2019-07-01 00:43:17 Alright, so every boot, udhcpc is hanging me up because it's like "garsh mickey sure would be nice if i could get a discover reply" 2019-07-01 00:43:34 It's also for eth0, which has 0 reason being up other than me unwittingly commanding it to be up 2019-07-01 00:43:51 Is ifplugd really the only solution? What are you guys using for laptop connection configs? 2019-07-01 00:44:14 I also don't know how to flow from iwd connecting to a network to having it launch udhcpc automatically. If anyone's already done this, I'd like to know how. 2019-07-01 03:07:40 mps: found my htc g7 2019-07-01 04:21:01 I use dhcpcd with udhcpc... macbook pro 2016 2019-07-01 04:21:20 errn0[m]: Does that monitor the links? 2019-07-01 04:21:35 priontology: 2019-07-01 04:21:36 What you mean? 2019-07-01 04:25:01 In fact.. you dont even need dhcpcd... 2019-07-01 04:25:02 If your interface is configured in /etc/network/interface it will catch up by udhcpc during boot... and will continue to work. But if connection drops from interface side, you need to reconfigure it. This hassle can be mitigated by using dhcpcd which will auto detect iinterfaces once configured by it. 2019-07-01 04:26:13 I dont know what ifplug does... hotplugging interface works for me without it... I just need to run dhcp eth1 and done 2019-07-01 04:26:50 That means detection happens automatically... but requires manual configurations 2019-07-01 04:47:32 errn0[m]: What about if wlan0 needs to use iwd to get connected? 2019-07-01 04:52:50 Bad phrasing. What if iwd is what's controlling wlan0 to connect? What event gets fired off? 2019-07-01 05:07:32 Sorry.. In that regard I don't know as I use ethernet. 2019-07-01 05:07:32 Wireless worked last time I tried from my phone hotspot. 2019-07-01 06:43:06 mps: How do you handle dhcp with iwd? 2019-07-01 06:50:56 I use NetworkManager for that 2019-07-01 07:07:38 cogitri: iwd and Networkmanager..? Do they even play well? 2019-07-01 07:12:45 priontology: I run udhcpc manually from terminal 'udhcpc -i wlan0', till I learn to program dbus with perl 2019-07-01 07:13:55 yunfan: good morning, is this phone supported by pmOS 2019-07-01 07:17:01 errn0: Yup, see https://github.com/alpinelinux/aports/blob/master/community/networkmanager/APKBUILD#L103 2019-07-01 07:18:47 Cogitri: I usually mention your experience with NM when someone asks how to use iwd 2019-07-01 07:20:24 👍 2019-07-01 07:21:45 cogitri: That is awesome. I don't use Network manager, but it's nice to pee people working on it 2019-07-01 07:25:08 errn0[m]: yes, NM is big and complicated, I had a lot of work and chat with upstream few months ago when made big version jump/upgrade for alpine 2019-07-01 07:26:13 mps: I am glad and thankful for what you have done. It is hard to convince someone than writing the code I guess :) 2019-07-01 07:26:14 Anyways, Thank you alot 2019-07-01 07:26:20 after that I don't touch it, and was really happy when I saw that the Cogitri take it and started to maintain it. Thanks Cogitri :) 2019-07-01 07:27:26 Thank you too cogitri :) 2019-07-01 07:28:02 mps: yes, i checked the wiki, it was supported, thought not full support yet 2019-07-01 07:29:41 yunfan: I don't have time to play with pmOS (yet) and don't have device which could be useful for me with pmOS on it 2019-07-01 07:29:58 mps: but you said you have a htc bravo? 2019-07-01 07:30:31 yes, I have it but I think it will not useful for me 2019-07-01 07:31:29 also, I have nokia n900 but it is not good for any task which I need nowadays 2019-07-01 07:32:00 mps: wow, n900 is the best supported device according to the wiki 2019-07-01 07:32:15 it even support mobile data 2019-07-01 07:35:10 I don't need pmOS for 'phone' functions, I have yotaphone which works quite fine with it's stock android and I don't use phone much 2019-07-01 07:36:10 I'd prefer using one of the nokia bricks I keep around as a daily driver, but I need a smartphone :( 2019-07-01 07:36:41 I have one asus phonepad with small external usb keyboard, which could be useful to me to carry it with me but it is not supported by pmOS yet 2019-07-01 07:37:53 danieli: does maemo still works on these nokia 'bricks' 2019-07-01 07:38:18 mps: the 'bricks' are not smartphones 2019-07-01 07:38:49 i can receive and make calls, receive and send SMSes, and play snake - that's pretty much it 2019-07-01 07:38:56 ehhm, it is called bricks here (n900 for example) 2019-07-01 07:39:09 mps: aha, you got yoctaphone, area you from russia? 2019-07-01 07:39:09 i want to have a try with jiophone2, but cant bought that outside of india 2019-07-01 07:39:09 also that device seems lock simcard 2019-07-01 07:39:47 maybe we could ignore these cellphone things, and have a device that supported wifi and connected it to your secondary cellphone's hotspot 2019-07-01 07:42:05 definitions of 'brick' vary - in this case, i meant a phone that is not a smartphone 2019-07-01 07:42:22 either way, should probably continue this in either #postmarketos or #alpine-offtopic :) 2019-07-01 07:43:33 yunfan: no, I'm somewhere in Europe 2019-07-01 07:43:44 mps: lmao, so it IS through dbus. 2019-07-01 07:43:56 Cogitri: Should I use networkmanager or connman? 2019-07-01 07:44:58 priontology: connman is 'under developed' now, maybe in future when devs start to work more on it 2019-07-01 07:45:18 btw, iwd devs are also connman devs 2019-07-01 07:45:54 That's what I thought. Fucking intel. 2019-07-01 07:46:17 if someone wants do develop dbus for iwd there are python examples in iwd source tree 2019-07-01 07:47:34 priontology: please don't use such words for people who work on free software 2019-07-01 07:48:49 company aside, but these people are very nice and make good software, they are also kernel devs 2019-07-01 07:51:11 They have a lot of flak to make up for. 2019-07-01 07:51:18 Until then, I don't think they'll be that mad. 2019-07-01 08:02:32 Does anyone here use polybar? 2019-07-01 08:02:42 priontology: yes 2019-07-01 08:02:47 maxice8: What WM are you using? 2019-07-01 08:03:06 bspwm 2019-07-01 08:03:18 Oh boy 2019-07-01 08:03:37 What applications do you usually use? 2019-07-01 08:04:45 Alacritty, Evince, neovim, Firefox, neomutt, telegram-desktop, wine 2019-07-01 08:06:09 Why neovim and neomutt? 2019-07-01 08:06:14 Those all seem pretty neat. 2019-07-01 08:06:33 Why alacritty, too? Might as well explain why you have so many "niche" programs. 2019-07-01 08:06:58 They are neat 2019-07-01 08:07:06 Neat choice with evince. I needed something to read pdfs. 2019-07-01 08:07:11 Alright, so how do you launch these applications? 2019-07-01 08:07:18 rofi 2019-07-01 08:07:38 Jesus 2019-07-01 08:07:57 Do you have the ability to capture your desktop and show me how this all works? 2019-07-01 08:08:00 How long did that take to set up? 2019-07-01 08:08:09 Sure 2019-07-01 08:08:13 a few hours 2019-07-01 08:08:40 Sounds like it looks really nice. 2019-07-01 08:09:23 You know what I'd really like? A time-based script to switch all of my applications from solarized light to solarized dark. 2019-07-01 08:11:17 priontology: Dunno, haven't used conmman and NM is integrated into GNOME 2019-07-01 08:12:21 priontology: https://i.imgur.com/Nh2CyJb.png https://i.imgur.com/0o4P920.png https://i.imgur.com/0AvQdcv.jpg 2019-07-01 08:12:33 dude it's beautiful 2019-07-01 08:12:34 what fonts? 2019-07-01 08:12:56 Fantasque Sans Mono, Iosevka Nerd Font, Siji, Material Icons 2019-07-01 08:13:22 Is this on a laptop? 2019-07-01 08:13:32 Materials icons for the polybar? 2019-07-01 08:13:44 yes, yes 2019-07-01 08:15:37 This is sick. 2019-07-01 08:15:44 maxice8 (@maxice8:matrix.exqa.de): Same here, Alpine Linux on bare metal.. https://git.sr.ht/~b17wise/dotfiles/blob/master/images/desktop.png 2019-07-01 08:15:52 Is bpswm necessary for all of this? 2019-07-01 08:16:24 priontology: bspwm is bare minimal.. way more than i3, even more than dwm 2019-07-01 08:16:45 More features, or what? Also, it should be renamed to bepis wm 2019-07-01 08:16:59 Oh, you mean like bare minimal as in 2019-07-01 08:17:02 iiiinteresting 2019-07-01 08:17:08 maxice8: How do you handle your hardware buttons 2019-07-01 08:17:15 Stuff like volume up volume down brightness etc 2019-07-01 08:17:19 priontology: I won't call it more features. I would say.. it has unique features... 2019-07-01 08:17:28 In what way? 2019-07-01 08:18:03 priontology: 2019-07-01 08:18:03 https://git.sr.ht/~b17wise/dotfiles/tree/master/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc 2019-07-01 08:18:24 This is a seperate tool for managing hotkeys 2019-07-01 08:18:32 name: sxhkd 2019-07-01 08:18:41 bspwm is just a WM 2019-07-01 08:18:47 That's really interesting 2019-07-01 08:18:48 priontology: sxhkd 2019-07-01 08:18:55 I kind of like that 2019-07-01 08:18:58 priontology: I used bspwm in BSD days 2019-07-01 08:19:23 ACTION uploaded an image: fr0xk-desktop.png (2011KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/urQTgOgnNsIXtfnMqtuZYFFc > 2019-07-01 08:19:32 There's so much diversity in linux users 2019-07-01 08:19:37 For basic shit, even 2019-07-01 08:19:44 es crazy 2019-07-01 08:20:06 what's with the highlighting on the music, errn0[m] 2019-07-01 08:20:33 priontology That is cmus music player 2019-07-01 08:20:50 Now a days, I use dwm 2019-07-01 08:21:15 https://git.sr.ht/~b17wise/dotfiles/blob/master/images/desktop.png 2019-07-01 08:21:37 It is not that dwm is better.. but I get a bar integrated with it :) 2019-07-01 08:21:57 Also like the config.h approach. I am a C guy 2019-07-01 08:22:00 bspwm is shell driven 2019-07-01 08:22:06 you reconfig EVERY time, though? 2019-07-01 08:22:26 Also, is alacritty the equivalent in software purpose as st? 2019-07-01 08:22:28 priontology: I only reconfig once... then I use it the way I reconfiged it 2019-07-01 08:22:33 What the HELL comes up when I first boot up alpine? 2019-07-01 08:22:37 Before I do "startx" or whatevers 2019-07-01 08:23:04 priontology: Busybox and a linux kernel.. nothing else.. few scripts and a bootloader I guess 2019-07-01 08:23:20 Alpine is almost nothing but a Linux kernel and a few KBs of bins 2019-07-01 08:23:29 So what's on the screen isn't reconfigurable? It presents me a bash prompt, but what's the bash prompt using to draw shit to the display? 2019-07-01 08:23:33 Or does bash handle stuff like curses? 2019-07-01 08:24:05 priontology: That is not bash.. that should be ash.. a symlink from busybox 2019-07-01 08:24:42 I just switched my nas4free ZFS based NAS to alpine 3.10.0 and everything has been smooth so far. The only thing that is missing is 'nut', for my UPS. I see that it is available in the "testing" repository, though, so my question is: Is it "safe" to install that package and if it doesn't work remove it and be left with an untainted system? 2019-07-01 08:24:43 Ah, I changed mine to bash. Should have clarified. 2019-07-01 08:24:46 ACTION only uses busybox 2019-07-01 08:24:53 priontology: Oh.. 2019-07-01 08:25:26 I've found a lot of stuff missing from busybox's implementations 2019-07-01 08:25:28 Roenbaeck: Should be safe.. but testing is testing.. :) 2019-07-01 08:25:31 like random weird stuff going on with vim 2019-07-01 08:25:33 er, vi 2019-07-01 08:26:06 priontology: Have you came from FreeBSD or *BSD or coming from GNU/Linux? 2019-07-01 08:26:20 Experience can vary if you are not coming from BSDs 2019-07-01 08:26:26 Nah, from random gnu/linux stuff 2019-07-01 08:26:46 priontology: That is why you are used to GNU tools :) 2019-07-01 08:27:09 And that is fine.. but just saying why things get limitted for you :) 2019-07-01 08:27:14 errn0[m]: Thanks, I'll give it a try then and hope for the best. Do packages normally remain in testing for the actual purpose of "testing" or because they're not stable enough to propagate into other repositories? 2019-07-01 08:28:17 Roenbaeck: I am using testing with Alpine Edge.. Not experiencing any breakage yet. I would still not take any promise, as testing means "Well, here is my package, test it, if breaks, let me know" 2019-07-01 08:28:20 What's printscreen in xf86 terms? 2019-07-01 08:29:19 priontology: Sorry? 2019-07-01 08:30:09 How do you take a screencap by hitting the printscreen/prtsc key on your keyboard using hotkey stuff? Or does the kernel handle that junk? 2019-07-01 08:30:43 priontology: Yu mean in bspwm? 2019-07-01 08:30:48 you* 2019-07-01 08:30:51 Or in general? 2019-07-01 08:30:51 Roenbaeck: testing really does mean that it's currently being tested, not that that package is broken and enabling testing shouldn't break anything 2019-07-01 08:30:51 Yeah, or in general. 2019-07-01 08:31:19 priontology: I use scrot to take screenshots... 2019-07-01 08:31:19 $ scrot -cd 5 2019-07-01 08:31:22 Cogitri: Thanks! 2019-07-01 08:34:15 errn0[m]: That's interesting. I think I'd prefer the ability to just grab a screncap with prtsc though 2019-07-01 08:34:38 priontology: you bind that command in sxhkd to the prtsc key 2019-07-01 08:35:02 well, that makes sense. 2019-07-01 08:35:22 Could I use sxhkd and still keep awesomewm? 2019-07-01 08:35:26 How do you launch sxhkd? 2019-07-01 08:37:47 priontology: That is doable through sxhkd.. just add that command and bind with a hotkey 2019-07-01 08:37:47 Done 2019-07-01 08:38:16 priontology: sxhkd can be launched during startx, or from bspwm 2019-07-01 08:38:48 priontology: https://git.sr.ht/~b17wise/dotfiles/tree/master/.config/bspwm 2019-07-01 08:40:23 Yes.. 2019-07-01 08:40:53 Just add sxhkd in bspwmrc instead of .xinitrc to avoid conflivts in that case 2019-07-01 08:40:59 conflicts* 2019-07-01 08:45:46 Holy shit, 600KB. 2019-07-01 08:45:55 That's a pretty small package. 2019-07-01 08:47:24 priontology: Yeah.. it takes only few KBs in RES 2019-07-01 08:47:29 RES? 2019-07-01 08:48:32 priontology: Memory usages without mapping dymanic mem pages 2019-07-01 08:48:38 dynamic* 2019-07-01 08:49:03 Which is more or less like VIRT mem 2019-07-01 08:49:26 I learned all this from FreeBSD handbook.. :) 2019-07-01 08:50:44 Hmmmm, interesting. 2019-07-01 08:50:50 ACTION sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/WJCrSbLsKKyzitPztkrwdczL > 2019-07-01 08:50:58 From FreeBSD handbook :) 2019-07-01 08:51:08 bspwm is used on FreeBSD? 2019-07-01 08:51:45 priontology: 2019-07-01 08:51:46 No.. I meant yeah.. most FreeBSD guys are either i3 guys or bspwm guys :) 2019-07-01 08:51:57 Hmm. 2019-07-01 08:51:58 Interesting. 2019-07-01 08:52:25 Because there is hidden linuxism in DEs, they tend to stick to DEs 2019-07-01 08:52:36 Linuxism? 2019-07-01 08:52:39 s/DE/WM 2019-07-01 08:52:55 priontology: Things that only works nicely on Linux.. =Linuxism 2019-07-01 08:53:17 heh 2019-07-01 08:53:29 Like dependency on systemd.. or Networkmanager and so.. few examples 2019-07-01 08:53:44 maxice8: Okay, so what happens when I highlight you? What notifies you? 2019-07-01 08:54:00 And what's your current workflow for wifi? Are you still with wpa_supplicant? 2019-07-01 08:54:21 priontology: I removed wpa_supplicant for iwd 2019-07-01 08:54:28 priontology: My Phone and Dunst 2019-07-01 08:54:31 I use iwd from terminal 2019-07-01 08:54:32 I'm using iwd, too, but god damn i'm bad at it 2019-07-01 08:54:44 lmfao what the hell is dunst 2019-07-01 08:54:58 Does it draw a notif window of some sort? 2019-07-01 08:55:04 priontology: That is a notification daemon 2019-07-01 08:55:10 This is crazy. 2019-07-01 08:55:11 Yeah 2019-07-01 08:55:25 Dunst is a notification daemon so yes it draws a window 2019-07-01 08:55:27 maxice8: If your install was nuked from orbit, what would you do to reinstall and reconfig? 2019-07-01 08:55:36 priontology: Well, it's bspwm.. it is modable :) 2019-07-01 08:55:37 You can do anything with it.. 2019-07-01 08:55:56 priontology: https://i.imgur.com/Rf1E2IH.jpg 2019-07-01 08:56:01 priontology: We wm guys store dotfiles in Github 2019-07-01 08:56:06 or something like that 2019-07-01 08:56:09 So you just do like 2019-07-01 08:56:12 priontology: clone my git repo and reinstall what was in etc/apk/world 2019-07-01 08:56:12 apk add {shitload of stuff} 2019-07-01 08:56:16 apk del {shitload of stuff} 2019-07-01 08:56:18 and then go from there? 2019-07-01 08:56:31 dude what the fuck that looks so neat 2019-07-01 08:56:51 Did you already post the repo? 2019-07-01 08:57:00 priontology: 2019-07-01 08:57:01 I guess Alpine guys also use things like LVM and ZFS.. on top of that.. keeps a list of software via apk info > myInstalledPkgs.sh 2019-07-01 08:57:19 got damn 2019-07-01 08:57:21 priontology: it is in my Github 2019-07-01 08:58:10 ah, your github is your nick here 2019-07-01 08:58:13 priontology: 2019-07-01 08:58:14 There is a guy who actually packaged all of his dotfiles to a dotfile.apk .. he just installs it... with a psot_install script :) 2019-07-01 08:58:28 psot* 2019-07-01 08:58:48 post* 2019-07-01 08:58:49 loool 2019-07-01 08:59:22 priontology: Yeah.. some people do interesting, crazy and fun stuff :) 2019-07-01 08:59:23 But I was like.. wait.. that is actually possible :) 2019-07-01 08:59:52 Because a package is still a package... 2019-07-01 09:00:09 your website looks nice, too, maxice8 2019-07-01 09:01:06 thank you 2019-07-01 09:03:31 Are your dotfiles hidden? 2019-07-01 09:06:05 Whose? 2019-07-01 09:06:20 Mine? 2019-07-01 09:06:23 Or max? 2019-07-01 09:10:53 max's; i saw yours htough 2019-07-01 09:10:54 though* 2019-07-01 09:11:38 priontology: https://github.com/maxice8/meltryllis 2019-07-01 09:20:02 Hi guys. I installed alpine on my machine and after restart i only get empty |Alpine/Linux Boot Menu| table 2019-07-01 09:20:07 what did I do wrong? 2019-07-01 09:22:37 please describe the steps you did to install the OS and the bootloader? 2019-07-01 09:22:54 a description of the system / environment would be helpful too 2019-07-01 09:23:17 it's difficult to know the solution to your problem with very little information to go on 2019-07-01 09:23:33 It's a virtual machine. I only ran setup-alpine script. Did nothing with bootloader 2019-07-01 09:26:46 sys or data mode? any other peculiarities with the VM? which image did you use as the installation medium? 2019-07-01 09:27:31 I installed alpine just the other day, it worked well for me, so I suspect that either something is a bit off in your process, or that there's some bug you've hit 2019-07-01 09:51:16 hi 2019-07-01 09:51:24 hello! 2019-07-01 09:51:37 is there a way to list space occupied in the file system by package, sorted from smallest to largest? 2019-07-01 09:53:12 working on the automatic bcache module proves to be more difficult than i thought. 2019-07-01 09:53:38 it seems that nlplug-findfs has to be patched :- 2019-07-01 09:54:24 If I have a hostname named on my network, does that do anything regarding dns or accessibility? 2019-07-01 09:54:32 What does the locally defined hostname actually do? 2019-07-01 09:55:00 by locally you mean /etc/hosts? 2019-07-01 09:57:32 Nah, sorry, I mean the definition you make through /etc/hostname 2019-07-01 09:58:38 Ah, looks like it doesn't usually get offered into some local database. Hmm. 2019-07-01 10:00:22 What do you need gtk for, maxice8? 2019-07-01 10:01:42 priontology: otpclient 2019-07-01 10:02:16 What's sx? Is that required for sxhkd? 2019-07-01 10:02:30 no 2019-07-01 10:03:05 it is a simpler alternative to startx but i never got around to packaging it for Alpine so i just pass the path of my sx script to startx 2019-07-01 10:03:38 Oh, interesting. 2019-07-01 10:04:05 priontology: /etc/hostname sets the actual name of the machine. it is used by many OS-services. it's not directly connected to DNS though. 2019-07-01 10:05:57 Ah, I see. 2019-07-01 10:06:02 Also, I have launched what I think is bspwm 2019-07-01 10:06:03 I see 2019-07-01 10:06:05 NOTHING 2019-07-01 10:06:11 TIME TO READ 2019-07-01 10:07:42 priontology: 2019-07-01 10:07:43 Mind that you need to set bspwmrc as executable with chmod +x 2019-07-01 10:08:10 You might get a black screen first.. that is normal 2019-07-01 10:08:50 Hmmmm 2019-07-01 10:08:57 Do I set this in .config, or does it look in /etc? 2019-07-01 10:09:32 priontology: 2019-07-01 10:09:33 your bspwmrc should be in .config/bspwmrc 2019-07-01 10:09:43 with executable permission 2019-07-01 10:09:54 see my repo... 2019-07-01 10:10:19 Is there a bspc command to reload bspwm? 2019-07-01 10:11:02 any way at all to have apk tell me the size of all installed packages? 2019-07-01 10:11:02 priontology: Yes... 2019-07-01 10:11:03 https://git.sr.ht/~b17wise/dotfiles/tree/master/.config 2019-07-01 10:11:47 oh boy 2019-07-01 10:11:47 ryouba: It tells everytime you install a package 2019-07-01 10:11:55 maxice8: Did you install a different pgrep? 2019-07-01 10:12:18 priontology: 2019-07-01 10:12:19 Busybox grep is not GNU grep 2019-07-01 10:12:35 GNU specific commands doesn't work 2019-07-01 10:12:48 Is -u gnu-specific? 2019-07-01 10:12:57 priontology: 2019-07-01 10:12:58 yes 2019-07-01 10:13:07 Also, what does "rc" actually mean in linux terms 2019-07-01 10:13:09 I see it all the time 2019-07-01 10:13:11 Everything is busybox here... in alpine 2019-07-01 10:13:11 openrc, etc 2019-07-01 10:13:20 I use gnu grep 2019-07-01 10:13:30 priontology: OpenRC is init system and service management tool 2019-07-01 10:13:38 My linting tool for APKBUILDs depend on it 2019-07-01 10:13:41 Indeed, I'm just curious what RC stands for in it 2019-07-01 10:14:10 priontology: rc comes from research unix 2019-07-01 10:14:12 What does pgrep -u "$(id -u)" -x polybar && pkill -u "$(id -u)" -x polybar do in your rc, maxice8? 2019-07-01 10:14:21 rc stands for "run command" 2019-07-01 10:14:46 the shell scripts responsible for initial setup on a unix machine were called "rc scripts" 2019-07-01 10:14:53 because this is what they were 2019-07-01 10:14:54 priontology: 2019-07-01 10:14:55 That means if polybar running, kill it and rerun 2019-07-01 10:14:55 KatolaZ: Aha, thank you. 2019-07-01 10:15:01 errn0[m]: Oh, interesting! 2019-07-01 10:15:01 just collections of commands to be run 2019-07-01 10:15:07 errn0[m]: i need a list of packages that are installed in the system right now. 2019-07-01 10:15:13 Checks if there is exactly a command called polybar with my user id and if so kill it 2019-07-01 10:15:20 at that time the shell did not have control structures 2019-07-01 10:15:23 ryouba: run apk list 2019-07-01 10:15:24 ryouba: apk list -I 2019-07-01 10:15:35 Aww. All the commands said failed to connect to socket. 2019-07-01 10:15:51 errn0[m]: maxice8: that shows all packages but not their installed sizes. 2019-07-01 10:16:23 What's this line for, errn0[m]? /usr/bin/which compton 2>&1 >/dev/null && compton -bf & 2>/dev/null 2019-07-01 10:16:27 Why use which beforehand? 2019-07-01 10:16:42 ah okay you have to combine list and info i think 2019-07-01 10:16:43 priontology: to know where is it located in the fs? 2019-07-01 10:17:15 that line runs compton only if it is available in PATH 2019-07-01 10:17:28 (whatever "compton" is) 2019-07-01 10:17:59 Oh, that's a clever idea. 2019-07-01 10:18:30 o_O 2019-07-01 10:28:22 Huh. Why am I getting failed to connect to the socket? 2019-07-01 10:30:26 I'm using the default configs, so I'm unsure what's up. 2019-07-01 10:38:19 What the hell, it's booted 2019-07-01 10:38:20 Neat 2019-07-01 10:38:27 Er, started. At least it opens something. 2019-07-01 10:41:19 priontology: That means check if Compton installed.. if yes, then run it 2019-07-01 10:41:34 That's to run wayland instead of x, then? 2019-07-01 10:42:09 priontology: 2019-07-01 10:42:10 No.. no.. compton is a separate compositor. 2019-07-01 10:42:17 Not a part of wayalnd 2019-07-01 10:42:21 wayland* 2019-07-01 10:42:24 Oh, interesting. 2019-07-01 10:43:01 priontology: a && b means check if a is true... if true, then execute b.. 2019-07-01 10:43:20 why pulseaudio, maxice8? ;-; 2019-07-01 10:43:34 Just and 2>&1 is just redirection... 2019-07-01 10:44:03 priontology: 2019-07-01 10:44:03 pulsoptionalpulseaudio.. not everyone needs it 2019-07-01 10:44:12 pulseaudio* 2019-07-01 10:44:26 I use pulseaudio as well, it's easy and it works 2019-07-01 10:44:26 It used for advanced audio routing 2019-07-01 10:44:36 pretty much everything else has been painful in the past 2019-07-01 10:45:11 danieli: I use alsa to play videos. what I am missing? 2019-07-01 10:45:38 errn0[m]: ...? 2019-07-01 10:45:56 danieli: ALSA only... why I need to use pulseaudio 2019-07-01 10:46:02 danieli: We have to kill poettering 2019-07-01 10:46:03 together 2019-07-01 10:46:09 I don't think anyone said that you need pulseaudio 2019-07-01 10:46:11 Or what I am missing as I dont have it ? 2019-07-01 10:46:36 priontology: I dont think alpine community hates him or his components :) 2019-07-01 10:47:11 danieli: No.. no.. I asked. when I should use pulseaudio... 2019-07-01 10:47:19 that's entirely up to you 2019-07-01 10:47:25 if you don't want to, then don't 2019-07-01 10:47:31 All I know it does advanced audio routing 2019-07-01 10:47:34 errn0[m]: I konw, but I think we should. 2019-07-01 10:47:40 priontology: please tone down the death threats, joking or not 2019-07-01 10:47:47 danieli: I am still waiting for an answer... 2019-07-01 10:47:49 danieli: It's a figure of speech 2019-07-01 10:48:00 or uh, the inciting violence, close enough 2019-07-01 10:48:31 errn0[m]: I never said that you have to use pulseaudio 2019-07-01 10:48:39 priontology: Hate is not a constructive thing to speread.. I dont like systemd, or pulseaudio.. 2019-07-01 10:49:23 Dislike = hatred. There is no difference. 2019-07-01 10:49:34 it was still not a very nice thing to say, and I would say it is against the CoC 2019-07-01 10:49:38 Poettering, in our lives, only exists through his code. 2019-07-01 10:49:42 To kill him is to end that existence. 2019-07-01 10:49:49 danieli: I am asking what is pulse audio? How an user should knoe which one to use... alsa and pulseaudio... 2019-07-01 10:49:50 Like I use my pen to write.. and car to drive... 2019-07-01 10:49:59 know* 2019-07-01 10:50:10 i think this is a channel about alpine linux and not about hate and death threads. while i'm not a mod, i'm pretty sure i know who is banned next... 2019-07-01 10:50:29 priontology: Stop 2019-07-01 10:50:29 ACTION thinks the same 2019-07-01 10:51:03 my day is already shitty enough, I don't care to deal with this 2019-07-01 10:51:39 danieli: Sorry.. I just asked out of curiosity. I wont ask again then 2019-07-01 10:52:25 Asking "why use X" is fine, it's just unfortunate when a discussion goes like this one did :/ 2019-07-01 10:53:44 I just googled it... 2019-07-01 10:53:45 > ALSA is the kernel level sound mixer, it manages your sound card directly. ALSA by itself can only handle one application at a time. Of course, there is 'dmix', which was written to solve this problem. (It's an ALSA module.) 2019-07-01 10:53:45 > PulseAudio is a software mixer, on top of the userland (like you'd run an app). When it runs, it uses Alsa - without dmix - and manages every kind of mixing, the devices, network devices, everything by itself. 2019-07-01 10:53:47 errn0[m]: i think pulseaudio is network-transparent and also has some abilities add sound effects. not sure, though. using alsa-only, too. 2019-07-01 10:54:41 romanis: It is just a software mixer.. on top of userland. Nothing special. Just something one can preference. 2019-07-01 10:54:55 on top of kernel* 2019-07-01 10:55:07 Now I understood 2019-07-01 10:59:27 Well, pa generally can do some more fancy stuff like remixing, networking (as mentioned), has fancy GUIs etc. 2019-07-01 10:59:44 But if ALSA floats your boat that's good 2019-07-01 11:00:35 cogitri: I see! 2019-07-01 11:00:39 Thank you 2019-07-01 11:02:56 errn0[m]: the legend about ALSA being able to manage only one application at a time is obsolete 2019-07-01 11:03:08 ALSA can handle multiple applications since ALSA 4 2019-07-01 11:04:23 I have a RPi attached to my speakers, and play audio from both my laptop and desktop via PulseAudio networking through it. It basically means I don't have to constantly replug my speakers 2019-07-01 11:04:41 Also, as it supports acting as a Bluetooth receiver, it means I can use my sound system from my phone through Bluetooth as well 2019-07-01 11:04:43 It's pretty great 2019-07-01 11:06:17 errn0[m]: I was originally just going to basically mash together both your and maxice8's configs, but this is awesome. I'll play with this more as I continue. 2019-07-01 11:07:00 Thanks for the suggestions; these are both really neat. I'll bookmark them before I'm off to bed. 2019-07-01 11:09:44 priontology: 2019-07-01 11:09:44 Feel free to learn. Careful. Few of my commands are very FreeBSD specific.. mixer command and few lemonbar script commands 2019-07-01 11:10:25 Otherwise you should be fine... I used /bin/sh as she path 2019-07-01 11:11:06 Owow... I didn't know that. I thought the same.. thanks for the info 2019-07-01 11:13:32 errn0[m]: maybe the version is off, indeed 2019-07-01 11:13:37 not 4 but 1.x something 2019-07-01 11:13:39 my bad 2019-07-01 11:13:59 but if you disable pulseaudio, you can have multiple applications using the same card 2019-07-01 13:06:07 Does anyone have NetworkManager working with wifi? After entering the password, it just disconnects after a while with the message "Error: Connection activation failed: The Wi-Fi network could not be found". It never got assigned an ip-address 2019-07-01 13:08:02 PureTryOut: You're using wpa_supplicant? 2019-07-01 13:08:17 Yes 2019-07-01 13:09:02 I think our wpa_supplicant config doesn't play nice with NM, but I've switched to iwd already 2019-07-01 13:09:27 iwd doesn't like eduroam yet sadly... 2019-07-01 13:10:34 :/ 2019-07-01 13:11:03 Well, fixing wpa_supplicant's config would be worthwhile anyway, I suppose 2019-07-01 13:12:00 It doesn't seem to work with iwd either, although for a different reason. "DHCP failed to start" 2019-07-01 13:14:51 PureTryOut[m]: eduroam works fine with wpa_supplicant 2019-07-01 13:15:29 PureTryOut[m]: you need the certificate of your own authenticator (your institution) 2019-07-01 13:15:56 and put it as "ca_cert" 2019-07-01 13:16:37 The institution doesn't provide a certificate (also I think you meant to say "works fine with iwd"?) 2019-07-01 13:16:42 I know it works fine with it, but it requires some complicated manual configuration atm 2019-07-01 13:17:05 no PureTryOut[m] I meant it works fine with wpa_supplicant 2019-07-01 13:17:18 as i said 2019-07-01 13:17:18 Well obviously it works fine with wpa_supplicant 2019-07-01 13:17:33 The problem is that NetworkManager currently doesn't work with wpa_supplicant for me at all 2019-07-01 13:17:57 never used networkmanager, sorry 2019-07-01 13:18:07 wpa_supplicant is enough for me 2019-07-01 13:18:25 Not for me 2019-07-01 13:18:33 what about wpa_gui? 2019-07-01 13:18:57 Nope, I want networkmanager 2019-07-01 13:19:03 Please don't suggest alternatives 😛 2019-07-01 13:19:10 I want full DE integration, so it's networkmanager 2019-07-01 13:19:26 sorry for trying to help out. PureTryOut[m] 2019-07-01 13:20:05 What? I wasn't insulted or anything? I'm just saying I want NetworkManager working, not any alternatives 2019-07-01 13:21:31 sorry, also 2019-07-01 13:21:51 Why are you saying sorry...? 2019-07-01 13:22:26 because he was suggesting an alternative? 2019-07-01 13:22:39 'PureTryOut[m]| Please don't suggest alternatives 😛' 2019-07-01 13:22:55 Still no need to be sorry lol 2019-07-01 13:23:20 Anyways got NetworkManager working with iwd for now. I don't have to use eduroam atm so it's fine, I'll figure out what's wrong with that later 2019-07-01 13:23:35 pkcs8 2019-07-01 13:24:01 Actually, no it doesn't work yet, wut 2019-07-01 13:24:33 Restart of NetworkManager fixed it, strange. 2019-07-01 13:24:34 upgrade kernel to 4.20+ 2019-07-01 13:25:18 I would if it were available on Alpine lol 2019-07-01 13:26:12 PureTryOut[m]: you can take it from kernel.org 2019-07-01 13:26:19 :P 2019-07-01 13:26:52 Lol I know. But I came from Gentoo and am kinda done with compiling my own kernel 2019-07-01 13:26:57 KatolaZ: just building 5.2-rc7 for my alpine chromebook 2019-07-01 13:29:20 I don't build kernels too often TBH 2019-07-01 13:31:59 I do for most (hmm, all) my ARM devices/computers 2019-07-01 13:32:33 yeah, for ARM it often makes sense 2019-07-01 13:32:47 especially to remove unneded cruft 2019-07-01 13:34:27 and, now I'm thinking to make linux-armv7-mp (multiplatform) pkg, not sure is this idea good at the end 2019-07-01 14:58:55 errn0[m]: maxice8: so this here works for me: https://gist.github.com/sixtyfive/9c0d72b64a5419d773f92a5f5e1219b0 2019-07-01 15:04:12 interesting how much space is taken up by ncurses 2019-07-01 15:08:04 Is there an alternative to `/usr/bin/locale` in Musl? 2019-07-01 15:35:13 ryouba: My brain can only handle /bin/sh syntax 2019-07-01 15:35:14 However.. I understood...apk info is being parsed.. awesome 2019-07-01 15:50:42 errn0[m]: not even zsh? :P 2019-07-01 15:58:19 ryouba: God knows... some says god doesn't exist... so.. idk 2019-07-01 15:58:28 lol xD 2019-07-01 15:59:05 Yeah... I actually use ash for scripting... due to it's minimal syntax... 2019-07-01 15:59:45 I always have an issue with modern feature rich languages 2019-07-01 16:10:42 errn0[m]: wait ... "zsh" == "God"? o_O 2019-07-01 16:11:18 (i started using linux in 1992 and back then it came with bash. so not sure about the definition of modern ... everything's relative, right?) 2019-07-01 16:12:06 anyhow, work time's over, headin' home. have a good evening/day/morning/night y'all 2019-07-01 16:13:22 PureTryOut[m]: afaik musl doesn't support locales, although there are some third party packages on net 2019-07-01 16:14:29 ryouba: I came from FreeBSD land :) 2019-07-01 16:14:30 I have used /bin/sh for scripting... 2019-07-01 18:16:14 Is Alpine-vanilla gone? 2019-07-01 18:18:07 I can't find v3.7 vanilla but it's gone in v3.8 and upwards 2019-07-01 18:18:13 s/can't/can/ 2019-07-01 18:24:31 I think it's just called standard now. that's around the time the grsec variant was dropped. 2019-07-01 18:32:21 *seething* 2019-07-01 18:32:57 why? 2019-07-01 18:36:18 No, not really. I'm actually pretty happy - I can return to Alpine Linux after a year of OpenBSD. The package manager is the fastest I've seen, there's C11 support, there is no 20ms sleep limitation... 2019-07-01 18:37:07 The packages in general are much easier to modify and contribute to. 2019-07-01 19:03:39 Hi. I'm trying to install docker on my alpine 3.10 and I seem to miss /etc/docker/daemon.json 2019-07-01 19:04:00 Actually scratch that, I'm missing entire /etc/docker/ 2019-07-01 19:06:52 /etc/docker is an optional location from Docker's point of view and the upstream packages that the docker project provides don't include it last I checked. I wouldn't expect the alpine package to either. 2019-07-01 19:09:05 programmerq, where do I find daemon.json then? "find / -name "docker.json" returns nothing 2019-07-01 19:09:21 it's optional and you don't need one. docker has sane defaults if it's absent. 2019-07-01 19:09:32 okay, thanks 2019-07-01 19:09:34 if you want one, create /etc/docker and create daemon.json 2019-07-02 00:22:05 i dont get why bspwm feels so much better 2019-07-02 04:44:22 running 'ldd --version' results in '/lib/ld-musl-x86_64.so.1: cannot load --version: No such file or directory' 2019-07-02 04:44:51 after https://github.com/alpinelinux/aports/commit/d4a7955cc72b9395779c20755df88f983763c43b#diff-1f663dd56ac26d76d510b53ab0a6c975 2019-07-02 04:45:38 the problem is that the (now) wrapper script /usr/bin/ldd will turn it into '/lib/ld-xxx --list -- --version' 2019-07-02 08:38:51 morning UTC 2019-07-02 08:39:05 I'm getting nginx: [alert] detected a LuaJIT version which is not OpenResty's when starting up nginx in edge. 2019-07-02 08:40:08 I've switched to openresty-mod-http-lua- but then i get nginx: [emerg] dlopen() "/var/lib/nginx/modules/ngx_http_lua_module.so" failed (Error relocating /var/lib/nginx/modules/ngx_http_lua_module.so: lua_setexdata: symbol not found) in /etc/nginx/modules/http- 2019-07-02 08:40:09 lua.conf:1 2019-07-02 09:34:43 Hey, can someone help me with Alpine? 2019-07-02 09:37:03 ask your question, if somebody can help, he will answer you 2019-07-02 09:38:57 Okay. So, I installed Oracle’s instant client and through pecl extension oci8 to pho. However, it says that libresolv.so.2 is missing and I couldn’t find a package for Alpine linux anywhere. Did someone encounter this and is there any solution? 2019-07-02 09:52:28 that sounds like it wants gnu libc. alpine doesn't use gnu libc. 2019-07-02 09:52:28 libresolv is a libary provided by glibc, i don't know if there is an easy solution to this 2019-07-02 09:53:12 And you can’t just install glibc? 2019-07-02 09:55:32 nope 2019-07-02 09:56:35 So the question is, is there a solution? 2019-07-02 09:56:58 would libresolv be covered in libc6-compat? 2019-07-02 09:57:14 no, sadly 2019-07-02 09:57:20 ahh, shoot 2019-07-02 09:57:45 maybe a docker container? 2019-07-02 09:57:58 or an other virtualisation method 2019-07-02 09:59:34 Don’t know why it’s just Oracle, who need special installation for their extensions damn 2019-07-02 10:02:33 there’s libresolv.a 2019-07-02 10:02:40 but not .so.2 2019-07-02 10:02:53 And I don’t know if I can symlink.a 2019-07-02 10:09:42 a container would probably be the the best solution for this 2019-07-02 10:11:45 Problem is that oci8 containers in docker hub are just up to php7.2 2019-07-02 12:06:28 hey 2019-07-02 12:06:34 any of you uses wayland on Alpine ? 2019-07-02 12:06:54 I do, why? 2019-07-02 12:07:05 I wish to change 2019-07-02 12:07:09 from xoeg to wayland 2019-07-02 12:07:20 and sway, when I use dwm now 2019-07-02 12:07:54 I use nvs295 gpu 2019-07-02 12:07:59 with nouveau 2019-07-02 12:08:43 xwayland needs xorg to handle older software ? 2019-07-02 12:09:26 Yup 2019-07-02 12:10:37 any special configuration has to be done or just install package and run it ? 2019-07-02 12:22:52 is there tooling/guides available for automatically building alpine appliances? more specifically, GUI appliances? 2019-07-02 12:26:45 I wonder if wayland will ever be ready for daily use... I check it out every once in a while and... nope 2019-07-02 12:37:35 TBB: It's pretty good on GNOME already, the real problem is that when your compositor dies your entire session is gone, on Xorg it can just restart the thing and the session can continue 2019-07-02 12:46:31 TBB: why it is still not ready ? 2019-07-02 13:32:11 hi o/ 2019-07-02 13:32:41 i'm using alpine based docker images to statically link programs in written in crystal language 2019-07-02 13:33:03 it seems there's some kind of regression that utf-8 decoding isn't working 2019-07-02 13:36:07 here: https://p.jokke.space/C4T51/ 2019-07-02 13:36:15 that's a minimum example 2019-07-02 13:36:49 any idea what might be causing this? missing some package? 2019-07-02 15:07:51 jokke: Seems like our crystal is a bit broken, do you happen to know smth about that, mps ^ 2019-07-02 15:33:02 Cogitri: jokke: I'm too busy, will look later. sorry 2019-07-02 15:35:09 no prob 2019-07-02 16:27:37 jokke: this could be problem introduced by musl 1.22, iconv 2019-07-02 16:27:50 hm 2019-07-02 16:28:12 I don't think that the crystal changed this part of code 2019-07-02 16:28:46 looking 2019-07-02 16:29:02 jokke: do you know if it arise on other OS or platform 2019-07-02 16:30:01 i've tried on debian and ubuntu based images and natively on arch-linux. none of them have this issue 2019-07-02 16:30:03 dalias: just tried with musl 1.20 and it works fine, same code on musl 1.22 fails, although with new version of crystal 2019-07-02 16:30:13 yes 2019-07-02 16:30:29 I think FreeBSD had that issue sometime ago 2019-07-02 16:30:53 is crystal just calling libc iconv? 2019-07-02 16:31:00 afaik yes 2019-07-02 16:31:01 I can try later to build crystal 0.27 on musl 1.20 (I think I have one old lxc) and see 2019-07-02 16:32:12 yup: https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/blob/78c6a59a6f7d477b97dedbdabf083e3745249017/src/lib_c/x86_64-linux-musl/c/iconv.cr 2019-07-02 16:32:26 dalias: I think so, but not sure, I'm not expert in crystal inner working 2019-07-02 16:32:39 those are c bindings 2019-07-02 16:33:43 ah let me try something 2019-07-02 16:33:45 aha, just use C lib 2019-07-02 16:34:45 aha! 2019-07-02 16:34:53 echo 'require "http/client"; HTTP::Client.get("https://google.com")' | crystal eval -Dmusl 2019-07-02 16:34:55 works 2019-07-02 16:35:04 for some reason the musl flag isn't set 2019-07-02 16:35:20 it's this 2019-07-02 16:35:21 https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/blob/master/src/iconv.cr#L14 2019-07-02 16:35:34 it's doing that glibc nonsense of // flags on the end 2019-07-02 16:36:00 instead of unless flag, it should be if flag glibc 2019-07-02 16:36:06 because this broken behavior is glibc specific 2019-07-02 16:36:12 the posix behavior is to always do this 2019-07-02 16:36:45 https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/blob/b038213e636c055ad7fdf98d0fc294200ab849a5/src/compiler/crystal/config.cr#L60 2019-07-02 16:37:12 ldd --version fails 2019-07-02 16:37:21 /lib/ld-musl-x86_64.so.1: cannot load --version: No such file or directory 2019-07-02 16:37:35 i think this might be the problem 2019-07-02 16:37:56 "might be" :P 2019-07-02 16:38:05 :) 2019-07-02 16:38:10 Not exactly the best way to detect musl vs glibc 2019-07-02 16:38:14 yeah :/ 2019-07-02 16:38:31 what'd be a more robust way? 2019-07-02 16:39:56 without '--version' 2019-07-02 16:40:05 nah 2019-07-02 16:40:17 "missing file arguments" on gnu 2019-07-02 16:40:35 ahhmm 2019-07-02 16:42:16 Detecting it on compile time? It's not like you could build against either of them anyway 2019-07-02 16:43:35 mmh so you mean the actual crystal compiler should bake in this info when it's built 2019-07-02 16:43:42 that makes more sense, imo 2019-07-02 16:43:45 yeah 2019-07-02 16:43:48 for me too 2019-07-02 16:43:53 but i'm no core dev 2019-07-02 16:44:16 nor am I 2019-07-02 16:44:59 do you mind if i copy this conversation from "it seems there's some kind of regression that utf-8 decoding isn't working" until my last "that makes more sense, imo" into an github issue? 2019-07-02 16:45:26 I agree 2019-07-02 16:45:35 Cogitri: dalias? 2019-07-02 16:46:18 hm maybe i just should summarize it anyway 2019-07-02 16:46:28 i'll do that. thanks for the help! 2019-07-02 16:47:17 np, and please inform us (or just me) if core dev's make fix to apply it 2019-07-02 16:47:41 jokke: Sure :) 2019-07-02 16:48:28 ok with me 2019-07-02 16:48:46 jokke, ldd --version failing is another regression 2019-07-02 16:48:50 discussed last night 2019-07-02 16:49:02 it's because someone wrongly put a -- in the ldd script before "$@" 2019-07-02 16:49:12 :) 2019-07-02 16:49:17 i see 2019-07-02 16:49:41 still, i don't think it's good practice to parse command line output for anything like this 2019-07-02 16:50:16 jokke: FYI, this channel is archived on https://dev.alpinelinux.org/irclogs/ 2019-07-02 16:50:47 ok 2019-07-02 16:56:59 https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/issues/7946 2019-07-02 16:58:08 mps: hm crystal can cross compile though 2019-07-02 16:58:25 you get object files which you then link on whatever platform 2019-07-02 17:05:19 right, I forgot this 2019-07-02 17:08:04 actually I thought crystal cross compiling works for same platform but different architectures 2019-07-02 17:09:16 hm yeah you might be right 2019-07-02 17:11:16 cross compiling. best thing after bread 2019-07-02 17:12:46 just did nice docker thingie to create sysroot 2019-07-02 17:12:56 dalias: about that ldd regression, will it be fixed? 2019-07-02 17:13:34 now I can target alpine aarch64 from my llvm toolchain! 2019-07-02 17:13:37 i think so 2019-07-02 17:13:51 (host compiler on macOS) 2019-07-02 17:54:17 How is the udhcpc service called? I want "udhcpc -i wlan0" after the wpa_supplicant service has finished 2019-07-02 17:55:21 I could hack up a cronjob but I would like to make it work properly this time 2019-07-02 17:55:45 s/finished/daemonized/ 2019-07-02 17:59:06 Is this channel being logged somewhere? 