/LePp 2022-11-19 10:39:40 Uhm, maybe an odd issue but, I've rebooted a previously-frozen VM but it's still giving me the old date and time. How would I fix this? Previously I had to `rc-service chronyd restart` but that's not installed yet :S 2022-11-19 10:42:07 (I also can't install it because it complains that SSL certificates are invalid because of the time discrepancy) 2022-11-19 10:46:12 just use date? 2022-11-19 11:20:37 Sync with NTP servers with the date command? 2022-11-19 11:21:33 set it manually with the date command 2022-11-19 11:21:58 or use busybox ntpd 2022-11-19 14:48:11 ForeverNoob[m]: for VMs using chrony in the chrony.conf file set "makestep 1 -1" so that any large differences in time get applied quickly (i.e. for VMs waking up after they've been suspended for a while) 2022-11-19 14:49:44 initstepslew helps with that as well 2022-11-19 14:49:59 "The initstepslew directive is functionally similar to a combination of the makestep and server directives with the iburst option." 2022-11-19 14:52:29 ikke: initstepslew only applies when chronyd is started though, right? 2022-11-19 14:52:46 so that won't be applicable to a suspended VM where chrony is already running 2022-11-19 14:52:52 yes, true 2022-11-19 14:53:03 but they mentioned a reboot 2022-11-19 14:54:01 ah, I misunderstood "frozen" to mean suspended 2022-11-19 14:56:50 yes I use "initstepslew 30 " also 2022-11-19 14:58:40 plus for KVM-hosted VMs also "refclock PHC /dev/ptp_kvm " 2022-11-19 20:20:59 I just installed Alpine 3.16.3 on a pi 3b and tried "apk update" -> "OK: 4938 distinct packages available" 2022-11-19 20:22:09 Doesn't seem that much, but ok I guess it could be correct, aarch64 isn't as popular as x86_64 2022-11-19 20:23:02 But then i try a "apk add sudo" -> "sudo (no such package):" 2022-11-19 20:23:15 garo: you only have main enabled 2022-11-19 20:23:18 sudo is in community 2022-11-19 20:24:31 You would assume sudo is among the 4938 most popular packages... I would even place it in my top 100 2022-11-19 20:25:09 this is not about popularity 2022-11-19 20:26:08 We support packages in main for 2 years 2022-11-19 20:26:20 How else would you decide it ? (I like to translate "popularity" also as "usefulness") 2022-11-19 20:26:22 sudo does not provide 2 years of support (security backports) 2022-11-19 20:26:54 garo: depending on your usecase, we do have doas in main 2022-11-19 20:27:22 I noticed su is available, isn't that less secure ? 2022-11-19 20:27:34 no, because it requires password 2022-11-19 20:27:34 no, su does a lot less 2022-11-19 20:28:03 also "doas" vs "sudo" 2022-11-19 20:28:53 I never used it, does it support things like /etc/sudoers ? (probably with another name) 2022-11-19 20:29:07 Also there's doas-sudo-shim iirc 2022-11-19 20:29:09 garo: it has a configuration file, but it's a lot more simple 2022-11-19 20:29:19 garo: /etc/doas.conf 2022-11-19 20:29:46 or as it is (very broken) on alpine: /etc/doas.d/doas.conf 2022-11-19 20:29:49 I've yet to use it, but I'll probably do (when my nagios nrpe supports it), because it cuts off a lot of legacy stuff 2022-11-19 20:30:02 I learned about it in the context of alpine :) 2022-11-19 20:30:44 Does it miss features ? 2022-11-19 20:30:53 it doesn't have all sudo functionality 2022-11-19 20:31:24 what would you consider the most important missing feature ? 2022-11-19 20:31:40 none, because it does everything I want 2022-11-19 20:31:41 panekj: what is is broken on alpine? the use of /etc/doas.d/ is a specific decision 2022-11-19 20:31:43 It does not have PAM integration 2022-11-19 20:31:54 the configuration is very basic 2022-11-19 20:32:05 (which is on purpose, means less attack surface) 2022-11-19 20:32:13 minimal: yes, and that decision is broken by design and implementation 2022-11-19 20:32:49 PAM, i don't need. 'basic' can mean both easy or lacking in possibilities... 2022-11-19 20:33:04 oir btoh 2022-11-19 20:33:06 if you need sudo you can just install it from community repo 2022-11-19 20:33:40 If doas does what i need, i wouldn't mind going for it 2022-11-19 20:33:43 If you have very specific sudo configuration, chance is that doas does not support it 2022-11-19 20:34:14 If you just need to be able to run (specific) commands as another user, with or without a password, doas can do it 2022-11-19 20:34:34 garo: https://man.openbsd.org/doas.conf.5 2022-11-19 20:36:16 Looks fine. Can I tell it something like "only command foo and bar, but nothing else with root priveleges for user oof or group rab" ? 2022-11-19 20:36:24 yes 2022-11-19 20:36:56 This combined with the possibility of a without pass does everything what i want. Thanks ! 2022-11-19 20:39:25 Almost forgot: Are the arguments ~99% the same as sudo ? (i.e. will creating a symlink from sudo to doas have large side effects if i forget that it's not the real sudo) 2022-11-19 20:39:52 no 2022-11-19 20:40:25 doas arguments are not same as sudo 2022-11-19 20:41:04 sudo -i == doas -s 2022-11-19 20:41:12 :-( 2022-11-19 20:41:19 that's the one i use most often... 2022-11-19 20:41:26 the shim does cover that 2022-11-19 20:41:36 But i guess a shellfunction will solve that 2022-11-19 20:41:41 shim ? 2022-11-19 20:41:57 doas isn't similar to sudo in any way given it originates from bsd 2022-11-19 20:42:00 https://github.com/jirutka/doas-sudo-shim/blob/master/sudo 2022-11-19 20:42:14 and on alpine, it's opendoas 2022-11-19 20:43:12 With persistence enabled 2022-11-19 20:43:35 https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/v3.16/main/x86_64/doas-sudo-shim 2022-11-19 20:43:55 Nice link, only vaguel looked at it but it seems that i don't have to write my own function :-) 2022-11-19 21:10:49 Hello, I am new. I have a question, if this is the wrong forum, sorry and ignore: Is it possible to use Alpine as the daily driver for software engineering? Currently I am using Linux Mint, but I am looking for a change. I use sway (i3 on wayland) as my desktop environment. Other then that I use git, alacritty, tmux, neovim + plugins and lsp. Besides that I mainly need a browser and digikam to manage my foto-library. What will be the challenges, 2022-11-19 21:10:49 disadvantages? Thanks in advance. 2022-11-19 21:11:15 yes, it is possible 2022-11-19 21:11:39 no glibc 2022-11-19 21:11:49 challenge will be anything pre-built for glibc or requiring glibc 2022-11-19 21:12:01 or requiring coreutils ig 2022-11-19 21:12:05 and nvidia GPUs 2022-11-19 21:12:09 digikam is packaged 2022-11-19 21:12:25 we have coreutils 2022-11-19 21:12:26 heat_ coreutils are available in alpine repos, what do you mean? 2022-11-19 21:12:49 ah ok, I didn't know, I've never used coreutils in alpine 2022-11-19 21:12:59 it's not installed by default 2022-11-19 21:13:12 what happens to busybox when you install them? 2022-11-19 21:13:22 nothing 2022-11-19 21:13:37 The bb applets are provided as symlinks 2022-11-19 21:13:38 symlinks for tools that coreutils provide are replaced with coreutils 2022-11-19 21:13:55 s/coreutils provide/bb provides 2022-11-19 21:13:55 panekj meant to say: symlinks for tools that bb provides are replaced with coreutils 2022-11-19 21:14:12 huh 2022-11-19 21:14:37 that seems fiddly to make work in a package management sense but I guess it somehow works out 2022-11-19 21:14:48 the symlinks are not packaged 2022-11-19 21:14:59 ah 2022-11-19 21:15:17 apart from not having option to search for cmd: in bb package, there isn't anything "fiddly" about current approach 2022-11-19 21:16:30 ok. I heard it ships with musl and busybox by default. Would you recommend? Anybody has had good experience with it? Do the graphical desktop environments (sway) work fine? Futhermore would it also be a good option for vmware under linux? 2022-11-19 21:16:44 sway works fine 2022-11-19 21:16:52 I meant vmware under windows. 2022-11-19 21:17:03 vmware is not available 2022-11-19 21:17:25 since it's only available as pre-built package built against glibc 2022-11-19 21:17:30 Sorry I mistyped. I meant to use in vmware that is installed in windows. 2022-11-19 21:17:43 panekj: I use Alpine as my main desktop machine. Anything "fiddly", I use libvirt + ubuntu guest or an lxc/lxd guest. "It just works" - Ubuntu VM gives me the glibc bits for the unusual software bits. 2022-11-19 21:17:44 as in windows host, and alpine guest? 2022-11-19 21:18:04 nangel: not sure why are you replying to me? 2022-11-19 21:18:19 sorry: cla 2022-11-19 21:18:21 @pankj yes. 2022-11-19 21:18:32 if you have vmware on windows, then it will be fine to run alpine as vm 2022-11-19 21:18:40 @cla: I have several windows guests under alpine with libvirt 2022-11-19 21:18:54 both ways work 2022-11-19 21:21:06 one issue you might run into is that hardware accel doesn't work when running alpine vm in vmware 2022-11-19 21:22:33 cool. I will look up libvirt. I had trouble when trying sway on ubuntu as guest on a windows host (vmware), so had to switch back to i3. I think, I will try Alpine for a bit and see. 2022-11-19 21:23:09 sway works fine on alpine guest in vmware 2022-11-19 21:23:10 I will use it also natively (dual boot with windows) on my other machine. 2022-11-19 21:24:10 @panek about the hardware acceleration. Do I understand correctly, that it is a vmware setting, that needs to be turn off? What does it do to turn it off? Potentially worsen performance? 2022-11-19 21:25:29 I meant GPU hardware acceleration, normally you have to install vmware tools to enable it in guests and it doesn't work in alpine 2022-11-19 21:25:59 ok. Thanks for the informations. 2022-11-19 21:26:14 s/enable/allow 2022-11-19 21:26:14 panekj meant to say: I meant GPU hardware acceleration, normally you have to install vmware tools to allow it in guests and it doesn't work in alpine 2022-11-19 21:26:40 +1 2022-11-19 21:27:12 I've used Alpine extensively with sway natively and as guest in vmware on windows so you can ping me about that kind of stuff 2022-11-19 21:28:39 Thanks (How would I do this? It is my first time using IRC, to ask this question :D) 2022-11-19 21:29:06 just type my nickname :P 2022-11-19 21:29:11 or mine 2022-11-19 21:29:37 @panekj like this? 2022-11-19 21:29:41 yep 2022-11-19 21:29:44 cla: just like this 2022-11-19 21:30:12 ok, thank you. 2022-11-19 21:36:43 cla: welcome to the community. 2022-11-19 22:43:57 panekj: Since you have experience with vmware. I had performance issues whenn running it on a windows machine (host). I am running ubuntu (guest) and have experienced bad performance (sluggish cursor for example). I tried: - increasing cores to 24 (my hardware offeres 16 physical and 24 logical cores). - Virtual Disk as single static file. - Turning off hardware acceleration for 3d graphics in the windows settings. - Turning of acceleration for 3d graphics 2022-11-19 22:43:57 in the vmware settings for the virtual machine. - I could not make an exception for the virtual-disk file for windows defender (policy). Anything ideas what else I could try? 2022-11-19 22:44:56 s/Anything/Any 2022-11-19 22:44:56 cla meant to say: in the vmware settings for the virtual machine. - I could not make an exception for the virtual-disk file for windows defender (policy). Any ideas what else I could try? 2022-11-19 22:45:56 (or anybody else who has experience with vmware) 2022-11-19 22:45:57 disabling hardware acceleration for 3d will never yield better performance 2022-11-19 22:47:54 do you have vmware tools installed? (in case of linux it's openvm-tools) 2022-11-19 22:49:53 not sure. I think I have the pro-version (or premium or whatever). Does it ship with that? 2022-11-19 22:50:27 it's usually a linux package available in linux distro repo 2022-11-19 22:50:33 open-vm-tools on alpine 2022-11-19 22:50:35 host is windows. Or do you mean i should install it on the guest? 2022-11-19 22:50:50 on the guest, yes 2022-11-19 22:50:55 in ubuntu it's called open-vm-tools 2022-11-19 22:51:00 ah. No I have not installed it. 2022-11-19 22:51:13 What can it do? 2022-11-19 22:51:37 it provides services for interacting with vmware host 2022-11-19 22:52:17 graceful power actions, scripts for vmware related stuff, and more 2022-11-19 22:52:30 more here: https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/ 2022-11-19 22:52:56 cool. Will read up on it, thanks. 2022-11-19 22:54:06 it also provides linux kernel modules for graphics related stuff which enables 3d graphics acceleration 2022-11-19 22:54:44 aha very good. 2022-11-19 22:55:05 can't wait for the https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/pull/557 to get merged 2022-11-19 23:00:24 seems to have been open a while. 2022-11-19 23:06:36 Thanks again. See you. 2022-11-20 00:41:15 I am have no success getting repeatable network device names across reboots. eth0, eth1 and eth2 seem to be near-random on every boot 2022-11-20 00:42:56 I have added the relevent mac addr to /etc/mactab(which) did not exist and added the line in this page to /etc/mdev.conf 2022-11-20 00:43:09 https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Custom_network_interface_names 2022-11-20 00:44:30 I can find no evidence in /var/log/messages or dmesg that mdev or anything else is setting the names explicitly 2022-11-20 00:45:50 I am open to any suggestions? 2022-11-20 00:47:03 JS_AL: is this on a physical machine or a VM? 2022-11-20 00:47:15 physical 2022-11-20 00:49:23 What bus is your ethernet device on? 2022-11-20 00:51:11 onboard nic is tg3 0000:07:00.0 eth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95754) rev b002] (PCI Express) MAC address 00:1e:c9:3d:d4:50 2022-11-20 00:52:12 I've added a dual-port thinkpenguin nic that's pci express also 2022-11-20 00:52:14 r8169 0000:05:00.0 eth1: RTL8168evl/8111evl, 00:13:3b:10:a0:67, XID 2c9, IRQ 29 2022-11-20 00:52:17 JS_AL: so you added the nameif related entry to mdev.conf ? 2022-11-20 00:52:45 I added -SUBSYSTEM=net;DEVPATH=.*/net/.*;.* root:root 600 @/sbin/nameif -s 2022-11-20 00:53:04 removing the leading dash because I assume that's a typo 2022-11-20 00:53:11 and you also ran mkinitfs afterwards? 2022-11-20 00:54:34 JS_AL: nope, "-" are start means "do not stop on this match, continue reading mdev.conf" 2022-11-20 00:54:38 s/are/at/ 2022-11-20 00:54:38 minimal meant to say: JS_AL: nope, "-" at start means "do not stop on this match, continue reading mdev.conf" 2022-11-20 00:55:20 I didn't do the mkinitfs 2022-11-20 00:55:46 JS_AL: that wikipage says to do so - mdev runs initially in the initramfs 2022-11-20 00:56:31 if you don't have that rule in the initramfs's mdev.conf then it may set up ethernet devices BEFORE mdev runs using the modified mdev.conf once the rootfs is mounted 2022-11-20 00:57:13 Ok, brb 2022-11-20 00:57:32 also though the wiki page doesn't mentioned you would also need to add "/etc/mactab" to /etc/mkinitfs/features.d/base.files BEFORE you run mkinitfs in order to also have that file included in the initramfs 2022-11-20 00:58:11 .......and they're gone before reading the rest of what I was saying doh! 2022-11-20 01:15:35 JS_AL: you left before I had finished pointing out steps you needed to take 2022-11-20 01:16:16 So I did the mkinitfs $(ls /lib/modules/) 2022-11-20 01:16:26 JS_AL: to repeat: 2022-11-20 01:16:32 also though the wiki page doesn't mentioned you would also need to add "/etc/mactab" to /etc/mkinitfs/features.d/base.files BEFORE you run mkinitfs in order to also have that file included in the initramfs 2022-11-20 01:18:15 I'm working on the assumption this is a Sys-mode install rather than run-from-ram install 2022-11-20 01:18:28 Yes. 2022-11-20 01:19:16 I thought packages mentioned in /etc/apk/world will be installed while booting. 2022-11-20 01:19:45 garo: that's for run-from-ram, right? he's using a disk installation 2022-11-20 01:19:46 So as a test i tried adding a new line 'nano', ran 'lbu commit' and rebooted 2022-11-20 01:19:59 That 'ramdisk rebuild' section in the web page males no sense. 2022-11-20 01:20:15 yeah, this is another problem. I am a bit selfish :-) 2022-11-20 01:20:27 JS_AL: what part of it? 2022-11-20 01:22:18 shouldn't it be something like echo /etc/mdev.conf >> /etc/mkinitfs/features.d/base.files ? 2022-11-20 01:22:45 Anyway, after reboot everything on my system was replaced by the contents of the lbu-backup (including the /etc/apk/world file). But it seems that it's not executed. 2022-11-20 01:23:09 JS_AL: no, it is checking that /etc/mdev.conf is ALREADY present in base.files 2022-11-20 01:23:52 however as I said before it don't check or add /etc/mactab, which is NOT present in any of the /etc/mkinitfs/features.d/*.files by default 2022-11-20 01:23:56 Nano is not there. I checked if it was a download-problem, but a manual 'apk add nano' worked just fine... 2022-11-20 01:25:04 JS_AL: is this machine a HP Microserver? 2022-11-20 01:27:47 I just cat-ed cat /etc/mkinitfs/features.d/base.files and /etc/mdev.conf is in there now 2022-11-20 01:28:06 The server is a Supermicro min-atx 2022-11-20 01:28:29 JS_AL: yes, as I said it is in there by default. However /etc/mactab needs to be added. Then mkinitfs run 2022-11-20 01:31:58 ok, once more into the breach 2022-11-20 03:06:39 Is it possible to make "apk info -e " fail if it's not installed, similar to "dpkg -s "? 2022-11-20 03:07:08 I'm currently rewriting https://github.com/devcontainers/features/blob/main/src/node/install.sh for use in Alpine-based containers, if someone asked. 2022-11-20 03:07:38 it does fail if package is not installed 2022-11-20 03:08:01 yeah, returns 1 2022-11-20 03:08:07 and outputs nothing instead of echoing the name 2022-11-20 03:11:11 psykose_ and panekj, thanks! (i thought apk search is probably enough btw) 2022-11-20 12:25:28 i noticed that the dovecot package doesn't come with support for PAM authentication, is there a package that adds it? 2022-11-20 18:10:27 has anyone else had issues with screensharing on wayland not working anymore under firefox? 