2019-07-02 17:59:38 mikeee__: https://dev.alpinelinux.org/irclogs/ 2019-07-02 17:59:53 thx! 2019-07-02 18:01:31 To make sure this is not an XY problem, I want my computer to automatically connect to my home Wi-Fi. I have configured /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and it works perfectly - now I only need "udhcpc -i wlan0" to get an IP after the connection is made as an cherry on top of the cake, however I can't figure out what's the proper way to do it. 2019-07-02 18:02:00 Oh, and of course I have enabled the wpa_supplicant service too. 2019-07-02 18:03:36 iirc it just works automatically if dhcp client is running 2019-07-02 18:04:20 I have noticed now, the wiki explains it. 2019-07-02 19:25:34 hi --- i've installed alpine on an old laptop, to use as a server. how can i make the screen switch off? can't use 'vbetool' because it's not in the alpine repos, and would rather not use 'xrandr' as that requires X11 2019-07-02 19:30:24 hjek, "consoleblank=120" working for me, it is cmdline of kernel, 120 seconds 2019-07-02 19:33:48 MY_R: thanks! 2019-07-02 19:36:45 :) 2019-07-02 19:38:04 how would I authenticate with LDAP? or actually, Kerberos 2019-07-02 19:42:14 I can't use "regular" nss libs 2019-07-02 19:42:49 and musl-nscd isn't packaged 2019-07-02 20:57:48 qrvpzvb: probably try nss-pam-ldapd, but I don't know if that supports kerberos auth. 2019-07-02 21:44:52 tw: my question if it supports musl though 2019-07-02 21:54:38 qrvpzvb: it's in the package manager, so I presume it's built for alpine. 2019-07-03 01:46:11 I really don't know if i'm on the right track, but do usb 3.1 work on alpine ? 2019-07-03 01:47:40 I'm probably not on the right track, cause it wasn't working on systemrescue .... 2019-07-03 08:47:23 KH405: Should be working, yes, I use it about every day 2019-07-03 12:00:25 ahoy, not sure if it should be here or dev channel, just wondering, are there plans for some simple config option to include manpages by default when installing packages? for the packages with respective *-doc ones it's as easy as just downloading those too, and would make for a nicer experience when using as a main OS, for example...probably could just be an extra question at setup, or such... 2019-07-03 12:00:42 Greetings, I wanted to ask does pthread_attr_setaffinity_np and pthread_attr_getaffinity_np funcs are supported in alpine's libc? 2019-07-03 12:03:21 jan6: install `docs` :) 2019-07-03 12:03:38 Same thing for `lang` by the way 2019-07-03 12:03:54 Those will pull in all -doc/-lang packages of the packages you have installed 2019-07-03 12:04:13 oh, too bad that's not mentioned in any install steps or even wiki install pages iirc 2019-07-03 12:04:18 but nice 2019-07-03 14:10:44 i'm having trouble building user mode linux on alpine: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/8.3.0/../../../../x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/bin/ld: arch/um/os-Linux/user_syms.o:(___ksymtab+__sprintf_chk+0x0): undefined reference to `__sprintf_chk' 2019-07-03 14:44:58 Hi. I'm using alpine 3.9 from dockerhub which I've run setup-sshd dropbear for access. However, I don't know if this image comes with a default root password or if I have to set it upon docker build. Guidance appreciated; thanks. 2019-07-03 14:48:04 well, just try "su" then? 2019-07-03 14:48:31 or well, root login, whatever way, ssh has root disabled by default usually 2019-07-03 14:51:16 Thanks. I don't have access to the alpine terminal, but from your answer, I'm guessing that there's a session without the need to login. So, it seems that I should make a user or enable root login by sshd. 2019-07-03 14:52:01 how did you run the setup-sshd? 2019-07-03 14:53:24 through the Dockerfile that created my alpine based image; command was setup-sshd -c dropbear 2019-07-03 14:53:48 then I created a directory /etc/dropbear and generated the keys 2019-07-03 14:54:16 so I get prompted from ssh, but I don't know what credentials to provide (user / password) 2019-07-03 14:54:58 and, I was able to run alpine, so I now understand that one simply gets a session. I probably should read more on busybox 2019-07-03 14:57:30 I mean, you can always just create a new user the same way, install sudo, and such? busybox isn't related here, really 2019-07-03 14:59:36 ah, thanks for that info. I'll give that a try 2019-07-03 15:04:15 busybox is cool and all, but well, it has implementations of "login" and "passwd" but nothing else related to ssh or logging in 2019-07-03 15:31:06 Yes... 2019-07-03 15:31:45 errn0[m]: Greetings, I'm unable to find it in musl, where can I see the implementation? 2019-07-03 15:31:53 #include 2019-07-03 15:32:45 daggs1: grep -rn "your query" /path to pthread.h file... 2019-07-03 15:33:51 errn0[m]: ok, are they implemented or just stub? 2019-07-03 15:35:23 daggs1: Looks like stub 2019-07-03 15:40:43 mmm, so I assume that there is no way to use libgomp with affinity on musl 2019-07-03 15:43:09 on alpine I meant 2019-07-03 15:45:21 daggs1: libgomp is available as a package.. but... 2019-07-03 15:45:22 I dunno if you can make any sense of it... 2019-07-03 15:45:22 /usr/lib/here 2019-07-03 15:46:14 https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/contents?branch=edge&name=libgomp&arch=x86&repo=main 2019-07-03 15:47:52 Maybe you should give a try and let us know :) 2019-07-03 15:50:06 well, I've looked into the code of libgomp, it uses atleast the set func, if it is a stub, it will not work. if it does work, it will not work as should 2019-07-03 15:50:22 I haven't found a patch that state otherwise in the tree 2019-07-03 15:56:37 Hi, is Alpine 3.10.0 affected by tcp sack / CVE-2019-11477? (https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2019-11477/) - kernel 4.9.65-1 would seem to be affected (latest after "apk update && apk upgrade --available"). 2019-07-03 16:01:19 ita, 3.10 is on linux-vanilla 4.19.53 2019-07-03 16:01:32 hey. i have some weird behavior where when i have a bad fd for select(), i don't get correct errno==9. even weirder, when i print the error string with strerror() i get correct output over bad filedescriptor! 2019-07-03 16:01:44 the errno that i see is 22 2019-07-03 16:02:13 which i'm quite sure is wrong. on other systems it's always 9==EBADF 2019-07-03 16:02:27 i even checked /usr/include/bits/errno.h 2019-07-03 16:02:35 but all normal 2019-07-03 16:03:44 22 is EINVAL, but that's not what causes the error. it's definitely bad fd! 2019-07-03 16:16:48 MY_R: thanks! (there must be something in the way i tried to upgrade...) 2019-07-03 16:18:19 ita, maybe you locked kernel package version 2019-07-03 16:20:02 ita, check if that will print something: grep 'linux-' /etc/apk/world 2019-07-03 16:26:08 MY_R: yes, i had, this explains it :-) 2019-07-03 16:31:58 :) 2019-07-03 16:40:25 seems errno is overwritten by calling strerror() 2019-07-03 16:40:38 is that correct behavior though? 2019-07-03 16:41:41 it's permitted but i don't think that happens 2019-07-03 16:42:09 where do you see that happening? 2019-07-03 16:44:44 dalias: when i run select(); strerror(); then print errno, it will show 22, which is wrong. 2019-07-03 16:45:14 so i noticed because i took the output from strerror and printed it together with the decimal value of errno, and they didn't fit. 2019-07-03 16:46:12 the reason i say it isn't correct behavior is bec. strerror() worked fine and thus i don't expect an errno to be set! 2019-07-03 16:48:40 hiro, strerror does not contain any code to set errno 2019-07-03 16:48:53 can you show the exact code? i suspect there's something else going on 2019-07-03 16:49:10 i'll try to minimize and post the 2 lines 2019-07-03 16:53:58 dalias: you're right. i saved the errno, then ran strerror() and compared errno again, same as before: 9; 2019-07-03 16:54:11 dalias: my logging function must trigger some error somewhere unknown to me 2019-07-03 16:54:24 dalias: every time i run my log errno gets set oO 2019-07-03 16:54:28 dalias: sorry for the bother 2019-07-03 17:58:44 fprintf(stdrerr, "Error code: %s", strerror(errno) ); 2019-07-03 17:59:00 stderr* 2019-07-03 17:59:32 errn0[m]: you just had to show off your nick 2019-07-03 18:00:34 hiro: xD 2019-07-03 18:08:55 hiro, any function not explicitly specified to preserve errno on success may clobber it. you need to save it if you want to keep it 2019-07-03 18:14:06 yeah, i got it :D 2019-07-03 18:14:14 of course my logging function has to be redone 2019-07-03 18:38:38 hi, I need help- I have installed Alpine in virtualbox, but I don't have internet access from this virtual machine. Can you help me? 2019-07-03 18:39:18 did you setup the networking? 2019-07-03 18:39:47 I think, I have pressed enter for default 2019-07-03 18:40:37 try running "dhclient" maybe? 2019-07-03 18:41:30 if that doesn't work then there's some issue with either VM networking mode, or alpine being unconfigured, idk 2019-07-03 18:41:59 what is dhclient? 2019-07-03 18:42:33 I have set Bridged Adapter in vm settings 2019-07-03 18:44:47 can you tell what the problem is by ifconfig? 2019-07-03 18:45:05 dhclient basically just manually asks for a dhcp address, I'm assuming you don't have a static address 2019-07-03 18:46:07 do you want me to type "dhclient"? 2019-07-03 18:46:13 sure 2019-07-03 18:46:30 it says not found 2019-07-03 18:46:36 ok 2019-07-03 18:47:11 maybe try running setup-network or such? idk, or wait till people come back to here 2019-07-03 18:47:39 setup-network not found 2019-07-03 18:47:51 ETA till someone speaks again: 30-45 min 2019-07-03 18:47:55 networking, I guess 2019-07-03 18:48:15 networking not found 2019-07-03 18:48:29 setup-networking, duh 2019-07-03 18:48:56 same :) 2019-07-03 18:49:00 not found 2019-07-03 18:49:05 idk 2019-07-03 18:49:23 ok, thanks for efford ;) 2019-07-03 18:49:23 I guess....we need to wait for someone who knows what they're doing, then 2019-07-03 18:49:32 all right 2019-07-03 18:50:01 the setup-stuff might not be available after installing, I guess 2019-07-03 18:50:03 do you know when someone wise usually appears here? 2019-07-03 18:50:12 nah, haven't been here long 2019-07-03 18:50:32 last line was about 15 min before you showed up 2019-07-03 18:53:10 setup-interfaces 2019-07-03 18:54:36 EarlGray: ^ 2019-07-03 19:01:53 wait 2019-07-03 19:02:29 ok, typed setup-interfaces 2019-07-03 19:05:09 @mps it says default to setup is eth0 2019-07-03 19:05:22 but i think I have eth0 already 2019-07-03 19:05:43 it set it again, i.e. reconfig 2019-07-03 19:06:02 my ifconfig output: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/c85l2y/my_virtual_machine_with_alpine_has_no_internet/ 2019-07-03 19:06:08 ok I will try 2019-07-03 19:07:29 nex step is "Ip address for eth0? (or 'dhcp', 'none', '?') []] 2019-07-03 19:07:41 please use some paste service, tpaste.us is best 2019-07-03 19:08:19 mps: sorry, I cannot copy from vm, or I don't know how to do it 2019-07-03 19:08:48 should I pick 'dhcp'? 2019-07-03 19:09:03 well, I don't know how you need to setup your network, but for me dhcp is simplest and it usually works in VM's 2019-07-03 19:10:41 well, I don't know ether- I need it to be accesible from my host. i need to install samba on vm to for sharing files between host and guest 2019-07-03 19:11:24 I don't know anything about VirtualBox, except it is VM 2019-07-03 19:11:47 so don't know how to setup it 2019-07-03 19:11:51 will dhcp give me 'regular" ip like 192.168... 2019-07-03 19:11:58 ? 2019-07-03 19:12:20 it will depend on your dhcp server 2019-07-03 19:12:35 ok, I will give it a try 2019-07-03 19:13:51 you can run dhcp client on alpine manually with 'udhcpc -i eth0' if you use eth0 as interface 2019-07-03 19:15:23 yeah! It works! I have ping response from google! THX mps :D 2019-07-03 19:15:47 you are welcome 2019-07-03 19:22:18 @freenode_EarlGray:matrix.org: 2019-07-03 19:22:19 You can configure that in /etc/network/interfaces to auto trigger during boot 2019-07-03 19:26:28 errn0[m]: setup-interfaces does this (with questions to user) 2019-07-03 21:30:42 firefox-esr on 3.10 segfaults when connecting to sites with private certificates, tested on x86_64 and aarch64 2019-07-03 21:30:57 anyone else have such experience 2019-07-03 21:31:52 (and the rust is safe language ;) ) 2019-07-03 21:32:22 rust HAH 2019-07-03 21:32:22 ehm, what is a 'private certificate'? 2019-07-03 21:33:03 some obscure feature where you auth to the server with certificates I suppose? or just self-signed certs? 2019-07-03 21:33:21 self signed, ofc 2019-07-03 21:36:07 there's a feature to "Choose a certificate to present as identification" 2019-07-03 21:36:28 so not "ofc" 2019-07-03 21:37:26 mps: Well, FF is still mostly done in langs other than Rust, so those parts can totally SEGFAULT 2019-07-03 21:37:58 does 'private certification authority with server and client certificates' sounds better 2019-07-03 21:38:45 Cogitri: yes, I know (only servo is rust I think) but kidding a little 2019-07-03 21:39:09 What FF version? I still have the insecure as frick FF 66 which is in the repos :/ 2019-07-03 21:39:46 firefox-esr 60.7.2-r0 2019-07-03 21:40:30 Ah, didn't read the esr somehow 2019-07-03 21:40:30 Let me try 2019-07-03 21:41:52 that sounds much better because it's a totally different case ;P I'd try to help if it wasn't past midnight, but hey, at least someone who assumedly probably knows what they're doing is helping :) 2019-07-03 21:43:03 mps: Does it segfault before the "warning: potential Security risk ahead"? 2019-07-03 21:43:48 didn't seen this message 2019-07-03 21:43:54 it shouldn't warn if you have the private CA installed 2019-07-03 21:44:40 oh, you mean window of warning, it accepts certs and connect fine 2019-07-03 21:44:56 but after restart FF it then segfaults 2019-07-03 21:45:37 Ah, so I'm just going to visit my local CUPS via https which is self signed 2019-07-03 21:45:42 hmm, tried again on x86_64 and it now doesn't segfault 2019-07-03 21:46:13 Then close the browser and open it again and then it should segfault? 2019-07-03 21:46:19 interesting, will restart to see what will happen 2019-07-03 21:47:11 ehm, on x86_64 now it works after restart 2019-07-03 21:47:43 but it segfaulted few hours ago 2019-07-03 21:48:21 and on aarch64 I tried few times, and it always segfaults 2019-07-03 21:49:10 worth saving the trace/dump/stuff when it happens, start from a terminal or such, that could help figuring out 2019-07-03 21:49:16 will look on void linux if there are some patches for aarch64/armv7 2019-07-03 22:32:20 any progress on rust for aarch64? 2019-07-03 22:38:37 pr9134 :) 2019-07-03 22:54:10 woo! what does this note mean? "the produced compilers MUST ONLY be used to bootstrap the actual compilers with our triplets, DO NOT use these to compile packages". Is this referring to the intermediate compiler during the build or the final build? 2019-07-03 22:54:27 btw how'd exams go for you Cogitri ? 2019-07-03 22:56:01 xcko: Yup, it's only for the intermediate compilers, once we recompile against our triplets everything should work fine™ 2019-07-03 22:56:05 Pretty great :) 2019-07-03 23:04:04 very cool, so rust is close then but not quite here. And congrats on the exams! glad to hear they went well for you. 2019-07-03 23:05:54 Thanks :) 2019-07-03 23:05:55 Well, gonna sleep now, good night 2019-07-03 23:06:54 night Cogitri 2019-07-04 08:31:52 Just for redundancy: You guys prefer network-manager to connman, then? 2019-07-04 08:32:40 why "then"? where was the previous discussion? 2019-07-04 08:32:50 Well, I'm pretty GNOMEy, so NM is a natural choice to me 2019-07-04 08:33:12 Cogitri: Do you have gnome running already? 2019-07-04 08:33:37 Yup, for some time now 2019-07-04 08:33:44 jn__: There was, a day or so ago. I'm mostly curious because I'd like to run iwd and minimize the size, etc. 2019-07-04 08:33:52 jn__: I think we discussed about that a dew days ago 2019-07-04 08:34:06 Cogitri: Ah, I see. I am on bspwm, so I'm just seeing what I can have work 'behind the scenes' in a way 2019-07-04 08:34:11 No applets really necessary, for now 2019-07-04 08:34:24 I really only want a network manager for running dhcp, etc 2019-07-04 08:34:29 ah, ok, i missed it 2019-07-04 08:34:46 priontology: connman for now is 'underdeveloped' 2019-07-04 08:35:09 mps: does that translate to any bad bugs, though? were you saying you were using nm? I can't remember. Damned memory. 2019-07-04 08:37:12 I don't use nm, I use iwctl and start udhcpc manually from terminal 2019-07-04 08:38:24 fyi, iwd will have dhcp (client) protocol 'included' in some of next releases 2019-07-04 08:44:24 mps: ah interesting 2019-07-04 08:44:36 i'm not really certain i like the idea of iwd moving in a dhcp client 2019-07-04 08:44:47 starts to become more like an ip client itself 2019-07-04 08:44:51 layer mixing etc 2019-07-04 08:49:27 there will be option to be built without dhcp I think 2019-07-04 09:32:03 iwd is not a dhcp client... I guess..rather it calls dhcp client. 2019-07-04 09:32:24 Ahhh, good. 2019-07-04 09:46:34 if that's the direction they're taking... in a couple of years, iwd will be renamed to systemd-iwd 2019-07-04 09:46:37 :) 2019-07-04 09:47:13 lmao 2019-07-04 09:47:30 errn0[m]: really like my setup with bspwm. simplistic, etc. 2019-07-04 09:47:40 i'll get into messing with config sometime in the future, but as it stands, it's noice 2019-07-04 09:47:52 though i think i'll put redshift into my xinitrc 2019-07-04 09:48:00 instead of bspwm's cfg 2019-07-04 09:53:24 priontology: Oh I still miss my bspwm setup. I like bspwm a lot. However using dwm as bspwm needed a statusbar.. and needed separate scripts for lemonbar on FreeBSD and Linux. I so just gave up on lemonbar :) 2019-07-04 09:53:45 heh 2019-07-04 09:53:53 Do you switch between bsd and linux often? 2019-07-04 09:54:15 errn0[m]: iwd is not dhcp client for now, but in next version it will contain dhcp client code (probably) , it is already pushed in development tree 2019-07-04 09:54:24 priontology: 2019-07-04 09:54:25 yeah.. 2019-07-04 09:54:26 https://git.sr.ht/~b17wise/dotfiles/tree/master/.config/bspwm 2019-07-04 09:54:43 mps: is that needed? 2019-07-04 09:54:57 I mean, is it needed to embed dhcp code in iwd? 2019-07-04 09:54:59 :\ 2019-07-04 09:54:59 mps: Ow... why it should contain a dhcp client? 2019-07-04 09:55:22 reminds me of the good old xkcd strip... [soon] "there are 3 competing dhcp clients" 2019-07-04 09:56:04 (strip #927) 2019-07-04 09:56:16 errn0[m]: Does your wallpaper cycle? 2019-07-04 09:56:29 I have split minds about that. It will be really god to have it for FILS, but from other angle I'm not sure if it is good idea to bloat iwd 2019-07-04 09:56:39 priontology: Yeah 2019-07-04 09:56:50 mps: FILS? Fix it later syndrome? 2019-07-04 09:57:00 errn0[m]: That's neat. I'm not currently into wallpapers, yet. 2019-07-04 09:57:04 mps: if you are unsure whether bloating is a good idea, then no, it usually is not :) 2019-07-04 09:57:15 mps: just my 2 cents 2019-07-04 09:57:20 no intention to criticise 2019-07-04 09:57:21 If it didn't take too much calculation, I'd do some generative imagery or something like that, but we'll see in the future. 2019-07-04 09:57:25 Fast Internet Link Setup, less than 100msec 2019-07-04 09:57:31 Ahhh, true 2019-07-04 09:57:38 fuck i really like when nets connect quickly 2019-07-04 09:57:44 but there are already many bloated ip-configuration-thigies around 2019-07-04 09:57:45 i _hate_ how wifi takes so long on android and ios 2019-07-04 09:58:14 mps: why would externally calling a fast dhcp client not be better, though? 2019-07-04 09:58:16 mps: sorry for the unduly intervention ;) 2019-07-04 09:59:02 if all Access points know how to handle FILS then maybe dhcp client code is not needed in iwd, but real world is not perfect 2019-07-04 09:59:33 mps: then specify a combination that "works" 2019-07-04 09:59:44 maybe 2019-07-04 10:00:20 KatolaZ: it is usually slower to call external code/program (and parse results) than to execute internal code 2019-07-04 10:00:49 that's pointless in terms with dhcp; it's going to take more time to get a response 2019-07-04 10:00:55 why, though? 2019-07-04 10:01:11 mps: yes, but it is usually easier to reuse, rather than reinvent, IMHO 2019-07-04 10:01:17 actually, how do OSes like windows know that they have a conflicting IP address? 2019-07-04 10:01:28 do they ask the dhcp server after connecting? 2019-07-04 10:01:48 arping the address and see if anything replies first 2019-07-04 10:01:56 it feels like it'd be faster for most devices ot just set their own damn address and go from there 2019-07-04 10:02:05 spare: makes sense. seems like a really easy script 2019-07-04 10:02:27 if you look at iwd source you can see that the dhcp add on code is not big 2019-07-04 10:02:39 the busybox udhcpc has a toggle to sanity check replies from dhcpd before assigning should auto renew if it gets a collision 2019-07-04 10:02:42 take netmask + network -> make address -> arp for it -> set if not 2019-07-04 10:03:01 spare: ah i'm just curious in general if we could beat dhcp speeds 2019-07-04 10:03:16 i've had up to 3 seconds of wait time on fooking ETHERNET before 2019-07-04 10:03:20 is something in the help page about turning on ping/arping to allow dhcprelay to sanity check doing single daemon from multiple sub domains 2019-07-04 10:04:20 mps: link to the repo, pls? 2019-07-04 10:05:19 https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/network/wireless/iwd.git/log/ 2019-07-04 10:06:07 and, particularly https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/network/wireless/iwd.git/commit/?id=3d40f3a38b60eeba93f144977094f718dc1abf1d 2019-07-04 10:16:37 mps: that does not look to be a complete DHCP implementation, TBH 2019-07-04 10:18:19 anyway, I remain convinced it does not make much sense 2019-07-04 10:18:47 but I am not surprised at all by the run to add features and bloat :\ 2019-07-04 10:29:22 KatolaZ: it is not complete, it is first push. we will see what will happen later 2019-07-04 10:30:29 yep 2019-07-04 10:30:29 :) 2019-07-04 10:37:56 we need to seduce intel 2019-07-04 12:40:16 Yessss!!!! My first server-class hardware! Dell T320 with 48GB RAM :-D 2019-07-04 12:40:36 This is goint to be fun to install Alpine on! 2019-07-04 12:47:06 hey guys, if i do apk del python2 e.g. it just says: OK: 1000MiB in 164 packages, but not actually removing it 2019-07-04 12:58:42 I suppose something still depends on it 2019-07-04 12:59:30 it does not mention it then 2019-07-04 12:59:37 its the only message it prints 2019-07-04 12:59:51 root 2019-07-04 13:01:16 It usually prints only that when the package is already removed 2019-07-04 14:06:20 Is there a way to change the keyboard layout on boot using kernel boot options? I have set pkeys=us for the boot option but it doesn't seem to work. The problem is a VM appliance that has the wrong keyboard layout for my region so I can't log in without the keyboard matching. 2019-07-04 14:10:35 hmm 2019-07-04 14:11:17 to boot alpine from usb via uefi, can i still just dd the .iso to the usb drive's device? or does it need a gpt table and dd'ing to a partition instead? 2019-07-04 14:17:01 oh, cool! https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Create_UEFI_boot_USB 2019-07-04 14:42:14 Iceflower: Because you do not have python2 installed 2019-07-04 14:46:37 ryouba: you can just dd the iso to the usb drive 2019-07-04 14:46:38 You don't need to do any manual steps otherwise 2019-07-04 19:12:16 hi, is there any way to install java from repository on Alpine? 2019-07-04 19:15:16 apk add openjdk8 (9,10) 2019-07-04 19:15:54 also 11 2019-07-04 19:17:14 https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=*open*jdk&branch=edge 2019-07-04 19:17:26 Uh, Markdown, stop that 2019-07-04 19:17:30 https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=*open*jdk&branch=edge 2019-07-04 19:21:51 PureTryOut: 2019-07-04 19:21:52 Just asking.. how did you guys managed to packaged OpenJDK ? 2019-07-04 19:21:52 Back then in Void musl edition, i failed to build OpenJDK there last year 2019-07-04 19:21:53 psckage* 2019-07-04 19:22:14 package* 2019-07-04 19:23:41 Also is there any way I can list packages by its type? Like text editors, compilers etc ? 2019-07-04 19:24:17 errn0[m]: you mean 'tags', we don't have tags, yet 2019-07-04 19:34:31 mps: I see 2019-07-04 19:36:12 errn0: I didn't package OpenJDK so I can't tell you 2019-07-04 19:36:46 PureTryOut: okey 2019-07-04 19:49:31 errn0[m]: usually you can search keywords such as "text editor" or "compiler" and find enough, might not find some, of course 2019-07-04 21:49:13 I tried "apk add openjdk8" byt output says: ERROR unsatisfiable constraints: openjdk8 (missing) 2019-07-04 21:49:27 tried wit other version - 9 ant the same error 2019-07-04 21:49:32 and* 2019-07-04 21:50:25 you need to add the community repo 2019-07-04 21:50:29 it's in community not main 2019-07-04 21:57:33 little OT but just read interesting 'mail' https://lwn.net/Articles/792113/ 2019-07-04 22:02:26 :-) 2019-07-04 22:03:29 dalias: nicely written :-) 2019-07-04 22:09:36 An interesting read indeed 2019-07-04 22:11:50 Cogitri: do you know why rust have llvm in their source tarballs 2019-07-04 22:12:34 Because LLVM release cycles are way slower than Rust's 2019-07-04 22:12:47 And Rust finds a lot of bugs in LLVM 2019-07-04 22:13:18 LLVM7 was pretty broken w/ Rust (as you've noticed it), but their version of LLVM7 was patched to work just fine 2019-07-04 22:13:45 Basically, the llvm that's included in Rust is a staging area until they can upstream their patches 2019-07-04 22:14:24 aha, I've built it earlier with external llvm (removed in tree) 2019-07-04 22:14:53 forgot to mention this to you 2019-07-04 22:15:16 all right, how to add community repo? 2019-07-04 22:16:09 EarlGray__: edit /etc/apk/repositories 2019-07-04 22:16:37 echo 'https://dl-mirror.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.10/community' >> /etc/apk/repositories 2019-07-04 22:16:43 mps: We always build against our LLVM, but I think I might try it again on aarch64 with the bundled LLVM, thanks for the idea! 2019-07-04 22:17:41 EarlGray__: where 'dl-mirror.alpinelinux.org' is your preferred mirror 2019-07-04 22:18:51 Cogitri: today I worked again with adelie tarballs on rust 1.33 and noticed that it 'problematic' 2019-07-04 22:19:16 I mean, in source tree llvm 2019-07-04 22:19:53 Yup, they do that 2019-07-04 22:19:56 Which means static linking 2019-07-04 22:20:05 Which means massive Rust packages 2019-07-04 22:20:25 I think their Rust unpacked is like 400MB? 2019-07-04 22:20:42 Ours unpatched is 250MB and with our patched 150 unpackaged I believe 2019-07-04 22:22:49 right, but if we can somehow bootstrap it we (actually you :-) ) can later build it normally 2019-07-04 22:24:12 Yup, hadn't considered that, thanks :) 2019-07-04 22:26:15 hmm, I'm just prating, don't know what will be best way ;-) 2019-07-04 22:27:29 but I see that you work seriously on it and want to help if I can 2019-07-04 22:30:29 Thank you for your help, mps! :) 2019-07-04 22:30:37 Yes, I really want to see Rust spread more 2019-07-04 22:31:40 *thank you* for your hard work 2019-07-05 01:36:20 where is the upgrade log? i am upgrading to 3.10, after changing the repo number then apk upgrade --available, it's showing 1 error 2019-07-05 03:03:43 run apk fix to try again 2019-07-05 03:03:46 should tell you what's wrong 2019-07-05 03:03:50 err, that was a while ago, wasn't it 2019-07-05 03:31:56 yeah 2019-07-05 03:32:02 let me try that command 2019-07-05 03:32:39 apk fix did nothing 2019-07-05 03:32:47 must've fixed itself after a reboot 2019-07-05 06:46:18 Hi there, anyone using apulse with firefox on alpine ? I struggle to get it to work at all, not only with firefox.. build it from github 2019-07-05 06:47:32 are you sure it's not just muted? I've had that issue before, where it defaults to muted 2019-07-05 06:51:46 nah, I can use pure alsa fine and sound is played 2019-07-05 06:54:53 I start firefox like that: APULSE_PLAYBACK_DEVICE=hw:1,0 apulse firefox 2019-07-05 06:55:20 the device corresponds to the onboard audio, not hdmi 2019-07-05 06:56:06 greguu: what is apulse? url please 2019-07-05 06:56:10 [Child 4463, MediaPlayback #1] WARNING: 55f4a08b4e20 OpenCubeb() failed to init cubeb: file /home/buildozer/aports/testing/firefox/src/firefox-66.0.5/dom/media/AudioStream.cpp, line 382 2019-07-05 06:56:50 mps: https://github.com/i-rinat/apulse 2019-07-05 06:58:47 ah, yes, I remember now :) maybe it could be packaged 2019-07-05 06:58:57 I tried all the firefox about:config options out there, but still dont get it to work 2019-07-05 06:59:30 mps: It builds find, easy package I guess, but it needs to work first 2019-07-05 06:59:44 does it work with other stuff like, idk, vlc? 2019-07-05 07:00:10 I tried with mpv and it did not, but my main focus is on firefox 2019-07-05 07:00:34 it is worth try to package and see if other stuff works 2019-07-05 07:01:27 b 2019-07-05 07:01:29 actually I don't need such things, expect sometime ;-) 2019-07-05 07:01:40 I bet it's not exactly firefox's fault, then 2019-07-05 07:01:55 not sure, firefox sandboxing etc may changed again 2019-07-05 07:02:10 if other stuff DOES work, and firefox doesn't then, sure 2019-07-05 07:02:23 but mpv and vlc and such should definitely work 2019-07-05 07:02:23 need to confirm that first.. 2019-07-05 07:02:35 mpv and vlc work fine with pure alsa 2019-07-05 07:02:45 with this wrapper or whatever 2019-07-05 07:04:02 weird thing is, the firefox APKBUILD states it does enable legacy alsa mode, but it does not work anymore 2019-07-05 07:05:32 anyway, not a show stopper, just was wondering if some still manage to get away with pure alsa and dmix and firefox 2019-07-05 07:06:44 greguu: firefox 66.0.6 from testing? does firefox-esr works? 2019-07-05 07:07:10 firefox testing I use, not keen to downgrade as it may bork my profiles up 2019-07-05 07:07:25 use a new profile, then ;P 2019-07-05 07:07:51 yeah, could do. some debian folks claim their esr still works with alsa 2019-07-05 07:08:50 I may give that a shot, shame testing and esr do not coexist 2019-07-05 07:09:15 or I cave in totally and install pulseaudio 2019-07-05 07:10:09 oh no, no pulseadio :-D 2019-07-05 07:10:18 or you can try to download it right from mozilla ;P 2019-07-05 07:13:30 I will have another go at it...and resist the pulseaudio temptation a bit longer 2019-07-05 07:54:15 narrowed it down to /etc/asound.conf being messed up, no need for apulse at all 2019-07-05 07:54:35 now dmix works and firefox and chrome can play at the same time audio. silly me 2019-07-05 08:10:12 I have firefox installed.. but no pulseaudio here... firefox doesnt require pulseaudio I guess... why even it would? 2019-07-05 08:10:31 Not everyone play music on remote bt speakers 2019-07-05 08:12:14 you can buy usb dongles that abstract the entire radio and just show up as a sound card 2019-07-05 09:00:37 errn0: people don't just use PulseAudio for remote bt speakers... It's optional, if you don't want it, just don't install it 2019-07-05 09:01:25 Although I do believe Mozilla dropped support for Alsa and started explicitely requiring PulseAudio. Not sure how it still works without it 2019-07-05 09:02:36 spare, yes, it's a shame linux doesn't just do the same... 2019-07-05 09:03:15 Maybe I am on Firefox-esr.. that's why? 2019-07-05 09:05:30 Well the newer Firefox package isn't depending or built with PulseAudio either currently 2019-07-05 09:06:32 PureTryOut: Oh ho.. 2019-07-05 09:06:40 I see 2019-07-05 09:07:24 Looks like it fallbacks to ALSA I guess 2019-07-05 09:07:38 let me check 2019-07-05 09:09:35 That'd would be interesting seeing it dropped ALSA support 2019-07-05 09:15:13 Working on pulseaudio 2019-07-05 09:15:27 I meant ALSA 2019-07-05 09:15:36 ACTION uploaded an image: shot.png (507KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/snOrtaJqkkwyCIWKZPfFbqrz > 2019-07-05 09:15:40 Working on alsa 2019-07-05 09:20:49 That's without apulse? Interesting 2019-07-05 09:21:25 PureTryOut: I don't even know what is apulse xD 2019-07-05 09:21:48 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1247056 2019-07-05 09:23:28 This is fun... ! 2019-07-05 09:23:29 I would take this as a fallback 2019-07-05 09:24:23 It was, but it had no maintainer, and by far the majority uses Firefox with Pulse anyway. So I completely understand their reasoning to drop it 2019-07-05 09:25:16 ACTION sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/AaTgWWcdXjvDhEMAwHUCVmGt > 2019-07-05 09:28:11 ACTION sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/CbtcXByAwUTmOmyeorRGYArW > 2019-07-05 09:28:12 But they do have ac_add_options --enable-alsa in their .mozconfig 2019-07-05 09:32:10 Firefox is known for including basically everything into their packages 2019-07-05 09:32:10 And other hand, we have disabled jmalloc (musl doesn't support external malloc) 2019-07-05 09:32:11 and --enable-alsa 2019-07-05 09:36:06 Hey; does iwd let me start an access point, or do I need to use hostapd for that? I also need a dhcp server, I guess, because I'm trying to network together a bunch of nintendo 3dses 2019-07-05 09:36:08 Turns out that android's default hotspot uses client isolation 2019-07-05 09:48:18 priontology: yes, you can use iwd in AP mode, but you need to config network interface for routing or bridging. maybe dhcp server etc. 2019-07-05 09:49:55 ahhh, interesting 2019-07-05 09:50:00 hostapd can be used for that, too, i assume 2019-07-05 09:50:13 does iwd support a psk etc 2019-07-05 09:50:29 And then I can just run dnsmasq after, yeah? 2019-07-05 09:50:38 right, hostapd also can be used for AP 2019-07-05 09:50:58 iwd supports psk 2019-07-05 09:51:15 dude, neat 2019-07-05 09:51:20 i'll proceed to rtfm 2019-07-05 09:51:32 also, I run dnsmasq as dhcp/dns server with iwd in AP mode 2019-07-05 09:53:46 How do I change wlan0 from a station to an AP with iwctl? 2019-07-05 09:54:29 aha. device wlan0 set-property Mode ap 2019-07-05 09:55:10 you can read my 'iwd short and incomplete guide for Alpine linux' at http://arvanta.net/mps/iwd-howto.md 2019-07-05 09:56:07 it is not comprehensive guide but will give you overall understanding 2019-07-05 09:56:46 disclaimer: probably have some bugs or errors 2019-07-05 09:57:34 disclaimer: if you kill all the world or just your cat/dog I'm not responsible 2019-07-05 09:57:55 disclaimer: if you kill all the world or just your cat/dog using this guide, I'm not responsible 2019-07-05 09:58:01 sorry 2019-07-05 10:02:08 PureTryOut[m]: I noticed you added pulseaudio to audacious-plugins, hope we will not end in full pulseaudio deps 2019-07-05 10:18:24 I'll read it! 2019-07-05 10:18:26 Also, mps: Do you know how to bridge my wlan0 to eth0 (upstream is eth0)? 2019-07-05 10:18:28 I'm unsure what utils I'm supposed to use 2019-07-05 10:18:31 the 3dses want internet 2019-07-05 10:18:33 ;-; 2019-07-05 10:19:18 ah hey right there on the wiki 2019-07-05 10:21:59 Uh oh. brctl is giving me weird errors. 2019-07-05 10:22:10 ioctl 0x8940 failed 2019-07-05 10:23:05 mps: it's just build time. If you don't want PulseAudio, don't install it 2019-07-05 10:23:36 Maybe I don't want a bridge. If I'm just sharing internet connection, can't I just forward packets meant for the internet from one interface (wlan0) to the other (eth0)? 2019-07-05 10:24:00 Although I don't agree with the opinion, I realize not everybody wants PulseAudio 2019-07-05 10:24:33 PureTryOut[m]: yes, I know, else I would write salve of criticism to you ;-) 2019-07-05 10:27:18 priontology: this brctl probably busybox applet. install bridge and/or bridge-tools apk, it is more complete 2019-07-05 10:27:25 looool 2019-07-05 10:27:27 of course. 2019-07-05 10:27:31 Do I want brctl, though? 2019-07-05 10:27:38 Or do I want instead to just forward packets with iptales 2019-07-05 10:27:41 iptables 2019-07-05 10:29:01 that is on you, you decide what method is best for you 2019-07-05 10:29:51 What's the difference between bridging and using iptables? 2019-07-05 10:30:48 well, there are a lot docs on net about this 2019-07-05 10:32:06 PureTryOut[m]: it will pull libpulse :/ 2019-07-05 10:34:40 the problem with pulse is that the pulse audio changing sound... to badly one :\ 2019-07-05 10:34:42 `audacious-plugins` you mean? I didn't add that runtime dep 2019-07-05 10:35:12 MY_R: you can change those sounds lol 2019-07-05 10:35:56 if you build it with libpulse-dev it will depend libpulse 2019-07-05 10:36:38 alsa only sounds like should and I couldnt configure pulse to even sounds like alsa... 2019-07-05 10:37:29 pulseaudio is bad, imso 2019-07-05 10:37:44 tested with integrated sound cards, with some audigy ones and is just bad, in games some weird delays too 2019-07-05 10:37:56 I disagree 2019-07-05 10:38:02 I would really want to use PA but ye 2019-07-05 10:38:08 Still, I didn't mean to add a new runtime dep on it 2019-07-05 10:39:41 Guh, how do I make sure ip (from iproute2) overshadows the busybox symlink 2019-07-05 10:39:45 At least it's just the libraries and not the full thing :/ 2019-07-05 10:40:22 priontology, be modern and use nftables ;) 2019-07-05 10:40:43 nftables? If it can spoonfeed me, I'll be convinced. 2019-07-05 10:41:03 but also i just need to use ip 2019-07-05 10:41:05 :D 2019-07-05 10:49:41 priontology: just remove the link to busybox 2019-07-05 10:49:47 I bridged, by the way. 2019-07-05 10:52:40 priontology: in my case even busybox brctl works fine 2019-07-05 10:52:54 interesting; i wonder why busybox's brctl didn't love me. 2019-07-05 10:53:16 PureTryOut[m]: I had hope that the alpine will keep minimal deps whenever possible 2019-07-05 11:07:29 Well, I'm trying. I didn't realize it would add a dep on it. Still, I would like Pulse support 2019-07-05 11:09:13 should we all push our preferences or follow some (not yet strongly written) rules and best practice 2019-07-05 11:09:46 there are things which I prefer but don't push them blindly 2019-07-05 11:23:37 what mps says 2019-07-05 11:40:19 Dude, I get your point, no need to preach it to me. Again, I didn't realize it added an automatic dep on libpulse. I installed and tested it locally and didn't see it. I'm sorry for that, but we're talking about a 1.3MB library here for a desktop program. It still won't use PulseAudio if you don't actually install it 2019-07-05 11:41:38 I find 1.3MB on a _desktop_ extremely low, and it isn't used without PulseAudio so it's not like there is a new attack vector there either 2019-07-05 14:33:51 > Which means that we rely on alsa-plugins-pulse to be installed 2019-07-05 14:33:52 I know that. I was not complaining, I was, instead, prasing the minimalism 2019-07-05 14:36:32 > I mean I'm not against it, I'm just curious what advantages that'd bring along :) 2019-07-05 14:36:32 Local systems has little to no advntages of it. I just listen music on the same computer I am working on. Others might differ. 2019-07-05 14:38:45 errn0: Ah, I wasn't against it either :) 2019-07-05 14:40:30 I am not aginst pulseaudio either. It is very useful tool for advanced audio manipulations 2019-07-05 14:41:35 We want it or not.. it's upto mozilla, if they want to work with alsa or not.. I can't blame alpine packagers 2019-07-05 15:02:15 Anyone else unable to install py-testtools on edge? 2019-07-05 15:04:42 ACTION sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/lbsAqVKbsmXyoaXQiqAFDsKX > 2019-07-05 15:04:44 WT? 2019-07-05 15:06:54 Ok, wanted to make sure it wasn't just me 2019-07-05 15:07:46 Looks like it depends on py-traceback2 but only py2-traceback2 exists 2019-07-05 15:12:00 rmsvc: Open a bug report with detail log 2019-07-05 17:24:01 eh. now it's gonna be first time I use alpine with xorg 2019-07-05 17:28:27 artok: let us know how it goes 2019-07-05 17:32:53 jackd is for advanced audio manipulation, pulseaudio is consumergrade stuff 2019-07-05 17:49:00 p4Wv1qn095FW: where alpine heading? to consumer grade distro or advanced users 2019-07-05 17:51:10 to be either, it'd need a sane way to configure partitions when installing, lol 2019-07-05 17:51:31 ACTION still having trouble with that 2019-07-05 17:53:28 jan6: do it manually, and use setup-disk 2019-07-05 17:55:46 so far tried it a mere 5 times or such, even attempted one of those third-party tools linked to in the wiki or such...guess I'm asking too much and/or am doing stuff too wrong...uefi too, of course, since it's supported 2019-07-05 17:56:58 didn't tried uefi, but it worked for me with syslinux and even u-boot 2019-07-05 17:57:08 sure 2019-07-05 17:58:16 even made script to automatically install alpine under qemu, using setup-disk 2019-07-05 17:58:37 once you know what to do, sure, it's easy 2019-07-05 17:59:23 well, it required two or three times to try 2019-07-05 17:59:53 ^a bit complicated imo 2019-07-05 18:00:19 I mean yeah, it LOOKS like it's easy, "eh, guess I must be doing it wrong then" 2019-07-05 18:02:26 ajin: all good but now there is just problem loading correct keyboard map 2019-07-05 18:03:21 somehow fi winkeys is not loading, using "setxkbmap fi winkeys" makes it work 2019-07-05 18:03:59 yeah, just set the keyboard when booting x, .xinitrc or such, iirc 2019-07-05 18:11:22 artok: cool! 2019-07-05 18:13:19 anyone have experience in installing alpine on nmve 'disk' 2019-07-05 18:13:41 mps: why should it be any different? 2019-07-05 18:14:23 will the setup-alpine detect /dev/nvme0 2019-07-05 18:14:42 dunno :P 2019-07-05 18:15:21 and I would like to install it manually, setup-disk etc... 2019-07-05 18:15:33 jan6: just wondering why wouldn't it be configurable from xorg.conf... 2019-07-05 18:16:26 artok: probably is, but not sure how changes to that in future packages might affect it, sure you could mess in there, too, that'd also work 2019-07-05 18:47:55 ah yeah should read logs better 2019-07-05 18:49:22 hotplugging xorg devices-> drivers "kbd" disabled .. 2019-07-05 18:56:41 KatolaZ: it was 'too much' easy to install alpine on nvme, nothing special, worked 'out of the box' 2019-07-05 18:58:24 xorg has come way from 90's when I last configured it =D 2019-07-05 18:59:23 s/too much/much too/ 2019-07-05 18:59:47 never will learn syntax of this language 2019-07-05 19:00:05 mps: ;) 2019-07-05 19:07:50 woowoo x11 works like charm.. 2019-07-05 19:08:12 not that I could use that keyboard on the laptop as well as my mac keyboard 2019-07-05 19:09:28 artok: what's the your issue with keyboard 2019-07-05 19:09:45 nah I had the options on wrong section 2019-07-05 19:09:54 I use 4 keymaps on chromebook keyboard 2019-07-05 19:10:49 since kbd driver section is in the end just skipped since hotplugging is active 2019-07-05 19:11:44 I set it in .xinitrc with setxkbmap 2019-07-05 19:12:34 I'm one of those that want it to be set in xorg.conf =) 2019-07-05 19:13:36 ah, np 2019-07-05 19:14:33 Hey, the regex for changing to edge is not working anymore as of v3.10 here - https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Edge, I would suggest something like `sed -i 's/v[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+/edge/g' /etc/apk/repositories` instead. But don't know if that is the best approach 2019-07-05 19:23:28 to be sure, I'd make sure that it starts with slash 2019-07-05 19:23:44 \/ before v and edge 2019-07-05 19:24:01 but that might be being overly careful =) 2019-07-05 19:25:17 Well. I am already ensuring the v11111.11111, I that would cover most 2019-07-05 19:26:30 I actually did alpine/vxxx beforehand, but it seems overly careful :p 2019-07-05 19:33:39 you can never to TOO careful with system stuff ;P 2019-07-05 19:34:03 jan6: `rm -rf /$UNSETVARIBLE`, come on, just do it :D 2019-07-05 19:34:09 better be tripe-careful than accidentally break package manager or whole OS 2019-07-05 19:34:12 well that covers if someone has mirror on own-v3.10-alpine.domain.com =) 2019-07-05 19:34:20 But if someone with a Wiki user would edit it, I would be grateful! 2019-07-05 19:34:23 eyJhb: no, you forgot --no-preserve-root 2019-07-05 19:34:34 But then you would have to do / and /, right artok ? 