2022-11-20 18:10:39 seems to be an issue with newer ff as esr still works correctly 2022-11-21 04:12:43 where do ppl usually put XDG_RUNTIME_DIR? 2022-11-21 04:13:06 (as what path, not where to save the env variable) 2022-11-21 05:33:37 pwr: typically somewhere in /run/ 2022-11-21 06:59:41 pwr: I would say /run/user/ is more or less the expected path (there are situations where a daemon needs to access, e.g. your XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/krb5cc and it doesn't actually know your XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, so it's hardcoded to look at /run/user/UID instead) 2022-11-21 07:25:20 grawity: thanks :) 2022-11-21 07:26:14 I've been using Alpine for about a week.. Glad to finally have made it to the IRC channel 2022-11-21 07:27:21 I've chosen to use Alpine Linux on my Meta Quest 2 headset through qemu 2022-11-21 07:27:38 I gotta say.. Nice Job.. it works better then I thought it ever could 2022-11-21 11:23:42 nice :) 2022-11-21 13:41:48 solfisher: Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2? 2022-11-21 16:31:19 is there some doc on the wiki for installing local build kernel?;2;13~ 2022-11-22 01:35:34 I need the simple howto step by step qemu alpine-virtual.img. I got pretty far but it's not creating the disk right. it gives errors before loading modules and then it creates my virtual image incorectly 2022-11-22 01:35:51 Im using the aarch64 virtual image 2022-11-22 01:36:20 I could send my errors and my config to a paste site 2022-11-22 01:39:55 Solarbaby: what guide were you following? 2022-11-22 01:41:18 https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/QEMU#Install_Alpine_Linux_in_QEMU 2022-11-22 01:43:07 wakyct, I had to take a few guides off the net cause at first console=ttyAMSO or whatever it was didn't work and I couldn't see anything loading until I fiddled witht that and then I had to grab some firmware.. basically each howto had something that didn't work 2022-11-22 01:44:34 I'm on a Oculus Quest 2 Headset set to Developer mode I've installed Termux > Qemu > aarch64-alpine-virtual.img 2022-11-22 01:45:20 I would just try the wiki instructions, they're basic enough that if something goes wrong it should be easier to see 2022-11-22 01:46:02 it sounds like you have several issues orthogonal to Alpine itself so try to divide and conquer 2022-11-22 01:48:07 going back to original help docks is good for asking support questions.. thanks I'll do that 2022-11-22 04:11:24 hey so I've been encouraged to set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR to /run/user/$(id -u) but it appears that /run/user is deleted on reboot? 2022-11-22 04:12:12 but I am actually running postmarketOS because I'm on a Pinebook Pro and Alpine doesn't have the hardware support upstream yet 2022-11-22 04:12:36 so I'm wondering is deleting /run/user an Alpine thing or a postmarketOS thing? 2022-11-22 04:23:22 it's not either an Alpine or postmarketOS thing; /run is usually mounted as a temporary filesystem residing in RAM (tmpfs) 2022-11-22 04:25:57 thanks, yeah I've gone with XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=$(mktemp -d) 2022-11-22 06:49:32 pwr: the entirety of /run is current-boot-only (typically a tmpfs) on all distros that have /run, subdirs are supposed to be re-created on every boot by a service 2022-11-22 06:55:35 Anything wrong with the package database? Get the error message ¨Hmmm... cant reach this page´ 2022-11-22 07:56:17 De-Fonz: looks like it's working for me 2022-11-22 07:59:21 There is something wrong with http2, I had to start edge with the following option: --disable-http2 2022-11-22 07:59:46 than it also works for me. 2022-11-22 08:00:37 mro, are you mro_1337 on Syncrhonetfans? 2022-11-22 08:04:52 Solarbaby, doesn't ring a bell, how come? 2022-11-22 08:05:30 mro, your nickname keeps catching my eye in both places.. I just needed to put it to rest.. 2022-11-22 08:06:07 ic, no, not me. 2022-11-22 08:06:19 thanks.. one less wonder to work out :) 2022-11-22 08:06:20 I'm that one http://mro.name 2022-11-22 08:07:16 Oh nice mro.. I'm part of the pi community too.. I put Proxmox on the pi 4 2022-11-22 08:07:16 (one day I shall bring my about pages in order, sigh) 2022-11-22 08:07:58 I also love pimiga on the pi 2022-11-22 08:08:08 ha! I'm using pis as workstations at a hacking-youth club. 2022-11-22 08:08:28 pimiga sounds fun - do you have an url for that? 2022-11-22 08:09:07 (hm, rather 'hacking youth-club') 2022-11-22 08:09:17 pimiga is totally fun.. are you on discord? that's their main way of communicating with their users besides youtube videos by Chris 2022-11-22 08:11:29 mro, https://www.youtube.com/c/ChrisEdwardsRestoration 2022-11-22 08:13:29 mor, click on the about section on his youtube page and you'll see his url for discord 2022-11-22 08:15:28 no, not on discord, but I'll make a note. 2022-11-22 08:19:44 mro, if your interested just make sure to visit discord by xmas this year cause the new version will be out and it's going to be super 2022-11-22 08:23:52 thx! 2022-11-22 08:27:58 is anyone interested in pcb-rnd (successor of gEDA's PCB)? I have APKBUILDs for that (includes sch-rnd and camv-rand as well) 2022-11-22 13:50:20 afternoon folks, am looking to increase my ulimit, but setting my name or group in /etc/security/limits.conf as described doesn't take effect, have I missed something? Thanks! 2022-11-22 14:00:46 joshaspinall: you need pam for /etc/security/limits.conf. You can install `shadow` for that IIRC 2022-11-22 14:05:11 ncopa: the wiki mentions to install linux-pam shadow-login, which I have 2022-11-22 14:05:17 i'll check the packages now 2022-11-22 14:10:38 so far as I can tell, I have all of the required shadow-* packages 2022-11-22 14:11:56 ok, then I dont know 2022-11-22 14:16:55 thanks for your help. :) Hopefully someone can shed some light. 2022-11-22 14:50:05 congrats and thanks 2022-11-22 15:00:32 how do i deal with BAD signature 2022-11-22 15:00:39 when apk add 2022-11-22 15:01:58 uuidNuniq: did you upgrade from an older Alpine release? the keys using for package signing changed a couple of releases ago 2022-11-22 15:03:01 https://alpinelinux.org/posts/Alpine-edge-signing-keys-rotated.html 2022-11-22 15:04:05 minimal: i set repo to latest-stable so i got error using apk now. but i downloaded apk-static now .. bad sign 2022-11-22 15:06:14 not a good idea to use latest-stable 2022-11-22 15:06:41 alpine is 3.17 now 2022-11-22 15:09:22 uuidNuniq: when you set repo to latest-stable which actual release did it point to then? 3.14? 3.15? 3.16? 2022-11-22 15:09:59 it was 3.16 yesterday but 3.17 now 2022-11-22 15:10:36 anyway, i used apk-static and edit the repo from 'latest-stable' to 'v3.17' and ./apk-static -aU , problem fixed 2022-11-22 15:11:08 it is also a good idea to install a piece of apk-tools-static in case ... 2022-11-22 15:11:41 in my case (latest-stable), apk broken... 2022-11-22 15:12:12 hmm, I don't see how you got the BAD signature error with the 3.16 to 3.17 move, they both should be using the same keys 2022-11-22 15:12:25 libssl 2022-11-22 15:12:50 Error loading shared library libcrypto.so.3: No such file or directory (needed by /sbin/apk) 2022-11-22 15:14:17 uuidNuniq: ah, you didn't mentioned that error earlier, I thought you were seeing an error about the signature of a particular package, rather than a error from apk itself 2022-11-22 15:17:03 personally I wouldn't use "latest-stable" in a repositories file as I like to explicitly know which version a machinue is using (similarly as to how I don't think using "latest" tag for a docker container is a good idea) 2022-11-22 15:42:22 minimal: yeah, it has proved using latest-stable breaks apk when there is a major version upgrade. i'd use a version or edge from now onw 2022-11-22 15:43:12 uuidNuni1: this is due to the 3.17 release now. We need to clear the caches 2022-11-22 15:43:17 dor latest-stable 2022-11-22 15:43:27 s/dor/for/ 2022-11-22 15:43:27 ncopa meant to say: for latest-stable 2022-11-22 15:43:57 did you apk upgrade -a? 2022-11-22 15:44:07 i did apk upgrade -aU 2022-11-22 15:44:27 I'm gonna upgrade and check 2022-11-22 15:44:44 its the dl-cdn cache that has difference package with same version (a rebuild) in cache 2022-11-22 15:45:13 so it will fail to install libssl with bad signature and then apk fail to run. has to use apk-static 2022-11-22 15:45:23 I will fix it in a sec 2022-11-22 15:45:41 its a part of the release process: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/issues/14362 2022-11-22 15:46:49 perhaps it would be better to have a pair of servers providing dl-cdn and switch on upgrade? 2022-11-22 15:48:24 ncopa: no mastodon toot in release process? 😢 2022-11-22 15:48:38 even with apk-static, latest-stable repo won't work 2022-11-22 15:50:50 sed -i 's/latest-stable/v3.17/' , then `./apk-static -aU` , problem fixed :P 2022-11-22 15:56:00 yes, that works 2022-11-22 15:58:35 using latest-stable should work again now 2022-11-22 16:00:18 ncopa: thanks where is the fix? i'd like to know what was fixed 2022-11-22 16:00:31 on cdn 2022-11-22 16:00:33 i purged the cdn cache 2022-11-22 16:01:17 the problem was latest-stable used to be a symlink to -> v3.16 2022-11-22 16:01:22 lol. it was the cache on cdn... i tried to purge my local cache for the sake 2022-11-22 16:01:39 with the v3.17 update the symlink moved to v3.17 2022-11-22 16:01:49 there are a few packages that does not have version number changes 2022-11-22 16:02:03 but they were rebuild with newer version of gcc 2022-11-22 16:02:10 so they have different checksum 2022-11-22 16:02:23 and they were in cdn cache at fastly 2022-11-22 16:02:44 so you got the v3.16 package from cache, while index had the checksum of v3.17 package 2022-11-22 16:02:49 and apk went boom 2022-11-22 16:05:46 ncopa: i see. i am new to alpine, 3.16 is my first install. did this happen before? 2022-11-22 16:07:36 yes. it happens every time we ship a new release. 2022-11-22 16:07:49 i was too slow this time. sorry 2022-11-22 16:08:35 is there a work around or am i too often to run my uuuu function which upgrades all my servers 2022-11-22 16:09:05 i run uuuu whenever my fingle is in the terminal. 2022-11-22 16:09:11 finger 2022-11-22 16:09:20 workaround is to use v3.17 like you figured out 2022-11-22 16:09:46 this only happens for a few mins every 6 month 2022-11-22 16:10:14 right. i was right in time 2022-11-22 16:10:39 the solution is to not upgrade instantly when it's released 2022-11-22 16:10:46 in that few min window 2022-11-22 16:11:25 is 3.17 out now? 2022-11-22 16:11:29 i did not actually know 3.17 was releases. i just run my uuuu function a few times a day. 2022-11-22 16:11:41 nice 2022-11-22 16:11:45 i got systems to update later 2022-11-22 16:14:19 dewdude: safe to go. 2022-11-22 16:15:28 here is my uuuu function : https://0x0.st/ol7f.txt 2022-11-22 16:16:14 oh, thats cool 2022-11-22 16:16:23 that's terrifying 2022-11-22 16:17:08 also, unnecessary apk update -q 2022-11-22 16:17:24 apk upgrade -aU would do same 2022-11-22 16:17:33 yeah, i have like 10+ servers to manage. i don't have to to invest ansible. 2022-11-22 16:17:46 have time to 2022-11-22 16:18:13 panekj: apk upgrade -aU shows the update messages, i want to omit it. 2022-11-22 16:18:18 the ansible people would argue that you don't have time not to :) 2022-11-22 16:18:53 spend time to save time! 2022-11-22 16:19:04 uniqNuuid: apk upgrade -aUq 2022-11-22 16:19:40 panekj: that will quiet the upgrade too. 2022-11-22 16:20:44 uuiqNuuid: "i did not actually know 3.17 was releases" - that goes back to my point about not using "latest-stable" in a repositories, especially when you're updating multiple machines daily. Personally I've have a test machine (i.e. VM) to verify a new release on before updating other machines to it just to be safe 2022-11-22 16:21:39 I see no point in silencing index update and at the same time not doing same for upgrade 2022-11-22 16:21:48 uuiqNuuid: also there is the apk-autoupdate package in Alpine 2022-11-22 16:22:44 minimal: i have a test vm under Qemu on my macbook air m1, it was powered off most of the time :P i power it on when i need to compile something 2022-11-22 16:22:57 ah, its in testing, so not applicable then 2022-11-22 16:24:23 last update: 10 months ago 2022-11-22 16:24:23 apk-autoupdate, interesting. that is maybe not desired. interactive is safer :P 2022-11-22 16:25:11 panekj: how do you see 'last update' 2022-11-22 16:25:28 commit history 2022-11-22 16:28:00 minimal: i am using v3.17 for servers now, and edge for test vm 2022-11-22 16:28:22 panekj: how do u see commit history 2022-11-22 16:28:33 git 2022-11-22 16:30:06 sounds avanced usage 2022-11-22 16:31:09 uniqNuuid: ok but my point was about having a test VM on the *same* version of other servers to use as a sacrifical machine to test upgrades on before doing so on the servers themselves 2022-11-22 16:31:18 additionally it's on pkgs.a.o 2022-11-22 16:42:42 Good afternoon. The lxc was not repaired? 2022-11-22 16:42:52 https://pastebin.com/M1gkb309 2022-11-22 16:44:21 Which image do I use for olinuxino lime2? 2022-11-22 16:44:33 for 3.16 2022-11-22 16:44:39 3.16.3 2022-11-22 16:44:53 were there changes to fuse for 3.17? rclone mounts broke for me on a test machine and that's because fusermount was not in PATH (fuse3 is all there). i resolved it by adding fuse2fs. 2022-11-22 16:45:34 i didn't dig further, just noting it here. this was 3.16->3.17. 2022-11-22 16:56:31 I have 1 partition and I was search for just extracting a tarball to it. 2022-11-22 16:56:37 Will miniroot be best? 2022-11-22 16:57:51 looks like every distro i know has switched to openssl 3.0 2022-11-22 17:06:31 what is the difference between dl-master and dl-cdn? 2022-11-22 17:07:20 iirc, dl-master is master copy of alpine repos and dl-cdn is fastly mirror 2022-11-22 17:07:27 s/mirror/cache 2022-11-22 17:07:27 panekj meant to say: iirc, dl-master is master copy of alpine repos and dl-cdn is fastly cache 2022-11-22 17:11:03 ACTION throws release confetti 2022-11-22 17:55:54 when i upgrade to v3.17 setcap and getcap commands are gone. they are from libcap-utils 2022-11-22 17:59:17 uniqNuuid: apk info -L libcap-utisl 2022-11-22 17:59:38 libcap should pull in libcap-utils if you installed libcap 2022-11-22 18:04:31 yeah, i don't know why they are gone. 2022-11-22 18:04:44 because libcap was split into libcap2 and libcap-utils 2022-11-22 18:05:06 all packages that required libcap, depend on libcap2 2022-11-22 18:05:13 Hello, congrats for 3.17 release! 2022-11-22 18:05:18 oh great, matrix woke up 2022-11-22 18:05:21 i used setcap because openrc 0.44 does not have --capablilities 2022-11-22 18:05:29 then install libcap-utils 2022-11-22 18:06:19 yeah. i just got it installed with apk add cmd:setcap 2022-11-22 18:06:54 i was trying to know why they are gone from the 3.16 to 3.17 upgrade :P now i know , thanks for the info 2022-11-22 18:10:38 i should not have start_pre to check the caps with setcap. that's a one time setup. 2022-11-22 18:10:59 my fault. 2022-11-22 18:11:34 you should probably explicitly install tools you need 2022-11-22 18:11:54 https://0x0.st/olh4.txt 2022-11-22 18:12:20 now with 3.17 i can set cap with openrc 2022-11-22 18:13:19 I'm not sure why are you capping caddy 2022-11-22 18:13:38 usr/local/bin/caddy 2022-11-22 18:13:43 custom caddy with plugins? 2022-11-22 18:14:12 caddy listens on 0/0:443 2022-11-22 18:14:29 yeah, it is custom built caddy 2022-11-22 18:35:16 i think it was due to https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/tree/main/libcap/APKBUILD?h=3.17-stable&id=92e8157a085527fda6be8b04016ab16121560b0d#n43 2022-11-22 18:36:12 in 3.16 i have libcap installed. then upgrade to 3.17, libcap upgrades and installs libcap2 and libcap2 replaces libcap ... 2022-11-22 18:36:54 so it removes libcap 2022-11-22 18:38:06 do you have libcap in world? 2022-11-22 18:38:51 i belive i have i it was 3.16 2022-11-22 18:39:11 when it was 2022-11-22 18:39:26 upgrade doesn't uninstall libcap if it was in world 2022-11-22 18:39:36 if it wasn't in world, it is removed 2022-11-22 18:40:11 and yes, it was removed due to that commit as I mentioned earlier 2022-11-22 18:42:24 checking my history 2022-11-22 18:48:56 does apk keep a log somewhere? 2022-11-22 18:49:34 yes, in your terminal 2022-11-22 18:50:53 man, i searched ash/bash history and did not find add/del libcap items. i think it was removed due to i manual edited world and run apk fix 2022-11-22 18:51:14 not possible 2022-11-22 18:51:38 only add/del modify world 2022-11-22 18:52:15 i don't think so, i can vim world and :wq and then apk fix 2022-11-22 18:52:38 yes, but if you did that then nothing can remove it 2022-11-22 18:52:44 except for apk del 2022-11-22 18:53:05 and if you don't have it now in world then you didn't have it before upgrade 2022-11-22 18:53:56 i mean, i probably removed libcap from world with vim and run a apk fix afterwith 2022-11-22 18:54:36 rg -uuu libcap . 2022-11-22 18:55:02 only find todays commands related to libcap 2022-11-22 18:57:48 anyway, i don't know, it is probably my manual editing the world 2022-11-22 19:16:44 hello! 2022-11-22 19:16:59 do I need both linux-firmware-intel and intel-ucode? 2022-11-22 19:18:21 do they even matter in a diskless install? 2022-11-22 19:19:44 nakedpotato: intel-ucode is the microcode update for your processor, while linux-firmware-intel is the firmware for other intel hw 2022-11-22 19:25:07 makes sense 2022-11-22 19:25:28 do I need them in a diskless install though? 2022-11-22 19:26:24 Someone needs to confirm, but I don't believe so 2022-11-22 19:35:32 how does the udev rules with uaccess tag work with alpine without systemd 2022-11-22 19:52:13 bl4ckb0ne: eudev does not appear to support uaccess 2022-11-22 20:04:57 did anyone try flashing controllers with platformio or esptool? why does my network interface die after uploading to the board? 2022-11-22 20:07:28 thats what i thought 2022-11-22 20:07:57 PureTryOut: how do you get the vr controllers working with monado if theres no uaccess 2022-11-22 20:45:55 very interesting. when i connect esp32 board and cat /dev/ttyUSB0 my system thinks i want to use it as wlan adapter, removes my actual network interface and i end up having only loopback. how do i disable this hotplugging obviously unwanted device? 2022-11-22 20:53:07 im half tempted to bulk replace the TAG+="uaccess" by GROUP="plugdev" locally 2022-11-22 20:56:17 add a final rule that does TAG=="uaccess", GROUP="plugdev" 2022-11-22 20:56:44 probably better than mass-editing distro files 2022-11-22 20:57:36 could be an idea 2022-11-22 20:58:10 maybe i could add it to the eudev package, its weird to not have it already 2022-11-22 20:58:38 but plugdev is a ubuntu group 2022-11-22 21:00:25 the device im trying to use belongs to the hidraw subsystem, maybe i missed something there 2022-11-22 21:15:11 grawity: should the rule be 00 or 99? 2022-11-22 21:18:00 well, it needs to be *after* the tag is added... 2022-11-22 21:18:25 otherwise it will match nothing 2022-11-22 21:19:00 makes sense 2022-11-23 02:26:37 I'll help the community how to earn $30k within 3 days and hours but you will reimburse me 10% of your dividend when you collect it. Note: only interested people should involve, Whatsapp +1 (561) 788 1421 immediately. 2022-11-23 03:38:03 sheila910k[m], I've reported your number to the FCC as well as the IRS. I'm sure they'll be checking in on your ventures. 2022-11-23 03:38:30 unfortinately for me whatsapp doesn't seem to care about people like you sending this junk outside of whatsapp. 2022-11-23 03:39:01 the number is probably an anonymously registered VOIP endpoint anyway 2022-11-23 03:39:34 then the FCC will make sure that provider isn't giving out anonymous endpoints anymore 2022-11-23 03:39:41 they already slammed one provider in the ditch 2022-11-23 03:41:46 neat 2022-11-23 03:43:07 granted that provider got slammed for not complying with robocall stuff; several organizations like to know who is assisting fraudsters 2022-11-23 03:48:41 i wish fm noise from video tape wasn't so damn hard to clean up 2022-11-23 04:03:44 Hello, for gnome users on alpine, do you install shadow-login package ? I can't get gnome to launch without it, strangely it's not automatically installed when I install gnome (setup-desktop gnome). Thanks. 2022-11-23 04:16:21 the hostfwd trick I used to ssh into Alpinex86.qcow2 doesn't seem to work when I attempt to use it with aarch64 2022-11-23 04:17:38 I'm using Qemu 2022-11-23 04:19:20 I've been reading the wiki a little here and there and I did read the networking section and I read the qemu section... seems im left with a few options that will work once I get over the general fear of editing network settings.. I just wanted to avoid it 2022-11-23 04:38:31 ahmadraniri[m]: I don't have it, gnome works fine here 2022-11-23 04:40:23 I'm running a very basic gnome, I haven't added much beyond setup-desktop 2022-11-23 05:10:34 "ahmadraniri: I don't have it..." <- Huh, okay... it's strange, I got "Could not get session ID for user...." before I installed shadow-login, I read https://github.com/elogind/elogind/issues/61 that busybox thing prevent user to launch gnome. 2022-11-23 05:16:56 ahmadraniri[m]: well I have elogind and mutter installed, all I can say is that I haven't had any issues 2022-11-23 05:19:58 I'm pretty new to Alpine and Linux in general, but one thing I've noticed is that relying on 3+ years old issues can lead you into config that's no longer relevant 2022-11-23 05:20:42 my motto is "update your packages, and read the instructions" 2022-11-23 05:44:33 bl4ckb0ne: it's been a while since I've tried it, but I don't recall doing anything special 2022-11-23 06:12:35 Congrats on the 3.17 release. Nice to see openssl 3 in there 2022-11-23 07:27:15 https://www.phoronix.com/news/Alpine-3.17-Released 2022-11-23 07:36:58 "I'm pretty new to Alpine and..." <- Yeah sometimes it's repeated, nobody knows tho... 2022-11-23 07:38:10 "ahmadraniri: well I have elogind..." <- Good for ya. 2022-11-23 07:39:50 im so new to alpine I feel stupid for reading the wiki and still feeling like they haven't told me what I need to know 2022-11-23 07:41:00 Hello, I'm trying to install this version of nodejs on the latest alpine image : https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/v3.8/main/x86/nodejs but I get this error : ERROR: unable to select packages: nodejs-18.12.1-r0: breaks: world[nodejs=8.14.0-r0] 2022-11-23 07:41:11 How can I install this package? 2022-11-23 07:41:32 my situation is I'm on a oculus quest 2 vr headset that runs android. I've installed termux > qemu > alpine-aarch64.img.. it loads up.. it completes its install. but I'm still unsure how I'm going to get networking setup so that i can ssh in to the virtual machine 2022-11-23 07:41:57 Sulky: upgrade alpine 2022-11-23 07:42:09 you're on v3.8 2022-11-23 07:42:33 panekj, no it's already up to date, I'm trying to install the nodejs from the version 3.8 2022-11-23 07:42:49 you can't do that 2022-11-23 07:42:57 Oh ok 2022-11-23 07:43:05 Do you know whyN 2022-11-23 07:43:06 ? 2022-11-23 07:44:12 because it's built for alpine v3.8 2022-11-23 07:45:52 What would be the best way to install nodejs version 8 (I have a project that requires this version) ? 2022-11-23 07:45:57 I have tried with n 2022-11-23 07:46:12 but the version downloaded requires glibc 2022-11-23 07:46:16 a) build it yourself 2022-11-23 07:46:30 b) don't use linux with musl 2022-11-23 07:46:55 c) install alpine v3.8 and enjoy insecurities 2022-11-23 07:47:27 I would like to avoid the option c ;) 2022-11-23 07:47:34 uhm, well, more insecurities, since you are installing nodejs 8 anyway 2022-11-23 07:47:38 sure 2022-11-23 07:48:32 good morning. Any ETA for 3.17 on https://alpinelinux.org/cloud/ ? 2022-11-23 07:48:37 About the solution b, alpine is always shipped with musl isn't it? I saw that I can install the glibc on it although I can't run the nodejs binary with it. 2022-11-23 07:49:27 thresh: images are updated, website will be updated tomorrow 2022-11-23 07:50:19 panekj, awesome, will take a look at AWS console then. Cheers! 2022-11-23 07:51:03 Sulky: what's the usecase 2022-11-23 07:51:38 panekj, My goal is to run some old nodejs scripts inside a docker container 2022-11-23 07:51:42 you could probably get away with using nvm/n/whatever and wolfi from chainguard 2022-11-23 07:52:22 panekj, nop, I tried that : the updated binary depends on glibc here 2022-11-23 07:53:01 that's why I said "with wolfi from chainguard" 2022-11-23 07:53:23 cgr.dev/chainguard/glibc-dynamic:latest 2022-11-23 07:54:21 although you would have to add a bit of stuff to that 2022-11-23 07:55:08 also any reason why can't you use stuff like `nodejs:debian-slim` or whatever 2022-11-23 07:55:29 panekj, any chance I could raise my hand and be helped next by you? your tallent is amazing 2022-11-23 07:56:40 I have no idea what is your issue, I don't use termux/qemu/oculus 2022-11-23 07:57:02 panekj, I didn't know this project. I could switch to debian-slim or another image, I just wanted to be sure that there wasn't any practicable options before doing so. 2022-11-23 07:57:32 panekj, ok then i'll just ask this.. from what i read I could opt for a tap or bridge network. any idea which one would be the best for someone like me? 2022-11-23 07:58:17 if you have console access then setup-network and setup-sshd should work fine 2022-11-23 07:59:15 panekj, i have console access in the virtual window.. ssh is setup but the ip address of the virtual network is much different then my systems ip so I can't reach it through ssh with out a tap or bridge I think 2022-11-23 08:00:58 Solarbaby, that's a qemu question, tap is great, bridge seems to only be a wrapper to ease the configuration of the tap interface 2022-11-23 08:01:33 Sulki, thanks.. so maybe tap is what I need to try to focus on then 2022-11-23 08:03:30 Solarbaby, yes and on your routing tables 2022-11-23 08:04:02 I've got quite a bit to learn.. was hoping for a fast howto 2022-11-23 08:20:48 ok tap and bridge isn't going to work cause i don't have root access to the android device 2022-11-23 08:21:00 at least I know what a mess im in 2022-11-23 09:04:45 I just wanted to say YAY!! i was able to redirect the ports for ssh with out needing to go as far as tap or bridge. im good 2022-11-23 09:04:59 qemu is now usable 2022-11-23 09:06:07 sulky, thanks for the advice you gave 2022-11-23 09:06:25 panekj, thank you too 2022-11-23 09:15:01 sulky, thanks for the advice you gave 2022-11-23 09:15:19 I got it figured out with a simple qemu redirect 2022-11-23 09:15:29 Solarbaby, no problem ;) 2022-11-23 09:15:54 Solarbaby, you mean that you forwarded the ssh port with the user backend ? 2022-11-23 09:17:14 sulky I used the hostfwd command 2022-11-23 09:17:21 yes that's it 2022-11-23 09:17:48 I kept typing it wrong putting things in just slightly off so i crashed the system a few times but then I finally put things in the right place 2022-11-23 09:18:13 It works too, although slower than a tap, depends on your usage. 2022-11-23 09:18:34 Oh i'll find out soon cause im going to get sshfs up and running 2022-11-23 09:18:48 I'm super excited now 2022-11-23 09:19:36 Alpine linux is a new toy I've been wanting to play with but didn't have anywhere it could be put 2022-11-23 09:20:08 now I've finally got a great use case for this android vr headset 2022-11-23 10:44:19 hey, i'm having some trouble with running python programs, they're failing with 'No package metadata was found for {program name here}'. I'm running edge, do i just need to wait for some packages to finish building or something? 2022-11-23 13:48:50 is there a policy on firefox releases in stable branches? Look like 'firefox' doesn't get updates but 'firefox-esr' does, but not major updates even if that esr branch is outdated? 2022-11-23 13:51:35 firefox-esr does not look outdated 2022-11-23 13:51:59 ah, in v3.16, it probably is 2022-11-23 13:52:16 in alpine v3.17 it should be up-to-date 2022-11-23 13:54:44 yes, was that just because it was the end of the release cycle? 2022-11-23 13:54:47 hey, I'm trying to run alpine on an ordroid n2+, not sure how to get it to boot with petitboot, and I don't know where the dtbs for this device are, I don't see it in the dtb section but there is a uboot section for this device 2022-11-23 13:56:40 petitboot finds and loads the grub config, but doesn't seem to want to boot using just the kernel and initramfs, probably needs the dtbs 2022-11-23 14:34:15 PureTryOut: im getting LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS all over in monado 2022-11-23 14:49:20 PureTryOut: fwiw the plugdev rule grawity suggested works 2022-11-23 15:11:35 grawity? 🤔 2022-11-23 15:16:01 yesterday 2022-11-23 15:27:05 oh sorry a user in this chat, I didn't understand what you were saying 2022-11-23 15:27:35 you can add it to the packaging I suppose 2022-11-23 15:28:09 any reason there are no dtbs for hardkernel/ordroid devices in the alpine generic release? 2022-11-23 15:32:50 Solarbaby: https://wiki.qemu.org/Documentation/Networking 2022-11-23 15:42:57 PureTryOut: maybe worth adding to eudev directly 2022-11-23 15:43:07 a lot of rules are tagged uaccess 2022-11-23 16:22:55 do i not have voice? 2022-11-23 16:22:59 or can nobody help 2022-11-23 16:25:47 desu: I don't know how to help you but if you think that enabling a kernel option will help, you can just fire an issue on gitlab, if it's not enabled is probably because nobody needed it before 2022-11-23 16:27:34 lol 2022-11-23 16:27:36 thanks 2022-11-23 16:27:38 will do 2022-11-23 16:28:40 https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/issues/12931 2022-11-23 16:29:03 take a look to this before 2022-11-23 16:30:47 hmmm 2022-11-23 16:30:50 am i missing something? 2022-11-23 16:32:47 I don't know :\ 2022-11-23 16:34:01 i don't see those files, looking here: http://dpaste.com/8K57THCDW 2022-11-23 16:34:10 would it just be the generic arm ones? 2022-11-23 16:35:01 that's under here btw alpine-uboot-3.17.0-aarch64.tar/boot/dtbs-lts 2022-11-23 16:38:50 py3-six install into usr/lib/python3.11/, but python3 installs into usr/lib/python3.10/ 2022-11-23 16:42:10 don't install py3-six from edge? :P 2022-11-23 16:42:58 I'm installing all packages from edge. 2022-11-23 16:43:22 edge python3 is 3.11, so that should def install to /usr/lib/python3.11 2022-11-23 16:43:48 looks like main got rebuilt against py3.11 21 hours ago 2022-11-23 16:44:29 maybe stale index? 2022-11-23 16:46:43 the rebuild is still going on 2022-11-23 16:47:43 Odd. I just spun up this VM, so I don't think I can have stale index. Maybe out-of-sync mirror? 2022-11-23 16:50:30 ^^ 2022-11-23 16:50:40 Ah, okay. 2022-11-23 16:50:45 I'll just wait a while then. 2022-11-23 16:51:02 I suppose during each major python upgrade there's a day or so where this happens on edge...? 2022-11-23 16:51:04 community is still building and there are some build failures blocking stuff 2022-11-23 16:51:08 yes 2022-11-23 16:51:13 correct 2022-11-23 18:42:27 wasnt there an apk option to list what's blocking an update? 2022-11-23 18:42:39 im also getting python3.11/3.10 issues with meson 2022-11-23 18:42:56 i remember last time it was because a package was still pulling 3.10 and was blocking the local upgrade 2022-11-23 18:58:31 bl4ckb0ne: are you on edge? 2022-11-23 18:58:50 yep 2022-11-23 18:59:22 We're in the middle of a rebuild 2022-11-23 18:59:29 yeah i got that 2022-11-23 18:59:36 i saw that the meson package was already done 2022-11-23 18:59:39 Ok, so for some packages, there are no 3.11 versions available yet 2022-11-23 18:59:54 yep, i know that too 2022-11-23 19:00:09 i vaguely remember an apk command last python rebuild 2022-11-23 19:00:26 that was listing which package was still using 3.9 2022-11-23 19:03:07 Only thing I can think of is checking which packages still have files in /usr/lib/python3.10 2022-11-23 19:04:25 not many 2022-11-23 19:04:59 metadata folder seems to just be python3.10 files 2022-11-23 19:12:14 since it wasn't too clear earlier - what's the policy on firefox-esr updates in stable? Would it ever get bumped to the next esr release? alpine 3.16 had an out of date esr release for a little while (91) and that's not great. 2022-11-23 19:14:23 am I better off using the flatpak if I want a firefox with timely releases? I don't care about latest-features, just that staying behind that far on a browser is a security problem. 2022-11-23 19:14:51 issue is dependencies 2022-11-23 19:16:42 yeah, I figure that's the case. I know Debian's having trouble with it too. 2022-11-23 19:17:09 newer versions of firefox often depend on newer libicu versions than is available (and possible other libs) 2022-11-23 19:17:57 and it's not ideal to update those in stable I guess? Too much else depends on it? 2022-11-23 19:18:46 yup 2022-11-23 19:19:14 bummer. So it's either 'use edge' or 'use flatpak firefox' then? 2022-11-23 19:19:20 Basically 2022-11-23 19:19:56 Well, thank you for the response. Guess I'll try to move to using qutebrowser or lynx then :) 2022-11-23 19:20:10 fwiw qutebrowser is out 2022-11-23 19:20:12 python rebuild 2022-11-23 19:21:07 bl4ckb0ne: what do you mean 'out'? 2022-11-23 19:26:39 unusable 2022-11-23 19:27:16 im getting jinja2 issues here 2022-11-23 19:28:42 Ah. I am using stable, so no problems here. 2022-11-23 19:41:57 Rust works on 3.17 :) or aomething along those lines. Im too exciting to read :) 2022-11-23 20:36:19 `apk list --upgradeable` mentions python3-3.11.0-r2, yet `apk upgrade` does not install it. how so ? 2022-11-23 20:36:46 (no pinning in /etc/apk/world afaics) 2022-11-23 20:36:56 try apk add -s python3=3.11.0-r2 2022-11-23 20:38:53 i guess you want the 'conflicts' section 2022-11-23 20:39:28 yes 2022-11-23 20:39:40 But it tells you what packages hold it back 2022-11-23 20:39:42 http://ix.io/4gGq 2022-11-23 20:40:00 not sure how to parse that 2022-11-23 20:41:10 the only py3-* i have per apk-world is py3-gpsd, py3-pip 2022-11-23 20:41:30 I think I found a bug in apk, apk-tools 2.12.10, compiled for x86_64. -- using `apk del -r --allow-untrusted libffi` it seems to get stuck in an infinite loop 2022-11-23 20:41:42 `root 32639 99.7 0.5 42260 40520 pts/1 R+ 18:00 224:58 apk del -r --allow-untrusted libffi` 2022-11-23 20:44:54 Consultations with all those who benefited from the platform that I shared yesterday. Believe it or leave it!... (full message at ) 2022-11-23 20:51:06 ikke: can you please explain the conflicts section? something still depending on the old libpython maybe? 2022-11-23 21:47:13 Oh screw! 2022-11-23 21:49:22 Piraty: It's not exactly clear to me either 2022-11-24 02:52:49 i ran `apk update && apk add cabal` in a new 3.17.0 container and i get "ERROR: cabal- BAD signature". is there a way to manually check the signature on the retrieved file? 2022-11-24 05:37:14 apk verify 2022-11-24 05:37:18 dufr: ^ 2022-11-24 06:19:20 thx ikke 2022-11-24 06:19:30 dufr: what mirror do you use? 2022-11-24 06:19:49 dl-cdn I guess consider you mention containers 2022-11-24 06:21:06 yeah dl-cdn. after i downloaded with apk cache download cabal, the signature verified and i could apk add it 2022-11-24 06:23:25 dufr: purged the fastly cache for that package, now it no longer gives that error 2022-11-24 06:23:45 The issue is that the cached apk has a different signature as in the APKINDEX 2022-11-24 06:24:26 you fixed it-- amazing! 2022-11-24 09:46:38 ikke: (1/166) Upgrading python3 (3.10.8-r3 -> 3.11.0-r2) 2022-11-24 09:46:42 all good 2022-11-24 10:09:53 👍 2022-11-24 11:41:22 I'm on a laptop with a pretty weak GPU, but I read on the www that I add PAN_MESE_DEBUG=gl3 to /etc/environment to make it report at least openGL 3.3 compatibility 2022-11-24 11:41:55 but /etc/environment doesn't seem to be read? 2022-11-24 11:42:09 actually let me rephrase my question... 2022-11-24 11:42:18 wtf is /etc/environment? 