2019-07-05 19:34:46 jan6: busybox don't care :p 2019-07-05 19:35:39 yes there checking for /v. /edge 2019-07-05 19:36:10 ACTION is such a madlad actually DID run busybox rm -rf / for a second on his main system 2019-07-05 19:36:12 ;P 2019-07-05 19:36:21 without root, of course 2019-07-05 19:36:35 Soo... `sed -i 's|/v[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+/|edge|g' /etc/apk/repositories` artok ? 2019-07-05 19:36:51 I have run a rm -rf / on a system once. Did not function that good after a reboot 2019-07-05 19:41:20 sed -i 's|/v[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+|/edge|g' 2019-07-05 19:42:31 Ohh yeah... 2019-07-05 19:42:36 Go go artok ! :D 2019-07-05 20:53:52 eyJhb in Solaris rm -rf / doesn't work 2019-07-05 20:56:31 Same on FreeBSD 2019-07-05 20:56:35 terror_: add --no-preserve-root and see if it still doesn't work, this is alpine and busybox's rm which doesn't need special handling, rm -rf / has been a meme and noobie pitfall for so long people got tired and patched it out of several "rm" versions ;P 2019-07-05 20:57:03 I'm old enough to know that :) 2019-07-05 21:02:03 but nobody prevents you from rm -rf /* 2019-07-05 21:02:05 ;P 2019-07-05 21:02:55 one character, and guard rails hopped over, systems blown up... 2019-07-05 22:02:04 jan6: that was.. What I did 2019-07-05 22:02:29 I had a habbit of doing `rm -rf /path/*` 2019-07-05 22:02:42 But somehow I brainfarted and did `rm -rf /*` on a Debian system 2019-07-05 22:02:55 ... 2019-07-05 22:03:09 jan6, "not running as root" prevents it :-) 2019-07-05 22:03:29 eyJhb: I once did that with my /home, that was a disaster :P 2019-07-05 22:03:37 Just prefix everything with sudo, that is how you get stuff to work! 2019-07-05 22:03:43 ... 2019-07-05 22:04:14 Cogitri: I have a friend that accidentally somehow managed to do a wipe of her SSD. It was very fast to be all zeros 2019-07-05 22:04:30 Basically think it just threw the key away and bam, zeros in secounds 2019-07-05 22:50:37 hi people, How can I execute scrip on startup and shutdown? 2019-07-05 22:56:36 EarlGray: look at /etc/local.d/README 2019-07-05 22:57:07 ok 2019-07-05 23:03:15 all right, so script should be normal bash script with shebang and extension .start instead of .sh? 2019-07-05 23:08:45 yes, and .stop for script which executes on shutdown 2019-07-05 23:09:40 don't forget to add 'rc-update add local' 2019-07-05 23:30:01 where should I add 'rc-update add local'? 2019-07-05 23:39:14 oh, as a command I guess... 2019-07-06 00:13:13 mps: I mage script like this: https://pastebin.com/wTwHM6hQ but after restart no log was written, so I think script was not executed... 2019-07-06 05:33:39 EarlGray: I think you can use any language you want, even python. It doesn't matter. Most people use #!/bin/sh 2019-07-06 05:35:40 jan6: chmod + chown on home dir would be fun 2019-07-06 05:43:06 #!/bin/bash 2019-07-06 05:50:55 cim209: 2019-07-06 05:50:56 #!/bin/lua 2019-07-06 05:51:10 naw 2019-07-06 05:52:08 okey 2019-07-06 05:52:17 #!/bin/perl ? 2019-07-06 05:52:49 naw 2019-07-06 05:55:00 okey 2019-07-06 05:55:01 LOL 2019-07-06 05:55:02 #!/bin/make ? 2019-07-06 06:16:12 naw 2019-07-06 09:29:08 i have a question about building opencv and exporting cv2 for python: is there an extra step i need to take in the APKBUILD in order to export /usr/lib/python* paths to the package? currently i built opencv with python support, i see `make install` installing the appropriate files, but installing the final package does not give me a cv2 package 2019-07-06 09:29:14 cv2 python package* 2019-07-06 14:50:12 How can I delete a specific version of a package? "apk add 'foo-1.0.0-r0'" works, but "apk del 'foo-1.0.0-r0'" doesn't. 2019-07-06 14:54:55 are you sure you have installed multiple and it doesn't just uninstall the other version? 2019-07-06 15:21:37 jan6: yeah, I somehow managed to get readline-7.0.0 and readline-8.0.0 installed at the same time 2019-07-06 15:21:45 Now I can't "apk upgrade" 2019-07-06 15:21:52 wew, weird 2019-07-06 15:22:17 https://superuser.com/questions/1055060/how-to-install-a-specific-package-version-in-alpine 2019-07-06 15:22:20 https://gist.github.com/tml/9930a9ee112e1ab79fe48c661479e2a7 2019-07-06 15:22:45 jan6: yeah, for some reason, that syntax is only parsed during "add" 2019-07-06 15:22:58 "del" doesn't honor it 2019-07-06 15:23:05 I'd open a bug report to add it to del too, then 2019-07-06 15:23:23 since it seems pretty major thing to uninstall specific version too, if you manage to have several 2019-07-06 15:24:22 I guess..uninstall all versions, and reinstall anything needed? 2019-07-06 15:24:30 :shrug: weird 2019-07-06 15:39:25 Hi people, I need to run scripts both on startup and shutdown. mps told me yesterday, that I can place bash scripts in /etc/local.d witch .start and .stop extensions. I created that scripts, but they are not executed :/ What have I done wrong? Startup script looks like this: https://pastebin.com/wTwHM6hQ 2019-07-06 15:46:49 EarlGray: did you chmod script to be executable 2019-07-06 15:47:14 no 2019-07-06 15:47:33 chmod 0777? 2019-07-06 15:47:56 well, chmod u+x is simpler 2019-07-06 15:48:07 user/owner is root, I presume 2019-07-06 15:48:16 yes 2019-07-06 15:48:45 you can test if it works by running it '/etc/local.d/script-name.start' 2019-07-06 15:48:53 same for stop 2019-07-06 15:49:35 and did you enabled 'local' on boot: rc-update add local 2019-07-06 15:49:52 yes I did enabled 'local' 2019-07-06 15:51:22 can you check from CLI if scripts works 2019-07-06 16:02:25 yes, script works from cli 2019-07-06 16:05:46 it should work then in boot and shutdown. 2019-07-06 16:06:07 simple check is to have the first script in the local.d like, write the date or something to a file, and see if that works 2019-07-06 16:08:17 I will chmod and try again 2019-07-06 16:09:20 jan6: I have already made loging function, but it didn't write anything after restart 2019-07-06 16:10:25 that means you should start trying to make that work, doesn't seem like it's being ran 2019-07-06 16:11:02 EarlGray: sorry, lost link 2019-07-06 16:11:50 rc-update add local 2019-07-06 16:11:52 ? 2019-07-06 16:11:58 right 2019-07-06 16:12:00 said already 2019-07-06 16:12:45 what rc-update actually does? 2019-07-06 16:13:33 startup is very long now, so maybe script is executing... 2019-07-06 16:13:50 aybe it's TRYING to execute, but is failing 2019-07-06 16:14:04 maybe :) 2019-07-06 16:14:26 comment out everything and see if it's normal, then see if log alone works, etc 2019-07-06 16:14:32 jan6: thanks 2019-07-06 16:15:12 also the script shouldn't output anything to stdout iirc, at least for cron that's straight out error, not sure about init 2019-07-06 16:16:12 I'm upgrading kernel on my internet gateway and have problem with CRNG (forgot to patch kernel) and had looooooong boot time 2019-07-06 16:19:02 so it did what supposed to do - runned webapp that I'm hosting on that virtual machine, but other problem occurred - I cannot log in, the webapp is constantly running, and terminal is not showing login and password question 2019-07-06 16:19:10 :/ 2019-07-06 16:19:41 I thought it will perform this action in the background 2019-07-06 16:20:38 EarlGray: it depends of your script 2019-07-06 16:22:10 mps: my script is executing other script. Does it still depends on mine or the other one? 2019-07-06 16:24:21 well, I don't know what your script and other scripts do, but they should work in background ('run in background'). But I cannot debug your scripts 2019-07-06 16:27:51 ok, for now I have to be able to log in into root again, any ideas? 2019-07-06 16:30:58 I tried to ssh as root, but "permission denied" 2019-07-06 16:31:33 ...are you executing the script at background? if not, probably that's the issue 2019-07-06 16:31:56 EarlGray: no ssh as root unless you specifically enable it 2019-07-06 16:32:12 you can ssh as regular user and su tho 2019-07-06 16:48:48 EarlGray: if you want to start some program/service to run in background you can look at some of the init scripts in /etc/init.d dir as examples 2019-07-06 16:50:23 or read openrc guide at https://github.com/OpenRC/openrc/blob/master/service-script-guide.md 2019-07-06 16:53:40 mps: I have added "&" at the end of each command in my script and I can use vm terminal now and my webapp is running 2019-07-06 16:54:08 the question is, why there is no entry in log file, that script was executed... 2019-07-06 16:55:03 EarlGray: does the script log itself? 2019-07-06 16:55:10 yes 2019-07-06 16:55:57 hm 2019-07-06 16:56:21 https://pastebin.com/RpWs4tDF 2019-07-06 16:56:30 that's the script 2019-07-06 16:56:48 don't background the echo 2019-07-06 16:57:20 (also correct grammar would be "script ran" but that's a nitpick) 2019-07-06 16:57:34 also you shouldn't log directly into root 2019-07-06 16:58:44 also if you have a proper shebang then you don't need to bash /whatever/script.sh but rather just /whatever/script.sh 2019-07-06 16:59:37 and it's preferred to use #!/usr/bin/env bash instead of #!/bin/bash, but that's not critical if it only runs on your own systems 2019-07-06 17:00:30 jan6: thx, I will correct that 2019-07-06 17:00:45 and it's also preferred to use $() instead of ``, also more readable as won't confuse ` and ' 2019-07-06 17:01:27 all of these are nitpicks tbh 2019-07-06 17:02:17 you don't NEED to fix any of them, just they're nicer 2019-07-06 17:02:40 btw, how to enable root login from ssh? That will make things easier. I thought I have to uncomment line in /etc/ssh/ssh_config 2019-07-06 17:02:41 and this script for example could be just #!/bin/sh as there's no bash-specific syntax there 2019-07-06 17:03:04 look in /etc/ssh/sshd.conf or such, might not rememebr exact path 2019-07-06 17:03:33 woah.. root login because of "simpler" 2019-07-06 17:03:41 sudo is simple enough =) 2019-07-06 17:04:23 then search using your preferred text editor for root, case insensitive, there might be a few results, instead of no-password or such can put "yes" and enable the login if needed, but indeed, sudo is better 2019-07-06 17:04:30 well, key auth and root login might be ok 2019-07-06 17:04:33 ^ 2019-07-06 17:04:59 root has password login disabled by default, plus not sure if root login itself might also be disabled 2019-07-06 17:05:31 yeah, but regarding to my previous problem- if I didn't created another user for samba I would end up with machine without access ;) 2019-07-06 17:05:48 ^because you didn't have a NORMAL user ;P 2019-07-06 17:06:12 preferrably with sudo, but you can always just use `su` when logged in already 2019-07-06 17:06:13 on /etc/ssh/sshd_config PermitRootLogin is commented out 2019-07-06 17:06:18 I have, but I only created it for samba use :P 2019-07-06 17:07:17 good thing it IS commented out, for root login that has to be enabled, and for password login, which, btw, should never be allowed if the box can be reached from internet, there's another option 2019-07-06 17:07:43 root login is bad idea IN GENERAL, especially over ssh, which is why it's disabled 2019-07-06 17:07:59 artok: I don't have this line in /etc/ssh/ssh_config o.O 2019-07-06 17:08:02 and default I think is that if you uncomment that, there is prohibit-password that makes you use key pair 2019-07-06 17:08:40 duh? it should be 2019-07-06 17:09:08 ^swap prohibit-password for yes, to enable the extremely insecure root login 2019-07-06 17:09:35 EarlGray: sshd_config not ssh_config 2019-07-06 17:09:36 yeah it should be, I have googled that, but there is not, nevermind I will listen to advices and not log in as root ;) 2019-07-06 17:09:46 oh yeah read wrong 2019-07-06 17:09:48 notice the d in there 2019-07-06 17:10:00 sshd_config, daemon config, ssh_config is for the client 2019-07-06 17:10:12 ssh_config is the ssh client, sshd_config is the ssh server, (d for daemon, yes) 2019-07-06 17:11:58 first things when installing new system is to create normal user, add that to wheel group and then use sudo and allow sudoing for wheel group 2019-07-06 17:11:59 but yeah, instead of root ssh just have a regular user, maybe with sudo access (iirc it's something like, as root, apk install sudo;usermod -aG sudo yourusername) 2019-07-06 17:12:24 ..or sudo group, whatever suits =) 2019-07-06 17:12:35 wheel is kinda deprecated iirc? not aware of many systems using it 2019-07-06 17:12:49 it used to be the old sudo group, yes 2019-07-06 17:12:54 use both when in doubt ;P 2019-07-06 17:13:40 o/ 2019-07-06 17:13:48 wheel is still there =) 2019-07-06 17:13:51 what's this all about? 2019-07-06 17:14:39 about telling it is dangerous to allow root login with ssh =) 2019-07-06 17:14:57 it's dangerous to go alone, here, take my root password! 2019-07-06 17:15:00 eh... 2019-07-06 17:15:42 with pw-based ssh, sudo pw is the same as login, so it really doesn't help much. 2019-07-06 17:15:58 it does, if exposed to the internet 2019-07-06 17:16:15 how? can you think of a single attack it protects against? 2019-07-06 17:16:39 there are many bots bruteforcing and just trying out root logins constantly 2019-07-06 17:16:48 not too much else 2019-07-06 17:17:06 everyone knows username "root" 2019-07-06 17:17:07 there are arguments for sudo, but those are mostly about multi-user audit controls. 2019-07-06 17:17:12 or account, that is 2019-07-06 17:17:17 ^ 2019-07-06 17:17:31 and if you're using keys for login (which you should be), those aren't getting cracked by non-nation-state actors. 2019-07-06 17:17:37 also using root login directly isn't goo anyway 2019-07-06 17:17:51 not good, not goo 2019-07-06 17:18:13 key auth is amazing 2019-07-06 17:18:34 there are arguments for and against root login. I just like to make both sides clear. 2019-07-06 17:19:32 keys are wonderful & make life easier, so I'd hope people use them. 2019-07-06 17:21:50 if you have to login to ssh over internet, good addition could be fwknop server 2019-07-06 17:28:43 port knocking does tend to be a real pain though. 2019-07-06 17:28:52 almost no clients support it. 2019-07-06 17:30:01 SSH is designed to be secure enough to be open to the internet when correctly configured. 2019-07-06 17:56:52 bluezinc: I'm using fwknop because don't like sshd log files polluted by failed attemts to crack password on sshd where password login is disabled 2019-07-06 17:56:55 "apk del consolekit2" shows no errors, has a return code of 0, but doesn't actually delete the "consolekit2" package 2019-07-06 18:00:11 Do we have an offtopic? 2019-07-06 18:01:18 bluezinc: I just use a bash alias with nc to do the knocking 2019-07-06 18:48:28 everything is fine, my webapp starts at startup and I have logs, thx all for help :D 2019-07-06 19:11:52 "apk del -r nspr" generates a segfault, and attempting to bt it in GDB gives a stacktrace with 104792 frames 2019-07-06 19:12:03 all of them in "??" 2019-07-06 19:19:14 ACTION looks at #10603 2019-07-06 19:48:09 Why is this line not working in my fstab 2019-07-06 19:48:13 /dev/sdc1 /storage ext4 defaults 0 0 2019-07-06 19:50:05 Define not working 2019-07-06 19:51:59 mount: /storage: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. 2019-07-06 19:52:31 use just sdc1 2019-07-06 19:52:33 without /dev/ 2019-07-06 19:52:54 tho that shouldn't affect it 2019-07-06 19:53:48 Nope 2019-07-06 19:57:21 Well, you're sure that it's ext4? 2019-07-06 19:57:29 And you have e2fsprogs installed? 2019-07-06 19:59:16 idk how you could NOT have necessary stuff for ext4, since you have 'em since install, before that, even 2019-07-06 19:59:38 can you mount manually? 2019-07-06 20:00:28 or, is he make FS on device? 2019-07-06 20:00:58 and which FS type 2019-07-06 20:03:26 ^first step, run mount manually and see if that errors, it'll give more descriptive error anyway 2019-07-06 20:08:31 i'm trying to install alpine 2019-07-06 20:08:44 but seems that I don't get network connection 2019-07-06 20:09:06 because when I want to iuse my disk with sys mode I get an error 2019-07-06 20:09:20 "an error" doesn't say anything 2019-07-06 20:10:06 ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints: sfdisk (missing): required by world[sfdisk] syslinux (missing): required by : world[syslinux] 2019-07-06 20:10:28 apk update errors too? 2019-07-06 20:10:55 apk update is only getting the local packages 2019-07-06 20:11:04 how can I set the network? 2019-07-06 20:11:36 how far are you, did alpine-setup or not? 2019-07-06 20:11:45 yeah in setup-alpine 2019-07-06 20:11:59 alpine-setup always figured out networking for me, idk 2019-07-06 20:12:17 isn't working for me 2019-07-06 20:12:27 is it a VM or something? 2019-07-06 20:12:35 no, it's an atom netbook 2019-07-06 20:12:47 I tried to do a ping 2019-07-06 20:12:50 to 2019-07-06 20:13:00 and I get ping: sendto: Network unreachable 2019-07-06 20:13:23 I think that's the problem but don't know how to configure network 2019-07-06 20:13:54 if setup-alpine doesn't do it, then it's hard to figure out what's wrong remotely, I'd say 2019-07-06 20:14:43 the network cable is plugged 2019-07-06 20:14:58 also I entered my wifi password 2019-07-06 20:15:33 I would try only with wifi 2019-07-06 20:16:45 wired is easier to deal with 2019-07-06 20:17:07 but it's not working 2019-07-06 20:17:12 I can't get mirrors 2019-07-06 20:17:17 assuming all cables are properly plugged in everywhere and you had net previously with the same laptop or such 2019-07-06 20:17:17 Warning! No mirror found 2019-07-06 20:17:32 yeah I have the same netbook working before with centos 7 2019-07-06 20:18:03 What does ifconfig tell you? 2019-07-06 20:18:20 Have you run dhcpcd on the interface? 2019-07-06 20:19:31 ifconfig is showing eth0 and wlan0 UP 2019-07-06 20:19:39 how do I run dhcpcd? 2019-07-06 20:20:10 easier to just run /etc/init.d/networking restart 2019-07-06 20:21:09 if interfaces are setup, then restarting networking should make you get an address automatically 2019-07-06 20:21:22 yeah seems like now is working 2019-07-06 20:21:31 is doing something with chronyd 2019-07-06 20:21:37 for what is the NTP? 2019-07-06 20:23:05 Without trying to sound rude, your search engine of choice would most likely be a more efficient way to answer such questions 2019-07-06 20:23:07 automatically keeping up your clock 2019-07-06 20:23:33 now i'm getting the mirrors! 2019-07-06 20:23:36 thanks jan6 2019-07-06 20:23:56 NTP is nice as that means you won't have to deal with clock manually, without it you have to correct time drifts and daylight savings (if any) and such 2019-07-06 20:25:05 Especially considering how some vital stuff (like HTTPS) needs an accurate clock 2019-07-06 20:26:45 ^wouldn't be so bad if https and such wouldn't break, I don't think ~10 min drift would to too bad otherwise, good thing modern computers don't drift too much anyway 2019-07-06 20:27:41 Yup, unless you drain your CMOS 2019-07-06 20:28:38 which takes years, iirc 2019-07-06 20:29:25 Yup 2019-07-06 21:26:12 transmission-daemon doesn't come with the webUI? 2019-07-06 21:47:28 bexx: why do you think it doesn't? 2019-07-06 21:48:13 because i can't enable it! 2019-07-06 21:48:36 when I enter machine:9091 from my local network is showing me a 403 2019-07-06 21:54:39 jan6, NTP has nothing to do with DST correction, which is something you should never do regardless of if you have NTP 2019-07-06 21:54:45 Yeah I can't replicate that. I just run `apk install transmission-daemon; rc-service transmission-daemon start; $BROWSER localhost:9091 and the webui iw r 2019-07-06 21:54:54 clock is always in "UTC" (actually usually UT1/smoothed-UTC/similar) 2019-07-06 21:54:58 *webui is right there 2019-07-06 21:55:45 dalias: right, it's past midnight, got a bit confuzzled, yes, timezones and stuff are handled by OS 2019-07-06 21:56:15 xcko: yeah but I'm trying to acces from the network 2019-07-06 21:56:23 timezones are just a matter of interpreting timestamps, not any sort of change 2019-07-06 21:56:38 xcko: but thanks for let me know that it's working locally 2019-07-06 21:59:00 bexx: still works for me. I ssh to another machine on the lan, and it shows up. If you're getting a 403 response from transmission-daemon then you know the daemon works, just change the ip address whitelist 2019-07-06 21:59:57 xcko: yeah i'm trying that. Stopped the daemon, edited .config/transmission-daemon/setting.json but nothing has changed 2019-07-06 22:01:18 Cogitri: yeah, well It's linux LVM .. 2019-07-06 22:01:33 are you running the daemon as your user? otherwise $HOME/.config/... won't be read 2019-07-06 22:02:17 I changed the runas_user from /etc/conf.d/transmission-daemon 2019-07-06 22:02:26 maybe that's not working? 2019-07-06 22:02:37 bexx: check /var/lib/transmisison/config/settings.json if you wan 2019-07-06 22:02:49 I still need to run /etc/init.d/transmission-daemon start with sudo 2019-07-06 22:03:27 I have nothing in /var/lib/transmission 2019-07-06 22:05:07 I run ps to see the transmission-daemon process user owner and it's my user 2019-07-06 22:05:28 but the config-dir is set to /var/lib/transmission/config 2019-07-06 22:05:42 also the download is another 2019-07-06 22:06:00 probably no write perms. I would change the user back to default 2019-07-06 22:06:01 can I change the init.d script to point to another config dir? 2019-07-06 22:06:13 that makes sense 2019-07-06 22:06:27 you can do whatever you want, it's your system. 2019-07-06 22:06:45 My point earlier was change the system-wide config, not the user specific config 2019-07-06 22:07:11 sure 2019-07-06 22:07:24 but then the user owner is root 2019-07-06 22:07:40 so I need my downloaded files owned by root 2019-07-06 22:07:44 I don't like it 2019-07-06 22:08:37 https://github.com/transmission/transmission/wiki/Configuration-Files 2019-07-06 22:09:54 ooh I see it's the transmission user 2019-07-06 22:14:52 well I stopped the service 2019-07-06 22:14:58 but transmission-daemon is still running 2019-07-06 22:15:17 stop don't work like I think? 2019-07-06 22:15:37 it's probably cleaning up / stopping gracefully 2019-07-06 22:15:47 check /var/log/transmission/ 2019-07-06 22:18:23 I can't kill the process! 2019-07-06 22:20:48 sudo pkill -9 transmission-daemon 2019-07-06 22:21:37 thanks 2019-07-06 22:23:20 np. let me know if anything else comes up 2019-07-06 22:23:38 afk for a few 2019-07-06 22:35:26 xcko: i did it! 2019-07-06 22:35:31 =) 2019-07-06 22:38:44 :) 2019-07-06 22:49:25 I'm searching for a streaming server, exist one in the repos? 2019-07-06 22:56:18 I've never used one, vlc? 2019-07-06 22:59:43 when just wanted to watch stuff over the network, I put them on an nfs 2019-07-06 23:00:19 I think mpv / vlc also has options for streaming with sftp 2019-07-06 23:00:25 I used emby-server before to cast to a chromecast 2019-07-06 23:01:24 so my girlfriend don't need to suffer to see handmaids tale 2019-07-06 23:01:26 haha 2019-07-06 23:02:53 looks like kodi might be available 2019-07-06 23:03:09 and emby is in testing 2019-07-06 23:03:17 oh great! 2019-07-06 23:05:14 alpine has a package search tool on the alpinelinux.org page 2019-07-06 23:05:46 xcko: ooh i was using apk searhc 2019-07-06 23:06:37 that'll search whichever repos you have enabled 2019-07-06 23:06:50 that makes sense 2019-07-06 23:58:11 Has anybody here ever used QEMU to emulate a rpi zero w? I'm trying to create a golden image that I can just dd to a sdcard but I can't get any output on the qemu serial port. Is the kernel included in the rpi armhf image even bootable in QEMU? This is what I tried so far: https://gitlab.com/snippets/1872749 2019-07-07 00:05:44 not much experience with qemu, but when booting on hardware if I want a serial line I put "console=ttyS0,115200" (or whatever baud), is using console=tty1 normal? 2019-07-07 00:14:05 s/normal/normal for qemu/ 2019-07-07 00:15:11 console=ttyAMA0 might be the one 2019-07-07 00:15:17 oh no 2019-07-07 00:15:26 console=tty1 2019-07-07 00:15:28 yah 2019-07-07 00:20:44 tty1 is the default that ships with the armhf image. I forgot to mentions that I tried ttyS0 and ttyAMA0 already. 2019-07-07 00:21:26 how about adding a serial module? 2019-07-07 00:21:52 actually I think /etc/inittab has to enable a serial console too 2019-07-07 00:23:10 I'll have a look 2019-07-07 00:46:30 I can get it to work with -machine virt and the vanilla armhf kernel. Might just be the kernel that doesn't want to play nice with QEMU or it might be that the emulated CPU does not support this specific one. 2019-07-07 00:47:03 People got it work with raspbian though 2019-07-07 00:47:43 I might just give up and buy a serial adapter for the gpio headers 2019-07-07 00:49:02 https://blog.agchapman.com/using-qemu-to-emulate-a-raspberry-pi/ mentions needing a qemu specific kernel 2019-07-07 00:51:22 Let's see if that works with alpine. It's a raspbian kernel 2019-07-07 00:51:32 thanks for trying to help me btw 2019-07-07 00:55:17 np. good luck. If you get it working, maybe you can contribute an entry to the wiki :) 2019-07-07 00:57:11 I will 2019-07-07 00:57:21 oh also one thing to try before switching kernels, is using a dtb for the versatilepb 2019-07-07 00:59:46 also looks like qemu supports -machine raspi2 2019-07-07 00:59:51 https://wiki.qemu.org/Documentation/Platforms/ARM#Supported_Machines 2019-07-07 01:00:19 for qemu-system-aarch64 2019-07-07 01:01:25 just tried the other dtb does not work 2019-07-07 01:02:29 I think the pi 0 is based on the pi 1, so I doubt it will work but I'll give it a go after I tried the raspbian kernel 2019-07-07 01:04:41 oh right I forgot you're usingn the pi zero 2019-07-07 01:06:44 The debian kernel boots. Time too look at the patches and see why 2019-07-07 02:15:05 if you have a debian system running leonlag there is a kernel sources package you can get from apt with a patched kernel tree 2019-07-07 02:31:55 maybe we should make a linux-rpi-qemu package... 2019-07-07 02:41:04 I think im going to look into making such package. I'm currently installing the toolchain to cross compile the armhf kernel. It's probably going to take a while because I have no Idea how alpines package system works 2019-07-07 05:56:00 xcko: why would we need linux-rpi-qemu? such package will need to be maintained and current linux-vanilla can run under qemu. 2019-07-07 05:56:32 that was exactly my thought, I wanted to ask leonlag before working on it 2019-07-07 05:57:13 I'm not sure what their exact use case is 2019-07-07 05:58:34 looks like leonlag want to check how alpine works on rpi (zero?) before installing on SD card 2019-07-07 05:59:25 but testing under qemu and real hardware is not the same. It could work under qemu but have problems on real hardware 2019-07-07 06:00:50 I'm guessing the alpine img for the pi doesn't run under qemu, maybe a quick guide for how to do that with the linux-vanilla kernel would be helpful 2019-07-07 06:01:30 xcko: I have one already written and even script to make it automatic 2019-07-07 06:01:55 http://arvanta.net/mps/install-aarch64-under-qemu.txt 2019-07-07 06:02:14 are you interested in contributing that to the wiki? 2019-07-07 06:02:14 and script http://arvanta.net/mps/install-aarch64-under-qemu.sh 2019-07-07 06:02:57 I would, but I don't know wiki syntax. If the wiki is MarkDown then yes 2019-07-07 06:04:17 and here is script to install armhf/armv7 to run under qemu http://arvanta.net/mps/install-arm-under-qemu.sh 2019-07-07 06:04:55 not perfect of course, but could be starting point. we are hackers at the end :) 2019-07-07 06:07:00 I've never contributed to the wiki but the sytax looks close to markdown https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/How_to_write_a_HOWTO 2019-07-07 06:08:48 I read that some time ago, even created account on wiki, but when started to add content my brain 'was blocked' 2019-07-07 06:08:58 don't know why, simply looks cumbersome to me 2019-07-07 06:10:57 I'd rather write html 'code' than wiki :) 2019-07-07 06:11:13 no worries. Maybe I'll experiment with your walk-throughs and write one myself :) 2019-07-07 06:11:40 that would be appreciated 2019-07-07 06:12:38 and, if you keen enough maybe you can do something with my guide about iwd on alpine ;) 2019-07-07 06:12:59 I'm thinking something a little more towards leonlag's use case though. eg, download the alpine rpi img and make it run in qemu. 2019-07-07 06:14:00 I don't use iwd yet ;) I don't like wpa_supplicant but haven't really looked into switching, why do you prefer it? 2019-07-07 06:14:29 I don't have experience with RPi's but have some with other ARM boxes 2019-07-07 06:15:22 iwd works with networkmanager and can be managed from script 2019-07-07 06:16:17 it is cleaner reimplementation of wifi for linux and have some new features 2019-07-07 06:16:27 I don't use network manager either, I don't get what's helpful about it. I can manage networks with wpa_supplicant 2019-07-07 06:16:41 although it is still not finished, to be fair 2019-07-07 06:18:27 I use it from it's iwctl CLI tool or from prepared scripts for different networks or use cases 2019-07-07 06:29:19 yeah iwctl is much better than wpa_cli imo 2019-07-07 06:30:48 I am not doing github builds, rather tarball builds, why I am getting this error? "CMake Error at cmake/scripts/buildinfo.cmake:52 (message): 2019-07-07 06:30:49 Unable to determine commit hash. Either compile from within git repository 2019-07-07 06:30:49 or supply a file called commit_hash.txt" 2019-07-07 06:30:58 ehm, you remembered me that I wrote perl curses app for wpa_cli 6-8 years ago 2019-07-07 06:31:23 hoho nice I've been thinking about writing my own for a while now 2019-07-07 06:32:17 M0x32_t[m]: sounds like the error message is telling you everything you need 2019-07-07 06:32:20 now I'm thinking to write something similar for iwd, if I could understand perl dbus interaction 2019-07-07 06:34:03 M0x32_t[m]: I think you will get more answer's if you ask this question on #alpine-devel , not saying it is not ok to ask also here 2019-07-07 06:38:15 iwd is added a dhcp client into itself I guess 2019-07-07 06:42:09 xcko: I added a dummy file there 2019-07-07 06:42:11 it is in dev branch 2019-07-07 06:42:32 not yet in release 2019-07-07 07:47:49 mps: Build passed 2019-07-07 07:48:13 May thanks to maxice8 2019-07-07 15:33:32 how do I install mplayer from edge/community? 2019-07-07 15:33:39 apk add mplayer doesn't work 2019-07-07 15:33:43 I have the repos added 2019-07-07 15:34:21 bexx: You can try mpv... 2019-07-07 15:34:22 apk add mpv 2019-07-07 15:34:41 b17wise: yeah but universal media server requires mencode that comes with mplayer 2019-07-07 15:34:56 and seems that mpv doesn't come with it? 2019-07-07 15:35:23 bexx: In that case, I am clueless. 2019-07-07 15:35:42 Wait a min... 2019-07-07 15:36:47 bexx: Okey.. mplayer in on edge repo.. you need to track edge in order to install mplayer from repo 2019-07-07 15:37:19 I uncommented the edge community on /etc/apk/repositories 2019-07-07 15:37:32 and apk update 2019-07-07 15:37:33 See /etc/apk/repositories 2019-07-07 15:37:54 Let me check 2019-07-07 15:42:28 bexx: Working in my machine... 2019-07-07 15:42:28 enable all edge repos.. including community 2019-07-07 15:42:38 yeah I have all repos enabled 2019-07-07 15:42:42 I would try to reboot 2019-07-07 15:43:24 It worked on my machine.. starts installing sdl.. and so on 2019-07-07 15:43:25 try apk add mpv@community 2019-07-07 15:43:56 or apk add mplayer@community respectively 2019-07-07 15:44:46 ACTION sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/cAXjcEAEaPCkXKfNIpHthlPQ > 2019-07-07 15:46:47 ACTION sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/PROerumJKFpulSXtUCWdDbpZ > 2019-07-07 16:26:50 p4Wv1qn095FW: isn't working the @community 2019-07-07 16:27:01 I gen an ERROR: not commiting changes due to mssing repository tags. 2019-07-07 16:27:59 apk policy mpv 2019-07-07 16:29:03 is funny because that show me that mpv is installed from alpine/edge/community 2019-07-07 16:29:04 mps: He needs mplayer 2019-07-07 16:29:12 but can't find mplayer 2019-07-07 16:29:29 while mplayer installs on my machine just fine, he couldn't install it for some reason 2019-07-07 16:29:42 'apk policy mplayer' => https://nl.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.10/community 2019-07-07 16:30:46 did he enabled community repo, and run 'apk update' after 2019-07-07 16:31:34 yeah I enabled and did the apk update 2019-07-07 16:31:47 I can see the fetch from the edge repos 2019-07-07 16:31:50 on apk udpate 2019-07-07 16:31:58 also mpv is installed from edge/community 2019-07-07 16:32:04 but can't find mplayer 2019-07-07 16:32:09 I don't know why 2019-07-07 16:33:02 bexx: Look at this: http://0x0.st/zLu1.png 2019-07-07 16:33:11 which arch? 2019-07-07 16:33:30 mplayer is only on x86_64 2019-07-07 16:33:31 mps: how do I know? 2019-07-07 16:33:36 ooh maybe it's that 2019-07-07 16:33:42 apk --print 2019-07-07 16:33:55 yes 2019-07-07 16:33:56 x86 2019-07-07 16:33:58 thas mps 2019-07-07 16:34:00 thanks 2019-07-07 16:34:14 that is, it is not available on x86 2019-07-07 16:34:24 bexx: uname -m to know arch 2019-07-07 16:34:31 Dang.. xD 2019-07-07 16:35:16 Hello I've setup a chroot environment on a very old device and was even able to "boot" it (whenever the devices starts it also runs OpenRC in the chroot with all the services like sshd). However, I'd like to be able to run commands like reboot from inside the chroot but the request is always ignored, is there a way of setting that up to work? 2019-07-07 16:35:17 haha 2019-07-07 16:35:27 I just wanted a streaming server for my media files 2019-07-07 16:35:35 I keep looking for one 2019-07-07 16:36:22 hazward: try lxc container or qemu, instead of chroot 2019-07-07 16:37:02 or make script which will reenter chroot when you 'reboot' 2019-07-07 16:40:20 mps: I'd want the reboot command to actually reboot the whole device so I think LXC and QEMU are too isolated for that. 2019-07-07 16:41:12 you want to reboot physical machine from chroot, iirc? 2019-07-07 16:41:38 s/iirc/iiuc/ 2019-07-07 16:41:52 Yes 2019-07-07 16:42:51 if you can than chroot is brooken, it is supposed to not allow commands in chroot to run on 'host' 2019-07-07 16:43:20 s/than/then/ 2019-07-07 16:43:35 uhmmm, need to look better what I type 2019-07-07 16:43:48 mps: I have used FreeBSD jails which actually felt like chroot.. and when I learned to use lxc, I was quite surprised to see systemd after lxc-launch -n buildserver 2019-07-07 16:44:08 mps: Ah okok I see what you mean 2019-07-07 16:44:45 b17wise: systemd, alpine guest? you are kidding 2019-07-07 16:45:12 mps: I use Alpine Linux as host.. baremetal 2019-07-07 16:45:27 I am talking about 2 years ago 'story' 2019-07-07 16:45:43 hazward: you can make script which monitor file under chroot dir and if it see file or content in file then it can reboot host 2019-07-07 16:46:22 and in chroot you create this file or put something in it to trigger host reboot script 2019-07-07 16:46:43 Yeah I was thinking of writing some sort of wrapper to communicate with the host 2019-07-07 16:46:47 I never seen systemd on alpine 2019-07-07 16:46:47 Even now lxc commands are changed, lxc-start starts the container now 2019-07-07 16:47:14 mps: I am not talking about alpine, it's more about lxc 2019-07-07 16:47:43 > [mps](https://matrix.to/#/@freenode_mps:matrix.org): I have used FreeBSD jails which actually felt like chroot.. and when I learned to use lxc, I was quite surprised to see systemd after lxc-launch -n buildserver 2019-07-07 16:47:44 The image I used was likely a Ubuntu core iso 2019-07-07 16:47:45 bexx: just built mplayer in lxc x86 container 2019-07-07 16:48:01 b17wise: that explains all 2019-07-07 16:48:24 I still have one debian guest in lxc on my working machine 2019-07-07 16:49:03 I am not sure if you guys use Alpine on bare metal.. if not.. feel free to show up :) 2019-07-07 16:49:04 so it could be built probabbly 2019-07-07 16:49:56 b17wise: yes, x86_64, arm32 and arm64, server and workstations 2019-07-07 16:50:22 s/server/servers/ 2019-07-07 16:51:19 b17wise: and in VM's not only on bare metal, of course 2019-07-07 16:52:23 bexx: I will ask mplayer maintainer (ncopa) tomorrow to enable it on x86. he is not active much on weekends 2019-07-07 16:52:39 mps: I run on a macbook, previously running Debian, followed by FreeBSD. 2019-07-07 16:52:40 I triggered startjobs in systemd, and never liked the declarative nature of it. So I was looking for an alternative :) 2019-07-07 16:52:41 Possibily cut down everything I don't use, uses musl as libc and no systemd.. two choices, void and musl. I couldn't make LVM work in void, so stayed in Alpine Linux 2019-07-07 16:54:09 b17wise: irony is that I was early proponent and adopter of systemd on Debian, and switched to Alpine mostly because irritated by systemd 2019-07-07 16:55:26 Ye, systemd's declartive natures are really annoying at times. All of it's power comes at a cost :) 2019-07-07 16:56:34 declarative* 2019-07-07 16:57:02 computer are bad in 'declarative' work, better is 'imperative' imo 2019-07-07 16:57:40 I have no claim to back it up, but I feel so.. 2019-07-07 17:01:15 bexx: sorry, mplayer doesn't build on x86, I was wrong. Looked at wrong build box 2019-07-07 17:01:33 it fails with 'error: implicit declaration of function 'pthread_mutex_lock'; did you mean 'ff_mutex_lock'?' 2019-07-07 17:01:41 mps: thanks 2019-07-07 17:01:51 mps: I'm trying to install x86_64 2019-07-07 17:03:09 ah, that sounds better solution :) 2019-07-07 17:04:03 mps: The wrapper script worked perfectly to reboot from within a chroot, thanks! 2019-07-07 17:05:25 nice you found solution 2019-07-07 18:17:55 anyone uses a streaming media server on alpine? 2019-07-07 18:20:50 bexx: https://github.com/Spritsail/plex-media-server 2019-07-07 18:21:48 thanks 2019-07-07 19:02:20 bexx: I recommend Jellyfish, a FOSS fork of Emby. Although I'm not entirely sure it works on Alpine 2019-07-07 19:16:41 bexx: minidlna? 2019-07-07 19:24:02 hey 2019-07-07 19:24:10 in which package can I find manuals for samba ? 2019-07-07 19:24:41 samba-doc, i'd guess 2019-07-07 19:24:46 no sure but most likely samba-doc 2019-07-07 19:40:55 ita: minidlna works really well!! 2019-07-07 19:41:01 ita: thanks!! 2019-07-07 19:43:20 PureTryOut[m]: did you tried 'lima' driver? 2019-07-07 19:47:08 I did, on the PinePhone devkit 2019-07-07 19:48:31 how do you 'enable' it? I tried panfrost but it is ignored during X start 2019-07-07 19:51:03 Enable it? Just have the right packages installed and use the correct kernel options 2019-07-07 19:51:41 If the right devices appear after the kernel has booted then the Mesa driver takes over automatically 2019-07-07 19:52:06 Check if `/dev/dri` exists 2019-07-07 19:53:39 everything is there but X ignores panfrost for some reason unknown to me 2019-07-07 19:55:12 https://alpinelinux.org/downloads/ <-- What's with armhf, aarch64, armv7 ? 2019-07-07 19:55:23 (I have a Raspberry Pi v1.) 2019-07-07 19:56:10 it is there as '/dev/dri/by-path/platform-ff9a0000.gpu-card -> ../card1' 2019-07-07 19:59:09 omg yes, I missed it in apk list samba* ;p 2019-07-07 19:59:12 thanks 2019-07-07 20:03:56 Hello, I wanted to know if non-free packages are still built and provided by AL, or if it is mandatory to build them ourselves 2019-07-07 20:25:15 bexx, minidlna is probably the only DLNA server which support external subtitles just out of the box which working on samsung/lg dumb tv's 2019-07-07 20:25:24 ACTION is invisible? 2019-07-07 20:25:42 MY_R: yeah but I have a chromecast 2019-07-07 20:26:04 local cast let me put subs on android 2019-07-07 20:26:23 I searching for an app for android/ios that let me cast with subs 2019-07-07 20:27:22 I was told that only Raspbian supports RPIv1, but apparently, this here Alpine Linux also does. 2019-07-07 20:27:28 But the download page is confusing to say the least. 2019-07-07 20:27:44 It lists three different architectures under "Raspberry Pi". I have no idea which to pick or why there are multiple. 2019-07-07 20:27:55 It doesn't mention "(RPIv1)" or anything next to them. 2019-07-07 20:28:23 If downloading the OS is this complicated, I fear this is reflected in the OS itself (but I hope not). 2019-07-07 20:30:12 dstaring: I didn't used RPi's but I think armhf is for RPi1 armv7 for RPi2 and aarch64 for RPi3 2019-07-07 20:30:42 although armv7 could work on RPi3, probably 2019-07-07 20:40:19 mps: Well, it's very ambiguous... :/ 2019-07-07 20:41:58 could be, but you can try different options and see what works 2019-07-07 20:45:58 I guess RPi%d is more like a brand name rather than Arch name 2019-07-07 20:49:00 bubbleUpnp work really well on android for casting 2019-07-07 21:32:50 b17wise: ? 2019-07-07 21:34:03 dstaring: I mean RPis are product. There are other armv7 products too... 2019-07-07 21:34:37 Well, you didn't know the arch of your rpi board? 2019-07-07 22:34:39 b17wise: Look at the page I linked to. Those things are all under "Raspberry Pi". 2019-07-07 22:35:01 b17wise: And no, I don't know what specific hardware is in my RPI. I thought the whole point was that it's standardized. 2019-07-07 22:35:05 RPIv1. 2019-07-07 23:36:14 Hi all! I'm setting up a web server and I'm wanting to use Alpine. I set up everything for nginx / php like in the guide, then rebooted...turns out I am using the extended version of Alpine, which says it runs from ram. Why would this be recommended for servers if it runs from ram? If the server goes down...that's it. Also, is the standard version basically the same except it doesn't run from ram? Thanks :) 2019-07-07 23:36:54 nah. all versions run from ram by default 2019-07-07 23:37:22 if you want to install on disk you need to install it to disk, the installer actually asks where/how you want to install 2019-07-07 23:38:31 Okay, hmm...I'm using a VPS called Vultr, which allows you to upload the ISO. All that shows up when I log into their web interface terminal is the motd which says to run setup-alpine. 2019-07-07 23:38:47 I'm guessing Vultr does not do all the install to disk work 2019-07-07 23:39:08 It just gets to a point where it is bootable 2019-07-07 23:40:11 you want sys-mode https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Installation 2019-07-07 23:40:35 https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Install_to_disk 2019-07-07 23:40:58 Damn...was confused by the disk options. Thank you! :) 2019-07-07 23:41:35 Luckily I had only installed the packages and set things up, never got to the point where I actually started hosting my sites and stuff 2019-07-07 23:48:21 alpine was originally conceived for embedded hosts, possibly running from cdrom/flash/usbsticks. there this default makes a lot of sense 2019-07-08 04:04:26 Is it possible to do a completely headless install(not even serial) of alpine on an rpi 0 w? Raspbian has a way to tell the installer to connect to a wifi network on first boot and enable ssh. Is there possibly another way to achieve this? 2019-07-08 04:21:09 p4Wv1qn095FW: That default makes sense in every way IMO. 2019-07-08 08:18:52 What's everyone using for voice chat? 2019-07-08 08:20:27 a phone? 2019-07-08 08:23:25 a phone, but only when must :) 2019-07-08 08:24:48 laying a little, I'm HAM (radio amateur) operator and use radio stations 2019-07-08 08:32:04 magic 2019-07-08 08:35:49 mumble 2019-07-08 08:37:32 also i had a license to operate my own gsm base station ;) 2019-07-08 08:38:13 the only phonenetwork i ever trusted 2019-07-08 08:39:00 p4Wv1qn095FW: Mumble on alpine? 2019-07-08 08:39:04 Fuck, I love mumble. 2019-07-08 08:39:38 p4Wv1qn095FW: license for you own gsm station! interesting, how did you got it 2019-07-08 08:39:54 i asked for it at the local authority :P 2019-07-08 08:40:16 interesting idea 2019-07-08 08:40:30 priontology: mumble is packaged in alpine 2019-07-08 08:41:44 mps: Did I ask you about your x setup? 