2022-11-24 11:44:07 It's a file read by PAM and can be used to set environment variables when PAM is used 2022-11-24 11:44:13 but the default alpine setup does not use PAM 2022-11-24 11:44:28 You can add it to /etc/profile, or even better, a new file in /etc/profile.d/*.sh 2022-11-24 11:46:29 I don't like it, and I don't think I use PAM (shadow pkg right?) 2022-11-24 11:46:38 can I delete it? 2022-11-24 11:47:27 pwr: /etc/environment, sure 2022-11-24 11:47:52 And it requires shadow-login 2022-11-24 11:47:59 ah darn, apk info -r linux-pam => physlock 2022-11-24 13:08:04 hmz, i think my audio problem is related to the fact that im on a laptop which uses AMD RENOIR RADEON, does anyone have any more information on that? 2022-11-24 14:01:42 Hello. I am looking into building an alpine-based clonezilla-like image installer for my laboratory. 2022-11-24 14:02:05 I just need to build an iso ou initramfs image that runs my script on boot. 2022-11-24 14:03:05 I did follow makeiso tutorial, and got the required packages installed, but don't really know how to bake my script into to the image. 2022-11-24 14:03:16 Any directions for reading material? 2022-11-24 14:08:48 light-lead: perhaps add it as a local.d script that is run by the local service (needs to be enabled)? 2022-11-24 14:09:46 What I can't find is how to inject a custom script into the generated image. 2022-11-24 14:11:15 u can use a overlay 2022-11-24 14:12:02 https://tpaste.us/bnOL this was my hacky way to auto launch a script on boot to install 2022-11-24 14:12:30 (thats all part of the apkoverlay) 2022-11-24 14:16:29 Alpine_local_backup on the wiki describes how to create an overlay.. 2022-11-24 14:16:41 Thanks. Will look into it. 2022-11-24 17:25:16 hi, I'm also having a problem with the python bump: https://0x0.st/oUj2.txt 2022-11-24 17:56:35 :) 2022-11-24 18:01:58 strange pastebin https://0x0.st, unable to access 2022-11-24 18:05:52 @Lauren from which alpine version to which are you upgrading? or are you just on the edge? 2022-11-24 18:22:25 edge 2022-11-24 18:26:42 vkrishn: https://s3.sakamoto.pl/lnl-shit/python.log 2022-11-24 18:29:13 it looks like the bump for teapot-tools isn't on the repo. the logs for my arch say it passed: https://build.alpinelinux.org/buildlogs/build-edge-x86_64/testing/teapot-tools/teapot-tools-0.3.0-r1.log, but are missing for some architectures 2022-11-24 19:20:40 thanks, I thing there is still an official pastebin, tpaste.us, other simeple and good ones https://tpaste.us/1loz 2022-11-24 19:22:59 hi there. could you please advivce me how can RISC-V package (f.e. cross compilers) can be setuped for x86_64? When i do apk --no-cache add binutils it setups x86_64 package 2022-11-24 19:24:39 apk add --arch? 2022-11-24 19:25:02 No, apk will only install packages for the same arch 2022-11-24 19:27:37 than if any way exist to setup cross comppilers and etc? 2022-11-24 19:28:25 setup chroot with qemu binfmt 2022-11-24 19:28:34 ^ 2022-11-24 19:29:12 qemu-user for maximum performance 2022-11-24 19:29:36 thanks. will try 2022-11-24 19:30:11 wait, then what does gcc-riscv-none-elf install? 2022-11-24 19:37:47 (and binutils-riscv-none-elf ?) 2022-11-24 19:39:56 probably some cross-compilation tools 2022-11-24 20:36:06 I see riscv!! 2022-11-25 05:58:28 due to circumstances outside my control I'm actually using postmarketOS and not real Alpine Linux 2022-11-25 05:58:44 this is apparent with the giant postmarketOS splash screen when the laptop boots 2022-11-25 05:58:55 how to I remove this splash image? 2022-11-25 05:59:48 *how do 2022-11-25 07:19:49 also, I have a script in /etc/acpi/ to increase screen brightness: https://git.paulwrankin.com/dotfiles/tree/acpi/brightness-up 2022-11-25 07:20:26 it works, but whenever I use the brightness up/down buttons on the console I get a '?' at the prompt 2022-11-25 07:20:35 perhaps, given your circumstances, you should ask in postmarketOS irc? 2022-11-25 07:21:59 postmarketOS is just Alpine with some additional device-specific packages 2022-11-25 07:22:07 and that splash screen 2022-11-25 07:22:55 so who would know better? people who added the splash scree or people who didn't? 2022-11-25 07:23:49 thanks for your help 2022-11-25 07:27:19 if anyone else would like to chime I'd much appreciate 2022-11-25 08:05:05 about either acpi or the splash 2022-11-25 08:05:20 there is fbsplash but no man page 2022-11-25 15:48:32 Trying to run yubioath-desktop (installed via apk) it fails with error "module "QtQuick.Dialogs" is not installed" 2022-11-25 15:48:36 Any ideas what packag eprovides this? 2022-11-25 15:49:20 There seems to be a missing dependency for the package actually. 2022-11-25 15:50:34 Ah, it's qt5-qtquickcontrols 2022-11-25 16:47:22 Seems like Alpine Linux doesn't really have a concept of unattended reboots. So I made one: `[ "$(apk --update-cache upgrade | grep -i 'linux-\|ssl\|ssh')" ] && (f__post_notif ; reboot)` 2022-11-25 16:50:26 what if apk outputs something like "ERROR: Could not install linux-ssl"? 2022-11-25 16:50:41 Then my machine reboots :D 2022-11-25 16:50:47 which firewall should one use on alpine? 2022-11-25 16:51:14 @shinobi57474858: The firewall that most Linux distros use... iptables? 2022-11-25 16:51:52 isn't nftables the hot new thing? 2022-11-25 16:52:21 or if you want to use iptables rules but nftables backend u could use iptables-nft 2022-11-25 16:52:23 Could be but AFAIK it's built on iptables. 2022-11-25 16:53:09 it's not built on iptables as such; they share the overall "netfilter" kernel framework but diverge greatly 2022-11-25 16:54:07 what about awall or ufw? 2022-11-25 16:54:42 both are frontends/generators for iptables 2022-11-25 16:55:03 oh i see thanks 2022-11-25 16:56:35 Guest2247: what if the unattended upgrade results in a mkinitfs error regenerating the initramfs? the machine might not successfully reboot... 2022-11-25 17:13:25 @minimal: Good question. Is there anything else that might botch the reboot? 2022-11-25 17:13:36 I think I'm just going to test for apk's exit status. 2022-11-25 17:15:57 Guest2247: checking the exit status might not be sufficient to catch all problems 2022-11-25 17:16:50 True, but in case of bad exit I'll get a message and at least I can then investigate further. 2022-11-25 17:19:20 I've seen a problem recently with Busybox's cpio where mkinitfs creates an updated initramfs file except that whilst a initramfs file IS created due to the cpio problem it is missing some of the modules it should contain (if any of those are needed to mount the rootfs then bad luck). A workaround is to install the "full fat" cpio util. I have not managed to narrow down the exact scenario that causes this behaviour which is why I have no 2022-11-25 17:19:20 yet opened an issue for it. 2022-11-25 17:20:09 I don't remember if that problem gives any error code or visible errors, I'll have to check my notes 2022-11-25 17:36:09 Hmm, all my updates went just fine, but I'll be on the lookout for this, thanks for the heads-up. 2022-11-25 21:39:13 @minimal: How about this? https://paste.debian.net/1261880/ 2022-11-25 22:28:53 so ive been tols riscv support is in Alpine now? 2022-11-25 22:30:08 oh! so i see! it is! 2022-11-25 23:01:19 You'd think running `/usr/sbin/crond -f -l 0 -c /etc/crontabs` as root will echo whatever is doing in the scripts but... surprise -_- 2022-11-26 09:12:38 Ok, I'm at a loss here. Why on earth is this not doing what it's supposed to? https://paste.debian.net/1261913/ 2022-11-26 09:15:22 Guest2247: no idea, it looks ok to me. 2022-11-26 09:15:34 you could make it simpler by making your shebang: #! /bin/ash 2022-11-26 09:15:47 and just use the built-in echo since what you are trying to do is so basic 2022-11-26 09:56:43 Guest2247: is your cron configured properly and running? 2022-11-26 09:57:02 f.ex does `ps -ef | grep cron` show anything 2022-11-26 10:01:31 @zcrayfish: Unfortunately no difference. 2022-11-26 10:01:54 @Shiz: I've started this (as root) in a tmux pane: `/usr/sbin/crond -f -l 0 -c /etc/crontabs` 2022-11-26 10:04:33 anything in your system log? (-l logs to syslog, not stderr) 2022-11-26 10:05:10 you should be seeing something like.... 2022-11-26 10:05:13 Nov 26 04:45:00 gopher cron.info crond[1846]: USER root pid 18556 cmd run-parts /etc/periodic/15min 2022-11-26 10:08:47 Yeah I added -l 0 specifically to get a better understanding on what was going on but I only get output like this: https://paste.debian.net/plain/1261918 2022-11-26 10:18:13 Hmm, apparently /bin/ash has been ran... https://0x0.st/oUlN.txt 2022-11-26 10:18:53 But still no file is written. Should that file exist in the first place? No right? 2022-11-26 10:20:07 No, as long as the filesystem is writable and doesn't have any weird extended permissions, the file does not have to exist. root should write it just fine 2022-11-26 10:24:18 Ok, next run is coming up in 6 minutes. I created the file anyway, so now let's see whether it gets written to. 2022-11-26 10:33:10 Gah, nothing. I'm going to reboot this VM and see if it makes any diff. 2022-11-26 10:35:00 At no point during the preparation and assessment for setting up these unattended upgrades did I consider cron to be a challenge. 2022-11-26 10:36:56 But then again, such is the life in tech I guess ¯\(ツ)/¯ 2022-11-26 10:38:34 hmm 2022-11-26 10:38:40 very odd :p 2022-11-26 10:48:41 Gah, no change after reboot. This is becoming silly. Permissions 0755 for /etc/periodic/15min/testar.sh is ok right? 2022-11-26 10:50:04 yeah, should be fine 2022-11-26 10:50:53 Guest2247: did you try to run run-parts directly on /etc/periodic/15min, to see if it's considered? 2022-11-26 10:51:50 run-parts --test /etc/periodic/15min 2022-11-26 11:00:57 Not sure what to look for, but run-parts --test exits with 0. I've changed the script so that it would write to the /root dir, but that didn't work either. 2022-11-26 11:01:09 Guest2247: does it return your script? 2022-11-26 11:01:17 it should print the scripts it finds / considers 2022-11-26 11:01:40 Ah, no it doesn't print anything, just the 0 exit code. 2022-11-26 11:02:48 I created a file called foo.sh in that dir with these as contents: https://tpaste.us/k6R1 2022-11-26 11:02:53 chmod +x foo.sh 2022-11-26 11:02:56 and that works for me 2022-11-26 11:03:12 So, just to recap... All I did was to just drop a simple executable script in `/etc/periodic/15min/` - I don't have to edit crontab or anything like that no? 2022-11-26 11:03:13 at least, run-parts returns it 2022-11-26 11:03:23 not for periodic no 2022-11-26 11:03:33 the default crontab uses run-parts to execute scripts there 2022-11-26 11:03:43 make sure crontab -l lists those 2022-11-26 11:04:23 Ah, that might be the culprit. crontab -l returns nothing (other than a 0 exit code like run-parts) 2022-11-26 11:05:04 This is the default: https://tpaste.us/Oqxd 2022-11-26 11:05:22 Guest2247: that assumes you run it as root 2022-11-26 11:06:11 Aah, yeah I didn't initially run as root. When I did, it returned the same as in your last paste. 2022-11-26 11:06:31 ok, the next goal is to make run-parts return your script 2022-11-26 11:09:10 Right, which it unfortunately doesn't. I added foo.sh exactly as you did, and then ran `doas run-parts --test /etc/periodic/15min/` - but as previously it generated no output. 2022-11-26 11:12:35 maybe worth stracing run-parts to see what's up? 2022-11-26 11:13:08 Hi, after upgrading to 3.17 I started getting a weird warning from podman, saying that '/' is not a shared mount. I checked with findmnt and yes, /'s PROPAGATION is private. I tried setting shared option in fstab, but it didn't do anything. What should I do? 2022-11-26 11:14:19 discussian: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/tsc/-/issues/42 2022-11-26 11:15:18 ikke: Thanks! 2022-11-26 11:16:04 https://github.com/OpenRC/openrc/issues/525 2022-11-26 11:19:15 Guest2247: make sure the file is saved with linux line endings 2022-11-26 11:21:43 I am editing everything using vi(m) like I do with all config files. According to file, both are ASCII text executable 2022-11-26 11:24:57 Guest2247: file starts with #!/bin/sh or similar? 2022-11-26 11:34:22 @mercenary yes 2022-11-26 11:36:04 Guest2247: did you try strace like Shiz suggested? 2022-11-26 11:42:21 About to. Trying to look up some docs about it first since I'm pretty unfamiliar with strace. 2022-11-26 11:43:39 # strace -f -o run-parts.strace run-parts --test /etc/periodic/15min/ 2022-11-26 11:43:55 Then the strace output is in run-parts.strace 2022-11-26 11:53:24 Yeah seems like to understand strace I have to be first familiar with Linux syscalls and before that, be familiar with C programming (which is still on my bucket list) 2022-11-26 11:54:04 Guest2247: If you can provide the outout (if not sensitive), we can take a look 2022-11-26 11:54:09 In any case, I like how my vim has strace syntax highlighting (not that it really furthers my understanding by a lot, I just like pretty colors :p) - https://0x0.st/oUln.strace 2022-11-26 11:54:22 Ah yeah everything is running in a VM, so nothing sensitive. 2022-11-26 11:55:11 Guest2247: heh, that's why I gave it the .strace extension ;-) 2022-11-26 11:55:50 Thanks for letting me enjoy pretty colors :p 2022-11-26 11:56:37 It appears to stat both foo.sh and testar.sh - So in a way run-parts sees those files? 2022-11-26 12:10:18 Maybe it's some weird bug on 3.14? I was purposefully testing my unattended upgrade script on an older stable. 2022-11-26 12:15:47 Apparently so -_- 2022-11-26 12:16:35 hmm, indeed 2022-11-26 12:17:03 run-parts --test /etc/periodic/15min/ also now displays all scripts in that dir 2022-11-26 12:17:44 nmeum: Do you know if something in bb run-parts has changed / fixed? 2022-11-26 12:18:22 Anyay, here's the strace on the 3.16: https://0x0.st/oUUN.16.strac 2022-11-26 12:18:39 Lemme check if it still works as expected on 3.15... 2022-11-26 12:19:31 on 3.15 it works 2022-11-26 12:26:07 Oh, that's great to know, thanks :) 2022-11-26 12:55:41 ikke: from the top of my head I don't think that we made any changes to run parts since 3.16 2022-11-26 12:56:21 nmeum: this appears to be broken in 3.14 and working in 3.15 2022-11-26 12:57:38 oh, my memory doesn't go back that far :D 2022-11-26 13:26:22 Seems like it was upgraded from 1.33.x to 1.14.x 2022-11-26 13:26:25 1.34.x* 2022-11-26 13:35:46 This is my latest revision of the script if anyone's interested: https://paste.debian.net/1261937/ 2022-11-26 13:43:18 You should substitute f__post_error and f__post_notif with your own messaging system. 2022-11-26 14:37:00 how does one go about drivers in Alpine? 2022-11-26 14:37:07 i'm absolutely clueless :) 2022-11-26 14:37:11 jh81: what kind of drivers? 2022-11-26 14:37:23 well, i have an amd renoir laptop, and sound doesnt work 2022-11-26 14:37:34 i think its a driver thing, since it works flawlessly on arch 2022-11-26 14:37:42 but i dont want arch :) 2022-11-26 14:39:09 @jh81: In terms of drivers you could check if the driver is visible using `lsmod`, but generally also check `alsamixer` in case something is muted that shouldn't be. 2022-11-26 14:40:32 jh81: do you still have an arch system to compare to? 2022-11-26 14:41:03 lsmod says: ledtrig_audio 16384 1 snd_hda_codec_generic 2022-11-26 14:41:09 hmm, this is odd 2022-11-26 14:41:18 yes i have :) let me reboot and run the same command 2022-11-26 14:41:30 oh screw, im actually on arch now 2022-11-26 14:41:33 jh81: also lspci 2022-11-26 14:41:37 lspci -v 2022-11-26 14:41:44 let me boot into alpi ne 2022-11-26 14:41:59 what is the lspci -v output on arch? 2022-11-26 14:44:39 oh, it has many lines, most notably: Audio device: Advanched Micro Devices Inc. [AMD] Family 17h/19h HD Audio Controller 2022-11-26 14:44:44 now on Alpine 2022-11-26 14:45:15 jh81: it should also list what module is used 2022-11-26 14:45:30 i need to install lscpci first :| 2022-11-26 14:45:52 kernel modules in use: snd_hda_intel 2022-11-26 14:46:40 Hey gents, I'm using alpine on my system as a desktop daily in diskless mode, I have a small ssd where I plan create 3 partitions using gdisk: 1:alpine1, 2:alpine2, 3:storage for my files. I wanted to test this in virt-manager so I created a disk and partitioned it, I successfully booted from first partition (used setup-bootable) 2022-11-26 14:47:14 on alpine it only talks about kernel driver, not kernel module 2022-11-26 14:47:14 so i guess there's the problem? 2022-11-26 14:47:25 now I restarted the VM and this time booted from cdrom again to setup partition 2, but alpine automounts parition one (even though I booted from cdrom) 2022-11-26 14:48:01 how can I disable this automount mechanism of the already installed alpine partition? 2022-11-26 14:48:30 the idea being I can use alpine1, then when an update arrives, setup-bootable on the second partition and boot off it, and so on 2022-11-26 14:51:14 lsmod on alpine says: ledtrig_audio 16384 2 snd_ctl_led,snd_hda_codec_generic 2022-11-26 14:51:29 thats one more module then arch 2022-11-26 14:53:11 lspci on alpine says: 04:00.6 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 17h (Models 10h-1fh) HD Audio Controller 2022-11-26 14:53:23 so there are some differences, but most seems to be equal? 2022-11-26 14:53:35 i feel im missing something really small here :) 2022-11-26 14:53:47 jh81: did you check alsmixer like Guest2247 mentioned? 2022-11-26 14:54:31 hang on 2022-11-26 14:54:44 dmesg | grep snd also shows some sound info 2022-11-26 14:55:20 alsamixer: ALSA lib pulse.c:242:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused 2022-11-26 14:56:33 ofcourse i followed several wiki pages, so i might have messed something up even more then it already was 2022-11-26 14:58:45 let me remove all the alsa and pulse stuff, and start over 2022-11-26 14:59:53 I'd say test alsa first, then install PulseAudio (or perhaps even better: PipeWire) 2022-11-26 15:02:03 i thought pulseaudio/pulsewire was needed to get sound to work. do you ctually mean sound can work with just alsa? 2022-11-26 15:03:29 afaik with just also, you can only have a single sound source 2022-11-26 15:03:36 s/also/alsa 2022-11-26 15:03:36 ikke meant to say: afaik with just alsa, you can only have a single sound source 2022-11-26 15:04:00 ;-) 2022-11-26 15:04:12 well, thats a start :) 2022-11-26 15:04:20 but i'll see about getting alsa to work 2022-11-26 15:04:28 im also memeber of the audio group etc 2022-11-26 15:05:57 ikke: any idea on how I can stop a system booted off cd from auto-mounting a disk that has alpine installed on it (eg /dev/sda1 has alpine installed in diskless mode), I boot off CD but cd mounts /dev/sda1 and I cant unmount it, resource busy 2022-11-26 15:07:45 cant you unmount using the force paramteer? 2022-11-26 15:09:37 AlpineDailyDriv: where is /dev/sda1 mounted to? 2022-11-26 15:10:57 ikke: /media/sda1 2022-11-26 15:11:35 jh81: can't, fails with same error: resource busy 2022-11-26 15:11:57 lsof /media/sda1: 2022-11-26 15:12:31 lists /dev/console, /dev/tty1....etc over 20 of those 2022-11-26 15:12:47 okay.. i now have sound... rather soft, but at least i can hear something 2022-11-26 15:13:02 i removed all pulse packages, and reinstalled the alsa ones 2022-11-26 15:14:10 alsamixer still says conection refused 2022-11-26 15:15:36 only two things mounted (other than .modloop) is /media/cdrom and /dev/sda1 2022-11-26 15:20:04 awesome! i got perfect sound! 2022-11-26 15:20:12 now i can ditch arch :D 2022-11-26 15:20:25 jh81: nice 2022-11-26 15:20:42 indeed 2022-11-26 15:21:25 perhaps the upgrade to v3.17 fixed it? who knows :) im happy 2022-11-26 15:27:28 another problem: whenever i reboot i get dropped to a shell, i type: mount -t ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p2 /sysroot; exit; 2022-11-26 15:27:35 and then it continues booting 2022-11-26 15:27:49 does that mean my initrd doesnt have ext4 support? 2022-11-26 15:36:09 crap.. no more sound 2022-11-26 15:36:55 jh81: nope, you've run that mount from within the initramfs' init, so if the initramfs didn't have ext4 support then the command wouldn't work 2022-11-26 15:37:10 fair point 2022-11-26 15:37:39 jh81: so I'd guess something is missing from your bootloader's cmdline options 2022-11-26 15:37:59 nvme module? 2022-11-26 15:39:14 panekj: I would expect the about mount command to then work from the emergency shell as its basically what the initramfs' init should already be trying 2022-11-26 15:39:21 s/about/above/ 2022-11-26 15:39:21 minimal meant to say: panekj: I would expect the above mount command to then work from the emergency shell as its basically what the initramfs' init should already be trying 2022-11-26 15:39:42 s/would/wouldn't/ 2022-11-26 15:39:42 minimal meant to say: panekj: I wouldn't expect the above mount command to then work from the emergency shell as its basically what the initramfs' init should already be trying 2022-11-26 15:39:45 i'm using refind as bootloader 2022-11-26 15:40:01 works marvelous, normally ;-) 2022-11-26 15:40:07 jh81: what's in your bootloader's cmdline options? 2022-11-26 15:40:28 i.e. modules=?? root=?? etc 2022-11-26 15:40:42 refind doesnt use those. it simple scans the partitions for kernels etc 2022-11-26 15:40:49 i can make a commandline though :) 2022-11-26 15:41:05 if it isnt initrd, then i can figure it out :) 2022-11-26 15:41:12 jh81: they are nothing to do with the bootloader, the bootloader passes those to the initramfs' init for IT to use them 2022-11-26 15:41:44 i get what you say 2022-11-26 15:41:51 but like i said, there are none. 2022-11-26 15:41:56 so in other words you haven't told the init to load the ext4 or other modules and haven't told it which partition to use as rootfs etc 2022-11-26 15:42:00 there is no commandline :) 2022-11-26 15:42:08 jh81: yes so that's your problem 2022-11-26 15:42:23 if thats my problem, then why does it work for arch, ubuntu, fedora? ;-) 2022-11-26 15:42:32 whats so different for Alpine then? 2022-11-26 15:42:45 jh81: it has a different initramfs init for a start 2022-11-26 15:42:54 fair point :) 2022-11-26 15:42:55 which USES such options to tell it what to do 2022-11-26 15:43:35 so, muy solution would be to edit refind, to manually add a commandline? 2022-11-26 15:44:07 jh81: I don't know refind but there must be a way to pass cmdline options on to the kernel which then passes them on to the init 2022-11-26 15:44:16 there are :) 2022-11-26 15:44:27 i just have to figure out what cmdline options ;-) 2022-11-26 15:45:15 jh81: for example how do you define a boot option in refind for booting in single-user mode (which in most Linux distros involves passing "single" as part of the cmdline) ? 2022-11-26 15:45:45 https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/REFInd#Passing_kernel_parameters 2022-11-26 15:45:57 that link exactly :) 2022-11-26 15:46:06 \im looking at it now 2022-11-26 15:46:38 there is also https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Bootloaders#rEFIind 2022-11-26 15:48:17 maybe that one is better :) 2022-11-26 15:48:29 it's probably heavily outdated 2022-11-26 15:48:38 right, and that Alpine wiki article shows how to specify cmdline options like "modules=" 2022-11-26 15:50:11 at the very least you'd have to pass "modules=ext4" 2022-11-26 15:50:11 i actually have a manual stana for alpine :) 2022-11-26 15:50:21 yeah, i figured, gonna try rebooting now :) 2022-11-26 15:56:05 well that didnt work.. but okay im on the right track :) 2022-11-26 15:58:16 jh81: so what happened then? sounds like some other cmdline options are missing 2022-11-26 15:59:43 try a "dmesg" or "lsmod" to see which modules are loaded? "dmesg" output probably more useful as it will show (a) the cmdline options passed by kernel to init (which kernel got from refind), and (b) which modules were loaded last (as that would reflect any loaded by init as it tried to mount rootfs) 2022-11-26 16:01:03 jh81: i.e. is nvme module loaded? 2022-11-26 16:01:24 if not then add it to the "modules=" list 2022-11-26 16:03:11 @jh81: PA works on top of ALSA. ALSA is what actually talks to your audio interface, but is clunky to work with directly. PA (or PW) is a user-friendly sound server built on top of ALSA> 2022-11-26 16:03:17 sorry, got sidetracked with the sound again :) 2022-11-26 16:03:34 and which one is better? PA or PW? 2022-11-26 16:03:48 Most notably, ALSA can't (or could not in the past) do mixing, so that means that only 1 app can make use of the audio interface. 2022-11-26 16:04:42 @jh81: Depends on what you're after. For normie consumer type audio I'd say ALSA+PW is in a much better shape. If you want to do audio production then ALSA+JACK is still king. 2022-11-26 16:05:08 ok, pw then it will be :) but now i gotta add the nvme module :) brb\ 2022-11-26 16:05:31 The cool thing about PW is that you can install (AFAIK) pw-pulse, so apps that can only use PA can this way also talk to PW. 2022-11-26 16:05:53 Then again, I've never tried PW under Alpine so YMMV :) 2022-11-26 16:06:18 jh81: I wasn't saying you HAVE to add the nvme modules, I was asking if it was being automatically loaded and to add it to the modules list IF it was not automatically being loaded 2022-11-26 16:06:20 I just install pulseaudio and don't bother 2022-11-26 16:06:37 oh sorry, no it was not loaded 2022-11-26 16:06:43 thats why im adding it now 2022-11-26 16:07:08 pipewire worked for me not even once 2022-11-26 16:07:37 though i find it odd, since it boots if i manually run mount -t ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p2 /sysroot from the initrd panic shell thing 2022-11-26 16:07:50 jh81: not sure you booting earlier after running the "mount" command you mentioned ever worked then if nvme module was not loaded 2022-11-26 16:08:24 s/ever/how it ever/ 2022-11-26 16:08:24 minimal meant to say: jh81: not sure you booting earlier after running the "mount" command you mentioned how it ever worked then if nvme module was not loaded 2022-11-26 16:10:44 yeah, im not sure of many things anymore :) 2022-11-26 16:14:44 i'll figure this thing out :) i had the same error in the past but ofcourse i forgot to note down the solution 2022-11-26 16:18:05 why is the headers version is different than kernel's version 2022-11-26 16:19:07 because it's latest stable kernel headers 2022-11-26 16:20:15 apk search gives linux-headers-5.19.5-r0 2022-11-26 16:20:32 uniqNuuid: because some other software (i.e. libbpf) requires recent kernel headers to build 2022-11-26 16:20:33 which is correct 2022-11-26 16:21:09 5.19.x is EOL already 2022-11-26 16:21:21 those are headers only 2022-11-26 16:21:25 not kernel 2022-11-26 16:22:04 if it is using the latest header, then it is 5.15.80 or 6.0.10, is that right? 2022-11-26 16:22:20 no, it's 5.19.5 2022-11-26 16:24:15 https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/commit/main/linux-headers?h=3.17-stable&id=b05f3ec88cbcc8ad03d2c344b08480b12ba001b2 2022-11-26 16:25:12 it was the latest at the time of 2022 08 31 2022-11-26 16:25:31 it's fine, those are headers only 2022-11-26 16:25:41 they don't change much 2022-11-26 16:28:04 jh81: so did adding nvme entry resolve the issue? 2022-11-26 16:28:24 panekj: ^^^ that makes some sense now. 2022-11-26 16:29:39 the only meaningful change probably will be dropping btf enum64 patch 2022-11-26 16:32:44 minimal nope :) i'll have to look into it later, its time to start cooking 2022-11-26 16:32:51 but thank you for your help so far :) 2022-11-26 16:33:24 jh81: other missing options then likely, perhaps set "root=" etc? 2022-11-26 16:34:47 nope, had that, i tried setting it to UUID and /dev/nvme0n1p2.. didnt work either 2022-11-26 16:35:18 but if i figure out this sound mess, then i can go back to syslinux anyways :) 2022-11-26 16:35:26 jh81: then look at the Grub (or whichever previous bootloader you used) settings to see what it specified as cmdline options 2022-11-26 17:42:51 Can I make libc/musl resolve mDNS entries? (e.g.: when using getaddrinfo). 2022-11-26 17:44:09 https://wiki.musl-libc.org/future-ideas.html#mDNS-and-alternate-hostname-database-backends 2022-11-26 17:44:22 In theory yes, but it requires some backend 2022-11-26 17:45:50 Does this mean simply running a custom local resolver that also handle mDNS? 2022-11-26 17:46:53 https://github.com/pikhq/musl-nscd 2022-11-26 17:49:17 Not sure I understand what the nscd protocol is. 2022-11-26 17:49:34 The wiki page you linked indicates that something that talks regular dns should suffice. 2022-11-26 17:51:32 WhyNotHugo: you can ask #musl on libera to confirm 2022-11-26 17:51:42 But I suppose in theory it could work 2022-11-26 18:10:01 WhyNotHugo: as that musl article referred to you could possibly run something like https://github.com/wisq/mdns-proxy 2022-11-26 18:48:23 minimal: Oh, so I guess I can configure unbound to redirect queries for .local to that proxy. 2022-11-26 19:26:35 WhyNotHugo: it seems so from a brief reading of its README (not that repo is a bit old, there's a more recent fork of it) 2022-11-26 19:45:47 Suppose my old internal NIC is busted and I want to instead use a USB NIC. The USB NIC is recognized but it has a different name than th0 - So suppose I want to let it have an IP address assigned automatically at boot, do I thus edit /etc/udhcpd.conf (interface eth_whatever) - Would that be sufficient? 2022-11-26 19:46:28 I know this is somewhat a TIAS question but that machine is in another town and I'd rather not mess it up :( 2022-11-26 19:46:45 udhcpd is the dhcp server daemon 2022-11-26 19:46:53 you want to edit /etc/network/interfaces 2022-11-26 19:50:26 Oh I see, huh. I thought it was a busybox alternative to dhclient 2022-11-26 19:51:19 Guest2247: udhcpc is a DHCP client, udhcpd is a DHCP server 2022-11-26 19:52:11 Aaah. What a difference a letter can make. Thanks. 2022-11-26 19:52:57 'n', oops I mean 'y' ;-) 2022-11-26 19:54:12 In this case there wasn't even a row of keys in between :p 2022-11-26 20:13:26 `-C Don't send MAC as client identifier` 🤔 2022-11-26 20:14:46 Thought MAC addresses were required for DHCP... unless I suppose the client says "Just give me this address now kthxbye" but even then I thought MAC addresses were mandatory for IP assignment. 2022-11-26 20:19:31 Guest2247: RFC 2131, section 2 2022-11-26 20:20:13 you do have to have a MAC address to participate in Ethernet but I think that option controls whether it is used for the DHCP client ID field or not 2022-11-26 20:20:51 "The 'client identifier' is an opaque key, not to be interpreted by the server; for example, the 'client identifier' may contain a hardware address, identical to the contents of the 'chaddr' field, or it may contain another type of identifier, such as a DNS name." 2022-11-26 20:26:43 though if "-C" is passed the code doesn't seem to pass any client identifier value at all 2022-11-26 20:51:01 TIL! 2022-11-27 01:01:39 jh81: thinking about it, normally you would specify the rootfs type on cmdline via "rootfstype=ext4" and the initramfs' init knows to load that module also 2022-11-27 04:27:57 How can I use openrc to run a script that returns, I could only find examples for daemons. What i am looking for, is a replacement to systemd's oneshot 2022-11-27 05:19:50 was backing up to external hdd, getting a whole lot of "No error information" from rsync but also ls/find, whats this? 2022-11-27 08:51:45 I'm unnable to use WiFi. 2022-11-27 08:51:45 I'm using KDE Plasma. 2022-11-27 08:51:45 Command `lspci` outputs this https://dpaste.org/1W3xu 2022-11-27 08:51:45 Hello, 2022-11-27 08:51:49 08:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01) 2022-11-27 08:52:18 Schimon: does `ip link list` return your wireless interface? 2022-11-27 08:52:27 linux-firmware didn't seem to work for this machine. 2022-11-27 08:52:40 ikke, `ip link list` didn't work too 2022-11-27 08:52:51 Schimon: didn't work how? 2022-11-27 08:52:59 `ip` is installed, but it did nothing as far as the WiFi card is a concern 2022-11-27 08:53:16 meaning it does not return the interface? 2022-11-27 08:53:50 It does, it returns wlan0 but it doesn't seem to be able to make use of it 2022-11-27 08:54:07 I also attached an external WiFi adapter (TP-Link) 2022-11-27 08:54:27 If it does return wlan0, that at least means your card is recognized and drivers are available 2022-11-27 08:54:46 So what is missing? 2022-11-27 08:55:04 Even `nmtui` doesn't return WiFi networks 2022-11-27 08:55:10 is it up or down? 2022-11-27 08:55:36 Yo Newbyte, what's up brother!! 2022-11-27 08:55:58 I think up. I've set it up again once 2022-11-27 08:55:59 👋 2022-11-27 08:56:04 ;) 2022-11-27 08:56:27 doing good. guessing you're trying to set up Alpine with Plasma? 2022-11-27 08:56:47 Schimon: is rfkill present? What does it return? 2022-11-27 08:57:18 Yes. Exactly! On a Generic x64 UEFI device 2022-11-27 08:57:35 ikke, I'm starting up the machine and return an answer shortly 2022-11-27 09:01:04 Soft blocked: no 2022-11-27 09:01:04 rfkill list 2022-11-27 09:01:04 0: phy0: wlan 2022-11-27 09:01:04 Hard blocked: no 2022-11-27 09:01:12 ok 2022-11-27 09:01:37 ok, next, try ip link set dev wlan0 up 2022-11-27 09:03:00 Done 2022-11-27 09:03:40 does `ip link show dev wlan0` show 'state up'? 2022-11-27 09:04:25 ikke, I'm typing the output manually. 2022-11-27 09:04:25 That machine isn't connected to the network. 2022-11-27 09:04:25 I'm installing packages using cli on qemu 2022-11-27 09:05:02 wlan0: [... truncated text ...] state DOWN [... truncated text ...] 2022-11-27 09:05:26 Running # ip in root 2022-11-27 09:07:39 I've installed linux-firmware-ath* packages (3 packages), except the htc one 2022-11-27 09:07:54 For your information 2022-11-27 09:10:56 There are also KDE programs that crash the Plasma X11 environment when executed. 2022-11-27 09:10:56 Newbyte, did you notice that plasma-dialer (Phone) doesn't work under X11? 2022-11-27 09:10:56 KRecorder works, but Plasma X11 crashes when attempting to play a recording using KRecorder. 2022-11-27 09:11:25 nope, that sounds really weird 2022-11-27 09:14:50 It's a fresh install. I've followed the "standard plasma installation" instructions at https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/KDE 2022-11-27 09:18:37 Phone (plasma-dialer) closes immediately. 2022-11-27 09:18:37 Dragon Player and VVAVE crash Plasma X11. 2022-11-27 09:19:11 Spacebar, on the contrary, does work. 2022-11-27 09:20:44 ikke, any advise? 2022-11-27 09:20:44 Report an issue? 2022-11-27 09:21:34 By the way, `lsusb` doesn't show device names (the text that comes after ": ID") 2022-11-27 09:28:07 I'm having a kernel panick when starting Alpine Linux in a VM 2022-11-27 09:28:34 I'm using openbsd as the host and the virtual image 2022-11-27 09:28:41 cristiioan, try to run it again 2022-11-27 09:28:51 I tried multiple times 2022-11-27 09:29:06 Ok 2022-11-27 09:29:41 I've had two kernel panicks, one after another, on a laptop. Running Alpine from a USB storage 2022-11-27 09:29:58 The third time, it went back to normal... 2022-11-27 09:31:02 I initally belived I set the vm in vmd(openbsd vm hypervisor) so I redid it 2022-11-27 09:31:06 but no luck 2022-11-27 09:31:54 Is there a pastbin instance to paste the kernel panick? 2022-11-27 09:32:14 https://tpaste.us 2022-11-27 09:33:21 https://tpaste.us/m60E 2022-11-27 09:33:30 It is the same output every time 2022-11-27 09:34:02 I did try to boot another distro(arch linux) but I got something simmilar from it as well(it got stuck) 2022-11-27 09:34:34 The most strange thing is that I did everything as others did on the internet and it dosn't work 2022-11-27 09:44:52 Schimon: can you check dmesg output if it mentions anything about your nic? 2022-11-27 10:34:11 Yes 2022-11-27 10:34:21 ikke, What's "nic"? 2022-11-27 10:34:29 network interface card 2022-11-27 11:13:53 ikke, https://tpaste.us/Rx74 2022-11-27 11:15:06 eth0 ... 2022-11-27 11:15:06 lo ... 