2019-07-08 08:41:49 i asked for arfcn with a limited erp at a fixed location - they found it very intriguing that a private person asks for that 2019-07-08 08:42:22 so the granted it for a limited time. unfortunately nowadays they refuse :/ 2019-07-08 08:42:38 how many reams of paperwork did you have to fill in to get that? 2019-07-08 08:43:00 only about 2 a4 pages 2019-07-08 08:43:09 describing my setup and my limitations 2019-07-08 08:43:56 wow. I wish 2019-07-08 08:43:58 this was not regulated back then, it was a novel thing for everyone. so there was no prefabed forms 2019-07-08 08:45:14 priontology: I can't remember, but maybe 2019-07-08 09:13:47 priontology: nothing special about my X, slim XDM and awesomewm 2019-07-08 10:27:08 mps: Ah, neat. How's it skinned? 2019-07-08 10:29:13 what, awesomewm? text only applets and only cpu load with graph 2019-07-08 13:00:39 How long does it take for an email to show in the mail archive? I just sent my first patch and wanted to make sure it worked 2019-07-08 13:01:06 the keyutils one ? 2019-07-08 13:02:09 Thats it 2019-07-08 13:02:25 Guessing it sent then 2019-07-08 13:02:25 https://patchwork.alpinelinux.org/patch/4962/ 2019-07-08 13:02:44 yes, already reviewed, will need to apply the fixes and send a v2 of it 2019-07-08 13:02:54 Not ideal meta-data there 2019-07-08 13:04:07 ? 2019-07-08 13:04:38 Has my internal machine name 2019-07-08 13:06:49 Thanks for the tips 2019-07-08 13:10:29 PhoenixMage: please follow maxice8's advices which he posted in mail reply 2019-07-08 13:12:36 mps: Will do, just not familiar with git send-email, usually I would request a merge... 2019-07-08 13:13:31 PhoenixMage: you can use github if it is easier for you 2019-07-08 13:21:29 Sorry I screwed up it didnt prompt me about the email 2019-07-08 13:21:37 I think I will stick to github 2019-07-08 13:22:48 'git send-email --annotate --to alpine-aports@lists.alpinelinux.org -1' that's all 2019-07-08 13:23:24 Weird it prompted me the first time but not the second so I wasnt expecting it to do that 2019-07-08 13:24:53 It always prompts me, probably because I have utf8 character in my mail address 2019-07-08 13:25:42 and '--annotate' option allows you to view (and add notes) mail before send 2019-07-08 13:26:00 Thanks, I'll give it one last crack 2019-07-08 13:26:43 did you read this wiki: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Creating_patches 2019-07-08 13:27:59 first commit line should be 'main/keyutils: fix .....' 2019-07-08 13:28:30 as maxice8 already wrote in mail 2019-07-08 13:28:45 Yeah I did that in the annotated one I just made 2019-07-08 13:29:07 I was planning on doing on the previous email but it didnt prompt me like I expected 2019-07-08 13:29:54 I hope I got it right this time 2019-07-08 13:30:00 ok, no worries, we all make errors from time to time 2019-07-08 13:31:51 Please let me know if I did something wrong on that last one 2019-07-08 13:33:27 I logged a whole heap of bugs the other day and figured I might as well do something about them since I had already fixed them in my repo 2019-07-08 13:43:53 So for scripts/bootstrap.sh should I use that as the subject? Its not a package is all 2019-07-08 13:46:57 PhoenixMage: look some commits in aports tree as examples 2019-07-08 16:06:07 hello. has anyone succesfully booted alpine on a rpi from nfs? 2019-07-08 17:00:21 "diff <(echo "$viaout") $expect;" doesnt work in "sh" cause its a bash thing, by chance anyone got an alternative? 2019-07-08 17:01:20 (other than `echo $.. | diff -" cause technically i want todo this with 2 variables too...) 2019-07-08 17:05:36 lembron: no way to do that except using two actual files, IIRC 2019-07-08 17:34:30 dang, thanks tho 2019-07-08 17:34:39 mktmp here we go 2019-07-08 17:36:59 lembron: remember to trap signals, and cleanup ;) 2019-07-08 17:38:39 thats CI... *smiles* that whole docker-in-docker stack gets nuked seconds later ;D 2019-07-08 17:43:35 hi all, just wanted to make sure i don't d/l the wrong iso: is xf86 the 32 bit? 2019-07-08 17:45:48 anybody? 2019-07-08 17:46:09 where're you getting from? 2019-07-08 17:46:24 all I see is i386 2019-07-08 17:46:41 wait 2019-07-08 17:46:48 from the downloads page> xf86_64 and xf86 2019-07-08 17:47:13 no f for me 2019-07-08 17:47:31 dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.10/releases/x86/alpine-standard-3.10.0-x86.iso and such 2019-07-08 17:47:42 I see no f in there 2019-07-08 17:48:04 sorry it says x86_64 and x86 2019-07-08 17:48:18 no f my bad 2019-07-08 17:48:24 bobo_: x86 is 32bit and x86_64 is 64bit 2019-07-08 17:48:37 thank you buddy 2019-07-08 17:49:33 intel family 2019-07-08 17:49:54 too late but yeah, what other family? 2019-07-08 17:52:14 arm, ppc and s390x 2019-07-08 17:52:37 pp64le, to be precise 2019-07-08 17:54:44 similar questions arises from time to time, so we should add description of different download by families 2019-07-08 17:57:00 o/ 2019-07-08 17:57:47 both accomplish a huge portion of what I want 2019-07-08 17:57:54 woops 2019-07-08 17:58:07 I'm looking to switch to either alpine or void; both accomplish a huge portion of what I want 2019-07-08 18:00:12 the main thing that keeps me from just jumping on alpine is that it's not rolling release 2019-07-08 18:00:23 in particular, the linux kernel looks like it's pretty out-of-date compared to mainline 2019-07-08 18:00:58 so, the specific question: how painful is it to run linux-mainline with alpine? is there something like the AUR from Arch but for alpine that simplifies the process? 2019-07-08 18:01:11 I don't love the idea of compiling my own kernel on ARM (it'll take forever), but I could do it if I needed to :) 2019-07-08 18:02:39 the kernel is usually the latest LTS release, from the latest LTS branch at the time of initial release of the particular alpine release 2019-07-08 18:03:35 alpine also has a rolling branch, 'edge' (master in aports.git), but whether you want to use it is up to you 2019-07-08 18:03:38 which I understand and I don't begrudge :) 2019-07-08 18:03:56 but, as I understand it, edge still doesn't have a kernel newer than 4.19 2019-07-08 18:04:01 but edge still follows latest LTS rather than master 2019-07-08 18:04:09 halosghost: exactly 2019-07-08 18:04:18 and, in particular, 5.2 includes some huge performance improvements for ARM gpu drivers, for example 2019-07-08 18:04:24 so, skipping out on that would really suck 2019-07-08 18:04:48 for my x64 machines, it probably wouldn't matter 2019-07-08 18:05:17 if you're willing to build your own packages, it's easy: set up abuild, get aports.git, change a few things, run abuild, upgrade to the newly built package 2019-07-08 18:05:19 but, for the thing I'm actually considering alpine/void for (the soon-to-be-preorderable pinebook pro), it is likely to be a must 2019-07-08 18:05:41 jn__: that sounds pretty reasonably (very similar to arch's makepkg, unsurprisingly) 2019-07-08 18:05:57 I'm sure it'll take forever to build the kernel 2019-07-08 18:05:59 :P 2019-07-08 18:06:03 APKBUILDs in other, separate git repos should also work 2019-07-08 18:06:52 halosghost: yeah, potentially. cross-build isn't very well supported AFAIK, but you could strip down your kernel so it builds faster 2019-07-08 18:07:03 sure 2019-07-08 18:07:22 but that's my only temptation towards void is that they'll just have 5.2 right away 2019-07-08 18:07:31 otherwise, alpine is actually strictly better for what I want 2019-07-08 18:07:38 the choices ): 2019-07-08 18:07:58 you could step up as linux-mainline maintainer for alpine ;) 2019-07-08 18:08:18 (also, just to say, I'm not trying to be one of the users that has distro communities fight over what I use; I use arch, no one should care what I use) 2019-07-08 18:08:27 jn__: honestly, that might not even be that bad of an idea 2019-07-08 18:08:46 a pretty soft way to get into kernel maintenence 2019-07-08 18:09:06 but then I'd be compiling it all the time ): 2019-07-08 18:09:12 even moar compiling 2019-07-08 18:09:18 not necessarily 2019-07-08 18:09:27 oh? 2019-07-08 18:09:29 alpine has build servers that build the official aports 2019-07-08 18:09:34 mmm 2019-07-08 18:09:54 is there an analogous concept to the AUR and TUs for alpine? 2019-07-08 18:10:33 i personally haven't seen an AUR equivalent for alpine, and i don't know what TU means 2019-07-08 18:10:35 Not really, luckily 2019-07-08 18:10:59 Cogitri: lol 2019-07-08 18:11:01 There are unofficial user repos, but most stuff is upstreamed so everyone can benefit from it :) 2019-07-08 18:11:07 sure 2019-07-08 18:11:45 you can cross compile kernel on some other distro and use it under alpine 2019-07-08 18:12:34 right now I have 5.2 on arm64, where I type now 2019-07-08 18:13:13 built on lxc debian container on alpine x86_64 host 2019-07-08 18:13:27 mps: I don't know if I've just missed things, but setting up cross-compiling has always seemed like such a pain in the ass, I've never actually managed to accomplish it 2019-07-08 18:14:49 I did only on debian, install required tools and build normally just add ARCH=archyouwant and CROSS_COMPILE=compiler 2019-07-08 18:15:02 rest is same as normal kernel build 2019-07-08 18:15:22 huh 2019-07-08 18:15:44 cross-compiling *linux* is pretty easy 2019-07-08 18:16:24 for examle: make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -j 6 Image modules dtbs 2019-07-08 18:17:03 also: make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -j 6 menuconfig 2019-07-08 18:17:05 etc 2019-07-08 18:17:26 mm 2019-07-08 18:17:29 interdesting 2019-07-08 18:18:04 I made shell scripts which do all for me, and prepare tarball ready to be unpacked on alpine 2019-07-08 18:18:43 that sounds nice 2019-07-08 18:19:33 after uncountable numbers of hand working it is nice, rihth :) 2019-07-08 18:20:19 s/rihth/right/ 2019-07-08 18:21:02 heh 2019-07-08 20:10:22 hi all, i see no mention of .xinitrc or .xsession Is it not necessary? 2019-07-08 20:10:55 what? 2019-07-08 20:11:09 you'll need to offer some more context 2019-07-08 20:13:09 ok, sorry, usually in the installation you write something like 'exec icewm' in the .xinitrc or .xsession, is it not necesary with alpine? 2019-07-08 20:13:44 you probably need to configure something to run graphically if you want that to happen 2019-07-08 20:14:09 ok, thanks 2019-07-08 20:15:51 mk 2019-07-08 20:45:25 for a cross compiler I recommend musl-cross-make, it'll build and run on any distro https://github.com/richfelker/musl-cross-make 2019-07-08 20:45:33 super easy 2019-07-08 20:45:42 i use .xinitrc since i dont use any *dm 2019-07-08 20:46:47 xcko: I used it for some small programs but not for kernel 2019-07-08 20:54:04 truthfully, I build my aarch64 kernel on the machine itself (ie natively) but I like mcm a lot and have built lots of different packages with it, from webkit2gtk to linux to xorg etc always worked perfectly 2019-07-08 20:59:46 I'll give a shot to just compiling mainline on the machine itself 2019-07-08 20:59:49 we'll see how it goes 2019-07-08 22:02:49 How can I install elogind in order to start sway? 2019-07-08 22:05:15 apk add elogind? 2019-07-08 22:05:17 I'm trying to launch sway but tells me that xdg_runtime_dir isn't setted 2019-07-08 22:05:22 I added it 2019-07-08 22:05:34 But I don't know how to launch it 2019-07-08 22:06:11 apk add xdg-utils maybe 2019-07-08 22:08:06 But I want to run elogind 2019-07-08 22:08:11 wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Sway 2019-07-08 22:08:22 I reading it! 2019-07-08 22:09:38 Which drivers can I install? 2019-07-08 22:09:47 I have an intel atom 2019-07-08 22:09:51 Mesa? 2019-07-08 22:10:30 xf86-video-intel 2019-07-08 22:11:31 Thanks 2019-07-08 22:11:43 does it work? 2019-07-08 22:12:30 No 2019-07-08 22:12:46 hrm 2019-07-08 22:15:57 There is no openrc service for elogind? 2019-07-08 22:16:04 How do I launch it? 2019-07-08 22:16:28 doesn't look like it, I'm not sure lemme look 2019-07-08 22:16:39 but can you run sway w/o elogind? 2019-07-08 22:17:34 No i can't yet 2019-07-08 22:18:06 if you go to a tty and run sway, what happens? 2019-07-08 22:19:44 It says tha xdg_runtime_dir is not set in the environment 2019-07-08 22:23:20 Oh 2019-07-08 22:23:35 The wiki says that i need to install from edge 2019-07-08 22:24:43 not anymore 2019-07-08 22:24:46 https://0x0.st/zLV9.bin 2019-07-08 22:25:00 from https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Sway 2019-07-08 22:25:07 just set xdg_runtime_dir manually 2019-07-08 22:33:24 bexx: it is launched automatically via pam 2019-07-08 22:35:54 I don't need to install anything? 2019-07-08 22:36:33 i think linux-pam 2019-07-08 22:43:00 Oh boy 2019-07-08 22:43:13 Nothing... 2019-07-08 22:46:56 do you have IceWM in v310 2019-07-09 05:44:58 mps: Do you have massive audio glitches when trying to use discord/jitsi/other mic-and-speaker programs in firefox? 2019-07-09 10:02:53 hi is there anyone here to help me 2019-07-09 10:03:07 i have installed the aarch on my rpi3b+ 2019-07-09 10:03:25 completed setup and made a loopback fs using the wiki 2019-07-09 10:03:43 i am having trouble installing the following packages `linux-rpi` and `wireguard-rpi` 2019-07-09 10:05:12 the error im getting is either `failed to rename` or `failed to create ... no such file or directory` during install of these packages 2019-07-09 10:05:23 this did not happen when i installed nano 2019-07-09 10:05:48 any help is very much appreciated :-) 2019-07-09 11:29:44 i have tried to use the guide on making a sys install 2019-07-09 11:29:50 https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Classic_install_or_sys_mode_on_Raspberry_Pi#Installation 2019-07-09 11:30:06 but the pi gets stuck on the color spectrum on boot 2019-07-09 11:30:14 on reboot* 2019-07-09 13:11:30 Cadey, be sure that got "local" service started, can check it by "rc-status" or "rc-update" commands 2019-07-09 14:40:13 Hi guys, I was wondering how to put my own openrc init files on my raspberrypi running alpine 3.10. Nginx seems to place the file in /etc/init.d and after reboot, it is still there. When I put my own file to /etc/init.d and reboot, it is gone, but nginx's is still there. Where to put the file? 2019-07-09 14:45:40 jens__, https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Alpine_local_backup 2019-07-09 14:46:09 lbu include /etc/init.d/YourOwnOpenRCFile 2019-07-09 14:46:11 lbu commit 2019-07-09 14:46:47 hmm lbu list does not show /etc/init.d 2019-07-09 14:47:04 but how does the nginx file remain there? (i was doing lbu commit) 2019-07-09 14:53:02 you need first to include your file 2019-07-09 14:53:14 by default lbu saves /etc/* 2019-07-09 14:53:33 but the init file is overwritten when nginx is reinstalled 2019-07-09 14:54:35 so every reboot reinstalls nginx? 2019-07-09 14:54:56 lbu list | grep nginx does not list anything in /etc/init.d 2019-07-09 14:55:17 only /etc/runlevels/default/nginx which is a symlink there 2019-07-09 14:58:35 alpine reinstall packages every time it restart (in a usb install) 2019-07-09 14:58:44 and packages are signed 2019-07-09 14:59:10 ahh 2019-07-09 14:59:40 i think that might make adding /etc/init.d to lbu worth 2019-07-09 16:15:49 how can I run a command every 5 minutes? 2019-07-09 16:15:54 with openrc or cron? 2019-07-09 16:16:44 with cron 2019-07-09 16:18:58 can I do a 5min folder on /etc/periodic? 2019-07-09 16:21:46 o_O 2019-07-09 16:21:55 what is a "5 min folder"? 2019-07-09 16:22:12 on periodic do you have 15min daily hourly monthly weekly folders 2019-07-09 16:22:26 I wonder if a 5min directory can work 2019-07-09 16:23:20 bexx: have a look at /etc/crontabs/root 2019-07-09 16:24:14 thanks!! 2019-07-09 16:26:31 bexx: that folder is specified in /etc/conf.d/crond 2019-07-09 17:54:05 how can I see the logs of a /etc/init.d/service ? 2019-07-09 18:26:43 seems like I have troubles with permissions 2019-07-09 18:26:53 because I added a+x to /usr/bin/sway 2019-07-09 18:26:57 in order to launch it 2019-07-09 18:27:04 I can't start pulseaudio 2019-07-09 18:27:22 because XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't owned by uid 1000 2019-07-09 19:25:57 Use i3 2019-07-09 19:25:58 ACTION hides 2019-07-09 20:32:11 bexx: what is your XDG_RUNTIME_DIR set to? 2019-07-09 20:36:56 yeah I fixed that making a new folder every time that I login on fish shell 2019-07-09 20:37:04 and setting permissions to my user 2019-07-09 20:37:11 in that folder 2019-07-09 21:46:07 i'm trying to build sbcl 2019-07-09 21:46:26 and seems that it wants the nptl threading library 2019-07-09 21:46:44 sbcl suggests to stop using LD_ASSUME_KERNEL 2019-07-09 21:46:50 what's that? 2019-07-09 22:00:24 "nptl" is just the name for "glibc newer than late-90s" 2019-07-10 01:13:38 I see rust for a few new archs has landed in aports, armv7 armhf x86_64. congrats Cogitri! 2019-07-10 01:18:20 Thanks! It's not ready for usage yet, I'll have to work on it once I'm back from holidays 2019-07-10 02:22:21 I am trying to run 3.10.0 on a Raspberry Pi 2. I prepared the SD card exactly as is described on the wiki at https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi#Preparation, but whenever I attempt to boot any of my Pis from it, I get seven blinks of the ACT light, which indicates the kernel couldn't be found, and it doesn't progress beyond the rainbow screen. 2019-07-10 02:23:12 I see that there are items in config.txt that point to a kernel in /boot/, but it's not clear to me why those aren't working, if that's indeed the problem. 2019-07-10 02:57:56 why firefox isn't showing correctly all characters? 2019-07-10 02:58:04 I'm getting some weird squares 2019-07-10 03:00:38 Missing fonts, I guess 2019-07-10 03:01:13 ooh I was blocking remote fonts with ublock origin 2019-07-10 03:01:15 nevermind 2019-07-10 03:01:17 haha 2019-07-10 03:03:43 Heh 2019-07-10 03:04:07 Might be a good idea to install some cjk font 2019-07-10 03:20:59 like which? 2019-07-10 03:39:23 font-noto-cjk 2019-07-10 03:42:22 hi all, is IceWM coming in the near future? 2019-07-10 03:47:59 doesn't look like it macondo123. you can make a package request on the alpine bug tracker if you like 2019-07-10 03:49:16 xcko, thank you much 2019-07-10 03:53:52 if i want some package from the 'edge' repo, do i have to comment the 'main' repos while installing from the 'edge' one? or do I leave all repos uncommented? 2019-07-10 03:55:01 assuming you by 'main' you mean 'v3.10' then yes, you must comment them out. See wiki.alpinelinux.org for details on upgrading to edge 2019-07-10 03:55:34 thanks bud ... 2019-07-10 04:20:07 well, you -can- also uncomment them all and install a package from edge using the "apk add package@edge" syntax, but mixing packages from stable and edge is always a bit risky and can/will cause problems later on 2019-07-10 04:20:45 so the recommended way is indeed to upgrade the whole system to edge, which of course comes with its own set of potential problems 2019-07-10 07:21:59 Is there anyway I can shut down Alpine Linux by adding myself into a specific group like operator in BSDs.. that doesn't require doing alias shutdown='sudo poweroff' etc? 2019-07-10 08:57:33 b17wise: not by default. You could set one up though, make a group and config sudoers 2019-07-10 08:59:32 but you would still need to run sudo poweroff, just could avoid being prompted for a password. 2019-07-10 10:02:17 i think the question contains the answer. set up a privileged group. make all the binaries that you want to be able to execute g+x and voila. 2019-07-10 10:03:15 there is nothing alpine or linux specific about this. 2019-07-10 10:35:07 Hey. Just trying out the distro, loving the simplicity and the overall setup, great work. 2019-07-10 10:39:46 While I was setting up MATE desktop there is this weird step in the wiki to remove the 'mate-screensaver', link '/usr/etc/xdg/menus' and '/etc/xdg/menus' and installing the 'mate-screensaver' again. '/usr/etc/xdg/menus' does not exist, what is this meant to do. 2019-07-10 10:50:46 any wiki admin present maybe? I've got a complaint of course. 2019-07-10 10:51:00 <_ikke_> xx: how can I help? 2019-07-10 10:51:21 your IP blocking policy seems overreaching to me 2019-07-10 10:51:43 yoou seem to block left right and center 2019-07-10 10:59:14 <_ikke_> What is blocked exactly? 2019-07-10 11:00:50 my IP 2019-07-10 11:01:04 same as the one I#m here with 2019-07-10 11:01:11 we are blocking ips? 2019-07-10 11:01:28 which msg do you get? 2019-07-10 11:01:39 and for no sensical reason, I might add... 2019-07-10 11:02:17 yes, it's absolutely ridiculous. 2019-07-10 11:02:38 <_ikke_> I don't see your IP in the mediawiki block list 2019-07-10 11:02:38 e.g.: "Error: Warning: This action has been automatically identified as harmful." 2019-07-10 11:03:06 and where does it say it blocks your ip? 2019-07-10 11:03:07 and : This user is currently blocked. The latest block log entry is provided below for reference: 2019-07-10 11:03:07 10:46, 10 July 2019 Abuse filter (talk | contribs) blocked Yy22yy 2019-07-10 11:03:43 <_ikke_> Ok, yes, that one I see 2019-07-10 11:03:44 says it on: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/User:Yy22yy 2019-07-10 11:03:52 <_ikke_> "Automatically blocked by abuse filter. Description of matched rule: We see you are new here. User pages are a common place for spam. Please don't edit your user page until you've been around a while." 2019-07-10 11:04:23 <_ikke_> block has been removed 2019-07-10 11:04:28 that rule is nonsensical 2019-07-10 11:04:58 we will discuss this internally. sorry for the trouble. 2019-07-10 11:06:24 still ongoing. Permission error 2019-07-10 11:06:24 You do not have permission to edit this page, for the following reason: 2019-07-10 11:06:24 Your username or IP address has been blocked. 2019-07-10 11:07:08 now? 2019-07-10 11:07:18 <_ikke_> The rule is still in place. Checking the rule, your account needs to be 3 days old before you can edit your user page 2019-07-10 11:08:35 looks a lil better... testing 2019-07-10 11:09:56 OK block seems to be removed now. Thanks! 2019-07-10 11:11:02 usually I put stuff in my user page so no one can accuse me of spamming the wiki. why would anyone bother to visit the user page of a newbie? 2019-07-10 11:11:26 <_ikke_> xx: apparently bots would create a user and then put spam on their own user page 2019-07-10 11:12:06 and how do they attract any traffic? people go to real entries, not user pages. 2019-07-10 11:14:05 I come from a nice alpine install, which impresses by its high speed overall 2019-07-10 11:15:20 tried to work on the mail server page https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/ISP_Mail_Server_3.x_HowTo#A_Full_Service_Mail_Server 2019-07-10 11:35:16 hey guys... feel free to join this #alpine-linux via : 2019-07-10 11:35:19 https://kiwiirc.com/client?settings=a49b2ed54102b7ba8db2d612a350641d 2019-07-10 11:35:31 <_ikke_> alpinist: why would we? 2019-07-10 11:35:36 <_ikke_> sounds a lot like spam 2019-07-10 11:35:42 lol :D 2019-07-10 11:36:05 its a one-click procedure from the firefox toolbar. know a way to do it faster? 2019-07-10 11:36:23 but we are on irc :D 2019-07-10 11:37:10 many ways lead to Rome... many to this #chan too ;-) 2019-07-10 11:37:16 wtf? 2019-07-10 11:37:49 i think he/she means no harm? 2019-07-10 11:38:05 here's another one for you, MY_R : "when in Rome, do as the Romans do!" 2019-07-10 11:38:20 any other trick know that bot? :D 2019-07-10 11:38:32 what? 2019-07-10 11:39:05 :D 2019-07-10 11:40:13 I guess there is no faster way than 1-click ! 2019-07-10 11:41:08 xx, there is no click at all since we are all on #alpine-linux channel :D 2019-07-10 11:41:42 I beg to differ. I'm in web-IRC and can click a lot 2019-07-10 11:43:14 I kinda like the bookmark-bar in firefox and using bookmarklets in it 2019-07-10 11:44:12 now, I failed to set up a desktop-GUI in alpine and also am stuck with setting up a mailserver 2019-07-10 11:45:03 there are people who likes simplicity of alpine and at the same time use firefox for 'irc' 2019-07-10 11:45:21 hmmm .... 2019-07-10 11:45:53 so if you like simplicity you cannot use web irc? 2019-07-10 11:46:18 I prefer alpine for server, but u can't get me off KDE desktop ever. 2019-07-10 11:46:28 like locally 2019-07-10 11:46:43 and yes i also use web irc 2019-07-10 11:46:51 but not kiwi 2019-07-10 11:46:55 shame on you! ;) 2019-07-10 11:47:09 clandmeter: using web browser for irc? 2019-07-10 11:47:13 100% guilty 2019-07-10 11:47:20 mps: yes 2019-07-10 11:47:52 I guess Stallman uses emacs for irc 2019-07-10 11:48:16 mps: we have it running on our own infra 2019-07-10 11:48:26 thelounge which is nicer imho compared to kiwi 2019-07-10 11:48:50 yeah had the lounge working at one point 2019-07-10 11:49:45 ok, everyone use tool which best fits his workflow, but for text services I use text clients 2019-07-10 11:50:03 u don't use emacs? shame 2019-07-10 11:50:12 or vi somehow 2019-07-10 11:50:51 mps: I use Firefox for irc by using riot Web with a matrix bridge :D 2019-07-10 11:50:52 alpinist2: any vim irc plugin better than irssi 2019-07-10 11:51:45 well but vi is incompatible with MSDOS 1.0 EDLIN.EXE so no one can actually use it, you see :-P 2019-07-10 11:51:52 "unix is OS and VI is synonym" :-) 2019-07-10 11:52:18 o_O 2019-07-10 11:53:02 ⅵ ⅵ ⅵ, editor of the beast :) 2019-07-10 11:53:05 and vi is unavailable on Sinclair ZX-80 , the industry standard workstation 2019-07-10 11:53:53 "vi - sinon rien" as the french fries say... 2019-07-10 11:54:58 vi-ne (especially red) is better ;) 2019-07-10 11:55:34 recently I tried to bring up an IPv6-only server and had nothing but vi available. wonderful eh... 2019-07-10 11:55:54 busybox vi is pretty bad 2019-07-10 11:56:03 (but still usable) 2019-07-10 11:56:28 EDLIN.EXE is useable BIG TIME , dude 2019-07-10 11:57:48 "why do we need OS when we have browser" 2019-07-10 11:57:56 people usually do the admin heavy lifting on an Sinclair ZX-80 emulator 2019-07-10 11:59:09 OK so alpine has a real GUI desktop, I hear ? 2019-07-10 11:59:43 mps, that was my question when I was awaiting for chromium compilation finish :\ 2019-07-10 12:00:09 I advise using ungoogled-chromium 2019-07-10 12:00:17 I advise using ungoogled-chrome - sorry 2019-07-10 12:00:30 shhh bot! ;) 2019-07-10 12:01:02 gives u some ninja trouble, but hey... 2019-07-10 12:01:20 Let's not, it usually lags behind a major version behind upstream chromium 2019-07-10 12:01:54 MY_R: last time I tried to build chromiun noticed source tarball is six time bigger than linux kernel, iirc 2019-07-10 12:02:02 so what. I just dont want them to phone home to NSA all the time 2019-07-10 12:02:53 mps its no big deal tho 2019-07-10 12:03:08 ACTION ponders 2019-07-10 12:03:42 ACTION comes here via Alpine GNU/Linux 2019-07-10 12:04:59 mps, ye sad, I'm missing times when websites were looking so raw, full of texts and the only fancy stuff was something what blinking :D now web developers abusing too hard all those features in browsers which arent gonna be any smaller :\ 2019-07-10 12:06:25 well, nowadays I use firefox (tweaked) for half of browsing and elinks/links for other half 2019-07-10 12:07:12 Anyone had any issues with using ssh-agent on Alpine? 2019-07-10 12:07:13 good that firefox-esr working great on Alpine :) 2019-07-10 12:08:34 Nop 2019-07-10 12:10:00 agent key RSA SHA256:E/... returned incorrect signature type is the error I get ... is the correct fingerprint. Only happens when Alpine is the client, if I use Ubuntu it works fine 2019-07-10 12:10:12 My perms on .ssh and .ssh/* look fine 2019-07-10 12:10:27 I have never come across that error before and google hasnt been useful 2019-07-10 12:12:30 ACTION is a diehard waterfox power-user 2019-07-10 12:13:38 see MY_R wasting people's screen area is what these millenial web pgmers are being called upon. such a shame! 2019-07-10 12:14:29 PhoenixMage: which desktop do u use? 2019-07-10 12:15:29 alpinist2, heh yee 2019-07-10 12:16:45 Armag-ADD-ON was the last straw... I went waterfox for good. 2019-07-10 12:17:25 even hang out in Mozilla space as user "waterfox" lawl 2019-07-10 12:17:46 If you want an old, slower most likely insecure version of FF sure, go for it 2019-07-10 12:18:07 FF is too big of a project to backport everything while further diverging from upstream 2019-07-10 12:18:26 slower? not for me. 2019-07-10 12:18:27 alpinist2: I am using securecrt on Windows with agent-forwarding 2019-07-10 12:18:46 PhoenixMage: it seems like an SSH version incompatibility due to the ssh-agent protocol having been extended 2019-07-10 12:18:51 Then just ssh on the command line of the alpine box 2019-07-10 12:19:09 alpinist2: Quantum and Webrenderer most definitely is faster than their previous engine 2019-07-10 12:19:44 Cogitri: true I guess , except I don't notice it much if at all 2019-07-10 12:20:27 waterfox gives u back all those ADD-ONs that Mozilla killed for no reason 2019-07-10 12:20:55 which addons did Mozilla kill for no reason? 2019-07-10 12:21:10 a ton. they called it legacy ADD ON 2019-07-10 12:21:46 they packed it into one huge file availbale locally for each waterfox user 2019-07-10 12:22:02 TBB: I dont think so, looking at the ssh debug the offered fingerprint is offered and accepted its something specific to the agent 2019-07-10 12:22:22 TBB: vimperator 2019-07-10 12:23:21 lawl... did anyone ever donate a single penny to those vimperator clowns? 2019-07-10 12:23:49 I doubt it. 2019-07-10 12:24:36 maybe Stallman coughed up 2 pennies 2019-07-10 12:25:16 what a loser in that case lawl 2019-07-10 12:25:17 PhoenixMage, I did find a couple of mentions about this, and the edge version of ssh-agent should have it fixed (or that was the knowledge earlier this year that the patch would make it to 8.0) 2019-07-10 12:25:37 but that said, I haven't run into this specific bug myself yet 2019-07-10 12:26:41 Thanks TBB I will take a look at the edge ssh-agent 2019-07-10 12:27:03 about ten (maybe fifteen) year ago I argued with RMS about his 'pennies' ideas, publicly 2019-07-10 12:27:18 what's that dude? 2019-07-10 12:27:39 give pennies to free projects 2019-07-10 12:27:47 OK why not... 2019-07-10 12:28:14 if I do something for free why I have to ask for pennies from you 2019-07-10 12:28:46 u shouldnt nag ppl about is - which is what everyone does these bleeding days 2019-07-10 12:28:51 imo, it will be more honest to sell it to you 2019-07-10 12:28:56 u shouldnt nag ppl about it - which is what everyone does these bleeding days 2019-07-10 12:29:13 point well taken 2019-07-10 12:30:14 why not go all the way and ask not only for free software but a free society abandoning Wall Street in the process of course... 2019-07-10 12:30:58 when I see that someone beg pennies for free things I'm suspicious, and just wait to see when the big company will buy this 2019-07-10 12:31:10 like red hat lawl 2019-07-10 12:31:21 you see :) 2019-07-10 12:31:53 bust the trusts and dump Wall Street 2019-07-10 12:32:24 OCCUPY!!! 2019-07-10 12:32:50 be honest, is what I can tell, in my not so good understanding of fine points of English language 2019-07-10 12:33:18 EN not native to me either lawl 2019-07-10 12:33:46 ure like ES , FR or sth.? 2019-07-10 12:33:58 me DE 2019-07-10 12:33:59 SR 2019-07-10 12:34:04 Suriname? 2019-07-10 12:34:10 Serbia 2019-07-10 12:34:12 OK 2019-07-10 12:34:30 RS is country code and SR is lang code 2019-07-10 12:34:37 oic 2019-07-10 12:34:53 nice footballes u've got 2019-07-10 12:34:56 nice footballers u've got 2019-07-10 12:35:27 except in women's football... lawl 2019-07-10 12:35:57 I think we don't have good footballers but we have good basket ballers, although I don't follow these 2019-07-10 12:36:05 I see 2019-07-10 12:36:29 I watched woman football cup 2019-07-10 12:37:20 watching womans (whatever) cup must be pleasure ;-) 2019-07-10 12:37:31 at times, yeah 2019-07-10 12:38:09 but, we have #alpine-offtopic channel for such talks 2019-07-10 12:38:15 ok 2019-07-10 12:38:56 joined that too now 2019-07-10 12:40:37 or so I thought ... seems no workie ... 2019-07-10 12:41:26 hmm, #alpine-offtopic 2019-07-10 12:41:36 so /join us in channel #alpine-offtopic2 please .... 2019-07-10 12:42:12 if u like to 2019-07-10 12:43:28 alpinist2: well, I'm mostly on official alpine channels 2019-07-10 12:44:44 of course 2019-07-10 12:45:25 well I cannot join #alpine-offtopic for some odd reason in neither of 2 clients I run rite now 2019-07-10 12:45:47 nothing happing upon /join command 2019-07-10 12:46:15 hope its not an alpine bug lawl 2019-07-10 12:47:22 for me '/join #alpine-offtopic' works, in irssi 2019-07-10 12:47:28 ahhh ... #alpine-offtopic :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services - see https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration 2019-07-10 12:47:38 that suxx big time 2019-07-10 12:47:55 totally 2019-07-10 12:48:02 but saves us from spammers :) 2019-07-10 12:48:10 congrats 2019-07-10 12:49:22 so that chan has to do without I I'm afraid ... I did enough hoop-jumping for one week+ 2019-07-10 12:49:36 so that chan has to do without me I'm afraid ... I did enough hoop-jumping for one week. 2019-07-10 12:51:38 so which are the hottest vendors offering Alpine as a virtual machine ? 2019-07-10 12:52:07 I found some myself in case ure interested 2019-07-10 12:55:17 like I ran alpine on a 32 core server ... nice 2019-07-10 12:55:48 Any VPS does the trick since you can just change the distro from underneath the running OS 2019-07-10 12:56:18 No joy on the edge openssh 2019-07-10 12:56:21 sure but some vendors offer stuff that others don't , right? 2019-07-10 12:57:33 Cogitri: u mean just upgrading the alpine version? 2019-07-10 12:58:05 No, changing from whatever distro the VPS provider offers (e.g. Ubuntu) to Alpine 2019-07-10 12:58:33 yes I did that to get here via Alpine. 2019-07-10 12:59:46 but Cogitri you mean without specific support by the vendor? 2019-07-10 13:00:36 alpinist2: linode put some effort in last time for alpine VPS, and one person of their staff is here on some channels 2019-07-10 13:00:43 like I mean what you want is reverse-DNS but few offer this outright. 2019-07-10 13:01:02 yeah linode rocks totally 2019-07-10 13:02:09 and LBlaboon (linode) is here 2019-07-10 13:02:35 but one vendor I am with even outperforms linode in certain aspects IMHO 2019-07-10 13:02:45 really helpful man 2019-07-10 13:02:54 cool. LINODE totally rocks. 2019-07-10 13:04:00 well ... once burned ... twice shy ... I just tried to post "Alpine rocks!" in my alpine-wiki user-page and got IP-banned outright. So I better beware with a statement like this. 2019-07-10 13:05:21 Linode is among my top-two vendors honestly. 2019-07-10 13:07:04 I'm not ashamed saying it LBlaboon Linode is pushing the envelope and goes where others don't dare to go! 2019-07-10 14:01:17 alpinist2: glad you're enjoying us :) if you've got any feedback feel free to message me directly or email feedback@linode.com 2019-07-10 14:16:00 thanks LBlaboon I remember I got banned from linode IRC but hey, this happens 20 times a day for me, it seems. Anyhow, Linode leads in being awesome. 2019-07-10 14:16:52 see IRC is all about giving banning trolls a day job. 2019-07-10 14:18:24 that much is true. 2019-07-10 14:21:35 an unconvenient truth but there we go. 2019-07-10 14:22:47 <_ikke_> Honestly I have not experencied a lot of trolling in the channels I'm active in 2019-07-10 14:25:23 maybe you banned them wholesale? or the server policy got rid of them, killing all those benign voice in the process? We will never know, since hey are muted. 2019-07-10 14:28:33 given the fact that I am just a truther, let me tell you that IRC is just not conducive to a free medium of intellectual exchange. They ban people over nothing these days and probably will even execute the greatest truther of all time, Mr Julian Assange. 2019-07-10 14:28:42 who keeps rotting in prison. 2019-07-10 15:45:41 clandmeter: re #10406 - Congrats! 2019-07-10 16:03:19 Hi nangel 2019-07-10 16:03:41 Ncopa finished it 2019-07-10 16:06:19 clandmeter: awesome! congrats! 2019-07-10 16:07:16 and congrats to others who worked on that 2019-07-10 16:11:23 \o/ gj! 2019-07-10 16:15:59 it was ddevault who did the job 2019-07-10 16:24:48 congrats to all of you who worked on it! (as I wrote on other channel already :-) ) 2019-07-10 16:36:08 Add this info on wiki/doc once completed 2019-07-10 18:19:14 i can't build sbcl 2019-07-10 18:19:33 someone can build a package? 2019-07-10 18:20:48 <_ikke_> clisp is missing 2019-07-10 18:21:10 <_ikke_> sbcl is apparently unmaintained 2019-07-10 18:22:02 I don't know how to make a package 2019-07-10 18:22:10 I will give a shot tomorrow :) 2019-07-10 18:22:20 seems like sbcl need itself or another lisp to compile 2019-07-10 18:22:44 b17wise: I need to make a few assignments on lisp to my class tomorrow 2019-07-10 18:22:44 <_ikke_> clisp seems to be broken 2019-07-10 18:24:19 there is a clisp package? 2019-07-10 18:24:31 <_ikke_> yes 2019-07-10 18:24:37 <_ikke_> but not built 2019-07-10 18:24:43 oh i see 2019-07-10 18:24:46 bexx: 2019-07-10 18:24:47 You need sbcl to build sbcl.. 2019-07-10 18:24:48 I suggest you to use a docker container/lxc for quick assignment submissions 2019-07-10 18:25:02 b17wise: thanks I'm going to try that 2019-07-10 18:25:30 b17wise: It's funny because alpine docker containers have sbcl 2019-07-10 18:25:32 haha 2019-07-10 18:26:02 bexx: It is possible as it only requires bootstrapping. 2019-07-10 18:26:23 so maybe I can run a docker container 2019-07-10 18:26:28 and that way build sbcl? 2019-07-10 18:27:01 <_ikke_> probably 2019-07-10 18:27:03 bexx: Yeah, only if you have time 2019-07-10 18:27:35 or lxc download -t whateverDistroShipsSbcl 2019-07-10 18:28:04 I never use lxc before 2019-07-10 18:28:23 it's the same than docker? 2019-07-10 18:28:31 bexx: lxc? Easy even your mom can do it 2019-07-10 18:28:44 haha 2019-07-10 18:28:50 :) 2019-07-10 18:29:18 <_ikke_> lxc uses similar techniques as docker does, but it's more like starting an actual machine rather than a single isolated process 2019-07-10 18:30:21 bexx: 2019-07-10 18:30:21 Skip systemd and apt parts.. everything else is almost same. 2019-07-10 18:30:22 https://linuxcontainers.org/lxc/getting-started/ 2019-07-10 18:30:36 so the idea it's to make an lxc container for arch and then install sbcl there and connect to it through swank? 2019-07-10 18:30:51 bexx: Easy is that 2019-07-10 18:31:32 <_ikke_> "./clisp-link: /home/build/aports/testing/clisp/src/clisp-2.49/clisp -K boot -E UTF-8 -Epathname 1:1 -Emisc 1:1 -norc is not GNU CLISP" 2019-07-10 18:31:52 Once you setup lxc environment.. you can boot them as regular user (without root) 2019-07-10 18:31:57 _ikke_: lol xD 2019-07-10 18:32:12 >> GNU 2019-07-10 18:36:36 bexx: Also note that, in order to set a root password, and user etc, yiu need to chroot into your lxc system via lxc-attach -n yourLxcName then setup user etc... 2019-07-10 18:59:10 hi everyone, i jusst installed v3.10 with xfce4, got no sound, saw a howto in wiki.alpine-linux.org with alsa, is that the way to go? 2019-07-10 19:04:43 it is the easy way, yes 2019-07-10 19:05:36 thans, bud! 2019-07-10 19:05:45 thanks 2019-07-10 19:10:28 I saw jwm in the repo, if i wanto to use it, do i delete lightdm, put in the .xinitrc and start it with startx? 2019-07-10 19:42:48 Ok does any browser work properly for you guys? Firefox crashes the tab when a password field is focussed, and Chromium crashes the tab when loading anything, including addons 2019-07-10 19:43:19 firefox-esr no problem 2019-07-10 19:43:48 PureTryOut[m], what arch? 2019-07-10 19:43:55 O use esr too..no probs so far 2019-07-10 19:44:20 got sound! thanks TBB... 2019-07-10 19:44:30 MY_R: x86_64 2019-07-10 19:44:40 Both ESR and non-ESR crash for me 2019-07-10 19:44:44 PureTryOut[m], gpu? tried without acceleration? 2019-07-10 19:46:22 For what browser? Just default settings 2019-07-10 19:47:05 every browser using gpu now 2019-07-10 19:48:28 PureTryOut[m], check what got in firefox "about:support" under "Graphics" section, maybe something missing 2019-07-10 19:49:44 What do I have to check there? 2019-07-10 19:51:15 The Firefox crash is a known bug btw, it's on the Alpine issue tracker 2019-07-10 19:51:27 Hi, I´m trying to get NetworkManager working from a regular install, but the program comes up with an error that the network devices are not managed. 2019-07-10 19:51:43 Now I suspect that´s to do with the default way networking is set up from the installer, but I´m wondering how to rectify the problem 2019-07-10 19:53:10 jja2000: See /etc/NetworkManager.conf and change unmanaged to managed 2019-07-10 19:53:16 PureTryOut[m], I know it is but it doesnt crash for me and many people, Im using radeon mesa driver and all is fine, sometimes can help to lowering Content process limit to 1 in firefox preferences or disable gpu acceleration 2019-07-10 19:53:38 errn0, no such thing in that config file, I did add it though 2019-07-10 19:53:54 FF-esr working fine in x86_64 in about:config i got: gfx.xrender.enable = true and layers.acceleratin.force enabled =true and in about:preferences in Performance -> Use hardware acceleration when available 2019-07-10 19:53:58 browsers todays are very good in catch some weird bugs in gpu :\ 2019-07-10 19:55:41 Changing those values don't fix anything 2019-07-10 19:56:06 It's https://bugs.alpinelinux.org/issues/10451 btw 2019-07-10 19:56:19 sorry, jusst try to help 2019-07-10 19:56:57 Not sure what you're sorry for...? 2019-07-10 19:57:30 I want to use nginx with alpine in nginx 2019-07-10 19:57:46 Trying to decide between choosing an nginx image with an alpine tag 2019-07-10 19:57:59 or choosing an alpine image and then installing nginx in it 2019-07-10 19:58:53 that-s 66.0.5 2019-07-10 19:58:55 I generally start with alpine images, and build from there... I know what's in the base alpine image without looking, I don't know what's in the nginx:alpine image without looking 2019-07-10 19:59:24 i'm using 60.7.2 2019-07-10 19:59:35 PureTryOut[m], can you check if will crash if set "browser.tabs.remote.autostart" to false and restart firefox? 2019-07-10 20:00:37 i opened the 'edge'repos 2019-07-10 20:00:43 hmm good point 2019-07-10 20:00:44 I wouldn't have switched my laptop to Alpine Linux just yet if I knew this was going to happen... :/ 2019-07-10 20:01:39 <_ikke_> :-( 2019-07-10 20:02:05 <_ikke_> PureTryOut[m]: and you are using firefox-esr/? 2019-07-10 20:02:07 <_ikke_> ? 2019-07-10 20:02:15 <_ikke_> I have firefox working in qemu 2019-07-10 20:02:15 _ikke_, he checked both 2019-07-10 20:02:45 PureTryOut: Lol xD 2019-07-10 20:02:46 Maybe libc issue... 2019-07-10 20:02:47 Firefox is not crashing that much here on intel only setup here 2019-07-10 20:03:16 it is working fine here for me since 66 i think 2019-07-10 20:04:48 ikke: both -esr and non esr crash 2019-07-10 20:05:01 Also Chromium crashes 2019-07-10 20:05:11 <_ikke_> what arch? 2019-07-10 20:06:42 x86_64 2019-07-10 20:52:34 I need help to mount a hard drive, it is LVM and mount -a throws an error 2019-07-10 20:52:50 <_ikke_> You mount partitions, not disks... 2019-07-10 20:53:06 Err yeah, that's what I meant 2019-07-10 20:53:41 /dev/sdc1 /storage ext4 defaults 0 0 this is my fstab 2019-07-10 20:53:56 <_ikke_> What error do you get? 2019-07-10 20:54:13 KH405: 2019-07-10 20:54:13 mount /dev/volumeGroup/logicalVolume /mountPoint 2019-07-10 20:54:20 mount: /storage: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. 2019-07-10 20:56:09 I think I don't have a /logicalvolume 2019-07-10 20:57:08 <_ikke_> if it's lvm, the blockdevice should be different 2019-07-10 20:57:49 How can I figure this out ? 2019-07-10 20:57:52 KH405: How? In LVM you always have logical volume. Type lvs with root 2019-07-10 20:58:02 KH405: sudo lvs 2019-07-10 20:58:09 Yeah, got nothing 2019-07-10 20:58:25 <_ikke_> and lvdisplay? 2019-07-10 20:58:44 KH405: Learn LVM management. It us rather a big topic to discuss here 2019-07-10 20:58:45 I'm not used to LVM, I did fdisk, created a LVM and i'm at this point now 2019-07-10 20:58:58 <_ikke_> Ok, then you need to do something more 2019-07-10 20:59:20 <_ikke_> You created a partition with the type LVM, but nothing on it is LVM yet 2019-07-10 20:59:25 ACTION has no idea now... 2019-07-10 20:59:30 That's how I understand 2019-07-10 20:59:36 <_ikke_> https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Setting_up_Logical_Volumes_with_LVM 2019-07-10 21:02:19 KH405: 2019-07-10 21:02:20 You gather physical disks into one volume..