2022-11-27 11:15:06 * Starting networking 2022-11-27 11:15:06 For your information, from boot screen, in green star: 2022-11-27 11:15:06 Later it prints in red star: 2022-11-27 11:15:07 * Couldn't find a wireless interface 2022-11-27 11:15:18 irect firmware load for rtl_nic/rtl8105e-1.fw failed with error -2 2022-11-27 11:15:23 Unable to load firmware rtl_nic/rtl8105e-1.fw (-2) 2022-11-27 11:15:56 What linux-firmware package is compatible with it? 2022-11-27 11:16:17 linux-firmware-rtl_nic 2022-11-27 11:16:32 https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/contents?file=rtl8105e-1.fw&path=&name=&branch=edge&arch=x86_64 2022-11-27 11:16:54 Nice, search by content! 2022-11-27 11:27:23 ikke, installed. No red star at boot screen 2022-11-27 11:27:34 Network state is DOWN 2022-11-27 11:27:46 does dmesg still lists those 2 lines? 2022-11-27 11:29:33 I'll check 2022-11-27 11:33:11 Apparently not. https://tpaste.us/9b6P 2022-11-27 11:33:54 Ok, so I suppose improvement 2022-11-27 11:34:42 Can you try `ip link set dev wlan0 up` now? 2022-11-27 11:35:07 I did. I'll try again. 2022-11-27 11:35:56 Followed by `iwlist wlan0 scan ` 2022-11-27 11:39:37 `iwlist wlan0 scan` outputs APs, `nmtui` and plasma don't show a thing. `ip` says `state DOWN` 2022-11-27 11:39:54 In short: `iwlist wlan0 scan` works! 2022-11-27 11:40:53 Ok, I have no experience with nmtui / plasma, so hard for me to help you there 2022-11-27 11:41:22 Then I'll connect using CLI if possible 2022-11-27 11:41:32 ikke, do I need to report an issue? 2022-11-27 11:42:06 Schimon: Not sure if it's an issue / bug or just something that needs to be setup correctly 2022-11-27 11:43:33 `rc-update add iwd boot && rc-update add dbus boot` 2022-11-27 11:43:33 Finally, configure iwd and its dependency dbus to start automatically on boot: 2022-11-27 11:43:33 I guess I've skipped this step: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Wi-Fi 2022-11-27 11:53:12 Both use NetworkManager 2022-11-27 11:53:22 I need to setup NetworkManager 2022-11-27 11:54:34 LOL, I need someone to tell me to read the friendly manual ;) 2022-11-27 11:56:09 I like Alpine policy of packages being splitted into small segments 2022-11-27 12:29:01 Schimon: so do you have it working now? 2022-11-27 13:21:21 Yes 2022-11-27 13:21:24 cool 2022-11-27 13:21:45 Let's party! 2022-11-27 13:21:45 ACTION is dancing! 2022-11-27 13:24:49 I wonder how sauerbraten was packaged into Alpine before AssaultCube https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=sauerbraten 2022-11-27 13:25:14 AssaultCube default installation is around 50MB https://assault.cubers.net/ 2022-11-27 13:27:22 Newbyte, Kaidan also make Plasma X11 to crash 2022-11-27 13:27:48 and surprisingly Kopete has not option for XMPP account, only "Serverless" (XMPP) option 2022-11-27 13:34:19 Plasma is also not 100% stable on Wayland and shell disappears (crashes) after sometime of use. 2022-11-27 13:34:19 Once Plasma on Wayland becomes stable, I think Plasma Mobile will be very popular on embedded devices. 2022-11-27 13:42:34 That's why I use SXMO or Phosh on postmarketOS., even though I think Plasma is a high quality environment for handheld devices. 2022-11-27 16:03:08 what could cause a device to be remounted read only (while im just trying to backup to it) 2022-11-27 16:03:29 I/O errors, usually? have you looked at dmesg 2022-11-27 16:03:40 errors=remount-ro 2022-11-27 16:03:42 in fstab 2022-11-27 16:11:04 this is just mounted thrrough a script cryptosetup... && mount /dev/mapp.. /mnt/device 2022-11-27 16:11:38 i got it with two different devices now :S 2022-11-27 16:12:12 oh... its "Undervoltage detected" 2022-11-27 16:12:25 ty ppl 2022-11-27 16:12:44 oh no good luck 2022-11-27 16:25:05 ikke, where should desktop related issues be reported to? https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine 2022-11-27 16:26:08 https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/issues 2022-11-27 16:30:40 Thank you 2022-11-27 16:43:32 i run my rpi on 1A ... (from the usb outlet on my tv) 2022-11-27 16:43:56 it seems to mostly go fine :] 2022-11-27 16:46:17 frag: mostly fine? if your external hdd doesn't have a power supply of its own then you're risking data corruption 2022-11-27 16:46:31 it can even power a big external hd (under some conditions i guess) 2022-11-27 16:46:56 minimal: i only use that ever 4 weeks to backup 2022-11-27 16:47:01 Schimon: maybe you can add more details to those tickets? 2022-11-27 16:47:38 frag: doesn't matter how often you use it, if you don't have an adequate power supply for RPI and HDD then data corruption is a risk 2022-11-27 16:48:17 minimal: on the external and with warnings i assume? 2022-11-27 16:48:38 frag: I don't understand the question 2022-11-27 16:49:09 oh dmesg is actually warning about it a lot :p 2022-11-27 16:49:17 uffda 2022-11-27 16:49:39 frag: so your backups may be meaningless/useless... 2022-11-27 16:49:40 minimal: i assume one risk data corruption on the external hd "only"? 2022-11-27 16:50:07 frag: why? if there's insufficient power for RPI and HDD then that could affect SDcard also 2022-11-27 16:50:18 and if that happens i guess ill get warnings? (i do see now i already getting continoussly warnings in dmesg tho) 2022-11-27 16:50:21 damn 2022-11-27 16:51:07 :/ 2022-11-27 17:43:39 ikke, yes, I'm following Bart's instructions 2022-11-27 20:48:49 Is there issues for package request? 2022-11-27 20:49:16 YES 2022-11-27 20:49:19 sorry, caps 2022-11-27 20:50:03 Link or issue/repository name? 2022-11-27 20:50:16 Please ;) 2022-11-27 20:51:18 Same project 2022-11-27 20:51:23 alpine/aports 2022-11-27 21:32:01 Thank you 2022-11-28 02:37:57 Hi yall, I need a feature from dracut so Im gonna use it instead of mkinitfs. Anyone used dracut on alpine before? Anything I should be aware of? 2022-11-28 07:22:50 is there a 'top' like command for seeing whats i/o the hdd? 2022-11-28 07:23:41 there should be 'iotop' somewhere 2022-11-28 07:23:56 latest 'htop' should have an I/O tab 2022-11-28 07:25:31 nice! 2022-11-28 07:25:47 is there some /proc file or similar that containts that info too? 2022-11-28 07:28:53 maybe partial in /proc/PID/io, but iotop gets it via netlink instead 2022-11-28 07:31:11 ty! 2022-11-28 10:15:43 hi there! is it possible to download a package from https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org for specific arch? As far as I understand I can't do it (install/download packages not for host arch) using apk. 2022-11-28 10:18:11 you can download from the mirrors eg: https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing/riscv64/ 2022-11-28 10:18:31 thanks a lot! 2022-11-28 10:19:15 np 2022-11-28 11:12:06 Had to disable Alpine runner. Since 3.17 it randomly freezes while compilation. Only other change than upgrade was usage of Mold, but it doesn't seems to be freezing during linking phase, but maybe due to bwing parallel build it's mold. What you think all? 2022-11-28 11:16:15 DavidHeidelberg[m]: What do you mean with Alpine runner? 2022-11-28 11:17:06 freedesktop CI, Alpine 3.17 tag, just freezes, stop printing in various phases of buildprocess 2022-11-28 11:22:53 ikke: had discussion on freedesktop channel, most likely it's the mold 1.7 and Alpine combination. I'll disable Mold and report 2022-11-28 11:23:41 DavidHeidelberg[m]: alright. We haven't noticed any freezes ourself on 3.17 yet 2022-11-28 11:32:26 ikke: ok, looked again at logs (I'm finally at desk) and it's always around linker. Yes, it's 99% mold bug. 2022-11-28 12:10:10 hello. Is there an equivalent to `dpkg -x` for `apk`? I've been playing with `apk add my-package.apk --root /some/dir` but it really wants to create the apk database 2022-11-28 12:44:03 It's a tar file, so you can just extract it with tar 2022-11-28 12:45:12 tar xf my-package.apk -C /some/dir/ 2022-11-28 13:26:45 ahh, thanks @ikke 2022-11-28 14:56:03 how can apk file be extracted? i tried to look in alpinelinux doc but without success =( 2022-11-28 14:56:56 oh, it is gzip archive if believe 'file' 2022-11-28 15:02:24 yeah we discussed earlier. it's a tar.gz 2022-11-28 15:03:00 I did try to just un gz but it got upset. tar xvf was happy 2022-11-28 15:12:52 Hello there, 2022-11-28 15:13:24 after installing NetworkManager the unbound service does not start correctly after boot 2022-11-28 15:14:34 when i switch from networkmanager to networking unbound starts without problems 2022-11-28 15:17:23 when i start with networkmanager i get Nov 28 14:25:44 classypad daemon.err /etc/init.d/unbound[6554]: start-stop-daemon: no matching processes found 2022-11-28 15:17:55 Does anyone have a clue? 2022-11-28 17:41:03 anyone running Pi-Hole had problems where "disable blocking" just doesn't work? 2022-11-28 19:20:20 that's not really related to alpine but, if you're using a dns provider which has its own blocking rules, then pihole can't do anything about that. 2022-11-28 19:49:41 HAH! managed to convert the first of our VPS's to alpine 2022-11-28 19:51:04 jh81: so you figured out the missing bootloader settings? 2022-11-28 19:51:38 no :) 2022-11-28 19:51:44 thats my personal laptop 2022-11-28 19:51:50 i leave that for another rainy day :) 2022-11-28 19:51:56 jh81: are you using cloud-init with the VPS by any chance? 2022-11-28 19:52:02 no 2022-11-28 19:52:22 our vps doesnt support installing alpine by cloud-init 2022-11-28 19:52:31 so i have to do an in-place kinda setup 2022-11-28 19:52:55 jh81: well you don't really install by cloud-init, you'd use cloud-init to do 1st time boot configuration 2022-11-28 19:53:16 well, we dont do that either ;) 2022-11-28 19:53:40 i think that only works when installing certain os'es that our provider supports 2022-11-28 19:54:22 jh81: as its a VPS provider I guess they don't support using prepared OS disk images 2022-11-28 19:54:54 well i can "install" debian with cloud-init, and ubuntu 2022-11-28 20:02:59 invoked, I've only noticed this behavior on PiHole installs using Alpine. 2022-11-28 20:03:16 similar to the fact it always says there's an upgrade available even after you upgrade 2022-11-28 21:35:49 hmz 2022-11-28 21:36:10 one evening, two servers converted to Alpine :) 2022-11-28 22:40:41 Oh dear 2022-11-28 22:41:44 Suppose i can remove IRC now :) 2022-11-29 00:47:05 Hello all. I'm new to Alpine (Debian/Ubuntu/RHEL abuser) I decided to try and spin up a new webserver using 3.17 as it's marked as stable. I'm attempting to go through the process of installing the LAMP stack as noted on the wiki, but I'm hitting a whole world of hurt with missing packages. There's no GAMIN package, and anything to do with PHP7 seems to be missing, or, at least, based 2022-11-29 00:47:05 on what it looks like from the paste of the command into the CLI. Should I go back a revision or two, or is there something I can do to the repositories file to point the OS in the right direction? 2022-11-29 00:49:09 "Suppose i can remove IRC now :)" <- Do note that the Matrix.org IRC bridge is fairly unreliable. 2022-11-29 00:50:33 It looks like 3.16 has a bunch of PHP8 packages. 2022-11-29 00:51:11 >LAMP >apk add gamin 2022-11-29 00:51:20 er, lighttpd 2022-11-29 00:51:56 Yeah, I did lighthttp and that got installed, but right after that trying to get PHP going, no beueno. 2022-11-29 00:52:21 Seems like gamin was last to be found in 3.11 - https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=gamin&branch=v3.11&repo=&arch=&maintainer= 2022-11-29 00:53:54 Any idea what gamin is? Google is "redirecting me" to "Did you mean Gaming?" 2022-11-29 01:05:54 Thanks for that search link. Helps a bit to determine what I might need. So it seems that 3.17 has php81... Which should mean I just need to replace what's on the Wiki for the version 3.17 has... 2022-11-29 02:25:23 https://www.google.com/search?q=lighttpd+gamin 2022-11-29 04:51:17 my chickens have come home to roost... my too-small /boot is too small for a single linux-lts install :( 2022-11-29 04:51:47 linux-lts is bloat 2022-11-29 04:52:17 Who needs a kernel anyway. 2022-11-29 04:54:36 I really need to repartition my system, ugh 2022-11-29 04:55:26 I do wonder why my initramfs is 15MB 2022-11-29 05:02:25 "Do note that the Matrix.org..." <- Oh thank you :-) i’ll keep irc online then for the time beeing ;-) 2022-11-29 05:03:14 "Thanks for that search link..." <- Maybe you could edit the wiki in the process? :-) 2022-11-29 06:33:49 elly: fyi, the installer will now create a boot partition of 300M, but that does not help with existing systems 2022-11-29 07:10:15 hmz 2022-11-29 08:12:32 I think at least 1GB should be set aside for /boot 2022-11-29 08:12:52 1GB for what? 2022-11-29 08:13:06 how many distros and kernels do you need to reach that... 2022-11-29 08:13:08 I still remember the days of floppyfw where both kernel + drivers + busybox + dropbear + scripts for iptables and trafficshaping could fit in a single 1.44MB bootable floppy - what happend with those days? ;) 2022-11-29 08:13:19 so I can fit 3 setups of kernels 2022-11-29 08:13:25 current + backup + old when upgrading 2022-11-29 08:15:32 I imagine this works if you build your own kernel, so you can slim it down as much as possiblr 😂 2022-11-29 08:42:22 elly: if you need moar space, you can always put swap in /tmp 2022-11-29 08:48:29 assuming /tmp is tmpfs of course 2022-11-29 08:48:42 :-D 2022-11-29 10:35:53 Hello, i had asked a question yesterday at 16:12 GMT+1 about unbound in realtion to networkmanager. Has there been any answer? 2022-11-29 10:37:21 chereskata: not really; people usually don't reply when the person asking the question has quit 2022-11-29 10:37:54 Ah okey. Thank you. I will be online now for some hours 2022-11-29 10:39:50 Should i repost the question? 2022-11-29 10:49:08 @ptrc 2022-11-29 10:49:30 ah, sure, maybe someone who was offline back then has an answer 2022-11-29 10:51:17 Hello there, 2022-11-29 10:52:30 after installing NetworkManager the unbound service does not start correctly after boot when i switch from networkmanager to networking unbound starts without problems. When networkmanager is started as net provider by openrc i get the following error: 2022-11-29 10:52:43 daemon.err /etc/init.d/unbound[6554]: start-stop-daemon: no matching processes found in dmesg 2022-11-29 10:52:57 dmesg 2022-11-29 11:08:07 Dear all, my Docker images have stopped building on 3.17 because of a missing libexecinfo-dev package. I can only find a long list of removals in the package archive, but no explanations. If it's no longer required for backtrace support, where has its features moved? Do I need another package or has it moved to the standard library? Thanks! 2022-11-29 11:09:13 IDENTIFY 2022-11-29 11:11:04 Dear all, my Docker images have stopped building on 3.17 because of a missing libexecinfo-dev package. I can only find a long list of removals in the package archive, but no explanations. If it's no longer required for backtrace support, where has its features moved? Do I need another package or has it moved to the standard library? Thanks! 2022-11-29 11:11:28 (hope I'm not polluting the chat too much it's been a while since my last IRC session) 2022-11-29 11:15:02 sadly i can't help you 2022-11-29 11:18:54 Second question: Why do firefox(-esr) both launch in safe mode and even have a .desktop launcher for safe-mode? Does it have to do with musl? 2022-11-29 11:26:12 Why do firefox(-esr) both launch in safe mode and even have a .desktop launcher for safe-mode? Does it have to do with musl? 2022-11-29 11:41:13 rucikir: What I recall, it never properly worked 2022-11-29 11:42:44 rucikir: 50795a14dee639ce2dcc836e2b2baca9bad4a1b1 has a bunch of references 2022-11-29 11:46:16 rucikir: the mailing list post asks to implement .eh_frame, which is apparently required for libexecinfo to give meaningful information, but that has been basically rejected 2022-11-29 11:48:30 ikke: thanks for the (libexec) info 2022-11-29 11:52:51 Where is the most active discussion about development and support going on? 2022-11-29 11:52:57 Both irc and mailing lists seem dead 2022-11-29 11:53:23 chereskata: #alpine-devel, but it varies from time to time how busy it is 2022-11-29 11:53:41 support would be this channel 2022-11-29 11:54:25 chereskata: Your question about firefox, I think it's firefox itself that installs those desktop files 2022-11-29 11:55:04 ikke: thank you 2022-11-29 11:56:02 chereskata: someone solved it by creating a .desktop file at some specific location in your homedir with Hidden=true, but trying to find a reference 2022-11-29 11:56:58 https://fosstodon.org/@rnd@toot.cat/109414833768924751 2022-11-29 11:56:59 thanks, i have looked inside the ports tree and have noticed, that the safe mode desktop comes with it. even when i launch it from console it launches in safe mode 2022-11-29 11:58:39 so as i get it it only shows that firefox launches in safe mode but in fact it just maps the executable to the safe-mode .desktop 2022-11-29 12:43:42 On that topic, why does the firefox desktop entry have an absolute path (Exec=/usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr) instead of just `Exec=firefox-esr` 2022-11-29 12:44:04 I find the absolute path doesn't let me put a wrapper in ~/.local/bin/ like I can with all the other desktop entries. 2022-11-29 12:44:15 (nor in /usr/local/bin/) 2022-11-29 12:44:53 Good question 2022-11-29 13:04:22 I think it's an upstream thing. 2022-11-29 13:05:29 Oh, it's not: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/blob/master/community/firefox/firefox.desktop#L115 2022-11-29 13:05:44 I thought it was an upstream thing since Arch does exactly the same. 2022-11-29 13:22:16 is it possible that i can see package on https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/edge/main/riscv64/libfdt but not on alpine mirror: https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing/riscv64/ ? I checed not only testing. 2022-11-29 13:26:18 ok: the package is in main 2022-11-29 13:26:36 https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main/riscv64/ 2022-11-29 13:26:45 if you ctrl+f for "libfdt" here, it's there 2022-11-29 13:27:32 thanks. 2022-11-29 13:43:29 Does anyone know how to load set ENV=${HOME}/.ashrc in a gnome-wayland session without hacks? 2022-11-29 14:26:14 I am working on my own install guide. 2022-11-29 14:26:16 https://github.com/chereskata/alpine-linux-desktop-guide 2022-11-29 14:34:26 i should do that too.. documenting the shizzle 2022-11-29 14:34:58 i have a dream that sometime in the future we will reach the documentation quaility of OpenBSD 2022-11-29 14:39:52 that wouls be nice indeed :) but i believe a lot of documentation needs to be rewritten for that :) 2022-11-29 14:40:03 unfortunatly, im not THAT good yet wirh alpine 2022-11-29 14:40:28 They handle it like a 0 day if some update differs with documentation 2022-11-29 14:40:49 After using it for some time i began to apprecieate man pages a lot 2022-11-29 14:41:12 maybe they should make you "head of documentation" then :) 2022-11-29 14:41:42 i would feel better to just contribute 2022-11-29 14:42:11 im really struggling with awall atm, lots of documentations, but all for one server connected to the internet, im looking for a tutorial that shows how to make alpine a router with awall 2022-11-29 14:42:32 i use nftables personally 2022-11-29 14:42:54 and for network facing devices i prefer OpenBSD personally 2022-11-29 14:44:42 i like awall because it uses json files :) 2022-11-29 14:45:13 nice to know :) 2022-11-29 14:53:41 when i disable awall the routing works, so i know its not a forwarding issue :D 2022-11-29 14:55:08 as from my experience the forwarding must have an error, because when fwd works without fw just by enabling some sysctl flags you have to look at your afwall conf again 2022-11-29 14:55:27 because afaik everything gets thru without a fw 2022-11-29 14:55:56 i know the problem is in awall :) 2022-11-29 14:56:54 i think its a matter of allowing the LAN zone to the WAN zone 2022-11-29 14:56:57 need to test it 2022-11-29 15:00:31 hmm, the documentation says it ships with default policies, incluing one that does routing 2022-11-29 15:06:18 is there a way to get pf on alpine? 2022-11-29 15:06:26 afaik no 2022-11-29 15:06:37 oh okay 2022-11-29 15:06:38 thanks 2022-11-29 15:06:43 welcome 2022-11-29 15:06:55 but correct me if i'm wrong 2022-11-29 15:09:53 pf? 2022-11-29 15:10:08 pf yes 2022-11-29 15:10:18 whats pf? 2022-11-29 15:10:25 openbsd package filter 2022-11-29 15:10:28 ahh 2022-11-29 15:10:49 *packet filter 2022-11-29 15:10:58 i figured that ;-) 2022-11-29 15:24:19 yeah youre right, ty 2022-11-29 16:21:20 There are so many things Alpine coukd be useful for.. idea’s to no end 🙈 2022-11-29 16:47:08 alpine is useful for anything linux is generally useful for. it just has different opinions on init and what to provide by default. 2022-11-29 16:47:37 jhjacobs[m]> RE editing the wiki, I would, but, that'd be yet another account to sign in with, and, I'd "script" the installation process so that it'd pull the entire repo list instead of having a dependency on specific versions each release. Either that, submit a request somewhere somehow to have some kind of package alias that'd pull all the PHP packages when you do an [ apk add php 2022-11-29 16:47:37 ] kinda thing. 2022-11-29 17:13:29 ;-) i jave no clue what you’re talking about ;-) sorry 2022-11-29 17:16:25 Right now, the Wiki is written so that the apk is told to download very specific apps or modules or libraries for PHP, right to the exact version number, and includes ALL packages available. This breaks huge when Alpine is built to use another version of "whatever else", in this case, PHP7 to PHP81. 2022-11-29 17:17:18 I've "scraped" URLs for work because of this kind of action, but I don't know quite yet what's stock in Alpine to begin that process. 2022-11-29 17:17:58 Hmz 2022-11-29 17:34:08 I've only managed to get the OS installed and figure out how to get LightHTTP and PHP installed. I haven't had the chance to get one step beyond the install process yet.... 2022-11-29 17:41:55 i cant help you there :( i work with Caddy for a long time :) 2022-11-29 17:53:05 ikke: yeah, what I am going to do probably is take a full backup, then try to repartition my system, and if that fails I will do a clean 3.17 install 2022-11-29 17:53:21 That's what I would do as well :) 2022-11-29 17:54:26 I've never actually tried to resize a dm-crypt volume before 2022-11-29 17:54:31 I do not know how safe it is 2022-11-29 17:57:15 I saw a super duper good review about alpine linux. So you are kind of the best linux out there? 2022-11-29 17:57:57 Of course! 2022-11-29 17:58:11 what other answer would you expect ;-) 2022-11-29 17:58:42 It totally depends on your usecase 2022-11-29 17:59:15 Alpine = Awesome lovely perfect ingenious nice exciting 2022-11-29 18:03:47 I saw someone say that Alpine is the worst distro 2022-11-29 18:03:47 in the right hands, everything is a wrong distro 2022-11-29 18:03:57 what about left hands then? 2022-11-29 18:04:01 Nice. I have been out of computers since 2007 so I have to learn a bit again... it seems like Windows is out of the picture and Mac, so my only option is Linux. Alpine Linux seems to be kind of hot topic. Still small and snappy. 2022-11-29 18:04:27 i',m lefthanded, and im fairly content with Alpine ;-) 2022-11-29 18:04:41 I do not share the experience 2022-11-29 18:06:07 well, there you go :) right handed 2022-11-29 18:06:47 I hope Alpine is easier than Arch Linux... I tried once Arch and could not get it running. 2022-11-29 18:06:49 so far my only problem seems to be lvm :) 2022-11-29 18:07:04 its not easier :) 2022-11-29 18:07:36 actually, i think its even harder.. Arch has many "auto on" things that you still have to configure yourself on Alpine 2022-11-29 18:09:16 jhjacobs[m]: Oh, I didn't know that 😬... I will try Alpine but it could be too difficult for me. 2022-11-29 18:09:24 I'm waist deep in both Windows and Linux. The only problem I've ever really had with any Distro (RHEL, Debian, Ubuntu, Slack (Going WAY back)) is either the Repos get messy with dependencies when upgrading, or when some kind of hardware kerfuffle is messing things up. I'll use any Linux distro at the CLI. For a GUI though, I actually prefer Windows 10 and down over anything else out 2022-11-29 18:09:24 there. 2022-11-29 18:09:43 :X Windows 2022-11-29 18:09:47 The only ok and small thing in Alpine is apk 2022-11-29 18:11:47 alpine is pretty no nonsense generally 2022-11-29 18:12:01 I wish it was reproducible but, can't have everything 2022-11-29 18:14:26 dunno, I've experienced some nonsense on Alpine.. 2022-11-29 18:14:42 what exactly? 2022-11-29 18:16:13 Alpine's advantage is small memory usage? 2022-11-29 18:16:40 you can install it in literally seconds, apk doesn't mess around for minutes installing stuff 2022-11-29 18:17:04 compared with the ~20 minutes you need for a debian install 2022-11-29 18:18:12 doas situation is/was pretty nonsense 2022-11-29 18:20:28 How about new computers Windows already installed...is installing Linux easy today? Nasty protections making it difficult? Are there any? 2022-11-29 18:21:43 i prefer doas to sudo btw 2022-11-29 18:22:35 what do you mean exactly by "nonsense" 2022-11-29 18:23:47 chereskata: I guess pj[m] is referring to /etc/doas.conf not being read to facilitate /etc/doas.d/*.conf being used 2022-11-29 18:24:37 It's a symlink now though 2022-11-29 18:24:55 /etc/doas.conf -> /etc/doas.d/doas.conf 2022-11-29 18:25:11 yeah, the symlink stuff is the root of the problem 2022-11-29 18:25:31 i would also prefer to have /etc/doas.conf like in OpenBSD 2022-11-29 18:26:18 i don't have that symlink 2022-11-29 18:26:24 my alpine install is not very old 2022-11-29 18:26:27 about a week 2022-11-29 18:26:38 :> 2022-11-29 18:27:55 M32573i12[m]: there's secureboot on many windows computers now, but that's disabled with a BIOS setting usually 2022-11-29 18:28:46 The symlink is created if you had /etc/doas.conf 2022-11-29 18:29:49 Bottles and Alpine. I think those are my targets. Bottles is new Wine. 2022-11-29 18:29:49 Super slim Alpine and if I need Windows apps I run Bottles. I guess I need Android emulator too. 2022-11-29 18:40:01 I'm not sure if Wine works. 2022-11-29 18:42:46 I don't see why I need Windows apps anymore. I needed those in 2007 but nowadays... Microsoft is so out of my business. 2022-11-29 18:42:55 +1 2022-11-29 18:43:16 But I maybe need Android apps top of my Alpine Linux. 2022-11-29 18:48:14 I love Windows for gaming. 10 has been rock solid for me. For anything that isn't a gaming machine or I don't need a physical screen for, I'll get Linux of some flavour built and running. 2022-11-29 18:48:32 iii 2022-11-29 18:48:34 haha 2022-11-29 18:48:35 My usual go-to is Debian for personal stuff. Thought I'd kick the tires for Alpine. 2022-11-29 18:48:48 I use alpine on the desktop 2022-11-29 18:48:52 panekj: fyi, what is wrong with the symlink? 2022-11-29 18:48:56 and openbsd on network facing devices 2022-11-29 18:49:09 ikke meant to say: panekj: out of curiousity, what is wrong with the symlink? 2022-11-29 18:49:09 s/fyi/out of curiousity/ 2022-11-29 18:50:14 ikke: fyi, there is/was certain condition where echo | tee /etc/doas.conf would be overwritten by symlink and nothing happened 2022-11-29 18:50:17 :) 2022-11-29 18:50:55 panekj: I guess if it was a symlink itself? 2022-11-29 18:51:03 no 2022-11-29 18:51:18 also alpine patch was never merged 2022-11-29 18:52:19 panekj: yeah I added doas support to cloud-init as part of the Alpine package, I can't upstream it due to the /etc/doas.d/ functionality only being present in Alpine 2022-11-29 19:01:15 i would go back to /etc/doas.conf 2022-11-29 19:01:44 The problem is this: https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/contents?file=&path=%2Fetc%2Fdoas.d&name=&branch=edge&arch=x86_64 2022-11-29 19:04:44 exactly, same with cloud-init where it wants to drop in its own doas config file rather than having to parse a single /etc/doas.conf file and add something to it 2022-11-29 19:09:02 Meanwhile im still strugling with raid 😂🙈 2022-11-29 19:16:38 why does anyone want a sudo replacement anyway? 2022-11-29 19:17:01 smaller codebase, easier to audit/less attack surface 2022-11-29 19:17:16 And support cycles iirc 2022-11-29 19:17:24 yes, that as well 2022-11-29 19:17:26 almost all systems are single use though, I'm not sure why anybody even has a non-root user 2022-11-29 19:17:42 a single user system is analogous to everything running as root, generally speaking 2022-11-29 19:17:49 not really 2022-11-29 19:18:12 Because you don't want to blow up your system by a mistyped command 2022-11-29 19:18:15 Linux systems running at home/desktop-setups are less than 1% 2022-11-29 19:18:18 I mean, you have a user besides root 2022-11-29 19:18:41 that single user generally has password less sudo, so it is functionally just root as well 2022-11-29 19:18:53 nope 2022-11-29 19:18:55 That's an assumption 2022-11-29 19:19:36 yevaud: "almost all systems are single use though" - that's a very broad statement especially as you don't any any real insight into how everyone else apart from yourself uses their systems 2022-11-29 19:19:46 panekj: https://itsfoss.com/linux-market-share/ - more than 1% but still not a lot 2022-11-29 19:20:28 Ermine: you assume that I'm talking in comparison to Windows/macOS 2022-11-29 19:21:21 minimal: for linux? there's very few multi user systems that aren't analogous to everybody logging in as root. 2022-11-29 19:21:30 yevaud: default sudo config on debian, ubuntu and opensuse tumbleweed require password 2022-11-29 19:21:33 and it doesn't account for all linux devices not talking directly with internet places recording stats 2022-11-29 19:22:07 And typing password is an explicit statement of intention 2022-11-29 19:25:13 yevaud: got evidence to back that up? 2022-11-29 19:26:11 I'm not sure how I'd be expected to present that. 2022-11-29 19:26:40 You are presenting your opinion as a fact, so it's expected you are able to prove your point 2022-11-29 19:26:42 multi user linux systems have been out of vogue for a long time, we don't dial into remote terminals 2022-11-29 19:26:42 I just saying that you're making generalisations 2022-11-29 19:26:55 it's really hard to prove a negative. 2022-11-29 19:27:27 yevaud: conversely you're stating your opinions as fact 2022-11-29 19:28:11 in any case, on servers, you want your services not running as root 2022-11-29 19:28:28 minimal: having seen no multi user linux system in the past decade except perhaps https://tilde.club/, it seems like a good opinion to me 2022-11-29 19:28:37 I've worked in environments where, because of auditing/accountability type concerns, everyone had to log in using their own accounts, some people then had root access (via sudo) if their role required it, others did not 2022-11-29 19:29:18 yevaud: so you specifically mean publicly accessible shell servers 2022-11-29 19:29:24 my own work has 30-40 servers that are all multiuser Linux servers... 2022-11-29 19:29:31 It's really hard to prove that there isn't any teapots flying around somewhere in between of Mars and Jupyter. 2022-11-29 19:29:31 yevaud: nothing wrong with an opinion, but that's different than presenting it as fact 2022-11-29 19:30:23 panekj: no, I mean what I said, linux systems in general are single user, either literally or functionally 2022-11-29 19:31:02 ~95% of the Linux systems that I see and interact with day-to-day are not this at all 2022-11-29 19:31:16 the only real exceptions are my personal machines 2022-11-29 19:31:52 Having only one person interacting with the machine != running everything with uid 0 2022-11-29 19:32:10 and even on *those*, I purposely don't run as root unless I actually need to 2022-11-29 19:40:48 hi everybody i may have found a strange bug 2022-11-29 19:41:13 i'm using knot dns to host some zones. I does dnssec with regular re-signing. 2022-11-29 19:41:38 but it looks like it tries to schedule the next signing in the past. 2022-11-29 19:41:58 it worked in alpine 3.16 2022-11-29 19:44:20 Lord: Did you check if it's an issue with Knot itself? 2022-11-29 19:44:44 Version changed from 3.1.9 to 3.2.2 2022-11-29 19:44:49 i'm in their gitter channel and so far everything looks fine 2022-11-29 19:45:12 so i wonder if it may be caused by some musl specific thing concerning timezone or anything 2022-11-29 19:45:34 they didn't test knot on musl on their side 2022-11-29 19:47:47 You could open an issue here, maybe with details how to reproduce it? https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports 2022-11-29 19:48:16 absolutely 2022-11-29 19:53:03 i didn't mentionned it but i think it's related to UTC. Knot tries to schedule next signing one hour in the past and i live one hour in the future of UTC :-) 2022-11-29 19:54:37 How it feels to be in the future? 2022-11-29 19:54:54 i must admit that's quite thrilling 2022-11-29 19:54:58 still no personal jetpacks :-( 2022-11-29 19:55:01 you'll see this message in one hour ! 2022-11-29 19:55:48 Lord: what does /etc/localtime point to? 2022-11-29 19:56:05 almost all systems are single use though, I'm not sure why anybody even has a non-root user --- Well, I can say for sure that my OS's live for years, and they're usually not "single use". My main rig does a LOT Of things... Dev... Gaming... Work (Dev is not my day job).. Not to mention having a non-Admin account is kinda essential for malware protection. 2022-11-29 19:56:47 to Europe/Paris 2022-11-29 19:57:21 i CPed the timezone file a long time ago. Should i update it ? 2022-11-29 19:57:42 Lord: It should be a symlink 2022-11-29 19:57:50 Pontiac_: is it though? a non user account has all the stuff needed to completely own the system. ssh keys, your shell can be modified to interactively steal your root password when you enter it, all your browser data, cookies, access to your entire network. root seems kind of meaningless. 2022-11-29 19:58:31 Lord: rm /etc/zoneinfo && ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime 2022-11-29 19:58:49 ikke: Alpine handbook specifies cp'ing zone file. 2022-11-29 19:59:13 Hmm, I wonder why 2022-11-29 19:59:27 That's a recipe for outdated tz info 2022-11-29 20:00:00 i symlinked it and restarted knot but no change 2022-11-29 20:01:43 Funny, setup-timezone copies it to /etc/zoneinfo and _then_ symlinks it 2022-11-29 20:01:48 We should go back to rock and paper :) 2022-11-29 20:01:53 Well, first, you'd need to get to the machine itself to do anything to modify the interactivity. Being a non-admin user means that you're not going to be able to modify certain functionality of the system. As a user, if you're going to install or run unknown software, that's entirely on you. The non-admin account is to prevent global system modifications from happening, or at least 2022-11-29 20:01:53 inform you of when crap could hit the fan. Or even prevent you from making an HONEST mistake and yoink something you shouldn't have. 2022-11-29 20:02:44 right, my point was that there's very little difference between a single user and root, and the single user just having root 2022-11-29 20:02:55 ikke: setup-timezone copies timezone file by default AFAIK sand then uninstalled tzdata package 2022-11-29 20:03:07 functionally, there's no difference. modifications of the system don't need root to be devastating 2022-11-29 20:04:34 minimal: apparently you need to specify -i to keep it and symlink it to original location 2022-11-29 20:05:23 ikke: I assume the "copy it and uninstall tzdata" is to keep the installation minimal ;-) 2022-11-29 20:06:36 yeah 2022-11-29 20:06:40 makes sense 2022-11-29 20:06:44 I don't think its a good idea in general (for many parts of the world) what with somewhat frequent changes in timezone rules occurring 2022-11-29 20:06:49 but can lead to supprises with old tzdata 2022-11-29 20:06:57 yes, indeed 2022-11-29 20:07:57 maybe should suggest (to TSC?) to move to always using the tzdata package... 2022-11-29 20:08:36 It's 3.1M 2022-11-29 20:08:40 That doesn't mean that you shouldn't have, and be actively using, a non-admin account. Just because you perceive the lack of differences between one and the other doesn't mean that it shouldn't exist. It absolutely should. 