(volume groups) then create slices (logical volume with certain filesystem).. then mount them 2019-07-10 21:03:04 Ok ... So that would be pvcreate /dev/md1 (as 0 Is already in use_ 2019-07-10 21:03:34 Why md1? 2019-07-10 21:03:44 What is md? 2019-07-10 21:04:17 <_ikke_> A raid array 2019-07-10 21:04:29 Ohh sorry 2019-07-10 21:04:35 <_ikke_> you don't create md0, it's the device to add as a pv 2019-07-10 21:04:38 That's not what I want 2019-07-10 21:04:52 Ops... he is using simgle disk I guess 2019-07-10 21:04:58 <_ikke_> pvcreate /dev/sdc1 2019-07-10 21:05:29 ^ 2019-07-10 21:06:20 And then vgcreate vg1 /dev/sdc1 ? 2019-07-10 21:06:33 <_ikke_> yes 2019-07-10 21:06:38 <_ikke_> vg1 can be any name you want 2019-07-10 21:08:01 And then I just mount /dev/vg1 ? 2019-07-10 21:08:06 <_ikke_> no 2019-07-10 21:08:11 Why is root called /dev/vg0/lv_root ? 2019-07-10 21:08:32 <_ikke_> That's the logical volume 2019-07-10 21:09:34 Good, so lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n storage 2019-07-10 21:09:42 KH405: You mount lv_root1.. vg0 is just a volume group.. 2019-07-10 21:09:51 And then mount /dev/vg0/storage ? 2019-07-10 21:10:00 <_ikke_> KH405: why do you use lvm if you use 100% of the space? 2019-07-10 21:24:54 Sorry, got an important call, it might change in the future 2019-07-10 21:25:51 But yeah, will my line work and then mount storage ? 2019-07-10 21:25:55 <_ikke_> It's easier to expand a partition then to shrink it 2019-07-10 21:26:03 <_ikke_> should work 2019-07-10 21:26:13 <_ikke_> and then mount /dev/vg0/storage 2019-07-10 21:33:38 sudo lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n storage dosen't work, says that the syntax is not recognized 2019-07-10 21:46:22 got it, now it says, /dev/vg1 is not a block device 2019-07-10 21:47:45 <_ikke_> You need to mount the logical volume, not the volume group 2019-07-10 21:47:58 <_ikke_> what does lvs return? 2019-07-10 21:50:54 storage vg1 -wi-a----- <931.51g 2019-07-10 21:51:42 <_ikke_> Next step is creating a file system 2019-07-10 21:51:54 <_ikke_> the volume group is just an empty partition 2019-07-10 21:52:06 <_ikke_> mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg1/storage 2019-07-10 21:53:46 Got it, thanks! Gtg make supper now, thanks alot! 2019-07-11 04:50:13 OK, let me try this again. I'm trying to create a docker container with alpine linux but it keeps failing to fetch the APKINDEX.tar.gz. It doesn't seem to matter which version of alpine linux I try. If I use wget I can download the file just fine. 2019-07-11 04:51:18 <_ikke_> Guest84: What error do you get? 2019-07-11 04:51:48 Error...: temporary error (try again later) 2019-07-11 04:52:01 <_ikke_> sounds like a dns issue 2019-07-11 04:52:21 Again a wget using the identical URL work. 2019-07-11 04:52:40 <_ikke_> https://tpaste.us/ 2019-07-11 04:52:50 <_ikke_> sorry 2019-07-11 04:52:55 <_ikke_> http://tpaste.us/7vao 2019-07-11 04:53:20 Sorry, I don't follow. 2019-07-11 04:53:34 <_ikke_> I start a new container and run apk update, which succeeds 2019-07-11 04:53:52 Right, mine is failing when I try to do the update. 2019-07-11 04:54:27 <_ikke_> What does `getent hosts dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org` return? 2019-07-11 04:56:42 Hang on I have to email the output... 2019-07-11 04:58:29 The getent returns: 2a04:4e42:a::249 dualstack.global.prod.fastly.net dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org 2019-07-11 04:58:57 A simple hosts returns: host dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org 2019-07-11 04:58:57 dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org is an alias for dualstack.global.prod.fastly.net. 2019-07-11 04:58:57 dualstack.global.prod.fastly.net has address 2019-07-11 04:58:57 dualstack.global.prod.fastly.net has IPv6 address 2a04:4e42:a::249 2019-07-11 04:59:29 Is the problem that it's trying to use IPv6? 2019-07-11 04:59:33 <_ikke_> perhaps 2019-07-11 04:59:48 <_ikke_> but for me it returns the same 2019-07-11 05:01:36 Is there a way to force the docker build to use only IPv4? 2019-07-11 05:05:59 I should probably ask that in the docker forum... 2019-07-11 05:07:12 <_ikke_> or google 2019-07-11 05:18:13 I didn't see anything right off with a google search, but I'll keep looking. Thanks. 2019-07-11 11:13:12 Hi there 2019-07-11 11:13:31 How can I list all versions available for a package? 2019-07-11 11:17:54 there is usually only one version available in aports 2019-07-11 11:19:19 clandmeter, yes you are right 2019-07-11 11:19:22 apk version postgresql 2019-07-11 11:19:22 Installed: Available: 2019-07-11 11:19:23 postgresql-9.5.13-r0 = 9.5.13-r0 2019-07-11 11:19:45 clandmeter, how can I install a specific version? 2019-07-11 11:20:27 if you need an older version you will need to install an older version of alpine 2019-07-11 11:20:35 or compile one yourself. 2019-07-11 11:21:56 you can find more version information here https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages 2019-07-11 11:22:07 anyone on edge got something like this? 2019-07-11 11:22:09 libxkbcommon-0.8.2-r0 < 0.8.4-r0 2019-07-11 11:22:09 protobuf-3.6.1-r1 < 3.8.0-r0 2019-07-11 11:22:34 output of "apk version" and apk upgrade don't even wanna upgrade it 2019-07-11 11:26:03 <_ikke_> MY_R: maybe some constraint that prevents it from upgrading? 2019-07-11 11:26:42 _ikke_, but how to check it? the only custom and forced version package is linux-vanilla 2019-07-11 11:27:03 clandmeter, kk tahnks 2019-07-11 11:49:08 _ikke_, I removed mumble which have protobuf dependency and installed again so now got last protobuf version 2019-07-11 11:49:56 and with libxkbcommon I had to install "libxkbcommon-x11" and it automaticly upgraded "libxkbcommon" ... 2019-07-11 11:54:01 ah ye because previous mumble version was wrong and was changed from 1.3.0-r0 to 1.3.0_rc2-r0 2019-07-11 12:01:34 So the Chromium crash I reported yesterday only occurred with https://riot.im/app and https://riot.im/develop... 2019-07-11 12:01:57 Firefox still crashes just as hard when focussing any password field though 2019-07-11 13:20:44 Is it possible to use alpine's grub-install in another distro from chroot? 2019-07-11 14:18:39 I see that the nodejs-version is somewhat behind and happen to be active lts. Is it updated in accordance with node's schedule or can an update be expected soner? 2019-07-11 17:10:07 ktifhfl: umm what? 2019-07-11 17:27:18 any idea why a `sudo apk del nodejs npm` claims `but the following packages are not removed due to: nodejs: npm`? 2019-07-11 17:28:41 paradoxspiral: Post full error message 2019-07-11 17:29:26 that is it already `World updated, but the following packages are not removed due to:\n nodejs: npm \n OK: 4556 MiB in 858 packages` 2019-07-11 17:30:05 if i try `sudo apk del npm` by itself i get `4556 MiB in 858 packages` but it is in fact not removed 2019-07-11 17:30:26 *`OK: 4556 MiB…` 2019-07-11 17:37:49 owah? 2019-07-11 17:37:59 found it out, nodejs-npm depended on it. didn't know apk wouldn't tell me that 2019-07-11 18:02:55 Interesting, normally it tells you why it didn't uninstall it 2019-07-11 18:36:27 Cheers for the release...ncopa 2019-07-11 20:48:17 what do I need to do to subscribe ~alpine/announce? 2019-07-11 21:20:28 where is the logs of cron jobs? 2019-07-11 21:22:04 /var/log/messages ? 2019-07-11 21:26:39 thanks 2019-07-12 04:14:20 /aaway 2019-07-12 04:14:27 ACTION head+desks 2019-07-12 04:22:07 I still can't stop the wrestling association whenever I see herrbischoff's nickname 2019-07-12 04:22:55 ruined by WWE :( 2019-07-12 04:45:35 So it turns out the _ikke_ was right. The problem was DNS. I ended up adding the DNS server to the /etc/default/docker file as well as the /etc/docker/daemon.json and added "--dns x.x.x.x" to DOCKER_OPTS in /etc/init.d/docker. I then restarted docker and it seems to be working. 2019-07-12 04:47:33 The thing that had thrown me off was the I was able to resolve the hosts correctly on my VM, but once I was in the container it didn't work. For grins earlier today I started a container and explicitly set the DNS nameserver on the command line and I was able to resolve the hosts and do an 'apk update'. 2019-07-12 04:48:43 I'm not sure which modifications are necessary. When I removed a couple it quit working, so I put all three back and now it works. I'm not sure what this means for the container once I move it to another system... 2019-07-12 05:01:33 What device manager alpine actually uses? mdev, eudev or udev? 2019-07-12 05:06:40 mdev by default 2019-07-12 05:09:36 is there any shortcoming to use mdev? 2019-07-12 05:10:28 For some reason, Gentoo claims that mdev doesn't play well with desktop environments such as KDE or GNOME 2019-07-12 05:10:44 I have, however no clue 2019-07-12 05:10:49 oh hello errn0 =) I see 2019-07-12 05:17:13 udev is part of sysstemd now and cant be used; eudev is the nonsystemd fork 2019-07-12 05:17:39 errn0: That's because it doesn't 2019-07-12 05:17:43 Lots of stuff links against libudev (so eudev) 2019-07-12 05:18:33 if you don't want these things to see udev events, it should be possible to keep using mdev and just give them a dummy libudev 2019-07-12 05:18:42 but i'm not sure if anybody's made that work 2019-07-12 05:19:04 personally i never want "desktop environment" software to see anything about hardware insertion 2019-07-12 05:19:27 I use a window manager. I am aware of DE bloated dependency graphs 2019-07-12 05:21:17 I find it very handy to be able to connect cameras, mass storage etc without having to every single time refresh my memory on obscure command line options 2019-07-12 05:24:00 TBB: Convenience is inversely proportional to security factors. dalias showed it's vulnerability factor. 2019-07-12 05:26:04 Also how come command line is obscure? You call the program along its required arguments, that is it 2019-07-12 05:26:08 tbb, automounting mass storage is great. desktop env should have absolutely no role in that 2019-07-12 05:26:18 instead desktop env should be doing inotify on /media 2019-07-12 05:26:30 so it sees mounts performed by the mdev scripts 2019-07-12 05:27:04 without any complex rootkit protocol for giving it control over mounting 2019-07-12 05:34:46 I'm in no mood for constructive debate on the topic, so I'll pass this one 2019-07-12 05:37:44 errn0: Having a desktop which just werks is kinda nice 2019-07-12 05:37:46 I don't see me entering a CLI command every time I plug in a USB 2019-07-12 05:38:17 For a server the security argument is fair, but I don't see someone plugging in a bad USB in my laptop any time soon 2019-07-12 05:39:26 well in all honesty, your server room probably has access controls; all your laptop needs is 30 seconds out of your sight... 2019-07-12 05:41:04 ah f**k it 2019-07-12 05:41:17 errn0: have you ever actually worked with the command line? 2019-07-12 05:41:21 cogitri: "Convenience is inversely proportional to security factors." 2019-07-12 05:41:36 TBB: WTH? 2019-07-12 05:41:46 Why do you think so? 2019-07-12 05:42:07 TBB: Sure, but I guess I just like to assume the best :) 2019-07-12 05:42:07 my reaction exactly after your comment on command line non-obscurity 2019-07-12 05:42:07 I said I use terminal only.. whats wrong? 2019-07-12 05:42:31 TBB: I don't find it oibscur at all 2019-07-12 05:42:33 Although assumptions are the mother of all screwups :P 2019-07-12 05:42:36 obscure 2019-07-12 05:43:14 yeah, I've basically written scripts using command line tools for over a decade now, and still have a bias towards doing exactly that, shell scripts aided by commnandline tools 2019-07-12 05:43:37 and frankly, the userland and the command line tools are a mess 2019-07-12 05:43:37 If a guy from Ubuntu say "I fear terminal".. thats a different story.. a guy running Alpine Linux on desktop.. he should better know his way around terminals, and system insight imo 2019-07-12 05:44:58 sure, I can breathe specific tools if I happen to use them hundreds of times until I figure out every single useful option they have, but the problem I've always had with any Unix commandline tools is, there's no standard whatsoever for anything 2019-07-12 05:46:55 maybe I'm an idealist wrt how they could be clearer, but for now, they're not... 2019-07-12 05:50:45 TBB: Busybox commands are same. You can install it any Unix like system and your commands will work same way. 2019-07-12 06:15:05 errn0: I don't like the idea of certain distros requiring you to be an expert at the CLI 2019-07-12 06:15:47 You need some base knowledge for Alpine (well, mostly how to use the package manager), but one shouldn't need to worry about other stuff if one doesn't have to 2019-07-12 06:20:07 cogitri: I am opposite. I like the idea. Infact I even use terminal 99% time on my macOS. I will give up on computing if I have to work through work for the things I can do via cli 2019-07-12 06:20:39 work through GUI* 2019-07-12 06:21:26 Hm, I think it's fair to want CLI access, I dislike Windows a lot because the CLI isn't as accessible (and debugging stuff yourself if things go wrong is sort of a pain), so Linux is nicer where I can just fire up a terminal 2019-07-12 06:21:35 Even my android and iphone has terminal emulator 2019-07-12 06:22:04 I just like to use the GUI if possible and fall back to the CLI if things go south (or I need to develop stuff, GUIs can't really do justice of that) 2019-07-12 06:22:11 Same, but only for git 2019-07-12 06:23:26 cogitri: I only startx on Alpine in order to watch videos or browse something that requires Javascript 2019-07-12 06:24:10 Mostly my desktop setup is kinda similar to an embedded system 2019-07-12 06:25:32 On local machine, I do mpv catVidz.mp4 & 2019-07-12 06:25:44 Oh wew, I always start to GNOME via GDM, I dislike using the TTY for anything but setup 2019-07-12 06:26:25 cogitri: Lol. We are definitely different people working on different domain. 2019-07-12 06:26:56 Sure thing 2019-07-12 06:27:14 But interesting to see different opinions, didn't think ppl would still use the TTY for much to be honest 2019-07-12 06:27:45 cogitri: Use case matters 2019-07-12 06:32:38 I do know how it feels to have a GUI like GNOME/KDE installed :) 2019-07-12 06:32:38 I was a heavy fedora fanboy back in days ;) 2019-07-12 06:35:05 Now a days, I work with resource constraint environments and I read quite a bit technical article of "Small but functional Linux" and learned how things work in general. Then I started to hack with various arm boards with netbsd... then found Alpine Linux and moved to Linux again 2019-07-12 06:41:04 My favorite: https://busybox.net/use_less_ram.html 2019-07-12 06:41:45 and this: https://busybox.net/~vda/init_vs_runsv.html 2019-07-12 06:57:29 errn0: what's been your experience between netbsd and alpine? I've been thinking about exploring netbsd more, their list of todo projects seem fun 2019-07-12 06:57:30 errn0: for more than three decades I tried different 'gui's' but always return back to cli, it is far more comfortable and intuitive that gus 2019-07-12 06:57:56 s/gus/gui's/ 2019-07-12 06:59:09 at the end, every gui is just layer at the top of some cli 2019-07-12 07:24:10 xcko: Aa I would say, not mucot.. except different libc, kernel and vast amount of Linux flexibility. NetBSD works nicely when used with non Intel hardware in my experience and so... netbsd is not really portable as much as it claims (when you compare to Linux) but you can cross-compile NetBSD from any architecture to any other architecture (in theory and mostly in practice). Developing a new arm-board or creating new 2019-07-12 07:24:10 custom hardware? NetBSD is probably easier to port than your other options. 2019-07-12 07:24:39 It's a great research operating system if you want to tinker with new ideas. The code is really clean and portable, so a lot of entities use it as a testbed for new concepts or ideas (e.g., rump kernels, Lua scripting in kernel, Kauth, etc.) 2019-07-12 08:07:14 ACTION sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/zvRJpqiXsuzLCIpmJVemglvL > 2019-07-12 08:22:12 errn0: so I have to copy url from irssi, switch to another term, run 'curl ' to read your long message 2019-07-12 08:58:51 mps: blame matrix and my habit 2019-07-12 09:02:53 Either that or IRC for not supporting multiline messages like basicalltly all other chat protocols/applications ;) 2019-07-12 09:04:28 PureTryOut[m]: we are on IRC and not 'all other chat protocols/applications' 2019-07-12 09:06:48 I'm on Matrix actually but sure 2019-07-12 09:07:23 Still can be annoyed at IRC for not supporting multiline messages though 2019-07-12 09:07:41 I am dropping my matrix account write now.. enough is enough 2019-07-12 09:07:46 PureTryOut[m]: you could also just write short messages 2019-07-12 09:07:51 which stay on one line 2019-07-12 09:08:01 or cut your message across more than one line 2019-07-12 09:08:09 right* 2019-07-12 09:08:10 with the new [ENTER] feature 2019-07-12 09:08:11 :D 2019-07-12 09:09:47 errn0: why'd you switch from netbsd to alpine? 2019-07-12 09:10:16 KatolaZ: obviously, but I prefer multiline messages 2019-07-12 09:11:48 'when you are in Rome, speak as Roman' 2019-07-12 09:12:23 xcko: I bought a USB router that works well with Linux kernel 2019-07-12 09:12:38 That was the only reason 2019-07-12 09:14:12 and didn't want to port netbsd? 2019-07-12 09:14:25 xcko: you know 'we hate perl and we love but we write our app's in perl because it works' ;) 2019-07-12 09:14:26 It was clearly a mistake though. Obviously we should use single-line messages on IRC channels 2019-07-12 09:16:00 xcko: It uses nonfree blobs 2019-07-12 09:16:00 Huh, Matrix converts normal messages to links too? I thought it only did that for triple ` 2019-07-12 09:16:07 I don't think I can port these drivers 2019-07-12 09:16:36 mps ie linux is perl in your analogy. Okay, I was just curious. I'm using linux for it's lima / mali support so I get that 2019-07-12 09:16:54 Leaving the freenode_bridge in 3..2..1 2019-07-12 09:19:18 xcko: about analogy, well, to some degree yes. there are some number of linux haters (and *BSD lovers) but they use linux and repeat their hate to the end of world :-D 2019-07-12 09:20:13 but, that can be generalized about a lot of things and not just about technology 2019-07-12 09:24:22 Am I in? 2019-07-12 09:24:28 Yeah 2019-07-12 09:24:42 bye bye matrix 2019-07-12 09:25:51 <_ikke_> b17wise: you were errn0? 2019-07-12 09:25:57 yeah 2019-07-12 09:25:59 <_ikke_> ok 2019-07-12 09:26:15 I concluded that :) 2019-07-12 09:26:34 I am b17wise, errn0 and fr0xk 2019-07-12 09:27:07 cogitri: it converts multiline messages into links yes 2019-07-12 09:27:22 Well, the bridge does, Matrix doesn't 2019-07-12 09:27:51 Single-line messages are send as-is 2019-07-12 09:29:15 btw, I'm not against matrix (it is nice, imo) 2019-07-12 09:29:57 but, when we use irc we should keep messages according to irc 'rules' 2019-07-12 09:30:47 You can be against the bridge though ;) I like that exists, but I dislike how it works and the fact that it's written in Javascript 2019-07-12 09:31:24 mps: obviously, I never said we shouldn't. And it's the other way around for channels which are majority Matrix, like postmarketOS 2019-07-12 09:32:48 PureTryOut: Oof 2019-07-12 09:33:10 when we (alpine) switch to matrix I will support you on that 2019-07-12 09:33:26 <_ikke_> mps: I don't see that happen anytime soon 2019-07-12 09:34:21 <_ikke_> We did have a matrix server for a while, but it has been discontinued 2019-07-12 09:34:40 _ikke_: I agree with you, and hope we will stay on irc 2019-07-12 09:35:16 I remember that experiment with matrix 2019-07-12 10:04:07 Cogitri: do you know which rust version is needed to build firefox-esr 60.8 2019-07-12 10:04:33 does it builds with 1.34 2019-07-12 10:20:46 Should work with Rust >=1.33 or 1.32 IIRC 2019-07-12 10:20:49 Maybe even 1.31? 1.34 should be sufficient for sure 2019-07-12 10:27:36 Cogitri: thanks, with 1.31 it didn't worked, trying now with 1.34 2019-07-12 10:28:42 That should definitely work 2019-07-12 10:29:23 hope so, but will know in about a hour 2019-07-12 11:04:21 better tell me guys if subscription of ~alpine/announce working fine and why sending anything to "~alpine/announce+subscribe@lists.alpinelinux.org" left zero response :D 2019-07-12 11:07:00 and would be nice to see some link on lists.alpinelinux.org redirect to sr.ht project :\ 2019-07-12 11:09:28 <_ikke_> ddevault: ^ 2019-07-12 11:21:05 I installed alpine 3.10 aarch64 on a rpi3 and everything has been working fine 2019-07-12 11:21:30 then I noticed that the linux-rpi package was not installed and got a lot of errors when trying to install it 2019-07-12 11:22:32 not a "sys install", mostly followed this https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi 2019-07-12 11:23:32 Hm, define "a lot of errors" 2019-07-12 11:24:13 Did it work fine with `linux-vanilla`? IIRC the rpi3 should work with that too? 2019-07-12 11:31:23 first a lot of "failed to rename lib/firmware/brcm/.apk.[..]" followed by many "ERROR: Failed to create lib/modules/4.19.58-0-rpi/[..]" and "ERROR: linux-rpi-4.19.58-r0: failed to rename lib/modules/4.19.58-0-rpi/[..]" 2019-07-12 11:32:19 I'll try linux-vanilla in a bit 2019-07-12 11:33:27 similar 2019-07-12 11:38:10 but linux-vanilla also depend on linux-firmware that depend on too many other packages 2019-07-12 11:44:42 You can install linux-firmware-none to mitigate that 2019-07-12 11:47:31 and with that I can still have linux-firmware-brcm? 2019-07-12 11:48:04 Or just install that, then it won't pull in linux-firmware 2019-07-12 11:48:20 Basically, linux-vanilla depends on linux-firmware or linux-firmware-* if one of those is installed 2019-07-12 11:48:30 ok, thanks 2019-07-12 11:57:56 pardon, I'm on edge, not 3.10 2019-07-12 11:58:27 Should be the same situation 2019-07-12 12:00:09 yes 2019-07-12 12:00:55 I started out at 3.10 with the install, then switched repos to edge and updated packages 2019-07-12 12:02:08 other packages I can install fine, but no linux-* package 2019-07-12 12:43:32 omniuwo, did you do: apk upgrade --available ? 2019-07-12 12:54:41 MY_R: no, not when I did the upgrade (but I did now) 2019-07-12 12:55:09 but it doesn't solve my issue 2019-07-12 12:55:37 to be clear, there are no linux-* packages installed (except linux-pam, doesn't count) 2019-07-12 14:05:54 _ikke_: I think this problem isn't on my end. Can you look at smtp.a.o? listserv is sending out subscription confirmations 2019-07-12 14:10:46 I tried subscribe from gmail web then from K9 phone but after I read that my "clients" should support "~" etc so maybe that is the problem, I have no idea or maybe I should add something extra but that step should be simple and easy like everywhere 2019-07-12 14:12:27 there is a fallback for bad MTAs 2019-07-12 14:12:35 you can use u.alpine.announce+subscribe@lists.alpinelinux.org 2019-07-12 14:12:38 if your MTA won't send to ~ 2019-07-12 14:12:53 but I would appreciate it if you also wrote to your postmaster to complain, ~ is permitted by the RFC 2019-07-12 14:13:04 <_ikke_> isn't ~ a valid token for email addresses? 2019-07-12 14:13:09 postmaster like gmail/google? 2019-07-12 14:13:17 aye, postmaster@gmail.com, then 2019-07-12 14:14:03 what about any new user who just wanna simply subscribe read only announce list? 2019-07-12 14:14:16 what about them? 2019-07-12 14:14:37 fwiw many gmail users have sent emails to ~user/list on sr.ht upstream, so it ought to work 2019-07-12 14:14:40 and if not, the fallback exists 2019-07-12 14:15:15 somehow any other ML services can work without problem and sr.ht got some special needs? 2019-07-12 14:15:44 I don't understand the question 2019-07-12 14:16:11 <_ikke_> not allowing html in e-mails is quite common for mailing lists 2019-07-12 14:17:04 I didn't think we were talking about HTML 2019-07-12 14:17:32 <_ikke_> The only other thing would be ~ in e-mail addresses 2019-07-12 14:17:36 there is no information on https://lists.alpinelinux.org/ about what ML service is in use so every user will need dig in to it and after have to find some "man" on sr.ht where is that information about "fall-back" 2019-07-12 14:17:50 are you looking for a link to lists.sr.ht? 2019-07-12 14:19:28 that is fixed easily enough 2019-07-12 14:19:39 https://lists.alpinelinux.org/lists/~alpine 2019-07-12 14:23:05 hello 2019-07-12 14:23:14 <_ikke_> hi 2019-07-12 14:23:37 although dcron is working fine, it looks like it's no longer maintained and has some pending issues, what's your thoughts on it? 2019-07-12 14:24:01 cronie seems a good alternative 2019-07-12 15:30:31 I'll try and do a sys install and see if that helps, it'll free up some ram for other stuff 2019-07-12 18:33:57 Hi 2019-07-12 18:34:05 I have forgot my password 2019-07-12 18:34:17 How can I change it? 2019-07-12 18:34:30 Without live? 2019-07-12 18:39:49 <_ikke_> append init=/bin/sh to the kernel boot line 2019-07-12 18:59:40 _ikke_: I have done that but openrc is still started and the user/pw is still asked 2019-07-12 19:00:59 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/X2zPY1cV/irccloudcapture7817004332925997618.jpg 2019-07-12 19:02:02 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/DjDaK0sx/irccloudcapture6636842582729379243.mp4 2019-07-12 19:02:33 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/ewYgjX0M/irccloudcapture7799156071561933009.jpg 2019-07-12 19:03:14 <_ikke_> kupi: try single then (https://git.alpinelinux.org/mkinitfs/tree/initramfs-init.in#n322) 2019-07-12 19:07:13 Thanks! 2019-07-12 19:11:30 However after I changed the root password I still can't log in 2019-07-12 19:12:03 Also this filesystem is different, I don't have home 2019-07-12 19:15:25 I can't even mount the root file system 2019-07-12 19:15:53 <_ikke_> What does mount say> 2019-07-12 19:15:55 <_ikke_> ? 2019-07-12 19:17:01 even fdisk -l lists nothing 2019-07-12 19:36:22 i got the password 2019-07-12 19:36:49 however i am still interested how to access my hdd from single user mode 2019-07-12 19:49:59 user registration has been disabled on redmine 2019-07-12 19:50:28 if all goes well in the coming hour, we will switch redmine over to gitlab. 2019-07-12 19:50:43 so please do not create any issues on redmine 2019-07-12 19:52:33 Niceee 2019-07-12 20:38:31 I can't open https pages in both midori and dillo 2019-07-12 20:41:13 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/avQfE9cP/irccloudcapture8336732461434665398.jpg 2019-07-12 20:43:43 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/pbP46TPc/irccloudcapture872713862461593233.jpg 2019-07-12 20:44:19 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/YDVKIU2M/irccloudcapture3559816502673374928.jpg 2019-07-12 20:54:29 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/anRKIHft/irccloudcapture1571903304837114034.jpg 2019-07-12 20:54:40 Even curl does not work 2019-07-12 20:55:11 kupi, can you ping for example address? 2019-07-12 20:57:37 kupi, if it is only about https then check if your system time and date is correct 2019-07-12 20:58:08 i can, however time is not accurate 2019-07-12 20:58:15 thanks 2019-07-12 20:59:20 kupi, be sure you have installed package "ca-certificates" 2019-07-12 21:00:28 thanks, now it works 2019-07-12 21:04:10 dillo still not works 2019-07-12 21:04:16 it's abandonware anyways 2019-07-12 21:41:10 I'm trying to mount an NFS export from a Linux server and I'm getting: Operation not permitted. I installed the nfs-utils, is there something else I need? 2019-07-12 21:47:30 Hello 2019-07-12 21:48:39 I have such healtcheck command for my docker image based on alpine: echo -e "GET /fpm-ping HTTP/1.0\r\n" | nc -w 11 8080 2019-07-12 21:48:47 request is made fine 2019-07-12 21:49:11 but nc don`t print out body that receive from server 2019-07-12 21:49:28 when I do the same in bash on my host side all is fine 2019-07-12 21:49:54 any clue about implementation difference between nc from ubuntu and alpine? 2019-07-12 21:52:31 <_ikke_> hetti hetii: alpine has busybox nc by default 2019-07-12 21:53:27 yep but it seams that he is implemented different way and end before get reposne 2019-07-12 21:58:50 what a hack to have the same result: (echo -e "GET /fpm-ping HTTP/1.0\n"; sleep 1) | nc 8080 |grep pong 2019-07-12 22:08:44 I had forgotten to include rpcbind, but even after installing it I'm still getting: Operation not permitted when trying to mount an NFS export. Any ideas/ 2019-07-12 22:09:23 hetii, that can be helpfull: https://blog.i0i0.me/post/netcat.md and you can always install in Alpine package "netcat-openbsd" 2019-07-12 22:10:04 s/helpfull/helpful 2019-07-12 22:12:00 MY_R, the point is that I don`t plan install any additional packages to have this done 2019-07-12 22:12:58 how can I load this? 2019-07-12 22:12:58 https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/v3.10/main/x86/linux-firmware-r128 2019-07-13 00:02:48 kupi: try using wget? 2019-07-13 00:03:48 23:00:28 thanks, now it works 2019-07-13 00:06:39 kupi: please clarify "load this" then... 2019-07-13 00:08:18 use r128 so xorg would not cry "/dev/dri/card0 no such file or directory" 2019-07-13 00:09:02 apk add linux-firmware-r128 2019-07-13 00:09:37 You will likely need to reboot too 2019-07-13 00:23:01 tcely, isn't like all firmwares are installed by default and above command will result with deleting everything else and keep only "linux-firmware-r128" package? 2019-07-13 00:29:04 linux-firmware should depend on the sub-folders, installing linux-firmware-none is how you can not have any of them 2019-07-13 00:30:48 Install just the folders you want or linux-firmware-none to not install any or linux-firmware for all of them 2019-07-13 00:35:26 tcely, http://sprunge.us/rwzVDq 2019-07-13 00:36:16 You had linux-headers then ? 2019-07-13 00:36:41 no 2019-07-13 00:36:46 Ugh. linux-firmware 2019-07-13 00:37:18 tcely, yes because it is insalled by default 2019-07-13 00:53:45 Ok. Found it. All the other linux-firmware-any providers have no priority assigned which looks to mean 0 and linux-firmware assigned 1. So anything that depends on linux-firmware-any causes them all to be installed. 2019-07-13 02:23:20 Anybody around to help? 2019-07-13 02:23:50 I can't figure out how to have apk spit out the location of files it has installed 2019-07-13 02:24:50 for example, in arch you could just do `pacman -Ql [packagename]` and it will print all file locations relating to that package. 2019-07-13 02:25:38 apk info -L 2019-07-13 02:26:17 Hmm, thanks so much Cogitri, but it doesn't solve my problem 2019-07-13 02:26:25 the package lxc-templates only has two templates inside :( 2019-07-13 02:26:41 you don't have an ubuntu template, or a download template as is available in basically every other distro 2019-07-13 02:27:56 https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/LXC#Ubuntu_template 2019-07-13 02:28:08 None of this documentation can be used in my current situation 2019-07-13 02:28:17 And I'm very confused as to why, I've followed all the prerequisites 2019-07-13 02:28:53 lxc-templates-oci-3.1.0-r2 contains: 2019-07-13 02:28:53 usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-oci 2019-07-13 02:29:14 lxc-templates-3.1.0-r2 contains: 2019-07-13 02:29:14 usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-local 2019-07-13 02:29:14 usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-busybox 2019-07-13 02:29:46 That's all that's in the package, and I can't do any of what's suggested in this wiki post with these templates. 2019-07-13 02:31:16 Sorry, I don't know lxc :c 2019-07-13 02:31:59 It's not so much a problem with LXC though Cogitri, it's a problem with Alpine's documentation. 2019-07-13 04:13:40 chunkypuffs: they're legacy templates that don't come with the official distribution. lxc-templates-legacy is the package that provides them. that documentation is slightly out of date; those templates, I suppose, were in an earlier version of the lxc-templates package 2019-07-13 12:00:32 why is udhcpc started before wpa_supplicant? 2019-07-13 12:08:07 with rpi sys install, how do I keep files in /media/mmcblk0p1 in sync? (besides boot/ that can be kept up-to-date with a symlink from rootfs) 2019-07-13 12:10:33 doing a sys install from 3.10.0 (w/ linux 4.19.53) I got a 4.19.58 kernel that the rpi wouldn't boot without updated .dtb files 2019-07-13 12:34:14 other files you want kept up-to-date: bootcode.bin config.txt fixup.dat start.elf 2019-07-13 13:02:50 wpa_supplicant sends signal to udhcpc after connecting, see /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_cli.sh 2019-07-13 13:39:31 sure 2019-07-13 13:39:56 but, I mean, you still have to wait for udhcpc to time-out before getting to start wpa_supplicant 2019-07-13 13:48:13 works fine for me, I only used setup-interfaces 2019-07-13 13:50:19 "works fine" as in that you're ok with waiting for udhcpc to time-out or that you don't experience this (that wpa_supplicant is actually started before udcpc)? 2019-07-13 14:09:23 wpa_supplicant starts before networking on my pi 2019-07-13 14:09:34 thats because its in boot runlevel, not default 2019-07-13 14:12:52 wpa has "before dns dhcpcd net" clause in its depends function and net is started in boot, so starting wpa_supplicant in boot as well is correct 2019-07-13 14:16:12 bootcode.bin fixup.dat start.elf these come from https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware maybe make a package for it? 2019-07-13 14:54:03 why does the udhcpc service block until it gets an address or times out? 2019-07-13 14:54:13 it should start in background no? 2019-07-13 14:54:38 i guess it depends on what type of system you're running 2019-07-13 15:37:40 WPA supplicant implements EAP, which requires to verify authentication before configuring the interface via a dhcp client. 2019-07-13 15:39:42 udhcpcd will start at background if you define so on /etc/network/interfaces 2019-07-13 15:41:14 oh? 2019-07-13 15:45:02 See udhcpc_opts -b 2019-07-13 15:46:34 udhcpc_opts --retries 5 --background --syslog 2019-07-13 15:52:16 fr0xk: where is udhcpc_opts defined at ? 2019-07-13 16:18:05 xcko, https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Configure_Networking#IPv4_DHCP_Configuration 2019-07-13 16:20:55 excellent thank you 2019-07-13 16:48:51 how can I run a service after booting? 2019-07-13 16:49:34 I don't want to wait to udhdcp when booting 2019-07-13 17:04:51 service start 2019-07-13 17:44:56 TBB did you suggest to run it manually? 2019-07-13 18:05:42 bexx: Indeed; running "udhcpc -o -R -i " suffices 2019-07-13 18:59:00 Can't you just move the service to later in the boot process, aka userland? 2019-07-13 19:13:48 Peasant65: that's what I want 2019-07-13 19:13:58 maybe I can trigger that with my wm? 2019-07-13 19:15:24 bexx: What's the issue with "iface eth0 inet dhcp" in /etc/network/interfaces may i ask? 2019-07-13 19:15:44 https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Alpine_Linux_Init_System 2019-07-13 19:16:23 I think you should be looking at the dhcpd service runlevel 2019-07-13 19:16:31 c705: the issue is that when I'm in college I need dhcp but in home I want to set a static ip 2019-07-13 19:17:03 bexx: I see, yeah Peasant65's suggestion would work 2019-07-13 19:17:27 Peasant65: in which runlevel I need to add dhcp? 2019-07-13 19:18:07 Fairly sure you can just invent your own runlevels, and group services into them 2019-07-13 19:18:26 Ie, make a "DHCP" run-level, and a 'home" run-level 2019-07-13 19:18:46 No idea. Take a look at the possible run levels and where other similar services are located. Or take the official route and go figure what run level is meant to do what in the docs 2019-07-13 19:19:04 Here's another good guide to openrc: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/OpenRC 2019-07-13 19:19:17 Alpine Linux wiki is..a little underwealming at times 2019-07-13 19:19:24 another suggestion: give yourself a static ip at home using DHCP 2019-07-13 19:19:39 TBB: that's a great idea! 2019-07-13 19:19:47 c705: well, let's improve that then! 2019-07-13 19:20:18 I'd love to but I'm allergic to documentation ;-) but I am good at complaining about it 2019-07-13 19:20:20 I would need to trick my router because my ISP doesn't like that we change things 2019-07-13 19:22:34 seems like if I reset the router to fabric I can config it 2019-07-13 19:22:57 I would try that, hope that can't lose internet connection 2019-07-13 19:38:08 Maybe you could just choose an ip outside the dhcp's range? 2019-07-13 19:39:30 Or if your connected devices are fairly static you could assign the last ip in the range as static ip, and hope your dhcp never runs into it. (only for home networks, please) 2019-07-13 19:48:01 the problem is mostly about the configurability on the client side 2019-07-13 19:49:23 dhcp in various guest networks and static ip at home/office... from that viewpoint static IP's given by a DHCP server is useful, although, it means more configuration on the network side... but DHCP servers in general support that perfectly 2019-07-13 20:42:39 You're talking about a laptop? 2019-07-13 20:44:17 that's bexx's use case, yes 2019-07-13 20:44:21 Or are you hauling a server trough morning rush every day?... 2019-07-13 20:44:38 Ah.. then I agree, static IP's are not the way to go 2019-07-13 23:18:47 kaey 2019-07-13 23:19:28 meh, wanted to thank for the great response 2019-07-14 13:09:30 hey, can anybody recommend a terminal multiplexer like tmux with mouse support ie. switching to panes by clicking them etc.? 2019-07-14 13:11:03 Tmux 2019-07-14 13:11:21 I know… 2019-07-14 13:12:09 i know about tmux but it seems it doesn't have mouse support as i described it 2019-07-14 13:15:12 <_ikke_> set mouse 2019-07-14 13:15:17 <_ikke_> and it works for me 2019-07-14 13:15:27 <_ikke_> I can click on panes to select them 2019-07-14 13:15:39 <_ikke_> (with tmux ofcourse) 2019-07-14 13:19:12 oh 2019-07-14 13:19:15 thanks :) 2019-07-14 13:19:25 it works now 2019-07-14 20:24:33 my cron job for updating my email folder isn't functioning properly 2019-07-14 20:24:46 but when I launch it with run-parts it's working well 2019-07-14 20:25:03 how can I know what's happening? 2019-07-14 20:26:11 <_ikke_> Usually something related to the enviroment that is different 2019-07-14 20:26:17 <_ikke_> PATH or something else 2019-07-14 20:26:54 so I need to call my commands with complete PATH? 2019-07-14 20:27:02 like /usr/bin/mbsync? 2019-07-14 20:28:08 <_ikke_> Worth a try 2019-07-14 20:32:01 nope 2019-07-14 20:41:04 well 2019-07-14 20:41:10 root user can't retrieve my emails 2019-07-14 20:41:14 bexx: Anything in /var/log/messages? 2019-07-14 20:41:21 I can 2019-07-14 20:41:36 I setted a /etc/crontabs/bex 2019-07-14 20:41:51 and then the cron job is doing is jox 2019-07-14 20:41:53 job 2019-07-14 20:41:55 haha 2019-07-14 20:42:46 c705: /var/log/messages show my cmd run-parts 2019-07-14 20:42:54 and then an auth.notice : No worthy mechs found 2019-07-14 20:43:00 I'm searching what that is 2019-07-14 20:43:12 it's working 2019-07-14 21:03:04 dalias: Mind taking a look at https://github.com/alpinelinux/aports/pull/9450 ? 2019-07-14 21:09:53 maxice8, i don't understand the patch entirely but i suspect it's correct 2019-07-14 21:11:21 so now there are py3-sip and py3-sip-pyqt5 packages? 2019-07-14 21:11:37 with the module renamed into the respective namespaces, so that both work? 2019-07-14 21:12:15 yes, http://ix.io/1Owq this is the file list for each package 2019-07-14 21:13:27 Also no clue why there is a py-sip that produces py2-sip py3-sip and a py3-sip package 2019-07-14 21:15:27 :-P 2019-07-14 23:06:17 good to know you all are here,once the cobwebs are cleared and this comming week is over (filling in for a vacationing person) and I install Alpine Linux I shall visit more so often 2019-07-14 23:08:43 rwsl 2019-07-15 12:08:56 hey can I get some feedback on this aports PR? I think there is a bug with abuild https://github.com/alpinelinux/aports/pull/9244#issuecomment-507493238 2019-07-15 12:15:58 <_ikke_> ncopa: ^ 2019-07-15 12:29:07 russkel: I think rather than a bug in abuild it's mongo-cxx-driver doing bad stuff 2019-07-15 12:30:13 .so._noabi seems bad 2019-07-15 13:36:53 Cogitri: I thought the same but apparently there's nothing in the spec against non-numeric SOVERSIONs 2019-07-15 13:37:55 please see https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver/pull/645 2019-07-15 13:38:05 I will link to that in the PR 2019-07-15 13:40:41 I guess follow upstream's advice at the bottom to set a proper soname 2019-07-15 13:42:03 .so_noabi is just uncommon. i guess abuild could be fixed to take that in consideration 2019-07-15 13:42:48 but i think what they do is wrong 2019-07-15 13:43:13 Yup 2019-07-15 13:43:15 Currently writing a response 2019-07-15 13:43:21 we would not be able to detect when to rebuild packages that links to it 2019-07-15 13:43:31 so.0 is exactly what they want, it indicates that there's no stable ABI and API 2019-07-15 13:43:54 the scripts would not be able to detect when rebuild is needed 2019-07-15 13:44:00 And with .noabi there's no way to detect ABI breakage without some scanner application for that 2019-07-15 13:44:39 and their reasoning is that its only human eyes that looks at the file name to manually deal with ABI breakages 2019-07-15 13:45:47 i guess they could have .so.0.N as SONAME and bump N every release 2019-07-15 13:46:03 or everytime they break ABI 2019-07-15 13:46:23 Even so, a note in the README/Dev docs seem like a SO much better idea 2019-07-15 13:46:33 Left a reply 2019-07-15 13:46:57 thanks 2019-07-15 13:48:00 IMHO abuild shouldn't accept sonames like that, so I guess it's a feature, not a bug? 2019-07-15 13:49:23 russkel: i wonder if it woudl make sense to have the mongo-c-driver in its own PR 2019-07-15 13:49:40 since it probably can be merged early 2019-07-15 13:50:15 ncopa: can do 2019-07-15 13:50:50 also comment in that PR regarding tests requiring a running server 2019-07-15 13:51:01 okay to just disable them? 2019-07-15 13:51:24 ACTION wonders if the error on line 5064 of https://cloud.drone.io/alpinelinux/aports/8071 is on CI or not 2019-07-15 13:52:36 If you can't run them it's alright to disable them, yes 2019-07-15 13:52:48 Or is it reasonably easy to get a dummy server up in check()? 2019-07-15 13:53:01 the server lives in nonfree 2019-07-15 13:53:28 is the CI able to install nonfree? 2019-07-15 13:53:48 it's also an older version of the server :/ 2019-07-15 13:54:14 Oh, somehow I had just assumed that the mongo-cxx-driver is in nonfree too, but it's Apache-2.0 licensed, right 2019-07-15 13:54:16 My bad 2019-07-15 13:56:39 Cogitri: mongo-c-driver is incorrectly in nonfree 2019-07-15 13:56:51 seems so yes 2019-07-15 13:56:58 lets move it back 2019-07-15 13:57:09 yeah the PR does that 2019-07-15 13:57:23 Alright 2019-07-15 13:57:33 ACTION needs sleep 2019-07-15 13:57:36 Good night 2019-07-15 13:57:40 will move it into its own PR tomorrow or something 2019-07-15 13:57:47 good night 2019-07-15 14:05:23 is there any guide for using apk proxy like apt-get apt-ng-cacher ? 2019-07-15 14:05:53 i need to setup http proxy cache service for development enviroment to speed up docker build base on alpine 2019-07-15 14:06:27 oh cool, can use "old" bugs.a.o account in gitlab.a.o, sweet :D 2019-07-15 14:06:54 <_ikke_> sweb: you can create a directory / symlink called /etc/apk/cache 2019-07-15 14:07:01 <_ikke_> apk would cache packages there 2019-07-15 14:07:37 sweb: I did it for apt-cacher-ng 2019-07-15 14:07:50 no guide though 2019-07-15 14:08:07 <_ikke_> MY_R: yes, your account has been migrated, but you need to reset your password 2019-07-15 14:08:40 _ikke_, ye I done :) 2019-07-15 14:08:53 Hm, I think admins can add some announcement about that to the g.a.o login page, no? 2019-07-15 14:10:12 sweb: https://gist.github.com/russkel/66edd081d63c1d0c39fb9b039ae13222 2019-07-15 14:10:25 <_ikke_> Cogitri: Yeah, should be possible 2019-07-15 14:10:27 there's my config file. diff as required 2019-07-15 14:11:38 russkel: what about set apk proxy ? i think it's good to be a simple medium article or gist Markdown for newbie like me 2019-07-15 14:12:03 oh right yes 2019-07-15 14:12:25 <_ikke_> Why do you setup a caching proxy when you can let apk cache the packages itself? 2019-07-15 14:12:43 _ikke_: docker 2019-07-15 14:12:54 <_ikke_> You can bind mount the cache dir 2019-07-15 14:14:10 cache isn't on the computer I'm running the builds 2019-07-15 14:14:17 <_ikke_> ok 2019-07-15 14:14:22 but yes that is nicer 2019-07-15 14:14:34 using proxy is more simple and robust, like apt. specially during build as build args 2019-07-15 14:15:13 <_ikke_> a caching proxy simpler than a directory?? 2019-07-15 14:15:25 <_ikke_> mkdir /etc/apk/cache -> done 2019-07-15 14:15:59 think about a CI/CD env, yeah i think it's better thou 2019-07-15 14:18:06 sweb: you set the http_proxy env and then apk uses it, simple as that 2019-07-15 14:18:37 so use standard env vars, like other stuff. great. 2019-07-15 15:37:47 Hi all, is the new version compatible with Raspberry Pi 4b? 2019-07-15 15:39:25 <_ikke_> bda65: No, it's not officially supported yet 2019-07-15 15:40:26 <_ikke_> 3.10 was released before the 4b was announced 2019-07-15 15:41:07 Thanks. I'll wait. 2019-07-15 17:43:03 hi 2019-07-15 17:43:10 hello 2019-07-15 17:44:14 i'm running ufw on alpine edge and I can't find the logs of ufw, but it's enabled (ufw status verbose, idicates that) 2019-07-15 17:44:18 any ideas ? 2019-07-15 17:44:41 <_ikke_> yha: if ufw is logging to syslog, you can try /var/log/messages 2019-07-15 17:45:13 _ikke_: nothing there from ufw 2019-07-15 17:58:45 yha, are you sure it should already log something? check maybe with: ufw logging high 2019-07-15 17:59:14 MY_R: it's already set on high 2019-07-15 18:05:17 yha, and nothing in dmesg? 2019-07-15 18:06:38 nothing 2019-07-15 18:06:42 MY_R: 2019-07-15 18:07:07 MY_R: oh shit, my fault 2019-07-15 18:07:15 it's coming to dmesg 2019-07-15 18:07:19 yep 2019-07-15 18:07:42 ok, next question, how I can redirect it to it's own file ? 2019-07-15 18:23:41 yha, probably need use something different from busybox syslogd :\ 2019-07-15 18:23:53 right 2019-07-15 18:28:25 ok.. 2019-07-15 18:29:34 yha, rsyslog and you will find what you need in internet without problem :) 2019-07-15 18:30:07 yeah, I saw it already just few minutes ago 2019-07-15 18:30:14 anyway, that can wait 2019-07-15 18:30:51 i'm trying to set up ufw now to isolate one ip for lan accesibility only 2019-07-15 18:31:10 but can't make it happen 2019-07-15 18:31:49 is it possible to achieve it withouh default outgoing rule set to deny ? 2019-07-15 19:42:57 so alpine/aports #2022 cgit and busybox gzip, according to line 2172 in busybox-1.31.0/archive/gzip.c the -n option is accepted and ignored. If I run `busybox gzip -n testfile` it succeeds. idk how to comment on this issue on gitlab (browser issue on my end?) but it should be closed imo 2019-07-15 19:43:39 alpine/aports#2022 does this make algitbot work? 2019-07-15 19:43:58 https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/issues/2022 2019-07-15 19:44:11 <_ikke_> xcko: We moved to gitlab, so that url does not work anymore (I need to write something that maps the old urls to the new urls) 2019-07-15 19:44:45 anyway that last link, ignoring the bot. 2019-07-15 20:09:54 since I'm struggling with gitlab, if anyone wants to comment that info or close that bug report on my behalf, feel free 2019-07-15 20:14:32 <_ikke_> xcko: alright, will do 2019-07-15 20:14:38 <_ikke_> (What are you struggling with?) 2019-07-15 20:28:04 js heavy sites don't load well. I am using a webkit2gtk browser on aarch64, so kind of expected. It's not just gitlab that doesn't work well here. 2019-07-15 20:28:29 <_ikke_> ah ok 2019-07-16 02:07:20 looks like there is no mailling list for the bug tracker, is there an alternative interface or only through the gitlab instance? 2019-07-16 02:13:48 You can subscribe to issues on Gitlab, that would be the same I guess 2019-07-16 02:18:50 thanks Cogitri I'll look into it 2019-07-16 02:19:55 👍 2019-07-16 07:24:46 wow.. a lot of people here 2019-07-16 07:26:09 timcowchip: yay 2019-07-16 07:26:52 oh hi errn0 2019-07-16 07:27:07 <_ikke_> timcowchip: welcome to the party :) 2019-07-16 07:27:20 :) thanks 2019-07-16 07:30:37 brb 2019-07-16 07:51:54 to add my user to a group? 2019-07-16 07:52:25 adduser 2019-07-16 07:52:55 ah :) 2019-07-16 07:53:21 timcowchip_: same timcowchip on #crux? I feel like I saw your nick before 2019-07-16 07:53:46 the same:0 2019-07-16 07:54:01 :) 2019-07-16 07:54:23 what's up buddy :) 2019-07-16 07:54:33 still using crux? 2019-07-16 07:54:52 not lately I see 3.5 is out 2019-07-16 07:54:54 he is Alpined 2019-07-16 07:55:04 lol yeah me too 2019-07-16 07:55:18 yes I'm trying to alpine 2019-07-16 07:55:51 so far so good 2019-07-16 07:57:46 brb 2019-07-16 07:58:43 ditto. alpine's port system is pretty nice too 2019-07-16 08:01:39 I was hoping to get google-chrome (choke) on alpine 2019-07-16 08:02:38 Its the only thing that has an extension to monitor my sequrity cameras 2019-07-16 08:02:39 I do not care much about glibc these days, most software seems to compile on musl, still not catching FreeBSD ports (40k ports) 2019-07-16 08:02:53 <_ikke_> timcowchip_: There is chromium 2019-07-16 08:03:15 for some reason it has to be chrome 2019-07-16 08:03:35 the extension won't work in chromium 2019-07-16 08:03:38 timcowchip_: Someone needs to work closely with google to get that ported, as chrome is a binary distribution 2019-07-16 08:04:59 Google Chrome is available for glibc for some.reason, maybe because Google uses glibc themselves 2019-07-16 08:05:27 <_ikke_> most distributions uses glibc 2019-07-16 08:05:34 adelie linux would probably be closest to getting chrome running, they have some glibc compat 2019-07-16 08:05:50 <_ikke_> We have it in alpine as well 2019-07-16 08:05:57 <_ikke_> (not sure if it's the same) 2019-07-16 08:06:39 `gcompat`, it's the same 2019-07-16 08:07:08 <_ikke_> PureTryOut[m]: thanks, was strugling to find it agian 2019-07-16 08:07:39 I wonder what that compat means? Are they actually compatible or just like running another libc on userspace? 2019-07-16 08:09:01 <_ikke_> I think it's more like a shim 2019-07-16 08:09:25 yeah, adds a few missing functions like libucontext 2019-07-16 08:09:27 <_ikke_> "This distribution contains the implementation of gcompat, a library which 2019-07-16 08:09:29 <_ikke_> provides glibc-compatible APIs for use on musl libc systems." 2019-07-16 08:10:10 <_ikke_> https://code.foxkit.us/adelie/gcompat 2019-07-16 08:11:07 I see 2019-07-16 08:11:43 someone should experiment with chrome and gcompat. I'm guessing it won't work cuz chrome is complicated. If my laptop was x86_64 I'd give it a shot 2019-07-16 08:12:27 I have a desktop of x86_64 2019-07-16 08:12:34 I will give a shot 2019-07-16 08:12:58 I still doubt chrome going to work 2019-07-16 08:13:41 me too. If it does though, let us know! 2019-07-16 08:14:20 If it would work I might shout actually :) xD 2019-07-16 08:14:48 I will let you know here 2019-07-16 08:15:08 thanks errn0 :) 2019-07-16 08:16:34 otherwise timcowchip_, maybe a glibc chroot 2019-07-16 08:17:27 hmmm 2019-07-16 08:35:05 bbl :0 2019-07-16 08:35:09 :) 2019-07-16 09:54:07 Has anyone else successfully ran sonarr and radarr on alpine? 2019-07-16 16:55:32 Hey all, running into an issue today when rebuilding a docker container -- is mongodb-tools no longer in the repo? 2019-07-16 16:56:47 dino82: Check out nonfree repo 2019-07-16 16:58:03 This must have been a recent change if so :( 2019-07-16 16:58:40 dino82: yes 2019-07-16 17:00:47 dino82: Also check https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8-beta/html/8.0_beta_release_notes/new-features#web_servers_databases_dynamic_languages_2 2019-07-16 17:01:17 MongoDB removed from RHEL 8 too due to license issue 2019-07-16 17:01:44 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18919543 2019-07-16 17:02:49 thanks. 2019-07-16 17:03:29 I'm new to alpine in general, how do I add the mongodb-tools at this point? Clone the aports repo and apk add from there? 2019-07-16 17:05:57 dino82: just mention the repo in /etc/apk/repository 2019-07-16 17:06:33 There are examples there already 2019-07-16 17:09:21 Ok, thanks 2019-07-16 17:14:28 So my repostiroes directory has two repos listed, main and community. mongodb-tools exists in community, why won't it pull it down? 2019-07-16 17:14:35 http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.9/community/x86_64/ 2019-07-16 17:15:07 dino82: oh 2019-07-16 17:16:01 I am on edge 2019-07-16 17:16:29 bare metal install 2019-07-16 17:16:32 I'm running FROM python:alpine 2019-07-16 17:16:58 Should be 3.9 x86_64 2019-07-16 19:39:00 Hi all 2019-07-16 19:40:44 When building package, is there a way to retry a failed build while keeping already compiled stuff ? 2019-07-16 19:45:12 brb 2019-07-16 19:49:20 How do you guys use lxc on Alpine (host) ? 2019-07-16 19:50:09 I could not make use of unpreviliged containers due to missing /etc/gid/uid 2019-07-16 19:50:50 Also /usr/share/lxc/templates seems to be empty... 2019-07-16 19:52:39 b17wise, you should install lxc-templates and/or lxc-templates-legacy 2019-07-16 19:58:53 Foucault_: I see 2019-07-16 19:59:00 Lemme try agin 2019-07-16 19:59:53 Failed to parse config file "/home/b17wise/.config/lxc/default.conf" 2019-07-16 20:00:16 at line "lxc.id_map = u 0 100000 65536" 2019-07-16 20:08:18 hi errn0 2019-07-16 20:08:48 Yo 2019-07-16 20:10:29 is there some kind of service I need to start for ntfs-3g? 2019-07-16 20:10:44 So uh... Docker just started before ZFS and everything fucked up ... Anyway to fix that ? 2019-07-16 20:11:37 timcowchip: No.. that should just work straight 2019-07-16 20:15:16 ok 2019-07-16 20:17:16 can't seem to mount my ntfs drive on usb 2019-07-16 20:18:34 I am giving up on lxc 2019-07-16 20:20:30 Is there an easy way to check if zfs is started and then stats docker ? 2019-07-16 20:20:38 start * 2019-07-16 20:39:07 brb 2019-07-16 20:42:25 Foucault_: Checkout 0x0.st/z9vz.png 2019-07-16 20:43:00 http://0x0.st/z9vz.png 2019-07-16 20:43:36 lxc fails to start 2019-07-16 20:43:45 What I am doing wrong? 2019-07-16 20:43:55 And I can't import by /dev/disk/by-id ... So am I fucked ? 2019-07-16 20:48:22 b17wise: are you using unprivileged containers started by root? 2019-07-16 20:49:25 tomponline: I am trying both ways, as you can see in my link 2019-07-16 20:50:15 lxc-create uses .config/lxc/local.conf 2019-07-16 20:50:51 and sudo lxc-create should pick up /etc/lxc/default.conf 2019-07-16 20:51:24 KH405: I have no idea about how zfs works, but I -imagine- just having zfs added to your FEATURES in mkinitfs.conf would be enough, as docker only starts later on during the boot process 2019-07-16 20:55:33 I wonder why templates are showing invalid 2019-07-16 22:50:45 we don't have sbcl yet? 2019-07-16 22:51:00 b17wise: please make an apk for sbcl! 2019-07-16 23:13:07 Hey, people! I've been trying to run some glibc-compiled binaries (Intel Inference Engine) on Alpine, but haven't succeeded yet. I'm stuck at "libMKLDNNPlugin.so: __sched_cpualloc: symbol not found". I have installed libgcompat but it doesn't seem to have these. Anyone has any ideas? Any help would be appreciated 2019-07-16 23:41:31 I got my usb/ntfs drive mounted rw 2019-07-16 23:41:56 turns out I needed polkit to be running 2019-07-16 23:42:18 what's a good podast client? 2019-07-16 23:47:45 newsboat it is 2019-07-16 23:48:15 think I'll make a gpodder package 2019-07-16 23:55:08 bexx: looks like sbcl is in unmaintained. You can download the aports tree and try to build it. If it builds and you want to keep it updated you can maintain it too 2019-07-16 23:58:12 If someone is willing to become maintainer: then it can be moved to testing/ and then to community/ 2019-07-17 00:56:56 can wine64 run 32 bit exes? 2019-07-17 00:57:00 probably not, right? 2019-07-17 00:57:25 and there's no 32 bit wine in the packages, right? 2019-07-17 01:17:43 markweston: No, i chroot to an alpine 32bit install to use 32bit window applications 2019-07-17 03:11:27 Trying to build https://hackage.haskell.org/package/entropy I get a segmentation fault. Is GHC (or libgmp) broken on alpine? Since there are no debug symbols whatsoever, the backtrace is useless 2019-07-17 03:12:43 Yeah, we really have to add debug symbols - I'll be working on that in a bit 2019-07-17 03:12:57 About haskell being broken: I don't use it, but I haven't heard anything about it being broken 2019-07-17 03:21:54 well, now you have ;) 2019-07-17 04:03:14 Heh 2019-07-17 05:08:02 morning 2019-07-17 05:08:52 clandmeter, any thoughts why linux-rpi config has CONFIG_IO_STRICT_DEVMEM=y? this sort of breaks wiringPi and openocd since they want direct HW access 2019-07-17 05:09:43 mm... maybe iomem=relaxed boot parameter can be set as "workaround" 2019-07-17 05:23:39 fabled: looks like it was a kernel hardening feature that was added to all kernels except ppc 2019-07-17 05:24:16 yes, and in normal hardware it makes sense. but i wonder if rpi should be exception or not. perhaps not, since boot parameter will make it work 2019-07-17 05:25:07 the direct access to HW in some rpi utils is nasty. it would be much preferred to access it via the kernel APIs 2019-07-17 05:25:20 but apparently there is some functionality that is not exposed that way... 2019-07-17 05:25:34 but adding a bootparam fixes your use case? 2019-07-17 05:31:05 xcko, yes, adding iomem=relaxed fixes it 2019-07-17 05:31:20 it's rather nasty situation 2019-07-17 05:31:41 there's actually quite some things that mmap /dev/mem and access HW registers directly 2019-07-17 05:31:46 mostly for GPIO 2019-07-17 05:32:24 they later added /dev/gpiomem to allow access to GPIO registers, but it's not generally supported. and some software does not support it if /dev/mem can be opened (which happens by default; it's the following mmap that fails) 2019-07-17 05:33:12 at the same time that is the simplest and fastest approach to prototype stuff on RPi - especially the features kernel drivers don't directly support 2019-07-17 05:34:00 thinking if we should patch wiringPi and openocd for better gpiomem support and update error message with hint for iomem=relaxed 2019-07-17 05:34:26 i emailed wiringPi author, but he was reluctant. sounded like too much stress on maintaining it. 2019-07-17 05:46:48 hello, is it possible to run alpine in diskless mode from a luks encrypted flash drive? 2019-07-17 05:48:34 would setting it up be similar to using the setup-bootable/manual way then chrooting to the drive and installing cryptsetup, setting up crypttab etc? 2019-07-17 06:07:00 after creating my unencrypted boot partition and unlocking my luks data partition of course 2019-07-17 06:28:16 root 2019-07-17 06:28:19 root 2019-07-17 06:30:39 fabled: its set explicitly by us? 2019-07-17 06:38:16 these apkbuilds look strangely familiar 2019-07-17 06:38:48 like arch pkgbuilds or crux pkgfiles 2019-07-17 06:48:40 clandmeter: it's a part of the configs for alpine's kernels, yeah 2019-07-17 06:49:51 rpi kernel config is done differently 2019-07-17 06:50:44 I just grepped the configs in the aports tree for linux-vanilla and linux-rpi and it shows up 2019-07-17 06:50:55 Im not sure why i added it, maybe its a dep of another feature? 2019-07-17 06:51:10 i tried to keep the changes to a minimal. 2019-07-17 06:51:16 follow upstream where possible 2019-07-17 06:52:54 fabled: did you ever find time to do the kernel reconf? 2019-07-17 07:48:53 clandmeter, no, not yet. i did speak about it with ncopa though 2019-07-17 08:06:08 mygpoclient: Updating the timcowchip/x86_64 repository index...ERROR: APKINDEX.tar.gz: UNTRUSTED signature ??????? 2019-07-17 08:06:37 wtf? 2019-07-17 08:08:53 I did "abuild-keygen -a" twice 2019-07-17 08:09:47 what if I just want to make a package for my own use? 2019-07-17 08:10:00 why do I even need a key? 2019-07-17 08:11:18 It's` abuild-keygen -ai` 2019-07-17 08:11:25 Otherwise it only generates the key but doesn't install them 2019-07-17 08:12:57 ah, thanks 2019-07-17 08:13:47 still getting the same error though 2019-07-17 08:14:43 Because it's signed with the old key 2019-07-17 08:15:12 Either rebuild it (and as such sign it with the newly created key), or copy the keys in $HOME/.abuild/ to /etc/apk/keys 2019-07-17 08:15:39 ok 2019-07-17 08:19:23 thanks Cogitri, that worked 2019-07-17 08:19:41 Nice 👍 2019-07-17 08:19:45 Do I need to manually trim my ssd if I've been using alpine? 2019-07-17 08:20:03 Also, for some reason, iwd is failing to connect to my wifi on boot, and I have to wait quite a bit and fuck around with it to get to a decent spot. 2019-07-17 08:20:21 mps ^ 2019-07-17 08:21:16 priontology: Either put `discard` in your fstab or manually trim. I'd recommend you do a cronjob to trim every few days 2019-07-17 08:21:17 And iwd works fine for me with NM 2019-07-17 08:21:49 It's already connected to my WiFi once GDM starts. I use an Intel 8265 card, in case that matters 2019-07-17 08:22:05 I'm still considering using nm. We'll see how it goes--for now, it's been okay. You use NM for controlling udhcpc? Or do you have another client 2019-07-17 08:23:02 I think NM uses dhcpcd by default with our config 2019-07-17 08:23:35 I just use NM because it integrates nicely with GNOME and offers nice VPN capabilities 2019-07-17 08:25:55 slightly off topic, if I remove ipv6 from /etc/modules it breaks wifi connecting at boot. I have to manually run udhcpc -i wlan0 after boot. Any idea why? 2019-07-17 08:28:48 Cogitri: This is why I do not use DE in unique Unix like OSes... they are to agnostics to a specific toolsets in order to work. I either use udhcpc or dhcpcd. I do not use vpn either for this clusterf*. But I do use browser specific VPNs to bypass ISP restrictions. 2019-07-17 08:29:10 Cogitri: True. Does it handle wireguard? 2019-07-17 08:30:14 I think there's a wireguard plugin for NM, yes 2019-07-17 08:30:26 Interesting. 2019-07-17 08:30:29 You're using GNOME? 2019-07-17 08:30:39 What's the main reason? 2019-07-17 08:30:39 Yup 2019-07-17 08:31:40 I like how it's integrated with itself and I love its aesthetics 2019-07-17 08:32:18 Also, I develop for it and I have a 2-in-1, so the nice touchscreen support of GNOME really shines 2019-07-17 08:32:49 ACTION uses ipset LAN2LAN tunnels :) 2019-07-17 08:32:58 ipsec* 2019-07-17 08:34:42 https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Setup_of_DMVPN_on_Alpine_linux#Setting_up_IPSec_VPN 2019-07-17 08:38:37 cogitri: afaik Wireguard support is in NM itself 2019-07-17 08:39:26 I also use NM, it also integrates nicely with KDE Plasma 2019-07-17 08:40:32 Oh, neat 2019-07-17 08:41:12 Ah yes, starting from 1.16 2019-07-17 08:41:13 https://blogs.gnome.org/thaller/2019/03/15/wireguard-in-networkmanager/ 2019-07-17 09:03:51 Hmmmm. 2019-07-17 09:04:12 Is it possible to use pv to have dunst notifications have a "typing" effect? 2019-07-17 09:13:32 Back soon. 2019-07-17 16:32:10 hi i have problem to start unprovliged containers https://brpaste.xyz/ah9hgQ 2019-07-17 16:36:46 if i disable cgroup whitelist common.conf the containers are starting 2019-07-17 17:01:06 Tuxist: did you start the lxc service? I've found that it doesn't create the cgroups unless I do that. 2019-07-17 17:01:48 ok i will try it 2019-07-17 17:02:47 Tuxist: in /etc/conf.d/lxc I have: systemd_container=yes 2019-07-17 17:02:53 then i start lxc service 2019-07-17 17:03:10 Tuxist: do you have /etc/subuid and /etc/subguid too? 2019-07-17 17:04:43 tomponline: no /etc/subuid and /etc/subguid 2019-07-17 17:05:33 Tuxist: I needed to create those too 2019-07-17 17:05:51 /etc/subuid: root:1258512:196608 2019-07-17 17:06:09 /etc/subgid: root:1258512:196608 2019-07-17 17:07:17 added 2019-07-17 17:07:44 Tuxist: also to do ram limits, needed to add to /boot/extlinux.conf APPEND line: cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1 2019-07-17 17:07:51 and reboot ^ 2019-07-17 17:09:11 tomponline: https://brpaste.xyz/MeNFJA 2019-07-17 17:10:32 Tuxist: which file is that, Ive just noticed that /boot/extlinux.conf gets overwritten when running update-extlinux 2019-07-17 17:11:19 /proc/cmdline 2019-07-17 17:11:58 tomponline update-extlinux command not found 2019-07-17 17:12:18 ow thats why lxc didnt work yesterday for me 2019-07-17 17:12:35 Tuxist: no idea, quite new to alpine, using fresh install of 3.10.1 on sys/lvm mode 2019-07-17 17:12:59 tomponline: i use btrfs 2019-07-17 17:14:02 Tuxist: ah dont think it matters. Ive found it, in /etc/update-extlinux.conf modify the line default_kernel_opts= and append cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1 2019-07-17 17:14:09 then run extlinux 2019-07-17 17:14:16 I think somebody should write a manual/guide on setting lxf and using a template there. (unprivileged mode) 2019-07-17 17:14:18 update-extlinux 2019-07-17 17:14:28 tomponline: I might do a blog on it :) 2019-07-17 17:14:58 tomponline: God bless you if you do so. I need it so bad 2019-07-17 17:15:05 Tuxist: apk add syslinux should bring in update-extlinux 2019-07-17 17:15:38 tomponline: i use grub instead i have already updated the grub config 2019-07-17 17:15:45 Tuxist: perfect :) 2019-07-17 17:16:12 tomponline: syslinux won't work with btrfs ;-) 2019-07-17 17:16:24 Tuxist: OK good to know 2019-07-17 17:17:24 What I wanted is to pull gentoo image and create a container with it in unprevilleged mode. I followed the wiki but looks like it still not mentioning things it should lile subuid and subgids 2019-07-17 17:17:38 tomponline: i think possible problem /etc/fstab 2019-07-17 17:18:32 tomponline: i have comment the cgroup entry's and reboot 2019-07-17 17:19:15 tomponline: now is running 2019-07-17 17:19:38 Tuxist: cool :) 2019-07-17 17:20:02 Tuxist: Hey did you make it work? Can you teach me how to make it work? 2019-07-17 17:20:56 errn0: i have mostly the defaults and dirty hack for systemd 2019-07-17 17:21:13 errn0: because before 3.10 i was needed 2019-07-17 17:21:21 So first I install lxc and lxc-template 2019-07-17 17:22:15 then create copy of /etc/lxc/defaults.conf into .config/lxc/defaults 2019-07-17 17:22:29 then I stuck 2019-07-17 17:22:42 as there is no subuid 2019-07-17 17:22:48 or subgid 2019-07-17 17:23:03 errn0: thats init script is needed for systemd containers https://brpaste.xyz/VUqnAw 2019-07-17 17:24:01 Tuxist: Ops... thats a cool hack xD 2019-07-17 17:24:02 tomponline: back online https://tuxist.de/phpsysinfo/ :-) thanks 2019-07-17 17:26:25 i can't do anything with apk now :( 2019-07-17 17:26:46 errn0: my /etc/lxc/default.conf https://brpaste.xyz/H379Ag 2019-07-17 17:26:56 it can't verify anything anymore it keeps saying WARNING: Ignoring APKINDEX.45a2ecc7.tar.gz: BAD signature BAD archive 2019-07-17 17:27:28 spatulaslap: you need valid signature on server and client 2019-07-17 17:27:49 Tuxist: Thats default..Have you created the bridge? 2019-07-17 17:28:34 errn0: yes i have created bridge and nginx as loadbalancer 2019-07-17 17:28:45 and proxy 2019-07-17 17:29:05 Neat 2019-07-17 17:29:35 I actually liked lxc until I found it relys on systemd xD 2019-07-17 17:30:32 errn0: i don't hate systemd i use alpine on server because it's small 2019-07-17 17:30:42 and i like apk 2019-07-17 17:31:23 errn0: with apk you can fast rollout new kernels etc 2019-07-17 17:31:48 Tuxist: I dont hate systemd either, but I dont like its job control design which annoys me.during boot time 2019-07-17 17:33:35 one thing interessting from switch 5.1 to 5.2 i have 2gb more memory free :-D 2019-07-17 17:34:01 5.2 of what? 2019-07-17 17:34:27 linux 5.2 2019-07-17 17:34:32 ow 2019-07-17 17:34:49 Thats neat.. what is your host distro? 2019-07-17 17:35:13 alpine with custom kernel 2019-07-17 17:35:31 I see 2019-07-17 17:35:34 and debian in containers 2019-07-17 17:36:13 I wish I could make lxc work without root 2019-07-17 17:36:26 in alpine 2019-07-17 17:36:54 I will try with your script 2019-07-17 17:44:13 Tuxist: i have keys on the client... 2019-07-17 17:47:20 ok fixed 2019-07-17 17:47:25 i had no cache... 2019-07-17 17:58:14 errn0: if you test the new kernel https://tuxist.de/alpinerepo/ 2019-07-17 17:59:00 Tuxist: Awesome 2019-07-17 18:00:39 Tuxist: Can you share the APKBUILD? 2019-07-17 18:00:52 yes one moment 2019-07-17 18:01:03 sure 2019-07-17 18:02:04 erno0: https://tuxist.de/alpinerepo/APKBUILD 2019-07-17 18:04:37 thats was importend https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/10250477/ 2019-07-17 18:05:08 Tuxist: Awesome. I use ZFS, thats why I asked for apkbuild :) 2019-07-17 18:05:17 Tuxist: I trust you :) 2019-07-17 18:05:49 errn0: no problem 2019-07-17 19:15:23 How many people here have moved over to rust-based coreutil replacements? 2019-07-17 19:17:05 <_ikke_> not me, I don't really care what language a tool I use is written in 2019-07-17 19:18:17 <_ikke_> ie, I don't choose a tool because it's written in rust 2019-07-17 19:19:34 _ikke_: seems like a lot of the utils offer speed AND more features 2019-07-17 19:19:40 i'm guessing they're huge compared to busybox... 2019-07-17 19:19:55 but maybe i'm just reading a bunch of people fanboying 2019-07-17 19:20:02 likely 2019-07-17 19:20:19 i think you're just saying "likely" because you're anti-fanboying, though, so we're at an impasse. ;D 2019-07-17 19:20:37 i'm making an educated guess 2019-07-17 19:21:00 iirc rust hello world is the same size as busybox ;-) 2019-07-17 19:21:07 Me neither, I am fulltime busybox/toybox/openbsd userland/sbase user 2019-07-17 19:21:21 dalias: rust's hello world without --build-release, you mean. 2019-07-17 19:22:10 i mean either static linked or counting total size of shared libs that get loaded if dynamic :) 2019-07-17 19:22:33 what libs would be loaded if hello world was even involved 2019-07-17 19:24:03 let's see :) 2019-07-17 19:24:37 Any lua guys in alpine? it is one of my favorite scripting language 2019-07-17 19:25:00 i don't use lua but i like the concept 2019-07-17 19:25:03 i might use it in the future 2019-07-17 19:25:17 the "no bindings to anything outside by default" is the best part 2019-07-17 19:25:36 and the ability to hide/remove bindings when calling other code 2019-07-17 19:25:39 I learnt programming in posix shell, then lua, then C+python 2019-07-17 19:25:46 it makes it possible to safely use library code from shitty untrusted sources 2019-07-17 19:26:04 <_ikke_> I get too anoyed by the limited baselib with lua 2019-07-17 19:26:17 <_ikke_> though there are some libs that alleviate it a bit 2019-07-17 19:26:33 _ikke_: Thats normal. Lua fits alpine design 2019-07-17 19:26:50 <_ikke_> Yes, I understand 2019-07-17 19:30:14 hmm i can't use rust: 2019-07-17 19:30:16 = note: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/8.3.0/../../../../x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/bin/ld: /usr/lib/rustlib/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/lib/libbacktrace_sys-38fed2ca4c8eaab7.rlib(fileline.o): unable to initialize decompress status for section .debug_info 2019-07-17 19:30:36 maybe there's a silent dep on newer binutils or something? 2019-07-17 19:31:33 yes 2019-07-17 19:31:55 Time for a PR 2019-07-17 19:32:37 lol hello world is 3MB 2019-07-17 19:32:48 and it's still dynamic linked 2019-07-17 19:33:08 dalias: I wonder why rust binaries are that big 2019-07-17 19:33:43 because the stdlib is a ratsnest of cross-dependencies 2019-07-17 19:33:51 like glibc 2019-07-17 19:34:33 if you omit debug info, it's "only" 170k 2019-07-17 19:35:35 but i don't know how to get it to do that 2019-07-17 19:35:38 <_ikke_> so 95% debug information? 2019-07-17 19:36:17 yeah 2019-07-17 19:36:34 that's pretty typical; it's why i always build C++ projects with -g0 in CXXFLAGS 2019-07-17 19:36:42 otherwises it takes like 100GB of temp space 2019-07-17 19:40:39 So rust by default produces debug builds 2019-07-17 19:41:03 And treats --release as different builds 2019-07-17 19:41:11 the huge debug info is presumably coming from the stdlib or something, not from the hello source 2019-07-17 19:41:21 Maybe so LTO requires 2019-07-17 19:41:34 how do you tell it to build release mode? 2019-07-17 19:41:50 --release and --build-release are not options to rustc 2019-07-17 19:42:15 cargo 2019-07-17 19:42:44 -C link-args="-s" 2019-07-17 19:42:53 rustc not cargo 2019-07-17 19:43:47 ok -C prefer-dynamic can make dynamic-linked 2019-07-17 19:43:55 14k for hello world 2019-07-17 19:44:46 dep on 1M shared lib 2019-07-17 19:45:19 I have used rust only once, I remember using overflow checks 2019-07-17 19:47:19 Rust is too complex for me 2019-07-17 19:49:10 I wonder how it is ported into musl.. did they provide any musl bootstrap binaries? or cross compiled? 2019-07-17 19:51:34 it's hell to bootstrap 2019-07-17 19:52:11 i'm not sure what alpine is doing, but the only real bootstrap starts with mrustc to compile an ancient version of rust, then goes thru about 10 different versions to get up to current 2019-07-17 19:52:34 getting mrustc capable of compiling current rust would be a huge improvement 2019-07-17 19:52:35 <_ikke_> yes, we need to go through each successive version 2019-07-17 19:53:00 What a shitshow 2019-07-17 19:53:27 <_ikke_> and rust requires cargo to build 2019-07-17 19:53:47 yeah that too 2019-07-17 19:58:03 it's a huge shitshow that could be fixed with not a lot of work if someone on the rust side (ie with strong knowledge of language & impl) was interested in fixing it 2019-07-17 19:58:49 but instead they're committed to making it worse by constantly using new bleeding-edge features in the implementation of the language 2019-07-17 20:06:37 Yeah, which directly effects the Firefox browser 2019-07-17 20:14:32 "rm -rf ${PKG}/usr/share/locale/" in an apkbuild gives me an error "rm: can't remove '/usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/volume_key.mo': Permission denied" 2019-07-17 20:15:11 sudo abuild gives me Do not run abuild as root 2019-07-17 20:16:01 Are you a member of abuild group? 2019-07-17 20:16:09 yes 2019-07-17 20:16:22 installed alpine-sdk? 2019-07-17 20:16:23 <_ikke_> timcowchip: you need $pkgdir 2019-07-17 20:16:27 <_ikke_> not $PKG 2019-07-17 20:16:39 ops, that one xD 2019-07-17 20:17:04 <_ikke_> it prevents you from doing that exactly for these kinds of reasons 2019-07-17 20:17:05 ah, thanks errn0 2019-07-17 20:18:09 :) 2019-07-17 20:22:30 and thanks _ikke 2019-07-17 20:23:18 I was able to build and install gpodder and its deps mygpoclient and podcastparser 2019-07-17 20:37:05 is there a bluetooth manager like blueman? 2019-07-17 20:37:14 or blueberry 2019-07-17 21:43:34 I heard rust promises a lot 2019-07-17 21:44:47 not because I watch out for s390x stuff and rust is not working on alpine s390x, but iirc rust was once made an opponent vs golang and also C 2019-07-17 21:45:44 we all know what happened to golang. and rust still promising 2019-07-17 21:47:38 I think when I retired kernel written in rust would reach stable state 2019-07-17 21:48:29 but who give af about what I think :) sleep time 2019-07-17 21:49:47 timcowchip: there is bluedevil from KDE. Probably not what you want though... 2019-07-17 22:02:00 so I download and extract firefox nightly then run the executable and I get "/home/timcowchip/firefox/firefox" (no such file or directory) 2019-07-17 22:02:27 yet that is the exact file that I executed 2019-07-17 22:02:41 :P 2019-07-17 22:04:44 is there some kind of registry in alpine? 2019-07-17 22:05:21 I'm downloading something else if there is 2019-07-17 22:05:31 <_ikke_> registry? 2019-07-17 22:05:52 <_ikke_> you probably downloaded a binary that is linked against glibc, while alpine is using musl 2019-07-17 22:06:05 what is preventing my from executing a file in my $HOME? 2019-07-17 22:06:19 ah 2019-07-17 22:06:39 thanks _ikke 2019-07-17 22:12:07 so if I want glibc linked apps to run its busybox then 2019-07-17 22:44:35 if you want glibc linked apps to run, either try gcompat, use a glibc chroot, or a glibc vm 2019-07-18 00:32:56 no kvm? let me guess, its linked to glibc 2019-07-18 00:44:51 ok f' qemu then. how do I use gcompat? the documentation on this is minimal 2019-07-18 00:45:19 running firefox with gcompat is not likely to work well 2019-07-18 00:45:36 either build a native firefox nightly or use the packaged version 2019-07-18 00:45:43 like running qemu without kvm 2019-07-18 00:46:04 (or use a glibc chroot) 2019-07-18 00:46:11 kvm should work fine, but don't get qemu/kvm binaries from some foreign source 2019-07-18 00:46:25 install the packages or build them natively yourself 2019-07-18 00:46:33 ah 2019-07-18 00:46:50 this is more like crux now 2019-07-18 00:46:57 install the packages or build them natively yourself 2019-07-18 00:47:00 oops 2019-07-18 00:47:01 ? 2019-07-18 00:47:36 so gcompat is just a what? 2019-07-18 00:47:45 bandaid? 2019-07-18 00:48:14 it provides /usr/bin/sh 2019-07-18 00:48:32 it's a hack for running foreign binaries that you absolutely can't get native versions of because they're proprietary or something 2019-07-18 00:48:41 not the right way to run stuff 2019-07-18 00:49:03 ok so its chroot then 2019-07-18 00:50:42 I just need to rum google-chrome to monitor security cameras 2019-07-18 00:50:50 there's a chromium package 2019-07-18 00:50:58 and a firefox package 2019-07-18 00:51:15 yes but the extension only runs in chrome 2019-07-18 00:51:17 i don't understand why you want to run alpine then run random binaries from other sources instead of installing the proper packages.... 2019-07-18 00:51:31 uhg that sounds nasty 2019-07-18 00:52:21 installing chrome involves extracting a *.deb package and copying the contents to /opt 2019-07-18 00:52:37 it doesn't work 2019-07-18 00:53:37 https://github.com/timcowchip/timcowchip/blob/master/google-chrome/Pkgfile 2019-07-18 00:54:23 I may end up dual booting 2019-07-18 00:59:28 more like INsecurity camera haha IoT amirite 2019-07-18 00:59:37 seriously though sell it on ebay and buy something else imo 2019-07-18 01:02:33 I have four of them 2019-07-18 01:03:18 sell my hardware if it doesn't work on alpine? 2019-07-18 01:03:21 nice 2019-07-18 01:04:07 I got a better idea........dump alpine if my hardware doesn't work 2019-07-18 01:04:09 with free software, rather 2019-07-18 01:04:23 you should choose your hardware with software in mind, not the other way around 2019-07-18 01:04:56 get a life TROLL 2019-07-18 01:05:40 ddevault!*@* added to ignore list. 2019-07-18 01:09:22 i think alpine might not be the right distro for this person 2019-07-18 01:21:54 Possibly 2019-07-18 06:29:50 anybody dual boot? 2019-07-18 06:33:40 https://pastebin.com/JvG2E3em 2019-07-18 06:34:31 this entry gives me a kernel panic 2019-07-18 07:13:14 moin 2019-07-18 07:15:39 adding the line "initrd /boot/initramfs-vanilla" got alpine to start the boot process but gets hung on the usb discovery 2019-07-18 07:16:47 nvm I just found that I left an sdcard pluged in when I rebooted 2019-07-18 07:17:00 brb 2019-07-18 07:40:14 it wasn't the sdcard 2019-07-18 07:40:44 alpine boot hangs during usb detection 2019-07-18 07:59:31 Tuxist: rather than using your init script https://brpaste.xyz/VUqnAw I believe enabling the systemd_container=yes in /etc/conf.d/lxc will do the same thing, it worked for me anyway 2019-07-18 08:01:34 errn0: FYI ^, also I don't believe LXC does rely on systemd its just you need certain cgroups if you want to run systemd based containers. 2019-07-18 08:03:29 errn0: Just checked, apart from enabling systemd_container=yes in /etc/conf.d/lxc and restarting, I dont need to run systemd on the alpine host, and can still run systemd based containers 2019-07-18 08:04:25 timcowchip: putting debug and debug_init in kernel parm ? 2019-07-18 08:05:42 can I install extended to a hard drive? 2019-07-18 08:07:52 I guess I'll find out 2019-07-18 08:34:05 yes you can install extended on a hard drive, but it still won't boot past usb detection 2019-07-18 08:37:07 hi borntraeger :) 2019-07-18 08:44:37 appending "root=UUID=12c1e08f-fb0f-4e7f-8546-7fb16d4df86f modules=sd-mod,usb-storage,ext4 nomodeset quiet rootfstype=ext4" to the linux line in grub.cfg was the fix 2019-07-18 08:45:14 dalias: --build-release and then uhhhh something else 2019-07-18 08:45:28 Thanks timcowchip 2019-07-18 08:45:36 np:) 2019-07-18 08:46:07 ah you already figured it out 2019-07-18 08:46:18 what's the smallest hello world you have on hand? 2019-07-18 08:46:35 println! is a big macro if i remember 2019-07-18 08:46:41 talking to myself for a couple of hours has made my tired, gn 2019-07-18 19:46:50 dual booting alpine and sparky :) 2019-07-18 19:47:03 glad you got something that works for you :) 2019-07-18 19:48:16 thanks dalias 2019-07-18 20:05:33 brb 2019-07-18 20:11:08 https://pastebin.com/JvG2E3em this is the grub menuentry that worked for dual booting alpine if anyone's interested 2019-07-18 20:21:31 I made a package for gpodder and will make one for blueberry 2019-07-18 20:22:17 they are both written in python and seem to build easily 2019-07-18 20:22:30 ddevault: do alpine ML subscribers have any autogenerated accounts on alpine's SH instance: https://lists.alpinelinux.org/? 2019-07-18 20:22:45 <_ikke_> no 2019-07-18 20:22:46 no 2019-07-18 20:23:14 if I'll create one, may my sub be connected to it? 2019-07-18 20:23:17 we could open up signups but haven't had the discussion on whether or not it would be wise to allow anyone to create hosted mailing lists 2019-07-18 20:23:25 it would be, if you could sign up, but you cannot 2019-07-18 20:23:32 oh, I see 2019-07-18 23:02:26 is there a working directory for abuild? 2019-07-18 23:03:19 I see ~/blueberry/src but I don't see a pkg directory in there 2019-07-18 23:04:25 $(pwd)/src for compiling and $(pwd)/pkg for creating the package, whatever you set in /etc/abuild.conf for the package location 2019-07-18 23:05:15 thanks Cogitri 2019-07-18 23:34:24 does this look right in abuild.conf? "pkgdir=$pkgname-$pkgver/pkg" 2019-07-18 23:35:08 in crux there was always both a src and a pkg directory 2019-07-18 23:35:45 guess I'm not getting it 2019-07-18 23:36:41 cp -r etc usr "$pkgdir" is giving me a "no such" error 2019-07-18 23:56:32 even -K Keep buildtime temp dirs and files (srcdir/pkgdir/deps) doesn;t leave a pkgdir in $(pwd) 2019-07-18 23:56:55 that's abuild -K 2019-07-18 23:57:59 guess I can't cp -r etc usr "$pkgdir" if it doesn't exist 2019-07-19 00:14:09 I see ther's a irclogger_com. Is there a site to view the logs 2019-07-19 00:15:22 I might have been rude to soemone in here when I was less than appreciative of his advice, but I forget who 2019-07-19 00:17:13 it might have been ddevault 2019-07-19 00:19:08 anyway though I still don't appreciate the kind of advice I received, I apologize for my rude response. 2019-07-19 00:49:30 yes, it was me 2019-07-19 00:49:33 I accept your non-apology 2019-07-19 00:49:36 you are forgiven 2019-07-19 02:10:49 hello people I've installed Alpine as sys closes I feel to be desktop and reason I like this distro is it reminds me of a time past as in old school Linux 2019-07-19 02:11:01 closest* 2019-07-19 02:12:05 my problem is installing the correct video card driver from apk search xf86-video 2019-07-19 02:14:26 repositories are working I use comminity 2019-07-19 02:16:43 What's the problem? 2019-07-19 02:16:59 community* 2019-07-19 02:17:14 most likely end user error 2019-07-19 02:18:01 I have an nvidia video card and have no idea on which video driver to use / add 2019-07-19 02:18:19 xf86-video-nouveau 2019-07-19 02:18:44 If your card works with the oss driver that is 2019-07-19 02:18:53 The proprietary driver doesn't work on Alpine AFAIK 2019-07-19 02:19:22 thank you 2019-07-19 02:28:46 timcowchip: Not quite sure what you're trying to accomplish, but I think you should read the abuild manual instead of trying to apply foreign stuff on it 2019-07-19 02:28:58 @Cogitri same error as before (missing) I check the repositories to make sure working which main and community have fetched 2019-07-19 02:29:24 which is main and community* 2019-07-19 02:29:55 thereafter I recieve the worldxfce error 2019-07-19 02:30:26 reading has got me this far 2019-07-19 02:31:45 now if I can just firgure out why I'm getting error about missing when I apk add 2019-07-19 02:32:06 xfce-video 2019-07-19 02:32:51 doesn't matter which driver for video card I choose same error 2019-07-19 02:36:52 I may go dwm instead of xfce4 2019-07-19 02:37:36 I like the Tutorial for dwm 2019-07-19 03:10:13 Cogitri: https://pastebin.com/vUzzFmAL 2019-07-19 03:12:30 https://github.com/timcowchip/timcowchip/blob/master/blueberry/Pkgfile 2019-07-19 04:15:28 how to install qemu-block-extra package in Alpine Linux? 2019-07-19 04:24:04 timcowchip: and what's the problem? 2019-07-19 04:26:37 <_ikke_> manj-gnome: what should it provide? That exact package does not exist, but there are others 2019-07-19 04:34:37 I look into content of debian package and it provides block-gluster.so, block-isci.so and block-rbd.so 2019-07-19 04:36:29 <_ikke_> Apparently not packaged then 2019-07-19 04:37:02 I think just copy and pasting from debian package would not work because of different c libraries. 2019-07-19 04:37:07 <_ikke_> yes 2019-07-19 04:37:18 Cogitri: https://pastebin.com/85Jf6ASW 2019-07-19 04:38:09 _ikke_: So, I need to compile it on alpine and then package only the output *.so ? 2019-07-19 04:40:31 timcowchip: mkdir -p "$pkgdir" 2019-07-19 04:40:53 in the apkbuild? 2019-07-19 04:41:41 <_ikke_> manj-gnome: Trying to find where these libs come from 2019-07-19 04:42:09 _ikke_: https://github.com/qemu/qemu/tree/master/block 2019-07-19 04:42:47 timcowchip: Yes 2019-07-19 04:44:03 that worked :) 2019-07-19 04:44:43 <_ikke_> manj-gnome: I see that qemu-block-nfs and qemu-block-ssh do exist as subpackages 2019-07-19 04:45:11 _ikke_: Yes, but my requirement is qemu-block-rbd 2019-07-19 04:45:51 <_ikke_> Yes, so it's probably a matter of enabling it in the APKBUILD for qemu 2019-07-19 04:47:39 thanks Cogitri :) 2019-07-19 04:49:48 👍 2019-07-19 04:51:18 _ikke_: Thanks. I will check it. 2019-07-19 11:32:12 Where does the `abuild -r` produce its output 2019-07-19 11:39:09 <_ikke_> (. /etc/abuild.conf; echo $REPODEST) 2019-07-19 11:41:24 _ikke_: Thanks +1 2019-07-19 12:06:03 _ikke_: When I add --enable-rbd to QEMU APKBUILD it throws "ERROR: User requested feature rados block device 2019-07-19 12:06:03 configure was not able to find it. 2019-07-19 12:06:03 Install librbd/ceph devel 2019-07-19 12:06:03 " 2019-07-19 12:11:04 I even installed librbd and ceph-dev. But, same error 2019-07-19 13:04:10 manj-gnome : maybe qemu requires you have a ceph block device already in place to complie ? 2019-07-19 13:04:36 better to read qemu code to see what that --enable-rbd means :) 2019-07-19 13:04:55 tmhoang: If I remove --static from APKBUILD it starts compiling 2019-07-19 13:05:01 with no complaint 2019-07-19 13:05:08 ok that's cool 2019-07-19 13:05:40 If that produces the .so file I needed than I would package that. 2019-07-19 15:12:47 I am stuck. Anybody, know how to install qemu-block-rbd? 2019-07-19 15:38:29 seems like Will Sinatra has made a commit to the aports tree in order to get sbcl back to testing! 2019-07-19 17:14:07 is there anybody that can check that? 2019-07-19 17:14:57 _ikke_, tmhoang: I cloned QEMU git repo and make it. It works fine and rbd works too. Why Alpine Linux need customization of QEMU package? 2019-07-19 17:16:24 bexx: which commit ? 2019-07-19 17:17:02 manj-gnome: I think there must be some config flag that does not compat with --enable-rbd in qemu APKBUILD 2019-07-19 17:17:38 if you build qemu with rbd support on Alpine fine, maybe send a patch to fix qemu APKBUILD ? 2019-07-19 17:19:27 paste here how you build qemu + rbd (config, make etc) 2019-07-19 17:19:42 tmhoang: https://lists.alpinelinux.org/~alpine/aports/patches/744 2019-07-19 17:20:41 tmhoang: I am writing as follow 2019-07-19 17:20:44 git clone https://github.com/qemu/qemu.git 2019-07-19 17:21:03 mkdir build 2019-07-19 17:21:03 cd build 2019-07-19 17:21:03 ../configure 2019-07-19 17:21:03 make 2019-07-19 17:21:47 I need to install few packages like flex, bison etc. but I think they are already there as dependency of qemu package in Alpine Linux 2019-07-19 17:23:58 assuming you build on alpine ? 