2022-11-29 20:09:32 i tried using UTC and restarting Knot and it still schedules the next signing in the past :-/ 2022-11-29 20:09:38 ikke: size vs accuracy of timezone settings 2022-11-29 20:09:46 minimal: yes 2022-11-29 20:09:53 minimal: I was just checking how much overhead it would add 2022-11-29 20:10:55 ikke: unless it was divided into subpackage per region/continent....but that would be messy/arbitrary 2022-11-29 20:11:12 better just to demand the whole world switches to UTC ;-) 2022-11-29 20:11:36 Or TAI, as apparently they want to get rid of leap seconds anyway 2022-11-29 20:11:50 Nahh... Skip the whole idea of "daylight savings". That makes the maths a bit easier. 2022-11-29 20:12:41 the EU did/does intend to get rid of daylight saving.........but they keep delaying it due to the infighting over the proposal/plan 2022-11-29 20:12:45 Lord: I suppose someone would need to dig in with a debugger to find what's going on, unless there is a way to do some verbose logging 2022-11-29 20:13:09 do i still fill a bug report here ? 2022-11-29 20:13:22 Lord: sure 2022-11-29 20:13:25 ok 2022-11-29 20:18:06 ikke: from memory the TAI change is 10 years away 2022-11-29 20:18:54 and the change will last for 50 or 100 years only until they come up with another solution 2022-11-29 20:20:49 Any idea why I'm getting this inside a vm? 2022-11-29 20:20:54 https://paste.ee/p/PyDmt#UotGFXbvsAXIH1BoWMBFNJJxFoyzvMDI 2022-11-29 20:21:26 From what I understand, it is related to smp but it is disabled 2022-11-29 20:26:03 Screw.. i coukd not get mdam, lvm to work on my system.. btrfs raid however, like a charm! 2022-11-29 20:26:33 how can I set aliases for non-login shells? 2022-11-29 20:35:56 you don't 2022-11-29 20:36:06 what does that even mean? 2022-11-29 20:36:50 scorpion2185[m]1: generally they are inherrited from the login shell 2022-11-29 20:38:30 when I open a terminal in the UI the aliases that I set in .profile don't work. 2022-11-29 20:39:21 aliases go in an rc file. what shell? 2022-11-29 20:40:33 ACTION sent a code block: https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/XoXAChdzAeWfzxqglfMTQjUC 2022-11-29 20:40:42 ash by default does not source anything for non-login shells 2022-11-29 20:41:28 is there a recommended way to do that? 2022-11-29 20:42:11 It requires you to export an environment variable called ENV 2022-11-29 20:42:29 but, that kind of implies that the non-login shells inherrit that from a login shell 2022-11-29 20:43:25 Like this?... (full message at ) 2022-11-29 20:43:44 You can try 2022-11-29 20:44:28 My installation guide contains now a complete step by step for installing a two partition (EFI, encrypted root) installation with syslinux as bootloader 2022-11-29 20:44:31 https://github.com/chereskata/alpine-linux-desktop-guide 2022-11-29 20:44:37 feedback appreciated 2022-11-29 20:45:19 chereskata: is there a reason you run each setup script manually rather than using setup-alpine? 2022-11-29 20:45:41 syslinux on efi is not supported by setup-alpine afaik 2022-11-29 20:45:51 and i have fde with custom partitioning 2022-11-29 20:46:15 chereskata: You can use setup-alpine, and then skip the disk setup part 2022-11-29 20:49:31 i reproduced knot bug on gentoo with glibc so definetly not alpine related 2022-11-29 20:49:35 very sorry for the noise :-/ 2022-11-29 20:50:35 Lord: ok, good to know 2022-11-29 20:50:40 ikke: i will try it if i have time. My notes are based on https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/LVM_on_LUKS 2022-11-29 20:51:02 There the steps are by hand 2022-11-29 20:52:40 works 2022-11-29 20:52:49 scorpion2185[m]1: good 2022-11-29 20:53:52 is chrony better than openntpd? 2022-11-29 20:53:57 I can't build svkbd layouts 2022-11-29 20:54:10 or why is it default instead of openntpd? 2022-11-29 20:54:22 chereskata: s/fde/pde/ that is replace "full" with "partial" ;-) 2022-11-29 20:54:22 minimal thinks chereskata meant to say: and i have pde with custom partitioning 2022-11-29 20:54:35 https://paste.centos.org/view/b75ad178 2022-11-29 20:55:34 minimal: ty 2022-11-29 20:56:54 s/b75ad178/ff664fb7/ 2022-11-29 20:56:54 scorpion2185[m]1 meant to say: https://paste.centos.org/view/ff664fb7 2022-11-29 20:59:20 chereskata: I guess it's fine, but if at any point there is some change in the setup, those guides would need to be updated to include those, which is often forgotten 2022-11-29 21:01:35 Is there a general interest to add an syslinux EFI installation to setup-alpine and add functionality to update-extlinux to directly work with /boot/efi/EFI/ instead of my copying by hand as of now? 2022-11-29 21:05:49 chereskata: I tested Syslinux EFI in the past and decided it wasn't worth using - Syslinux is not really actively developed/supported in general anymore and its EFI support is marginal (its own setup tool doesn't cater for it) 2022-11-29 21:07:01 so i would be better off using grub2? 2022-11-29 21:07:28 i read on lobste.rs, reddit and yc that grub2 is bloated 2022-11-29 21:10:39 chereskata: well would you rather use software that has not been actively maintained for some time (Syslinux) and added UEFI support as an after thought, or GRUB2, or EFI Stub? 2022-11-29 21:11:10 Lord: fyi, you could still open an issue on gitlab to keep track of it 2022-11-29 21:11:16 obviously Grub is "bloated" *(i.e. larger) in relation to Syslinux as it has far more functionality 2022-11-29 21:11:34 sudo vs doas :P 2022-11-29 21:12:02 (not re maintainance status) 2022-11-29 21:12:46 well more "extreme" than that as I'd assume a relatively small number of people use Syslinux with UEFI, and less so on Alpine 2022-11-29 21:13:13 honestly, I just use whatever setup-alpine gives me :P 2022-11-29 21:13:41 It fails to install grub-efi package sometimes though. 2022-11-29 21:14:00 there are other possible too potentially, gummiboot, limine, u-boot, etc 2022-11-29 21:14:14 Ermine: fails how/when? 2022-11-29 21:15:18 I tried to USE_EFI=1 setup-disk -m sys /mnt while installing Alpine on my computer, and it printed that there's no grub-install or something like this. 2022-11-29 21:15:56 hard to diagnose without more information 2022-11-29 21:16:35 grub-install comes from the base grub package (rather than grub-bios or grub-efi) 2022-11-29 21:16:55 I'll contact you on the weekend and provide with details 2022-11-29 21:17:12 ok, usual weekend rates will apply ;-) 2022-11-29 21:18:10 :D 2022-11-29 21:36:00 minimal: thanks for the explanation 2022-11-29 22:03:36 does anyone have a working pipewire with wireplumber that works with screensharing? 2022-11-29 22:04:21 when i share a screen in chromium or firefox, i do not get the window selection and selecting a monitor does not yield to a shared screen 2022-11-29 22:04:56 only the orange "sharing" popup in the gnome-shell bar, left of the keyboard language, shows up for a few secons 2022-11-30 01:45:59 I do, but I'm on Edge and using XFCE with xdg-desktop-portal-gtk 2022-11-30 01:46:20 Do you have any xdg-desktop-portal-* packages installed? 2022-11-30 04:55:58 well, my alpine laptop is in a worse state than I realized 2022-11-30 04:56:06 when /boot filled up, apk installed a partial initrd 2022-11-30 04:56:13 er partial initramfs 2022-11-30 04:56:15 so it no longer boots 2022-11-30 04:57:19 time for a live usb 2022-11-30 04:57:47 you need to remove the existing initrd and then run apk fix mkinitfs to generate a new one 2022-11-30 04:58:11 (after chrooting into your installation) 2022-11-30 04:58:36 yup - at the moment I'm trying to figure out how to resize the existing fat32 fs in /boot 2022-11-30 04:58:44 I fixed the partition size, but the fs is still small 2022-11-30 04:58:53 resize2fs 2022-11-30 04:59:04 it's fat32, does resize2fs work on that? 2022-11-30 04:59:10 good question 2022-11-30 04:59:30 no, it doesn't 2022-11-30 05:00:31 there is fatresize 2022-11-30 05:00:36 in testing 2022-11-30 05:00:40 oho 2022-11-30 05:02:32 yikes, fatresize tries to mutate the partition size itself 2022-11-30 05:05:06 ikke: do you suppose anything bad will happen if I actually destroy the fat32 fs and remake it? 2022-11-30 05:05:12 it's easy to copy the existing (wrong) data out of it 2022-11-30 05:06:05 no 2022-11-30 05:06:35 there's nothing special about the fs other than being fat 2022-11-30 05:07:34 (but, if you want to, you can hexedit the filesystem to grow it; the format is incredibly straightforward) 2022-11-30 05:10:46 hum 2022-11-30 05:11:03 is there a way to force apk to reinstall initramfs-lts? can I safely just remove and re-add the linux-lts package? 2022-11-30 05:11:44 `apk fix` doesn't complain 2022-11-30 05:12:08 if you're in a chroot via live usb, then I don't see why you wouldn't be able to just remove and readd 2022-11-30 05:13:12 hm, let's see if that worked! 2022-11-30 05:13:29 having both a live usb stick and a full system image from just before are great aids to confidence 2022-11-30 05:16:10 whoops, doing that changed the filesystem's uuid... which caused fscking it at boot to fail... which caused all my filesystems to mount ro :) 2022-11-30 05:16:34 yeah, if you're mounting by uuid, that would need fixing :) 2022-11-30 05:17:16 easily repaired 2022-11-30 05:17:27 hooray, I have fixed my problem and I didn't even have to figure out how to move the main data partition 2022-11-30 05:17:32 just stole some of the swap to make room for /boot 2022-11-30 05:18:05 moving partitions is really not fun 2022-11-30 05:18:44 elly: `apk fix mkinitfs` 2022-11-30 05:19:00 that should trigger the generation script to run 2022-11-30 05:19:15 ah, thanks! 2022-11-30 05:19:22 dwfreed: yeah, I could not figure out how to do it at all 2022-11-30 05:19:24 so I'm glad not to have 2022-11-30 05:20:44 tools like gparted should be able to move partitions, but indeed, nice if you do not have to 2022-11-30 05:21:32 holy moly I just destroyed my /etc/fstab 2022-11-30 05:21:37 hooray full system image 2022-11-30 05:22:21 > and >> being one character apart is a true example of natural selection 2022-11-30 05:23:11 classic 2022-11-30 05:28:42 score! hello from my alpine laptop again 2022-11-30 05:28:53 now with a nice, spacious 486MB /boot 2022-11-30 05:30:24 thank you for your help folks 2022-11-30 05:33:16 you're welcome 2022-11-30 06:46:52 elly: one method: shrink the main fs and partition to the smallest size possible; make a new partition in the free space; copy main fs to new partition; delete original main partition; grow target partition and fs as desired; delete and recreate new main partition to use remaining free space; dd main fs from current position to start of partition; grow main fs to match partition 2022-11-30 06:47:54 requires fs to be able to shrink to less than half its original size 2022-11-30 06:51:26 if that is not possible, there are dd-like tools that can run backwards 2022-11-30 06:56:06 using said tool, you can shrink the fs to the desired size, move it to the end of the partition, and then delete and recreate the partition with the matching size 2022-11-30 06:58:23 hmm could you in theory create a contiguous file for an ext4 loop image, copy main fs into the loop image, delete main partition, create a partition at exactly the start-end sectors that the file occupies? 2022-11-30 06:59:02 yes, but you'd need the file to be contiguous, and it likely won't be 2022-11-30 06:59:19 ext4 puts block group descriptors throughout the fs 2022-11-30 07:00:18 so there's a size limit to making a truly contiguous file 2022-11-30 07:01:11 and it varies depending on how much the block group it ends up in is already used 2022-11-30 07:02:03 and if you can manage to get a truly contiguous file, you can equally probably shrink the fs to less than half its original size, and do the safer move I described first 2022-11-30 08:12:04 There are dedicated tools for moving filesystem, use them to your advantage 2022-11-30 17:06:43 should I worry about 1 error when using apk? 1 error; 1766 MiB in 795 packages 2022-11-30 17:06:56 what error is? 2022-11-30 17:07:04 scorpion2185[m]1: apk fix 2022-11-30 17:07:25 It should either try to fix it, or at least report what the issue is 2022-11-30 17:09:07 it did 2022-11-30 17:09:50 I can't make a layout of svkbd 2022-11-30 17:09:57 https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/commit/?id=12f554d15e0e0dde55f2e003fc40e7aae8486561 2022-11-30 17:10:16 https://paste.centos.org/view/ff664fb7 2022-11-30 18:35:01 is anyone using alpine with Samba as a domain controller for Active Directory? 2022-11-30 18:35:15 i have issues figuring out how to correctly set the permissions 2022-11-30 19:15:39 is there a list of the build-dep of a packagesomewhere? alpine beginner 2022-11-30 19:17:08 in its APKBUILD, yse 2022-11-30 19:17:09 yes 2022-11-30 19:25:12 ty 2022-11-30 19:39:43 I think something is wrong with chromium-chromedriver on edge? 2022-11-30 19:40:49 installed version of chromium-chromedriver is 107.0.5304.121-r1, but when I'm trying to use it, it fails with "This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 105. Current browser version is 107.0.5304.121 with binary path /usr/bin/chromium-browser" 2022-11-30 19:45:18 oops, disregard this, I had old chromedriver binary cached elsewhere, sorry for the rubber duck debugging in this channel 2022-11-30 19:55:47 beeeh.. Can't even edit my own userpage on the wiki :D 2022-11-30 20:24:20 jh81: that's for us to edit :P 2022-11-30 20:24:59 Alpine Linux vs OpenBSD, go 2022-11-30 20:32:09 Alpine can actually supports Wi-Fi interfaces :p 2022-11-30 20:34:45 harsh 2022-11-30 20:35:19 obsed: apart from the obvious (linux vs bsd, etc), imo alpine is a pretty "bsd-ish" system 2022-11-30 20:36:19 @ikke then please do so, i’ll send you a 8 page proza to include on my user page 😂 2022-11-30 20:36:33 heh 2022-11-30 20:37:22 jhjacobs[m]: so you have multiple personalities here? :) 2022-11-30 20:57:36 I wonder if some accounts are AI 2022-11-30 21:46:54 ikke: if only they stayed here 🙈 2022-11-30 22:08:54 @ᄃᆺᄏ: I wonder if some accounts are real humans. 2022-11-30 22:10:55 https://www.thefocus.news/tech/dead-internet-theory/ 2022-11-30 22:21:36 WWEEEEEELLLLL… i just finished my first Alpine Samba AD Server 2022-11-30 22:23:09 WITH Roaming profiles! 2022-11-30 22:26:39 "https://www.thefocus.news/tech/..." <- “The Internet feels empty and devoid of people”, he writes. “It is also devoid of content.” 2022-11-30 22:26:39 - Probably because of all censorship what is happening. According to CIA, 94% of all data is hidden. Then you add normal users are banned for nothing. Twitter type of social media is controlled environments. Your tweets can't get attraction. That's why places like Matrix are fresh air. Downside is bad people abuse everything. Matrix is not different. 2022-11-30 22:28:19 I'm pretty sure CIA meant 94% of all data is excluded from search engines. 2022-11-30 22:28:46 Yes. 2022-11-30 22:31:27 Supporting Linux distros, small servers, small projects is important. Otherwise they get us from the balls. 2022-11-30 22:34:55 Hi 2022-11-30 22:35:21 I have an nvidia optimus laptop and I cannot figure out how to install i3gaps 2022-11-30 22:35:22 hey :) 2022-11-30 22:35:53 Sorry if I disconnect I am on my phone and have no functioning computer 2022-11-30 22:36:04 many times i wonder why this community has no forum 2022-11-30 22:36:20 ALPINENOOB might take a while for someone to answer though 2022-11-30 22:36:31 OK I will get an app 2022-11-30 22:36:32 i have a Lenovo laptop, 2022-11-30 22:36:43 Do you have nvidia optimus? 2022-11-30 22:37:09 no 2022-11-30 22:37:15 but it seems i3gaps is packaged 2022-11-30 22:37:25 what is the problem you're running into? 2022-11-30 22:37:31 I cannot startx 2022-11-30 22:37:38 im away for a shower btw, might be a few minutes 2022-11-30 22:37:39 why not? 2022-11-30 22:37:40 I think it has to do with by drivers 2022-11-30 22:38:23 see this: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Nvidia_Video 2022-11-30 22:38:43 @jh81: https://old.reddit.com/r/AlpineLinux/ ? 2022-11-30 22:38:44 [reddit] https://reddit.com/r/AlpineLinux | 2,074 subscribers | Created at 2016-02-29 - 03:38:29UTC | Unofficial community devoted to Alpine Linux, a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and busybox. 2022-11-30 22:38:59 yes, im on that subreddit ;-) 2022-11-30 22:39:16 ALPINENOOB: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/w/index.php?search=nvidia&title=Special%3ASearch&go=Go 2022-11-30 22:39:23 As am I :p 2022-11-30 22:39:32 see if there's something here 2022-11-30 22:40:04 well, then you're not forever a noob ;-) 2022-11-30 22:40:32 Those drivers say wayland 2022-11-30 22:40:56 I shall always be forever a noob :( 2022-11-30 22:41:36 I just need nouveau working not the nvidia one 2022-11-30 22:41:37 But maybe that's not a bad thing, because this means I will forever learn. 2022-11-30 22:43:23 @ALPINENOOB: Not familiar with Optimus, but wouldn't it be possible to disable the nVidia dGPU and just use the iGPU instead? I'm sure there's some kind of BIOS / UEFI setting to do so. Perhaps better to test out whether i3 works on the iGPU first. 2022-11-30 22:43:58 no I cannot disable the dGPU from the bios there is no option 2022-11-30 22:45:47 Oh, that's unfortunate. I wonder why the manufacturer made that choice. 2022-11-30 22:45:54 from my xorg logs what stands out to me is unknown chipset NV177 2022-11-30 22:46:00 :( 2022-11-30 22:48:36 I'm guessing once Nouveau drivers are working that it will actually recognize that chipset. 2022-11-30 22:48:56 Kk 2022-11-30 22:49:12 I am using KMS 2022-11-30 22:55:52 What would be required to start generating netboot releases for riscv64 like is done for other archs? 2022-11-30 22:58:03 On that note, i recently found out about riscv, wanna get myself a small board and tinker with it 2022-11-30 23:00:49 Currently I can just extract linuxz-edge out of the apk, but to generate the initramfs I had to roll one by hand with cpio enough to get it booting in qemu so I could run mkinitfs. 2022-11-30 23:03:02 Waaaay ahead of me