2019-07-19 17:24:14 <_ikke_> edade0363debe66984fdaa695f008fa670eeeea8 2019-07-19 17:25:11 ddevault: I want to help with the python 2 packages 2019-07-19 17:26:54 tmhoang: I build on alpine. I forget to mention I installed glib glib-dev pixman-dev 2019-07-19 17:27:22 see _ikke_ message above about qemu modules 2019-07-19 17:28:13 bexx: no clisp : https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/tree/testing/clisp/APKBUILD 2019-07-19 17:29:58 tmhoang: So, should I create a package "qemu-rbd-block" with content /usr/lib/qemu/block-rbd.so ? 2019-07-19 17:30:37 bexx: how much time do you plan on spending on it? I'll pick out some packages for you 2019-07-19 17:30:56 try adding block-rbd to _modules 2019-07-19 17:31:59 tmhoang: in APKBUILD? 2019-07-19 17:32:39 <_ikke_> yes 2019-07-19 17:33:03 ddevault: If i can manage to spend two times the time that you spend on one package (10min vs 5min) then maybe I can help with 12 packages a day 2019-07-19 17:33:32 ddevault: but first we need to see if 10 min is my time so let's try it 2019-07-19 17:33:59 do you want to start with py-q* and py-r* in testing? 2019-07-19 17:34:13 maybe defer py-qt 2019-07-19 17:34:17 ddevault: ok! 2019-07-19 17:34:43 make sure to pull down my branch 2019-07-19 17:34:48 I've already taken care of py-repoze-lru 2019-07-19 17:35:05 ok no problem 2019-07-19 17:35:13 I also have a mostly normalized py-qrcode in https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-apkbuilds that you may want to steal for a headstart 2019-07-19 17:35:54 _ikke_m tmhoang: Thanks. You are very helpful people. I will try it. 2019-07-19 17:36:59 tmhoang: Will is working on a merge request for clisp too 2019-07-19 17:42:16 ddevault: I forget to send you my public key 2019-07-19 17:42:38 I haven't actually implemented giving arbitrary public keys write access to a git.sr.ht repo yet <_< 2019-07-19 17:42:48 do you have a git.sr.ht account? 2019-07-19 17:43:02 I'm going to create one then 2019-07-19 17:44:52 ddevault: I have an account now 2019-07-19 17:44:57 ~bexx? 2019-07-19 17:45:09 ddevault: ~bbuccianti 2019-07-19 17:45:24 log into https://git.sr.ht directly 2019-07-19 17:45:36 it doesn't know about you until you do it at least once unfortunately 2019-07-19 17:45:51 xD 2019-07-19 17:45:54 okay, you have push access. Please don't push to master, I'm using that branch for my riscv64 port 2019-07-19 17:46:06 no problem 2019-07-19 17:50:15 tmhoang: https://gitlab.com/Durrendal/aports/merge_requests/2 2019-07-19 17:50:23 tmhoang: seems like clisp is building now 2019-07-19 17:54:09 Hey everyone, I just submitted a couple of merge requests to get clisp and SBCL 1.5.4 back into the testing repo, anything else I should do once the PR is committed? 2019-07-19 17:54:41 <_ikke_> Durrendal: Mostly just wait and reply to feedback 2019-07-19 17:55:21 Hi Durrendal! 2019-07-19 17:55:49 Makes sense! Just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything after that. Hi Bexx! 2019-07-19 18:01:27 Durrendal: i'm trying to build sbcl for 2 weeks mostly 2019-07-19 18:02:11 Durrendal: you're a superhero without a cape 2019-07-19 18:03:36 Bexx: I'm glad I'm not the only person using SBCL on Alpine honestly! 2019-07-19 18:04:04 Bexx: I should have joined the IRC earlier and tried to be more active in the community, I got SBCL working at the end of June 2019-07-19 18:05:30 well you're here now 2019-07-19 18:07:19 Right you are, and happy about it. I love using Alpine, I won't let sbcl disappearing stop me from using it :) 2019-07-19 18:18:55 ddevault: I pushed py3-qrcode commit b2d41df585 2019-07-19 18:19:09 ddevault: let me know if you see any problem 2019-07-19 18:20:06 bexx: double check indent in package() 2019-07-19 18:20:22 also, don't replaces py2-qrcode, we're only replacesing py-* 2019-07-19 18:20:35 also check if python3-dev is really necssary 2019-07-19 18:20:40 otherwise looks good, thanks :) 2019-07-19 18:21:06 manj-gnome: builds for me http://tpaste.us/DLnX 2019-07-19 18:25:36 tmhoang: Perfect. Why didn't you list directfb-dev as dependency? 2019-07-19 18:27:35 tmhoang: So, are you going to submit the patch? 2019-07-19 18:27:53 ddevault: i'm having troubles with APKINDEX.tar.gz 2019-07-19 18:28:03 hm? 2019-07-19 18:28:13 ddevault: it flags an error with UNTRUSTED signature 2019-07-19 18:28:23 make sure you set up abuild right... 2019-07-19 18:28:36 yeah I made an abuild-keygen -a 2019-07-19 18:29:15 and set your key right? 2019-07-19 18:29:17 did you copy the key to /etc/apk/keys? 2019-07-19 18:31:13 yeah it's in /etc/apk/keys the .pub 2019-07-19 19:02:53 I need to sign the APKINDEX every time I hit abuild -r ?? 2019-07-19 19:05:49 <_ikke_> can you elaborate? 2019-07-19 19:06:05 <_ikke_> abuild takes care of everything 2019-07-19 19:06:16 I made the abuild-keygen -a 2019-07-19 19:06:29 and then copied the key.pub to /etc/apk/keys 2019-07-19 19:07:10 I signed the APKINDEX.tar.gz with abuild-sign -k key.rsa /path/to/APKINDEX.tar.gz 2019-07-19 19:07:53 I run abuild -r and the first time it work fine 2019-07-19 19:08:10 but then I made a change to APKBUILD and now i'm getting BAD signature 2019-07-19 19:08:51 i'm missing something? 2019-07-19 19:09:43 Personal workflow here, but I typically leave my APKINDEX alone until I've built all of my packages. 2019-07-19 19:09:47 Just to save time 2019-07-19 19:11:13 Durrendal: you build all without signing? 2019-07-19 19:11:43 And typically I just run "abuild checksum && abuild -r && abuild -i" in the folder of the package I'm working on, then copy the built .apk to the directory my APKINDEX is in 2019-07-19 19:12:04 Then sign the APKINDEX 2019-07-19 19:12:32 I can ignore then the messages of BAD signature and similars? 2019-07-19 19:12:44 because the package is building fine? 2019-07-19 19:15:02 Hmm, no I don't think you should get a bad sig. Can you send me what you're seeing? 2019-07-19 19:15:56 Updating the testing/x86_64 repository index... ERROR: APKINDEX.tar.gz: BAD signature 2019-07-19 19:17:13 >>> Signed /alpine/edge/kw-repo/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz <- you should get something like this, so I'd say yeah, not good 2019-07-19 19:18:58 bexx, you sure that have correct "~/.abuild/abuild.conf" path with your priv key PACKAGER_PRIVKEY="/home/youruser/.abuild/blabla@blablabla.com-blaaa.rsa" ? 2019-07-19 19:20:13 MY_R: yeah I have it 2019-07-19 19:43:08 bexx: I had trouble with naming the key in /etc/apk/keys... apk expects a specific formatted file name 2019-07-19 19:45:41 iggy, he generated it by abuild-keygen -a so should be fine and manualy copy to /etc/apk/key so dunno, maybe permissions? 2019-07-19 19:47:28 my problem was I did something like `cp ~/.abuild/iggy@somewhere-0127843.rsa.pub /etc/apk/keys/iggy.rsa.pub` and it didn't like that 2019-07-19 19:47:46 took me a while to figure out I should have left the name alone 2019-07-19 19:48:01 Glad to know I'm not the only person to make that error 2019-07-19 19:48:06 MY_R: I have rw-r--r-- root root on my key 2019-07-19 19:48:26 under /etc/apk/keys 2019-07-19 19:48:49 is the same but with my user on .abuild/ 2019-07-19 19:49:17 dunno, do apk update? :D 2019-07-19 19:49:43 yeah I updated too 2019-07-19 19:50:21 :\ 2019-07-19 19:51:25 well on the build process I can see something weird 2019-07-19 19:51:49 WARNING: ignoring /home/bex/packages//testing/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz: BAD signature 2019-07-19 19:51:58 packages//testing is wrong?? 2019-07-19 20:01:39 yeah you shouldn't see "//" that's weird 2019-07-19 20:02:06 potentially an issue with the APKBUILD itself? like a typo in one of the paths? 2019-07-19 20:02:16 <_ikke_> It should not matter 2019-07-19 20:03:14 <_ikke_> bexx: fyi, you should not have to manually sign the index, abuild should take care of it 2019-07-19 20:03:59 _ikke_: well I deleted the ~/packages folder 2019-07-19 20:04:05 And now everything works 2019-07-19 20:04:07 haha 2019-07-19 20:04:32 was enough if one package there was "badly" signed or not at all? 2019-07-19 20:04:39 the old trick rebooting 2019-07-19 20:06:10 In retrospect MY_R is probably onto something, the BAD signature error makes more sense if you consider the packages aren't signed properly 2019-07-19 20:06:13 TIL 2019-07-19 20:25:21 ddevault: if I encounter a package with a bad name I just change it? 2019-07-19 20:25:33 what's the specific problem? 2019-07-19 20:25:46 ddevault: py-radix name is py3-py-radix 2019-07-19 20:25:52 yeah I'd change that to py3-radix 2019-07-19 20:25:57 ddevault: and everything is ok 2019-07-19 20:26:00 anything less clear and make a note of it for later discussion 2019-07-19 20:26:10 great 2019-07-19 20:26:49 <_ikke_> Don't forget to add a provides= 2019-07-19 20:26:54 aye 2019-07-19 20:26:55 <_ikke_> I mean, replaces= 2019-07-19 20:27:11 sure 2019-07-19 20:28:00 bexx: also, please rebase and merge your commits, e.g. both qrcode commits should just be one 2019-07-19 20:28:02 then force push 2019-07-19 20:28:24 https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/aports/commit/d2a8617b1abe393727db13282dd4c7e902496ee5 <- drop empty depends 2019-07-19 20:28:31 ddevault: sorry far that 2019-07-19 20:28:33 https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/aports/commit/dd1335157d4cb45190b384941b5b3f5b66165268 <- depend py3-, not py- 2019-07-19 20:28:46 no problem, it doesn't hurt anyhting 2019-07-19 20:28:48 anything* 2019-07-19 20:28:56 just saves us time when we go to integrate upstream later 2019-07-19 20:55:24 ddevault: well, that was my first important rebase 2019-07-19 20:55:31 ddevault: hope that don't broke anything 2019-07-19 20:55:53 these commit messages are a bit weird, I would have rewritten them 2019-07-19 20:55:57 but it doesn't look broken to me :) 2019-07-19 20:56:02 https://git-rebase.io has good info if you're new to rebase 2019-07-19 20:56:44 ddevault: which ones are weird? 2019-07-19 20:56:51 thanks for the link 2019-07-19 20:56:54 you just merged several commit messages together 2019-07-19 20:57:01 whereas I would have replaced it with one commit message 2019-07-19 20:57:23 https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/aports/log/testing-drop-py2 2019-07-19 20:58:07 ooh i see 2019-07-19 20:58:10 well I can change that 2019-07-19 21:00:00 ddevault: done. I'm going to continue with py-radix 2019-07-19 21:00:06 cheers 2019-07-19 21:01:17 ddevault: depends="python3" is irrelevant, no? 2019-07-19 21:01:26 only if it depends on another py3 package 2019-07-19 21:01:34 if it has no other dependencies then python3 is necessary 2019-07-19 21:07:29 ddevault: py3-rabbit depends on main/py-httplib2 2019-07-19 21:07:49 ddevault: seems trivial to make a py3-httplib2 but maybe somebody else is working on that? 2019-07-19 21:08:04 is py-httplib2 a py2-only package or is it split py2/py3 2019-07-19 21:09:25 split 2019-07-19 21:09:44 then it's not a problem for now 2019-07-19 21:10:48 when a py3-example package is available as part of a py-example, and py-example isn't on your todo list, don't worry about fixing py-example upfront 2019-07-19 21:11:02 if py-example has no py3 version, then it's a problem to address now 2019-07-19 21:11:52 in the case that the package name is the only thing wrong? 2019-07-19 21:11:59 I replace the package or build another one? 2019-07-19 21:23:30 ncopa: Do you know when the freeswitch package will be updated? 2019-07-19 21:28:18 bexx: ? 2019-07-19 21:29:30 ddevault: py3-py-radix would be py3-radix 2019-07-19 21:29:37 aye 2019-07-19 21:29:39 just rename it 2019-07-19 21:29:50 ok 2019-07-19 21:30:03 put in a replaces/provides 2019-07-19 22:16:17 ddevault: I've done 7 2019-07-19 22:16:33 ddevault: actually 6, one of them py-raet was done 2019-07-19 22:16:49 ddevault: 6 left for tomorrow morning 2019-07-19 22:16:55 sweet, I'll double check your work 2019-07-19 22:16:58 ddevault: let me know if something is missing 2019-07-19 22:16:59 thank you for your help 2019-07-19 22:17:24 bexx: py3-redmine: depends on py-requests, should depend on py3-requests. Drop extra newline between builddir and replaces 2019-07-19 22:17:55 ddevault: yeah but py3-requests doesn't exist yet 2019-07-19 22:18:03 bexx: it's a split package, so it exists 2019-07-19 22:18:09 py3-requests *definitely* exists 2019-07-19 22:18:14 oooh ok 2019-07-19 22:18:18 didn't see that 2019-07-19 22:18:19 bexx: py3-rabbit: missing provides, needs py3-httplib2 2019-07-19 22:19:05 bexx: py3-rabbit: wrong license (BSD-3-Clause) 2019-07-19 22:19:18 bexx: py3-queuelib: missing provides 2019-07-19 22:19:36 bexx: py3-qrcode: missing provides 2019-07-19 22:21:31 ddevault: yeah the license of pyrabbit is MIT on pypi.org so I miss the change on github 2019-07-19 22:21:40 you should report that to upstream 2019-07-19 22:21:40 ddevault: from now on the repo is the source 2019-07-19 22:22:37 bexx: py3-redmine: git repo provides tests but they're missing from pypi, download the tarballs from github instead of pypi and report bug to upstream (also leave a comment in the APKBUILD with a link to the upstream ticket and a TODO to swap it out for PyPI) 2019-07-19 22:23:34 bexx: py3-rarfile: put options at the end 2019-07-19 22:23:43 bexx: otherwise this all looks good, thank you for your hard work! 2019-07-19 22:23:57 bexx: rebase and force push once you have time to address these so each package only requires one commit to fix up 2019-07-19 22:24:56 ddevault: thank you for letting me help! yeah I learned how to squash commits today so this is very good 2019-07-19 23:51:51 Could anyone help me use bridge or macvlan interface on virt-manager 2019-07-19 23:52:29 err macvtap ** 2019-07-19 23:54:26 for Alpine? 2019-07-19 23:54:40 Yes 2019-07-19 23:54:50 Is it possible? 2019-07-19 23:55:15 http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.10/releases/x86_64/alpine-xen-3.10.1-x86_64.iso 2019-07-19 23:55:33 http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.10/releases/x86_64/alpine-virt-3.10.1-x86_64.iso 2019-07-19 23:56:13 I tried the xen one and it set up the bridge for me 2019-07-19 23:56:21 OS is already setted up 2019-07-19 23:56:29 Is it just a package missing? 2019-07-19 23:57:09 did you use one of the iso's I linked to? 2019-07-19 23:57:55 or are you running alpine vm ontop of alpine? 2019-07-19 23:58:46 I used the default alpine ISO 2019-07-19 23:58:53 And i'm trying to run Pfsense on top of alpine 2019-07-19 23:58:55 https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/edge/main/x86_64/libnl3 2019-07-19 23:58:59 Is this the missing package ? 2019-07-20 00:00:16 could be 2019-07-20 00:00:47 I ran alpine-xen in fedora 2019-07-20 00:01:30 Ummm ... I'm pretty sure it's a missing package ... 2019-07-20 00:01:34 But which one 2019-07-20 00:01:51 are you using qemu? 2019-07-20 00:02:18 there's no kvm 2019-07-20 00:03:47 what do you mean, there's no kvm ? 2019-07-20 00:03:56 I'm using kvm and qemu, yes 2019-07-20 00:04:06 Also, PCI passtrough isn't working :( 2019-07-20 00:04:08 wtf lol 2019-07-20 00:05:40 I didn't know alpine had kvm 2019-07-20 00:06:01 did you make it on your own? 2019-07-20 00:10:42 what do you mean ? 2019-07-20 00:10:49 if i compiled it ? 2019-07-20 00:14:26 Anyway, gtg, just ping me if anyone has any clue on how to resolve PCI passtrough and macvtap not working, thanks :D 2019-07-20 00:35:55 :) 2019-07-20 05:02:25 _ikke_: Should I submit the patch? 2019-07-20 05:49:11 <_ikke_> manj-gnome: sure, if you managed to enable it in the current APKBUILD, feel free to submit a patch 2019-07-20 05:49:45 _ikke_: "A package in main cannot have a dependency in community or testing." If we have to get rbd support we need to include librbd and ceph-dev which are in community repo 2019-07-20 05:49:55 _ikke_: what to do? 2019-07-20 05:50:33 Move them to main, I suppose 2019-07-20 05:50:53 not yet 2019-07-20 05:51:34 I have pending work to be done and some more testing on one of the packages 2019-07-20 05:52:58 So, I should not submit a patch and continue installing on my machine with custom APKBUILD? 2019-07-20 05:53:32 if your patch requires ceph to be moved to main, then it should probably wait 2019-07-20 05:53:45 ceph isn't ready to move to main yet 2019-07-20 05:54:15 (it's pretty close if my PRs get merged, but they've been waiting a while, so I can't say how long) 2019-07-20 05:55:04 Ok. I should install on my own machine then wait for ceph to moved into main. 2019-07-20 05:55:13 Thanks iggy :) 2019-07-20 05:57:19 manj-gnome: feel free to watch my PRs to see when things start moving (or if you are on IRC regularly I can ping you) 2019-07-20 05:58:08 can you give me link of your PRs? 2019-07-20 06:02:21 iggy: will ceph-dev also be moved to main? 2019-07-20 06:03:28 <_ikke_> manj-gnome: ceph-dev is part of ceph 2019-07-20 06:03:31 <_ikke_> its a subpackage 2019-07-20 06:03:48 _ikke_: Ok. Thanks 2019-07-20 06:05:19 manj-gnome: #7894 and #8878 2019-07-20 06:05:54 not those, those are issues, the PRs with those numbers 2019-07-20 06:06:04 https://github.com/alpinelinux/aports/pulls/iggy 2019-07-20 06:06:48 pr7894 and pr8878 I guess then 2019-07-20 06:06:50 I also need to bump the ceph version again, but I'm hoping those other PRs get nudged through sooner than later (now that 3.10 is out the door) 2019-07-20 06:07:12 there's the magic 2019-07-20 06:08:27 👍 2019-07-20 06:08:32 iggy: Thanks 2019-07-20 08:03:09 do I do git push after git commit to aports? 2019-07-20 08:03:56 timcowchip: Using git for first time? 2019-07-20 08:04:31 no I used git for my crux ports 2019-07-20 08:04:48 git add git commit git push 2019-07-20 08:04:49 timcowchip: Same...way 2019-07-20 08:05:03 ok thanks 2019-07-20 08:15:31 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/528450941507207171/602050353097342978/signal-2019-07-19-205936.jpeg 2019-07-20 08:24:08 I keep getting "fatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported: /aports" 2019-07-20 08:25:58 I guess you're pushing to the wrong remote... 2019-07-20 08:30:40 from /aports/.git/config "url = git://git.alpinelinux.org/aports" 2019-07-20 08:31:49 but I could f' anything up:) 2019-07-20 08:32:36 <_ikke_> timcowchip: you do not have permission to push directly to aports 2019-07-20 08:32:38 You don't push to g.a.o, use github.com/alpinelinux/aports (or gitlab if that's ready already?) 2019-07-20 08:32:45 ah 2019-07-20 08:32:49 And fork that repo 2019-07-20 08:33:03 <_ikke_> We don't use gitlab for aports yet 2019-07-20 08:33:22 Ah, alright 2019-07-20 08:33:31 with crux I hosted my own repo 2019-07-20 08:33:39 Wasn't sure what's happening while I'm away :) 2019-07-20 08:34:31 <_ikke_> one challenge is how to deal with directory level permissions 2019-07-20 08:34:33 <_ikke_> ! | slow channel, ask your question and wait for a response. :) 2019-07-20 08:34:35 <_ikke_> freenode │02:06:01 timcowchip │ did you make it on your own? │@_ikke_ 2019-07-20 08:34:37 <_ikke_> ugh 2019-07-20 08:34:39 <_ikke_> sorry 2019-07-20 08:35:10 https://github.com/timcowchip/timcowchip 2019-07-20 08:35:51 they published it https://crux.nu/portdb/?a=repo&q=timcowchip 2019-07-20 08:36:05 <_ikke_> We don't have user aports 2019-07-20 08:36:13 ok 2019-07-20 08:36:18 <_ikke_> You can host a repo yourself though 2019-07-20 08:36:24 ok 2019-07-20 08:36:56 <_ikke_> The repo that abuild creates (in $REPODEST) is directly usable to install packages from 2019-07-20 08:37:49 right 2019-07-20 08:41:52 https://github.com/timcowchip/timcowchip-Alpine-repo 2019-07-20 08:44:57 I'll add more packages later.......almost 2am now 2019-07-20 08:46:40 gn 2019-07-20 08:46:46 :) 2019-07-20 09:01:26 tmhoang: although, your diff creates rbd but when it start compiling it says "rbd support: no" 2019-07-20 11:07:18 hello there, i try to find a workaround to install alpine linux x86_64 on a computer, where the cpu-core is a x86_64 base but not a 64bit UEFI (only 32 UEFI) there is also no legacy mode available, does there anybody know a workaround for this problem? i have some understanding problems with create my own alpine iso image, as explained in the wiki, also seems to be a bit to much, for that, could't i simply put inside 2019-07-20 11:07:18 the alpine linux x86_64 image in the /efi/boot folder inside the image the bootia32.efi? i can't test now, because the pc i tried to install has only endless os on it (for test case)... would be very thankful if get some informations on that 2019-07-20 14:52:16 hmmm... no-one here? 2019-07-20 14:57:35 <_ikke_> daj23: In the weekend it's more quiet here 2019-07-20 14:59:50 hi ikke, is there any other communication/help support, where i can ask questions? i search for a forum, but don't find a link only this irc 2019-07-20 15:01:11 any suggestion would be very helpful, where someone can help me with alpine support, i'm looking forward to use it in the main in future, also for docker, but that's a different part 2019-07-20 15:04:12 <_ikke_> There is a mailing list, but I don't expect you to get an answer any sooner there 2019-07-20 15:11:32 okay, but thanks a lot, don't know if i could be here from monday to friday, because of work 2019-07-20 15:11:54 on the other hand its not really urgent 2019-07-20 15:12:42 you also hav'nt to manipulate and alpine iso, do you? 2019-07-20 15:13:01 <_ikke_> No, I use the standard iso's 2019-07-20 15:13:26 sorry for my bad spelling, i'm a little bit tired and not an english-nativ ^^ 2019-07-20 15:13:38 <_ikke_> I'm not a native english speaker either 2019-07-20 15:14:24 what did you use alpine to? 2019-07-20 15:14:52 i'm thinking forward to use it as light server environment and inside docker, as i explained before 2019-07-20 15:15:10 <_ikke_> It's indeed a light server environment 2019-07-20 15:15:36 but i don't know if it will fits my needs, already tested rancheros and coreos, but because of missing x11/weston libs on host system it didn't match my needs 2019-07-20 15:17:24 i try to create a semy-server-thin-client system (like ltsp) but inside docker also with gpu processing and so on, but also with other services at the same plattform, it's because of a very little makerspace in germany 2019-07-20 15:19:02 for example, it would be nice if we could integrate partly software like blender with gpu acceleration on a server to deliver it to individuals (they very often change, so its not a good solution to make an account for every user and so on) 2019-07-20 15:19:33 <_ikke_> Are you talking about remote desktop? 2019-07-20 15:19:51 its like a test environment where people meet and collaborate each other, beside 3d printing they look forward in more 3d production (unity 3d) 2019-07-20 15:20:25 yep, but only for single apps, not for complete desktops, it will cost less memory, then desktop-rdp and so on 2019-07-20 15:20:39 i already tested this on my desktop system at home 2019-07-20 15:21:23 possibly a little bit insecure but a very nice behavior because of gpu acceleration and so on... so this is why i'm here 2019-07-20 15:21:36 what are you looking in alpine? 2019-07-20 15:21:40 <_ikke_> I have no experience with those things 2019-07-20 15:21:51 <_ikke_> I just use it a generic linux platform 2019-07-20 15:21:54 <_ikke_> for servers 2019-07-20 15:22:54 for what services, if i could ask? 2019-07-20 15:23:31 also for ldap? 2019-07-20 15:23:50 <_ikke_> Not at the moment, but we want to use that 2019-07-20 15:25:43 more for intranet or more services for internet? 2019-07-20 15:26:46 <_ikke_> intranet (for Alpine itself) 2019-07-20 15:27:16 you distribute alpine on your own servers? 2019-07-20 15:28:00 <_ikke_> Sorry, not clear what you are asking?> 2019-07-20 15:28:13 <_ikke_> I have a VPS with alpine on it, but not a lot more 2019-07-20 15:39:39 i thought you mirror the alpine software itself 2019-07-20 15:39:59 <_ikke_> I don't 2019-07-20 15:40:19 normal this mirrors are deployed by university's, sorry for the miss-understood 2019-07-20 15:41:30 so i ask what in the main reason you are serving with alpine, only if you would 2019-07-20 15:41:49 vpn only? 2019-07-20 15:42:38 <_ikke_> I like the distro and to contribute to it 2019-07-20 15:43:15 anyone has any clue on how to resolve PCI passtrough and macvtap not working with virt-manager? 2019-07-20 15:44:35 KH405 are you using alpine as xen dom0 ? 2019-07-20 15:46:07 No, QEMU and KVM 2019-07-20 15:47:35 _ikke_ it's okay, i also like this leightweight distribution, the only other distribution i would mention would be archlinux, but it seems not have the security-aspect in it 2019-07-20 15:48:10 <_ikke_> I use arch as well 2019-07-20 15:48:42 don't know how to passthrough something inside QEMU, but would gladly also would know, sorry to can't help at moment KH405 2019-07-20 15:48:57 _ikke_ i also use manjaro for desktop 2019-07-20 15:50:02 arch breaks to often in the past, manjaro seems to test things for desktop a little bit better, did'nt breaks for the last 1 1/2 years 2019-07-20 15:50:43 at makerspace we would try mx-linux for the moment, because most student came from windows, it's not that inconvenient for most of em 2019-07-20 15:50:44 <_ikke_> I have run arch for a very long time on a lot of systems, with only small things I needed to fix (which were documented) 2019-07-20 15:51:43 yep, i don't know why, but on arch in the past (5 years in the past) breaks something completly in the kernel) as i tried its as desktop solution with i3wm 2019-07-20 15:52:50 but i think i use to much different aurs on that system in the past ^^ 2019-07-20 15:52:54 learning by doing 2019-07-20 15:53:25 today i get a little bit more leightweight and do the most processing in the terminal 2019-07-20 15:54:11 but enaugh of that, because we are here for alpine, not arch ^^ 2019-07-20 16:04:10 I mean, don't see any reason to go arch at all ... 2019-07-20 16:04:18 What i like about alpine is Musl and no systemD 2019-07-20 17:59:28 I have an issue 2019-07-20 17:59:36 with mbsync and gpg2 2019-07-20 18:00:02 the retrieval of mails from my mailserver works with plain password on mbbsyncrc 2019-07-20 18:00:13 but with PassCmd "gpg2 ..." don't 2019-07-20 18:04:46 will I stored only the pass on a .mailpass.gpg and it worked 2019-07-20 18:04:53 :D 2019-07-20 18:15:19 tcely: I see that you are the maintainer of the ntpsec package. I'm curious about trying out NTS, that is available since 1.1.4 (current version is 1.1.6 and there seem to be weekly updates as they're implementing the NTS support) 2019-07-20 19:25:21 anyone using the alpine abiword package? 2019-07-20 19:25:48 i have problems with it loading the cpu constantly rapidly flashing the caret 2019-07-20 20:00:40 pr9474 2019-07-20 20:08:13 this looks odd https://github.com/timcowchip/timcowchip-Alpine-repo/blob/master/mygpoclient/APKBUILD 2019-07-20 20:09:03 but its the only way I can get to work without a "no package" error 2019-07-20 20:11:25 <_ikke_> Yes, it does look odd indeed 2019-07-20 20:12:01 <_ikke_> https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Python_package_policies#Python_3_only 2019-07-20 20:12:38 ok thanks _ikke_ 2019-07-20 20:47:53 ddevault: I'm working on py-relatorio and it depends on py-genshi and this is a py2 package 2019-07-20 20:48:06 ddevault: it's in main 2019-07-20 20:54:28 bexx: there's no py3-genshi? 2019-07-20 20:55:05 bexx: make a judgement on whether or not to drop the package (is it unmaintained? is python3 support coming soon? is it depended on by anything else?) and if you're unsure make a note and we'll come back to it 2019-07-20 20:55:06 ddevault: I can't find it 2019-07-20 20:56:01 ddevault: it is maintained and it's on 0.7 where upstream 0.7.3 2019-07-20 20:56:17 does genshi upstream have py3 support? 2019-07-20 20:56:24 ddevault: can support py3 2019-07-20 20:56:31 okay, let's make a note and move on 2019-07-20 20:56:35 leave it unported for now 2019-07-20 20:56:41 ok! 2019-07-20 20:56:50 thanks! 2019-07-20 21:18:32 ddevault: I have py-runstatus which the latest commit is from 2011 2019-07-20 21:18:43 ddevault: and doesn't exist on testing 2019-07-20 21:19:09 ddevault: we make a new apkbuild? 2019-07-20 21:19:19 ? 2019-07-20 21:19:34 ddevault: I don't know how to proceed 2019-07-20 21:19:52 it's not in my list for you 2019-07-20 21:19:54 where'd you find it? 2019-07-20 21:20:37 ddevault: I build a list with py-q* and py-r* 2019-07-20 21:20:49 not sure where you got it from 2019-07-20 21:20:52 just skip it I guess 2019-07-20 21:21:10 ddevault: I think I made an ls py-q* on testing/ 2019-07-20 21:21:15 the same for py-r* 2019-07-21 01:50:50 so I configured libpsl to get rid of the warnings that occur on stdout when using a webkit2gtk based browser, but it nearly doubled the size from 53248 to 98304. https://rockdaboot.github.io/libpsl 2019-07-21 01:52:47 should I email the maintainer first or just send a patch to the mailling list and let it be rejected or accepted? 2019-07-21 01:53:32 also, how can I uninstall / downgrade a pkg I built with abuild with what is available from upstream? 2019-07-21 02:23:41 nvm I got it `apk add pkg=vers` 2019-07-21 05:47:43 <_ikke_> xcko: keep in mind that you are basically pinning the package version, it might prevent future upgrades as well 2019-07-21 06:16:33 yeah I manually edited away the =vers portion in /etc/apk/world once I was done 2019-07-21 07:21:26 grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot gives me "grub-install: error: efibootmgr: not found." 2019-07-21 07:21:48 I have installed grub-efi 2019-07-21 07:23:05 and mounted a 500Mb vfat partition in /boot 2019-07-21 07:25:00 brb 2019-07-21 07:32:59 good morning 2019-07-21 07:33:46 I am not sure if anyone already mentioned it in here, but we (ungleich) are building a replacement for openstack/opennebula and we try to use alpine as our primary / reference platform 2019-07-21 07:34:23 The somewhat started manual for ucloud can be found on https://redmine.ungleich.ch/projects/open-infrastructure/wiki/Ucloud and the main ticket on https://redmine.ungleich.ch/issues/6869 2019-07-21 10:32:48 sounds interesting, good luck 2019-07-21 11:35:32 I'm an idiot. 2019-07-21 11:35:38 I reset my passwords in a stupor this morning. 2019-07-21 11:35:48 Both root AND my current user. 2019-07-21 11:37:00 init=/bin/sh I guess 2019-07-21 11:37:11 Or use a live medium and chroot into the thing to reset your pw 2019-07-21 11:37:34 ACTION has experience in resetting my root pw because I forget setting it about every time I set a system up 2019-07-21 11:38:51 I'm currently on the system that I've reset passwords on. 2019-07-21 11:39:25 Is there anything I can do from userland that will make it easier? What's init=/bin/sh? Setting the initscript? 2019-07-21 11:39:54 setting the boot cmdline and rebooting. it requires console access, though 2019-07-21 11:39:59 Setting that as your kernel cmdline will cause you to start into a rootshell 2019-07-21 11:40:15 What's the process to do that? From there, how do I recover? 2019-07-21 11:41:16 depends on your specific setup. generally : reboot, wait for grub menu, edit the cmdline, you get a root shell, mount / as rw,passwd, set something you remember, reboot :) 2019-07-21 11:41:32 Oh, sweet. 2019-07-21 11:41:53 BE RIGHT BACK 2019-07-21 11:41:57 Wait 2019-07-21 11:41:58 (could be different if not using grub, or for exotic boot, or encrypted disks, or ... ) 2019-07-21 11:42:02 I can't even poweroff without sudo. 2019-07-21 11:42:30 click the power button once briefly 2019-07-21 11:42:35 ctrl-alt-suppr, from a console, if not modified :) 2019-07-21 11:42:51 Back soon, then. 2019-07-21 11:42:55 ctrl+alt+del on a tty might work too 2019-07-21 11:42:59 just on the login screen 2019-07-21 11:43:04 s/screen/prompt/ 2019-07-21 11:43:11 it usually does, and is better than hard reboot 2019-07-21 11:58:38 power button not found 2019-07-21 11:59:07 Sweet. Thanks; that worked like a charm. 2019-07-21 14:08:42 <_ikke_> Anyone knows how I can automatically login on boot on a serial port? I don't see an option in the getty help 2019-07-21 15:15:53 _ikke_: agetty --autoogin root is what i've done on other distros 2019-07-21 15:20:47 <_ikke_> Would agetty work on alpine? 2019-07-21 15:22:57 <_ikke_> Apperently not yet packaged 2019-07-21 15:23:25 _ikke_: what about mingetty? 2019-07-21 15:23:42 wonder if getty from ubase would work with that 2019-07-21 15:24:08 _ikke_: uh.. /sbin/agetty is included in util-linux 2019-07-21 15:24:25 https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/contents?file=agetty&path=&name=util-linux&branch=edge&repo=main&arch=x86_64 2019-07-21 15:24:39 <_ikke_> Ugh, autocaps 2019-07-21 15:52:59 hey, all! I've installed nss-pam-ldapd. However, when I do service nslcd restart I get "Error loading shared library libnss_ldap.so.2: No such file or directory" 2019-07-21 15:53:25 I was under the impression this package contained that file 2019-07-21 15:53:30 <_ikke_> sounds like it needs to be rebuilt 2019-07-21 15:55:15 _ikke_ thanks for the reply :) by "rebuilt," do you mean I should `apk del` and `apk add` it again? Or something else 2019-07-21 16:00:34 <_ikke_> ryjo: no, just reinstalling would not solve it 2019-07-21 16:02:00 <_ikke_> I don't see any package providing that file 2019-07-21 16:02:06 <_ikke_> https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/contents?file=libnss_ldap*&path=&name=&branch=edge 2019-07-21 16:02:21 yeah, i just saw the same 2019-07-21 16:02:46 interesting. guess no one's set up ldap clients with alpine yet :) 2019-07-21 16:03:49 https://arthurdejong.org/nss-pam-ldapd/nss-pam-ldapd-0.9.10.tar.gz this is the tarball 2019-07-21 16:04:12 <_ikke_> I wonder how it got built without that being available though 2019-07-21 16:04:51 yeah, that seems odd, that object file doesn't exist in any alpine version as far as i can see 2019-07-21 20:22:26 Packages must not put anything under /srv, /usr/local or /opt? 2019-07-21 20:22:50 where should I put google-chrome? 2019-07-21 20:23:24 <_ikke_> check chromium 2019-07-21 20:23:55 ok 2019-07-21 20:30:31 bsdtar -xf data.tar.xz -C "$pkgdir/" data.tar.xz contains an /opt directory 2019-07-21 20:32:02 :) 2019-07-21 20:34:40 I gotta say there are too many hoops to jump through to get google-chrome on my system 2019-07-21 20:35:19 :) 2019-07-21 20:40:07 can I put an exception in /etc/abuild.conf to work around this "nothing in /opt" business? 2019-07-21 20:40:35 there is an /opt directory on my system 2019-07-21 20:41:14 there's nothing in it and I guess it will remain that way forever 2019-07-21 21:09:51 Am I the only one that cannot watch Netflix on Firefox since ever ? "Sandbox: seccomp sandbox violation" I'm using Firefox from a arch chroot install for a working Firefox. 2019-07-21 21:11:08 _ikke_:https://pastebin.com/Cp1BScC3 is this what you mean by "check chromium"? 2019-07-21 21:15:44 timcowchip: add !fhs to options in the APKBUILD 2019-07-21 21:20:54 ah, thanks maxice8 2019-07-21 22:53:03 do I need to link libc.so.6 to libgcompat.so.0? 2019-07-21 23:06:29 no 2019-07-21 23:09:31 ok what do gcompat do? 2019-07-21 23:09:39 *does 2019-07-21 23:13:05 is it used in apkbuilds? 2019-07-21 23:21:16 :P 2019-07-21 23:28:39 ~/glibcfile 2019-07-21 23:35:16 Alternatively, you can link the musl binary against libgcompat. 2019-07-22 01:48:29 what I have so far https://github.com/timcowchip/timcowchip-Alpine-repo/blob/master/google-chrome/APKBUILD 2019-07-22 01:50:34 it doesn't run of course....libc6........need to figure out how to use PATCHelf 2019-07-22 01:51:38 *PatchELF 2019-07-22 01:59:51 Why even use google-chrome instead of chromium? 2019-07-22 02:01:16 Cogitri: testing software? 2019-07-22 02:01:31 Eh? 2019-07-22 02:01:34 Webpages, rather 2019-07-22 02:02:31 the is a google-chrome extension written by Amcrest for interfacing with their cameras 2019-07-22 02:02:41 You mean as in testing a website? 2019-07-22 02:02:41 But won't Chromium and Google-Chrome give the same results (if you don't need Flash)? 2019-07-22 02:03:03 That doesn't work with chromium? :o 2019-07-22 02:03:05 the page is located in the camera 2019-07-22 02:03:28 doesn't work with chromium 2019-07-22 02:03:43 theu have windows software 2019-07-22 02:03:56 I went for the lesser of 2 evils 2019-07-22 02:04:01 tbh, idk, but if I'm testing web scripts, I want to use Chrome to mimic end user 2019-07-22 02:06:02 Uhh...sure 2019-07-22 02:06:34 I'm getting the impression that nobody cares enough about faking libc6 to actually use gcmopat 2019-07-22 02:09:23 unfortunately I have about $500 worth of hardware that took a lot of work to install on my home, that I'm kind of stuck needing google-chrome if I want to run linux 2019-07-22 02:10:39 testing webpages could be a nice side benefit for people other than myself 2019-07-22 02:10:47 May i ask what is use case? 2019-07-22 02:10:58 ? 2019-07-22 02:11:01 What are you trying to do? 2019-07-22 02:12:02 I've managed to create a google-chrome package with the apkbuild https://github.com/timcowchip/timcowchip-Alpine-repo/blob/master/google-chrome/APKBUILD 2019-07-22 02:12:15 it doesn't run 2019-07-22 02:12:29 after install 2019-07-22 02:12:56 the "no such file" libc6 error 2019-07-22 02:13:57 so I was going to learn more about what I can do to fake libc6 with gcompat 2019-07-22 02:14:12 Honestly, it'd be easiest and least error prone to just make a chroot with some other distro (let's say Void Linux because that's easy to set a chroot up with) and starting google-chrome from there 2019-07-22 02:14:19 My guess is because source="https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb" is built with gcc 2019-07-22 02:14:39 Alpine uses musl libc 2019-07-22 02:14:41 Or using a chrome Flatpak 2019-07-22 02:15:05 flatpak works on alpine? 2019-07-22 02:15:56 I should learn to chroot void linux 2019-07-22 02:16:36 I've got to step away for awhile.....going out to dinner 2019-07-22 02:16:41 bbl 2019-07-22 02:17:27 Yup, flatpak works just fine, I use it for Steam & Discord 2019-07-22 03:13:21 Also, there is: https://github.com/jessfraz/dockerfiles/blob/master/chrome/stable/Dockerfile 2019-07-22 07:04:17 Cogitri: interesting, are there any specific quirks or downsides to running steam & friends in flatpack on alpine? 2019-07-22 07:12:29 going for my 2nd attempt at dual booting 2019-07-22 07:12:57 see you on the other side 2019-07-22 07:43:08 Trying to set up a development container with Alpine, some things I wan't aren't in main so I have to use the testing repo 2019-07-22 07:43:24 can I set that with an environment variable or do I have to pass --repository each time? 2019-07-22 07:43:35 couldn't find anything about that on google 2019-07-22 07:44:37 <_ikke_> Sweepyoface: add it to /etc/apk/repositories 2019-07-22 07:45:35 ah, thanks 2019-07-22 07:47:30 love how quickly apk does things 2019-07-22 07:47:34 as opposed to apt 2019-07-22 07:47:46 <_ikke_> Agreed 2019-07-22 07:54:57 tomponline: freeswitch will be updated soon. probably today 2019-07-22 07:57:17 ncopa: amazing thanks :) 2019-07-22 07:58:15 ncopa: the reason is I have an HEP TLS capture patch merged that didn't make it in 1.8.5 https://www.tomp.uk/2019/02/freeswitch-sip-capture-over-tls-with-sngrep-and-hep/ 2019-07-22 08:00:15 tomponline: is it in 1.8.7 release? 2019-07-22 08:00:59 ncopa: it was merged on 2019-02-26 so should be 2019-07-22 08:04:12 good 2019-07-22 08:04:15 ncopa: just checked the git log, yes it is 2019-07-22 08:05:25 tomponline: e00539f9ba126d115efe56107dba2f36456cd958 2019-07-22 08:05:44 just pushed to edge. do you think we should backport it to 3.10-stable? 2019-07-22 08:06:49 ncopa: its useful for being able to sip trace TLS encrypted dialogues, without it, it makes running TLS services in production pretty difficult to support 2019-07-22 08:09:32 ncopa: so would be good yes 2019-07-22 11:14:46 tomponline: pushed 2019-07-22 11:14:55 ncopa: brilliant thanks 2019-07-22 11:53:15 Hey. After installation of the linux-headers what is the location I should point '/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/ to for the make-related stuff? I am trying to build the 'bbswitch' and keep getting 'make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'modules'. Stop.'. 2019-07-22 11:54:49 I think I need the '/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/' pointing to a proper headers location but can't figure out where that location is. 2019-07-22 12:06:01 Hello folks, I'm going to give alpine a try on my lvm+luks void linux device. 2019-07-22 12:06:12 Any recomendation? 2019-07-22 12:06:29 I mean, I'll just rm everything except for /home. 2019-07-22 12:06:44 Do I get any security issue etc. 2019-07-22 12:19:21 Please does anyone know the actual headers location when 'linux-headers' package is installed? 2019-07-22 12:20:42 soocki: in the web package serach no you can search for package contents 2019-07-22 12:20:54 * no -> now 2019-07-22 12:21:10 I actually did that first of all. 2019-07-22 12:21:27 well it's the second tab 2019-07-22 12:23:19 A 'second tab'. 2019-07-22 12:29:07 is it possible to have "bbswitch" without official nvidia drivers which wont work at all in Alpine? 2019-07-22 12:31:53 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TAB might relate to many things, as for the output of 'apk search --contents linux-headers' god only knows '/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/'what is it you mean. Can anyone just straight up tell me "The headers location is '/this/and/that' and you should symlink the '/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/' to it. 2019-07-22 12:32:07 Than I will say thanks and we all be happy. 2019-07-22 12:33:33 MY_R: I am trying to find out, the first thing I guess is to build it but I am stuck. I am pretty sure I was using the 'bbswitch' withouth official nvidia drivers on the Arch Linux before. 2019-07-22 12:37:34 soocki: https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/contents?branch=edge&name=linux-headers&arch=x86_64&repo=main 2019-07-22 12:38:25 soocki, ye time ago it was working and they stopped to support it at all, and here got headers stuff: /usr/src/linux-headers-4.19.59-0-vanilla/ etc 2019-07-22 12:38:43 it is in "linux-vanilla-dev" package 2019-07-22 12:41:04 and probably you will need mentioned above package "linux-headers" too 2019-07-22 12:41:11 MY_R: So it isn't 'linux-headers' package but 'linux-vanilla-dev' Ha! Thanks I shall try that :) 2019-07-22 12:41:35 gl! 2019-07-22 13:04:26 Where should I add "keymap" option in /etc/mkinitfs/mkinitfs.conf? 2019-07-22 13:05:01 How can I check its values? Is it same as what setup-keyboard script shows us? 2019-07-22 13:19:18 vejetaryenvampir, setup-keymap 2019-07-22 13:20:33 I check the source code and I thnik it looks for /etc/keymaps. 2019-07-22 13:20:38 vejetaryenvampir, after that add "keymap" to the line 2019-07-22 13:20:48 MY_R: docs says before? 2019-07-22 13:20:52 say* 2019-07-22 13:20:58 setup-keymap will copy map file to that path 2019-07-22 13:21:05 yeap. 2019-07-22 13:21:07 Without e 2019-07-22 13:21:15 without extension right? 2019-07-22 13:21:35 .bmap.gz 2019-07-22 13:21:50 Yes or no? 2019-07-22 13:22:03 with above extension 2019-07-22 13:22:21 with extension, right? 2019-07-22 13:23:09 vejetaryenvampir, what you got in /etc/keymap/ ? 2019-07-22 13:23:22 tr-f.bmap.gz 2019-07-22 13:23:35 so all fine 2019-07-22 13:24:00 I passed that: keymap="tr-f.bmap.gz" to mkinitfs.conf. 2019-07-22 13:24:05 if got "keymap" in mkinitfs.conf then now can regenerate initramfs and it will be included 2019-07-22 13:24:05 All fine? 2019-07-22 13:24:11 no 2019-07-22 13:24:24 What's wrong? 2019-07-22 13:25:00 look what "keymap" point to /etc/mkinitfs/features.d/keymap.files 2019-07-22 13:25:23 Yeah. 2019-07-22 13:25:24 you dont have to add anything else, it will copy all files from /etc/keymap to the initramfs 2019-07-22 13:25:49 Just post me the all mkinintfs.conf ile. 2019-07-22 13:25:53 file* 2019-07-22 13:26:29 /etc/keymap/* 2019-07-22 13:26:34 I mean, I can just added `keymap="tr-f.bmap.gz"` to the top, above features. 2019-07-22 13:26:51 What I need, pass "keymap" to features variable? 2019-07-22 13:27:23 just put ONLY keymap in the features 2019-07-22 13:28:05 So, where? At the end or begining, after the cryptsetup part or before? 2019-07-22 13:28:18 Defalut value: features="ata base ide scsi usb virtio ext4 lvm cryptsetup" 2019-07-22 13:28:33 probably before cryptsetup if order have matter 2019-07-22 13:29:06 OKay then. :) 2019-07-22 13:29:20 Then re-run mkinitfs right? 2019-07-22 13:29:31 still you probably will need tell your boot loader to use your keymap 2019-07-22 13:30:07 ye mkinitfs will generate new one and include your keymap 2019-07-22 13:30:33 rd.auto=1 rd.vconsole.keymap=trf for grub? 2019-07-22 13:31:03 that you will have to test on your own, looks good :) 2019-07-22 13:32:05 Can I use Syslinux on bios mbr setup? 2019-07-22 13:33:12 syslinux and grub working fine but with grub can do full single partition disk encryption 2019-07-22 13:33:32 What does syslinux do, may I ask? 2019-07-22 13:33:37 Is it a bootloader? 2019-07-22 13:34:06 BTW, I'm following that: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/LVM_on_LUKS 2019-07-22 13:49:21 vejetaryenvampir, it is just simple bootloader, lighter and dont have so many features like grub but working great with simple setups 2019-07-22 13:54:52 MY_R: I had grub installed to my system, just removing /boot and installing syslinux should work? 2019-07-22 13:55:34 I mean, I have lvm+luks disk with void. I wanted to install alpine on it without touhing /home. 2019-07-22 13:55:55 I follow the wiki and I think the grub still in there somewhere. Now, I will rm /boot. 2019-07-22 13:59:39 MY_R: BTW, sorry for being a noob/newbie to alpine. 2019-07-22 14:00:06 I generarly can handle everything with docs but alpine is very different than any other distro that I worked with. :) 2019-07-22 14:04:56 vejetaryenvampir, dont worry, is good to fly around dirs and files in /etc and check them out 2019-07-22 15:10:06 Nope, I can'T figrue it out how. 2019-07-22 15:54:45 Sorry, I'm trying to install it for couple hours but I couldn't achieve. 2019-07-22 15:58:31 vejetaryenvampir : rd. kernel parm is for dracut. Alpine does not use dracut so those will be ignored 2019-07-22 15:59:42 if I were you I would back /home somewhere else and rsync later 2019-07-22 15:59:57 the link you sent above about LVM on LUKs should work for Alpine 2019-07-22 16:01:06 list of Alpine's supported kernel parm : https://git.alpinelinux.org/mkinitfs/tree/initramfs-init.in#n314 2019-07-22 16:02:14 tmhoang: I didn't use grub though. 2019-07-22 16:02:59 I follow the wiki without creating brand new encryption. 2019-07-22 16:03:07 creating a* 2019-07-22 17:02:22 if you want it installed, it's probably best to do it the documented way before you try deviating from it 2019-07-22 17:04:18 <^andrea^75006683> hello! 2019-07-22 17:04:47 <^andrea^75006683> is there a way to find what package contains a certain command please? 2019-07-22 17:05:09 <^andrea^75006683> for example right now I'm looking at the "host" command 2019-07-22 17:05:51 <^andrea^75006683> for example on centOS this would be achieved with "yum provides host" 2019-07-22 17:05:55 pkgs.alpinelinux.org or the apk-file pkg 2019-07-22 17:06:26 <^andrea^75006683> I read about "apk-file" but I could not find which package contains it.. :-) 2019-07-22 17:06:49 n the wiki there's a page tha explain al the amdinistrative package commands https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Comparison_with_other_distros 2019-07-22 17:07:20 <^andrea^75006683 "I read about "apk-file" but I co"> https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/contents?file=apk-file&path=&name=&branch=edge&repo=main&arch=x86_64 2019-07-22 17:07:23 The apk-file package seems promising :) 2019-07-22 17:08:01 <^andrea^75006683> yes, i just noticed. 2019-07-22 17:08:08 <^andrea^75006683> I wonder what I was doing wrong 2019-07-22 17:08:24 <^andrea^75006683> anyway, thanks I'll go and study what I'm missing 2019-07-22 17:08:28 <^andrea^75006683> thank you! ;-) 2019-07-22 17:09:17 <^andrea^75006683> "ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints" is what I was getting when trying to install apk-file... 2019-07-22 17:09:37 <^andrea^75006683> now that I know that's the correct name I'll google it and so on... 2019-07-22 17:09:38 <^andrea^75006683 "thank you! ;-)"> 👍 2019-07-22 17:21:23 <^andrea^75006683> apparently I'm using alpine 3.10 and "apk-file" is in edge/testing 2019-07-22 17:21:51 <^andrea^75006683> I assume that's why it cannot be found 2019-07-22 17:22:18 Yup 2019-07-22 17:33:36 <^andrea^75006683> just reporting back that I've given up on apk-file for now, it's not working on edge either 2019-07-22 17:33:49 <^andrea^75006683> the website listing the packages did the trick for me 2019-07-22 17:34:04 <^andrea^75006683> and I've solved the problem I was after 2019-07-22 17:34:09 <^andrea^75006683> thanks again 2019-07-22 17:36:40 Hm, apk-file works just fine for me on edge 2019-07-22 17:40:27 <^andrea^75006683> PS: I've also tried to install it from the github release instructions (https://github.com/genuinetools/apk-file/releases) and the first command is complaining because there is hyphen in the env variable :-) 2019-07-22 17:41:01 <^andrea^75006683> maybe you are able to tell me what I'm doing wrong: https://pastebin.com/a9wQyfGs 2019-07-22 17:41:29 <^andrea^75006683> again, it's more a curiosity at this stage.. 2019-07-22 17:41:46 You need to enable the testing repo in /etc/apk/repositories 2019-07-22 17:42:09 <_ikke_> it's generally not advised to combine stable and edge 2019-07-22 17:42:34 <_ikke_> You could cherry-pick certain packages from edge, but it may not work due to dependency differnces 2019-07-22 17:43:10 <_ikke_ "it's generally not advised to co"> Yes, but they're running in an edge docker container from what I can tell 2019-07-22 17:44:08 <_ikke_> "apparently I'm using alpine 3.10" 2019-07-22 17:45:40 <^andrea^75006683 "maybe you are able to tell me wh"> Ah yes, was referring to this ^ 2019-07-22 17:45:50 <^andrea^75006683> I was using alpine with no TAG, which uses 3.10 be default - then we discussed that apk-file was on edge, so i switched to test it... 2019-07-22 17:46:34 <_ikke_> apk-file depends just on musl 2019-07-22 17:46:52 <_ikke_> Not sure how stable that is 2019-07-22 17:48:40 <^andrea^75006683> apk-file search host 2019-07-22 17:48:40 <^andrea^75006683> FATA[0000] requesting https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/contents?arch=&branch=&file=%2Asearch%2A&path=&repo= failed: Get https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/contents?arch=&branch=&file=%2Asearch%2A&path=&repo=: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority 2019-07-22 17:48:53 <^andrea^75006683> I've enabled the testing repo 2019-07-22 17:49:05 <_ikke_> This is a CA issue 2019-07-22 17:49:12 <^andrea^75006683> installed apk-file with no problems 2019-07-22 17:49:22 <^andrea^75006683> yes 2019-07-22 17:49:53 <^andrea^75006683> I would say apk-file is installable, but needs fiddling 2019-07-22 17:50:14 <^andrea^75006683> and definitely you don't want the testing repo in production 2019-07-22 17:50:48 <^andrea^75006683> so I'll stick to the website for now 2019-07-22 17:51:19 <_ikke_> generally you don't care about apk-file in production either 2019-07-22 17:51:55 <^andrea^75006683> true, true! 2019-07-22 17:52:58 <^andrea^75006683> otherwise what's the point of using alpine, you might as well use a massive distro with all sorts of utils out of the box... 2019-07-22 18:44:11 o/ 2019-07-22 18:44:44 I'm struggling to find good documentation; what service management system does alpine use? 2019-07-22 18:47:32 openrc 2019-07-22 18:47:47 mm 2019-07-22 18:48:02 isn't there a service management utility built into busybox? or am I misremembering that? 2019-07-22 18:55:40 yeah, runit 2019-07-22 18:55:45 is that not a thing? 2019-07-22 19:12:49 I think alpine actually shoots for being init agnostic... but the default (and probably best supported) is openrc 2019-07-22 19:13:30 halosghost: It is not enabled 2019-07-22 19:13:41 # CONFIG_RUNSV is not set 2019-07-22 19:13:42 and so on 2019-07-22 19:14:09 as far as I can recall, systemd doesn't build cleanly 2019-07-22 19:14:19 but that's not a big surprise to be honest 2019-07-22 19:14:22 maxice8: I see 2019-07-22 19:14:23 <_ikke_> systemd officially only supports glibc 2019-07-22 19:14:30 yeah ^ 2019-07-22 19:14:36 that's unfortunate 2019-07-22 19:14:51 I've heard good things about runit 2019-07-22 19:16:27 there is s6 for those that want runit but it is not an init like runit is on Void Linux 2019-07-22 19:18:25 s6 is a bit different 2019-07-22 19:18:32 i haven't used it extensively, just played around with it 2019-07-22 19:22:56 I was kind of sick of runit because couldnt predict when some service will strat after boot :D 2019-07-22 19:29:21 Could anyone help me figure out my passtrough issue? 2019-07-22 19:30:09 I would ask in the pci passthru irc 2019-07-22 19:30:25 Can't bridge network either :( 2019-07-22 19:31:08 if they are related, maybe one will fix the others 2019-07-22 19:31:17 It's probably a missing package, or something really stupid, I just can't figure out what,... 2019-07-22 19:32:40 I found https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/edge/main/x86_64/libnl3 last time, is this needed for bridging ? 2019-07-22 19:38:22 I don't think anything is _needed_ for bridging (other than maybe iputils)... but I don't know libvirt that well 2019-07-22 19:44:02 Umm, interesting, then I really don't know why i'm not able to get it working ... 2019-07-22 19:55:44 :) 2019-07-22 19:56:07 compiling firefox on void 2019-07-22 19:57:32 oh man, openrc is 2MiB 2019-07-22 19:57:57 how big is busybox when built with runit? 2019-07-22 19:58:05 time to re-install alpine? 2019-07-22 19:58:21 timcowchip: I haven't installed alpine yet 2019-07-22 19:58:24 I'm a long-time arch user 2019-07-22 19:58:35 but I'm looking to switch to something much lighter here in the next few months 2019-07-22 19:58:38 trying to plan ahead 2019-07-22 19:58:58 <_ikke_> Is there a reason you care about openrc vs runit? 2019-07-22 19:59:08 may I recommend alpine-linux 2019-07-22 19:59:39 _ikke_: because openrc is 2MiB and if busybox had runit enabled, it still wouldn't be that big :) 2019-07-22 19:59:51 ACTION is having a bit of a neurosis about installed-size at the moment 2019-07-22 20:00:16 <_ikke_> You still need service configuration files for all services 2019-07-22 20:00:24 <_ikke_> atm, alpinelinux only ships openrc init files 2019-07-22 20:00:36 mmm 2019-07-22 20:00:42 that'd make using runit painful 2019-07-22 20:00:53 on the flip side, I don't really plan to run many services :P 2019-07-22 20:01:14 oh well, I'll just accept openrc for now instead of making my life that much more painful 2019-07-22 20:01:20 S6 looks very nice tbh 2019-07-22 20:01:23 I'm already going to do some crazy things like build my own kernel 2019-07-22 20:01:54 may I recommend crux-linux 2019-07-22 20:03:00 s6-rc is nice but annoying to use in a distro context IMHO, 66 seems a bit easier to use :) 2019-07-22 20:03:24 I know I want a musl-based binary-distribution with a busybox userland 2019-07-22 20:03:30 alpine pretty fully fits that bill :) 2019-07-22 20:03:46 plus, alpine has a lot of tooling that descends from some of arch's things so I'll feel comfy :) 2019-07-22 20:04:35 alpine seems to be close to a perfect fit 2019-07-22 20:04:50 lest I go full-bore, abandon binary-distros and just LFS the thing 2019-07-22 20:04:54 but I'm not planning ont hat :) 2019-07-22 20:05:14 s/t h/ th/ 2019-07-22 20:08:28 it looks like everything else I want is pretty much covered, or I can reasonably package it 2019-07-22 20:08:34 which is exciting 2019-07-22 20:08:55 the most involved process is definitely going to be building linux 2019-07-22 20:09:15 which isn't that big of a deal, I imagine 2019-07-22 20:09:23 ACTION is exciting 2019-07-22 20:18:31 Nobody can help me with my passtrough problem? 2019-07-22 20:23:03 what issue? 2019-07-22 20:23:07 I haven't seen you post the actual thing yet 2019-07-22 20:29:22 You're right, I'll post a ghetto screenshot, give me a sec 2019-07-22 20:30:57 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/466834234422591499/602960695075536909/20190722_163011.jpg 2019-07-22 20:31:24 Sorry about the quality, I'm not connecting my host to the internet yet! 2019-07-22 20:33:16 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/466834234422591499/602961295255273483/20190722_163243.jpg 2019-07-22 20:33:53 hmm 2019-07-22 20:34:42 I think you talked about this a day or two ago? 2019-07-22 20:35:29 Yeah, but I haven't figure out the issue yet! 2019-07-22 20:39:05 what hardware do you have? 2019-07-22 20:39:37 cpu in particular 2019-07-22 20:41:28 i7 4720HQ 2019-07-22 20:46:09 do you have vt-d enabled? 2019-07-22 20:46:40 (sorry, my irc host is acting slow, can barely finish lines before it gets stuck again) 2019-07-22 20:48:24 https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/5/html/virtualization/chap-virtualization-pci_passthrough - that's a pretty comprehensive doc about it 2019-07-22 20:50:15 It says /boot/grub/grub.conf dosen't exist 2019-07-22 20:51:27 nvm it's called grub.cfg for some reasons ? 2019-07-22 20:52:31 I wouldn't know, I avoid grub like plague 2019-07-22 20:52:45 Why :O ? 2019-07-22 20:53:58 as do I 2019-07-22 20:54:09 it's huge 2019-07-22 20:54:17 a horror to configure and an overly complex boot loader, basically 2019-07-22 20:54:19 and its config-generation is hilarious 2019-07-22 20:54:22 it usually is called grub.cfg 2019-07-22 20:55:24 What do you use? 2019-07-22 20:56:39 when I have systemd and EFI: systemd-boot; when I don't have systemd but still have EFI: gummiboot (the codebase on which systemd-boot is based); when I don't have EFI: syslinux 2019-07-22 20:57:54 that'd be my answer as well 2019-07-22 20:58:23 important note: syslinux does not support cross-volume booting 2019-07-22 20:58:26 grub does 2019-07-22 20:58:33 if you need that, then you may be better off with grub 2019-07-22 20:58:51 does gummiboot exist? 2019-07-22 20:58:56 i thought it became systemd-boot 2019-07-22 20:59:13 that it did 2019-07-22 20:59:31 https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/edge/main/aarch64/gummiboot 2019-07-22 20:59:39 it did become systemd-boot 2019-07-22 20:59:51 nothing stopping you from using its last release 2019-07-22 21:00:27 Where should I append the intel_iommu=on line ? 2019-07-22 21:00:38 assuming there are no severe unpatched bugs or security issues, or necessary newer features missing, then yeah, i guess 2019-07-22 21:00:54 danieli: there have been very few things that have happened since then afaik 2019-07-23 00:02:05 Hi, is there a way to set what order periodic crons are executed on alpine? e.g. filename? 2019-07-23 00:08:12 ironically found the solution in ubuntu man pages, in case this is logged and somebody finds it too: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man8/run-parts.8.html 2019-07-23 00:12:04 I still haven't figure out my problems :( 2019-07-23 00:51:13 I'm trying to update grub and it says -ash: update-grub: not found 2019-07-23 07:54:32 so what's up with falkon 2019-07-23 07:54:38 ? 2019-07-23 07:55:09 it keeps trying and failing to load the start page 2019-07-23 07:55:31 Yes, QtWebengine is broken on musl >=1.22 rn 2019-07-23 07:55:39 Other stuff like MellowPlayer is hit too 2019-07-23 07:56:50 ah ok thanks Cogitri 2019-07-23 10:03:32 I just wanna do dope shit. 2019-07-23 10:37:59 is there mod_wsgi for httpd for python3 ? 2019-07-23 10:38:10 Seems that https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/v3.10/main/x86_64/apache2-mod-wsgi is for python2 2019-07-23 11:54:35 muhaha: I would generally recommend uwsgi instead. 2019-07-23 11:55:02 Arahael: but its not integrated outofthe box with apache2, right? 2019-07-23 11:55:16 muhaha: Neither is mod_wsgi. 2019-07-23 11:56:04 Also, I'd recommend nginx over apache> :) 2019-07-23 12:01:15 Arahael: me too, but https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler has direct dependency to httpd :D 2019-07-23 12:03:51 muhaha: Ahh well. :) 2019-07-23 14:29:02 I'm playing with alpine with KVM and am having a bit of trouble with `ash`. bash works fine, but ash prints ^[[37;5R on every line. I googled it every which way, I can't find what it's meant to do. 37 might be "set foreground color to white", but now sure about 5R. 2019-07-23 14:29:17 the double brackets are throwing me off too 2019-07-23 14:29:44 maybe this is a better question for #busybox 2019-07-23 16:06:16 I'm still open for suggestions to help me with my problems, if anyone has some 2019-07-23 19:22:01 KH405: why are you trying to use macvtap? 2019-07-23 19:56:39 Cogitri: Damn, can't find it on alpine's repo :( 2019-07-23 19:57:02 iggy, It's the only option virt-manager is giving me. I probably should look into that ... 2019-07-23 19:59:42 looks like 66 tools are not keyboard usage friendly. 2019-07-23 20:01:07 "keyboard usage driendly"? 2019-07-23 20:03:33 '6' is far away from 'jkl;' row 2019-07-23 20:06:13 ohh lol, not much of an issue for me :P 2019-07-23 20:40:09 iggy: Is there a way to use it only as bridge with virt-manager? 2019-07-23 20:51:42 KH405: I'm not super familiar with virt-manager, you probably want to ask in the libvirt channel 2019-07-23 21:01:30 This channel is dead af :( 2019-07-24 04:04:47 I'm having some trouble with amdgpu: loading it with `modprobe amdgpu` says "Invalid argument" and `dmesg | tail` afterwards reports the error "[drm:amdgpu_init [amdgpu]] *ERROR* VGACON disables amdgpu kernel modesetting." 2019-07-24 04:05:08 Any suggestions? 2019-07-24 04:08:32 welp, that's a bit embarassing 2019-07-24 04:08:52 Removing nomodeset from my boot options in /boot/extlinux.conf fixed it 2019-07-24 04:10:43 heh, nomodeset sounds like a really bad/backwards idea :-p 2019-07-24 04:13:37 nomodeset is needed for i915 2019-07-24 04:13:43 https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/kernel_mode_setting 2019-07-24 04:26:19 no it's not 2019-07-24 04:26:35 i use i915 and absolutely use/want kms 2019-07-24 04:27:31 For some reason it's in the default bootloader config 2019-07-24 04:28:12 I guess it's a little safer in case your driver doesn't support it 2019-07-24 04:29:22 that's nasty 2019-07-24 05:17:43 I'm trying to get sway working, but it can't find any libinput devices. `libinput list-devices` comes up empty too. Any ideas as to why that might be? 2019-07-24 05:20:15 Do you use udev? 2019-07-24 05:22:17 Not unless it's in the default install 2019-07-24 05:31:26 I've installed udev. What rules should I add? 2019-07-24 05:32:13 None, just add udev, udev-trigger and udev-postmount to your boot with openrc-update 2019-07-24 05:32:36 Then it should recognise your devices upon a reboot 2019-07-24 13:02:39 hey there 2019-07-24 13:03:12 is alpine for raspberry in hard float or soft float? 2019-07-24 13:07:58 aiui all the alpine arm targets are hardfloat now 2019-07-24 13:08:01 the naming is poor 2019-07-24 13:09:00 armhf was named hf for hard float, as opposed to an earlier (now dropped) one that was soft 2019-07-24 13:09:15 it's built for armv6 (but of course works on later too) 2019-07-24 13:09:56 armv7 is named as such because it's built for armv7 (should run faster if you have armv7), but it's still hard float too 2019-07-24 13:10:24 the naming makes it sound like it's either-or between hardfloat and v7 and that's not the case (and wouldn't make any sense) 2019-07-24 13:12:30 okay, will try this once I get my new raspberry pi 4 :)) 2019-07-24 13:15:44 oh still going to use 32bit 2019-07-24 14:49:01 exist any workaround to not get the loadinternal: cannot find runtime/cgo ? 2019-07-24 14:49:10 I'm getting it with a simple go test 2019-07-24 14:50:43 good evening 2019-07-24 15:26:04 <_ikke_> danieli: agetty worked btw 2019-07-24 15:26:07 <_ikke_> just a drop-in replacement 2019-07-24 15:26:35 _ikke_: yeah, it should be :) 2019-07-24 15:26:38 glad you got it sorted 2019-07-24 15:47:33 Bonjour a tous! Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction on this one, I'm trying to get my SBCL package PR to go through, however since it relies on clisp the CI tests are failing. My clisp PR was merged, but I'm guessing there's some delay before that change makes it into the official package repo? 2019-07-24 15:48:49 wsinatra: nice to see you again :) 2019-07-24 15:49:16 and hmm - if you submitted both in the same PR with the clisp commit first(?) it should work 2019-07-24 15:49:31 you could try force pushing an empty commit to restart the CI, as absurd as it sounds 2019-07-24 15:49:48 <_ikke_> Or you can restart it yourself 2019-07-24 15:49:59 <_ikke_> if you are logged in to travis / drone, I believe you can restart it 2019-07-24 15:50:37 I didn't see an option to do that myself 2019-07-24 15:50:50 and I was logged into drone 2019-07-24 15:50:51 <_ikke_> did you explicitly login to drone / travis? 2019-07-24 15:50:54 <_ikke_> ok 2019-07-24 15:51:00 Hmm yeah the option to restart is greyed out on my end 2019-07-24 15:51:12 <_ikke_> What's the PR? I can restart it 2019-07-24 15:51:28 #9669 2019-07-24 15:51:33 https://github.com/alpinelinux/aports/pull/9669 2019-07-24 15:53:22 <_ikke_> restarted 2019-07-24 15:53:35 Merci beaucoup! 2019-07-24 15:54:34 <_ikke_> Since recent, packages should be available very quickly 2019-07-24 15:55:06 Looking at the CI log it looks like it's compiling SBCL with CLISP, so the restart seems to bode well thus far 2019-07-24 15:56:01 I'm hopeful :) ready to apk add sbcl and remove all of my bodgey work arounds from my ansible scripts 2019-07-24 15:56:08 <_ikke_> heh 2019-07-24 16:45:55 Ah I see why the build was failing now 2019-07-24 19:20:10 Has anyone had a Drone build fail with a "could not build fake ancestor" error? 2019-07-24 19:20:31 <_ikke_> I think I have seen that before 2019-07-24 19:20:36 <_ikke_> You might need to rebase 2019-07-24 19:21:30 I'll give it a shot! thanks Ikke 2019-07-24 20:25:16 @_ikke_ thanks for the suggestion, pretty sure that was a self inflicted wound. I ended up re-forking aports and after that everything was fine. Turns out I was trying to re-commit my clisp stuff by accident 2019-07-24 20:34:26 I'm trying to troubleshoot a PAM hiccup but the auth log seems pretty sparse, is there any additional place to check why an account isn't able to login in alpine? 2019-07-24 20:39:16 PAM is kind of a pain to debug, maybe creating `/etc/pam_debug` will give you better output though? 2019-07-24 20:39:50 Please do ping me if you find something since I'm the last one who messed with the PAM rules so that breakage might be on me 2019-07-24 20:40:11 I don't think there's any breakage, I'm bootstrapping netauth on alpine 2019-07-24 20:40:16 having to port my rules from void across 2019-07-24 20:40:47 Ah, alrighty 2019-07-24 20:41:29 Well, /etc/pam_debug or appending `debug` to lines in /etc/pam.d/* are your options as far as I can see :/ 2019-07-24 20:41:46 my understanding is that appending debug is just passed as an option to the module 2019-07-24 20:41:52 pam_netauth provides no debugging handles 2019-07-24 20:46:35 Ah :/ 2019-07-24 20:48:05 I'm tailing the server log though and it doesn't even seem to be called 2019-07-24 21:11:40 I'm starting to think that Drone and I just don't get along. The build process works just fine with Travis, but drone errors out with an unexpected return code. 2019-07-24 21:11:54 Truly bizarre that it would build fine on one but not the other 2019-07-24 21:15:49 Cogitri: does the alpine implementation need some extra magic to get modules registered? I'm getting a lot of module not known right now 2019-07-24 21:26:21 excuse my french, but it's kinda crap 2019-07-24 21:26:31 i was thinking the same thing as you earlier 2019-07-24 21:26:34 "keep restarting until it works" 2019-07-24 21:26:39 it failed like 5x for me 2019-07-24 21:27:19 It's a little bit frustrating, because it works just fine with abuild, and travis picks it up as well. But Drone, despite showing the exact same logging just hates everything 2019-07-24 21:27:21 I've so far avoided drone, its pretty crap in terms of diagnostics 2019-07-24 21:28:14 Agreed there, but unless I'm missing something both drone and travis have to pass for the PR to go through (unless someone with write access decides otherwise) 2019-07-24 21:29:41 oh I don't contribute to alpine at the moment so I can't say there 2019-07-24 21:29:52 but over with Void we considered swapping out travis for drone 2019-07-24 21:30:25 No worries there, I'm fairly green myself. The clisp and sbcl builds are the first ones I've done 2019-07-24 21:30:49 I personally dig travis, solid system. But haven't actually used drone outside of this 2019-07-24 21:31:15 I find travis to be really unreliable as well 2019-07-24 21:32:36 I haven't had any real issues, but then again, I haven't used it much either 2019-07-24 21:32:46 I imagine anything under real durress is going to show flaws 2019-07-24 21:39:36 anyone successfully used bluetooth on alpine? 2019-07-24 21:41:30 timcowchip I think I've seen it work on a raspberry pi. If so, you could probably find some tutorial in your own googlefilterbuble. That should give you some directions.. 2019-07-24 21:43:08 I've seen https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi_3_-_Setting_Up_Bluetooth 2019-07-24 21:44:36 and I have made apkbuilds for blueman and blueberry https://github.com/timcowchip/timcowchip-Alpine-repo 2019-07-24 21:45:30 unfortunately though they both build and run, I can't tell if they really work 2019-07-24 21:46:51 I seem to need su privileges to run bluetoothctl 2019-07-24 21:47:48 I can pair and trust a device with bluetoothctl, I can't connect the device 2019-07-24 21:48:22 So you can scan for devices etc? 2019-07-24 21:49:48 yes 2019-07-24 21:50:26 only as root though 2019-07-24 21:50:41 and I'm in the netdev group 2019-07-24 21:54:53 void linux has a bluetooth group 2019-07-24 21:57:21 I know.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 2019-07-24 21:57:40 f'n bluetooth 2019-07-24 21:58:01 probably the most over-hyped technology ever 2019-07-24 22:55:23 Offtopic, but what do you guys think about adélie linux ? It looks alot like alpine 2019-07-24 22:57:29 KH405: it is based on alpine 2019-07-24 22:58:07 a fork, to be more precise 2019-07-24 22:58:31 or something like that, but started from alpine 2019-07-24 22:59:31 Yeah, it uses apk too 2019-07-24 23:04:32 The only difference I see is like Coreutils replaced busybox ... 2019-07-24 23:06:17 you can install coreutils on alpine 2019-07-24 23:07:37 True, then what are the other differences :P ? 2019-07-24 23:08:38 didn't tried adelie, but looks like it is more oriented to end user than admin 2019-07-24 23:08:57 calling adelie an alpine's fork is rather wrong. you can read a bit about adelie at: https://www.adelielinux.org/about-qa.html 2019-07-24 23:09:19 Read that already, if i'm not wrong it used to be an alpine fork ? 2019-07-24 23:11:18 I stand corrected 2019-07-24 23:14:51 Cogitri: gah, the error I'm running into is TLS problems 2019-07-24 23:15:05 this is not resolveable on alpine without gcc 2019-07-24 23:15:47 maldridge: hey :D glad to see you here 2019-07-24 23:15:57 long time no see maxice8 2019-07-24 23:15:59 how's life? 2019-07-24 23:17:08 keeps going 2019-07-24 23:18:34 you might know this maxice8 I need to compile a shared lib with a different TLS exec mode 2019-07-24 23:18:49 any thoughts on how I can do this without bootstrapping a GCC with the go frontend? 2019-07-24 23:22:47 Anyway, I still haven,t figured out my passtrough problem :( 2019-07-24 23:22:53 hmmm, no clue about that 2019-07-24 23:22:56 i am completely ignorant about that 2019-07-24 23:23:09 like I can see that the gcc-go component appears to be built and packaged 2019-07-24 23:23:18 but where it is escapes me, it doesn't appear to be in main for sure 2019-07-24 23:24:20 PCi passtrough and macvtap are throwing errors still and I haven't figure out how to use bridge mode without macvtap with virt-manager 2019-07-24 23:27:43 maldridge: just a guess but maybe it was added on a version after the one you're using ? unless you're using 3.10 2019-07-24 23:27:57 I'm on 3.10, and I am looking in edge 2019-07-24 23:28:10 [ "$CTARGET_LIBC" = musl ] && LANG_GO=false 2019-07-24 23:28:12 looks like its optional to build, which may mean I'll need to scrap alpine for this project 2019-07-24 23:28:15 line 90 of main/gcc/APKBUILD 2019-07-24 23:28:20 guess the go frontend isn't built 2019-07-24 23:28:28 yeah, I'm going to have to reconsider my use of the distro now 2019-07-24 23:28:34 :/ 2019-07-24 23:28:44 bummer 2019-07-25 00:03:20 Do you guys think that alpine could ship with S6 as default someday? 2019-07-25 00:15:02 KH405: iirc the docs for s6-init state that a general purpose init isn't possible and needs to be setup per host. 2019-07-25 00:24:51 Well the reason I was looking towards adélie is that it came with S6 by default 2019-07-25 00:25:26 last I checked I think they switched from s6 as well in their last beta release 2019-07-25 00:27:26 website says openRC and or S6 2019-07-25 00:28:01 afaik adelie never used s6 by default in the first place 2019-07-25 00:29:00 general purpose init with s6 is possible like with anything else 2019-07-25 00:29:08 but someone has to write it 2019-07-25 07:01:03 how many times per day you get hit by the busybox grep -r option (while being used to -R)? 2019-07-25 07:01:19 I should create some alias in my shell 2019-07-25 07:03:09 Not at all since I use rg 2019-07-25 07:03:46 it's ripgrep, right? 2019-07-25 07:06:08 Yup 2019-07-25 11:05:52 mps: any good news ? 2019-07-25 11:23:42 yunfan: Hi! are you spying on me :-) (just kidding) 2019-07-25 11:24:40 yesterday I made merge request on gitlab.a.o to add usb on some sunxi boards (sun4i) 2019-07-25 11:25:52 https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/merge_requests/3 2019-07-25 11:26:42 I think your question is about that 2019-07-25 11:45:36 Hi all, I've got a networking issue with alpine inside a VM, though I don't think the VM is the issue. 2019-07-25 11:46:02 I can ping any IP, I can curl results, but DNS won't resolve, my resolv.conf has "nameserver" in it and nothing else 2019-07-25 11:46:07 But even "dig @ google.com" doesn't work 2019-07-25 11:49:03 I'd probably check with tcpdump that the right packets are going in and out of the vm 2019-07-25 11:51:33 I think I've seen cases where iptables on the hypervisor would somehow discard returning dns responses. had to do something with checksums 2019-07-25 11:54:25 mps: thanks for that, it had been quit a loong time for me to come back to this issue :D 2019-07-25 12:01:53 mps: i had check that issue related, is it just the usb problem? 2019-07-25 12:02:38 yes, this enables USB module for kernel 2019-07-25 12:08:47 aruzicka, I think you might be right, I see data going in and out as expected for anything except DNS 2019-07-25 12:09:44 Morulius: I assume iptables are used to perform NAT, right? 2019-07-25 12:10:12 Morulius, traceroute -n working fine? 2019-07-25 12:10:18 aruzicka, no in this case I've simply setup the interface on a bridge 2019-07-25 12:10:25 ah, interesting 2019-07-25 12:10:29 MY_R, works fine yes 2019-07-25 12:10:43 I doubt it helps but this is the tcpdump output: https://paste.rs/2bU 2019-07-25 12:12:34 Morulius, try drill/dig with "-4" option 2019-07-25 12:12:37 was it taken in the vm or on the hypervisor? 2019-07-25 12:12:45 hypervisor 2019-07-25 12:13:23 MY_R, aha! It worked with -4 2019-07-25 12:13:45 the joy of ipv6 2019-07-25 12:13:52 ye it trying do ipv6 first and not doing fallback to ipv4 ... 2019-07-25 12:14:13 ye, that is why I'm disabling it, to avoid such a weird problems 2019-07-25 12:17:06 Why would only DNS try ipv6 though, It's even more confusing that I see the data go out 2019-07-25 12:17:25 So it makes the request over ipv4 but expects a response over ipv6? 2019-07-25 12:17:53 somehow ipv6 got higher priority 2019-07-25 12:17:55 yunfan: maybe I misunderstood your question, you asked something else? 2019-07-25 12:22:10 Morulius, try with sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 and sysctl net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1 2019-07-25 12:23:13 MY_R, still breaking 2019-07-25 12:23:23 Nope scratch that, you're a life saver 2019-07-25 12:23:30 Thank you so much, I was tearing my hair out 2019-07-25 12:24:30 add it to /etc/sysctl.d/90-blabla.conf and enjoy or set up correctly ipv6 on host :) 2019-07-25 12:26:56 mps: yes, i mean the problem that caused kernel dont response to INT signals 2019-07-25 12:29:09 ah, you mean reset? 2019-07-25 12:29:18 reboot, actually 2019-07-25 12:30:08 mps: yes 2019-07-25 12:31:28 we are now testing gitlab and I hope that we will soon start to use it for sending patches (merge requests) 2019-07-25 12:31:57 (I starting to dislike new aports mailing list system) 2019-07-25 12:33:18 will note reboot problem for sunxi, and will make MR (merge request) when we start to use it for sending patches 2019-07-25 12:52:31 mr1 2019-07-25 12:52:43 Guess not then. ;-) 2019-07-25 12:58:34 tcely: about sunxi? mr3 2019-07-25 12:59:27 mps: I was looking for a bot response like pr1 2019-07-25 13:00:34 not yet 2019-07-25 13:00:41 It'd be good to have bugs.a.o updated to respond with gitlab.a.o too 2019-07-25 13:01:13 hmm, does shorthand gl.a.o works 2019-07-25 13:01:19 no 2019-07-25 13:51:23 So I am trying out Alpine Linux in a VM. I was installing flatpaks and they worked great for a day, but now they wont load. When I try to load them from the command line i get an error 2019-07-25 13:53:17 ACTION sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/arHmhEtFjjZmITHMBEmkcomi > 2019-07-25 14:59:04 rjBadger: never seen that before. Is flatpack using /tmp with bad perms or did a mounted directory get removed? 2019-07-25 15:03:09 ACTION sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/BLjnMiZUbDZYCmdytQhfoEKx > 2019-07-25 15:14:20 Anyone know why Thunderbird is not it the repos / how to install it on alpine? The download from the mozilla website does not seem to work. 2019-07-25 15:16:42 The download likely uses glibc but Alpine Linux uses musl 2019-07-25 15:16:48 The download won't work because that's linked against glibc and not musl 2019-07-25 15:17:02 rjBadger: no one make it to builds on Alpine, I think 2019-07-25 15:17:29 About thunderbird in the repos: https://github.com/alpinelinux/aports/pull/9524 2019-07-25 15:18:01 Do I guess you'll have to wait a bit, it should be in 3.11 though 2019-07-25 15:18:08 I can recommend you Evolution or Geary in the meantime 2019-07-25 15:18:29 Ah that makes sense, its nice that its being worked on though 2019-07-25 15:19:15 PureTryOut: How well does KDE work now? It sounds tempting to finally purge Debian from my parents' PC :P 2019-07-25 15:19:32 ah, I see, someone work on it 2019-07-25 15:19:46 For /var/tmp I seem to recall we had some package change permissions on that directory but I don't recall which 2019-07-25 15:20:07 claws-mail works fine on Alpine, small simple sec...? 2019-07-25 15:31:49 Found it. https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/issues/9364 2019-07-25 15:33:22 Everything works great except for the date/time widget, it doesn't actually display the time. Clicking on it normally shows a calendar but that is empty too 2019-07-25 15:33:49 Once I somehow fix that I'll move Plasma to community 2019-07-25 15:33:57 Sounds good, thanks for the info 2019-07-25 15:34:14 Np! 2019-07-25 15:34:16 I guess I'll try it then :) 2019-07-25 15:34:43 Also, I should try to get GNOME in community before 3.11, I guess 2019-07-25 15:34:53 That'd be nice! 2019-07-25 15:35:03 Then we can keep Phosh in postmarketOS without forking the entire GNOME stack lol 2019-07-25 15:47:02 Yeah, that'd be better, I imagine 2019-07-25 15:47:24 Kind of thinking about getting a Pinephone now :) 2019-07-25 15:52:18 Having the same(-ish) OS on all of my devices would be pretty amazing 2019-07-25 17:08:03 Agreed! 2019-07-25 17:08:21 It's why I'm planning to switch both my PC's to Alpine Linux eventually. Have laptop switched so far 2019-07-25 17:09:55 Hm, I guess I might switch my NAS over to Alpine too, but FreeNAS is soooo comfy (and I'd need a chroot for Plex Media Server anyway since that doesn't work on musl) 2019-07-25 17:09:58 But I do about everything on my Laptop which is Alpine, so that's good 2019-07-25 17:10:13 Although I'll need to go the Ubuntu route for $WORK, I guess 2019-07-25 17:11:16 You're parents can live without Discover to install applications btw? 2019-07-25 17:12:13 Discover is the AppStore thingie? 2019-07-25 17:12:32 And yes, they only need Firefox, Dolphin and MS Office 2019-07-25 17:12:47 ... actually, I think our wine is a bit problematic, isn't it? 2019-07-25 17:17:35 Yes 2019-07-25 17:20:27 Will LibreOffice not do? 2019-07-25 17:20:41 And I'm not sure Wine is much useful on Alpine without multiarch support 2019-07-25 17:21:18 Yeah, that's the problem :/ 2019-07-25 17:21:52 And no, they're pretty used to MS Office and all of their documents are .doc or .docx with some weirdo headers here and there that LO doesn't like 2019-07-25 17:50:01 can I create a user with multiple groups using adduser? I've resorted to editing /etc/group 2019-07-25 17:54:58 adduser user group 2019-07-25 17:55:26 and repeat for every group you need 2019-07-25 17:55:41 ahh thank you 2019-07-25 17:56:24 you're welcome 2019-07-25 18:10:45 what's the best way to reset a configuration file to the state it was in when the package initially installed? 2019-07-25 18:14:06 maldridge: try update-conf to see if it works 2019-07-25 18:15:37 works well enough 2019-07-25 18:31:13 Hi! I'm running Alpine in a virtual machine and when ever I run mpstat I always get the same numbers back. Is this something anyone else has seen as well? 2019-07-25 18:44:23 mpstat 1 1 2019-07-25 18:55:19 Is there a way to run appimages in Alpine linux? They assume Glibc for alot of their images. 2019-07-25 18:57:56 Don't think so. Maybe they can run with gcompat, but I doubt it 2019-07-25 18:58:04 Use Flatpak if possible, that just werks 2019-07-25 19:45:11 hmm, 'apk add wireshark' => (9/13) Installing util-linux-dev 2019-07-25 19:45:25 just one of -dev pkg's. why? 2019-07-25 20:00:58 https://pasteboard.co/IpERqHb.png 2019-07-25 20:01:32 https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/tree/main/dillo/APKBUILD 2019-07-25 20:02:46 I guess I need to abuild dillo from the apkbuild rather than just apk adding it 2019-07-25 20:04:47 <_ikke_> If you want to change build flags, yes 2019-07-25 20:05:45 is there a handy dandy container for using abuild? I don't have alpine on my workstation, but would like to maintain alpine packages 2019-07-25 20:06:32 <_ikke_> There should be, yes 2019-07-25 20:06:45 You can use docker-abuild for that 2019-07-25 20:06:46 https://github.com/alpinelinux/docker-abuild 2019-07-25 20:07:00 cool, I'll take a look 2019-07-25 20:07:05 https://git.alpinelinux.org/docker-abuild/ 2019-07-25 20:07:05 <_ikke_> dright, was looking for that one 2019-07-25 20:07:12 I've resigned to rewriting a non-trivial amount of code in C++ to get around musl bugs 2019-07-25 20:07:22 so I might as well have proper alpine packages for the stuff I need 2019-07-25 20:11:16 Cogitri: do you know if there's an equivalent to Manual.md? 2019-07-25 20:12:01 Not really, there's the APKBUILD reference on the alpinelinux wiki though 2019-07-25 20:12:35 And http://docs.alpinelinux.org/user-handbook/0.1a/index.html I guess 2019-07-25 20:13:21 hmm, pretty thin 2019-07-25 20:13:23 <_ikke_> This is still being worked on: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/docs/developer-handbook 2019-07-25 20:13:52 maldridge: The APKBUILD reference does the trick for me 2019-07-25 20:14:13 ok, I have a small number of packages, most of which are destined for a private repo 2019-07-25 20:14:42 of there's interest in accepting packages related to network authentication, I can see about getting those cleaned up 2019-07-25 20:15:31 otherwise I can maintain just for me 2019-07-25 20:15:57 <_ikke_> If the packages are of general use, I don't see why you shouldn't try to contribute them 2019-07-25 20:16:30 sure, I'm trying to maintain only one distro at a time is my only hesitation 2019-07-25 20:16:41 and abuild is completely new tooling 2019-07-25 20:16:52 <_ikke_> I found abuild fairly quick to pickup 2019-07-25 20:17:06 <_ikke_> But ofcourse it's your choice 2019-07-25 20:17:08 Yup 2019-07-25 20:17:50 ofc, I will weigh my options, we run Alpine at $work and I'd like to contribute back as much of the stack as possible, but I am not sure generally if anyone else would want to duplicate our setup 2019-07-25 20:17:58 I am the maintainer of the same package set in Void 2019-07-25 20:24:18 is there a "!checksums" option? 2019-07-25 20:24:42 timcowchip: "!check" 2019-07-25 20:24:50 sorry 2019-07-25 20:25:09 my fingers are faster than brain 2019-07-25 20:26:23 !check doesn't do it 2019-07-25 20:26:37 <_ikke_> !check is disabling the test suite 2019-07-25 20:26:43 "!check" is 'skip tests' 2019-07-25 20:26:47 <_ikke_> I don't think it's possible 2019-07-25 20:27:16 I want to disable the shasum and md5sums 2019-07-25 20:27:16 'man APKBUILD' doesn't tell anything about disabling checksums 2019-07-25 20:28:14 now it is only sha512sums 2019-07-25 20:28:19 <_ikke_> I'm reading the source, and there I don't see an indiation either 2019-07-25 20:30:19 https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/tree/main/dillo/APKBUILD I've tried the shasum and md5sum seperately and together 2019-07-25 20:31:16 I've even downloaded dillo sources and ran my own shasum 2019-07-25 20:32:00 <_ikke_> there is abuild checksum which does that for you 2019-07-25 20:32:18 ? 2019-07-25 20:32:39 <_ikke_> it downloads sources, calculates checksums and updates the apkbuild with the downloaded checksums 2019-07-25 20:32:48 <_ikke_> I'm not sure what issue you are trying to fix 2019-07-25 20:33:12 ARNING: 1 of 1 computed checksums did NOT match 2019-07-25 20:33:26 ^W 2019-07-25 20:33:34 <_ikke_> When you run abuild -r? 2019-07-25 20:33:38 yes 2019-07-25 20:33:48 <_ikke_> Did you change the source? 2019-07-25 20:33:58 no 2019-07-25 20:34:28 I'm just trying to open a page with dillo 2019-07-25 20:34:30 <_ikke_> abuild unpack succeeds for me 2019-07-25 20:34:54 I'll try that 2019-07-25 20:36:20 https://pastebin.com/N8q3sAwF 2019-07-25 20:36:53 <_ikke_> Did you only download the APKBUILD? 2019-07-25 20:37:06 <_ikke_> There are two files in the same dir that you also need 2019-07-25 20:38:04 yes they get erased from /src when I ran abuild -r 2019-07-25 20:38:18 I'll try again 2019-07-25 20:38:26 <_ikke_> They should be put next to the APKBUILD 2019-07-25 20:38:28 <_ikke_> not in src 2019-07-25 20:38:35 ok 2019-07-25 20:38:48 <_ikke_> abuild will symlink them in src 2019-07-25 20:40:22 https://pastebin.com/95CtsYmr 2019-07-25 20:40:47 <_ikke_> Now it's ok 2019-07-25 20:41:15 and its build 2019-07-25 20:41:24 *ing 2019-07-25 20:42:41 still can't open the page 2019-07-25 20:42:59 I have openssl-dev installed 2019-07-25 20:43:33 built dillo from source wtih --enable-ssl 2019-07-25 20:44:38 https://pasteboard.co/IpERqHb.png 2019-07-25 20:46:55 its a dillo problem 2019-07-25 20:47:26 <_ikke_> I have no idea what dillo is, so can't help you there 2019-07-25 20:47:38 <_ikke_> a simple browser apparentl? 2019-07-25 20:48:09 too bad there isn't a plethora of other apline browser packages 2019-07-25 20:48:30 so far I've gotten 3 to work 2019-07-25 20:48:46 make that 2 2019-07-25 20:48:58 now dillo doen't work 2019-07-25 20:49:18 <_ikke_> firefox should work 2019-07-25 20:49:24 it does 2019-07-25 20:49:29 and chromium 2019-07-25 20:49:35 that's it 2019-07-25 20:50:12 <_ikke_> Those are the most popular, so they get the most attention 2019-07-25 20:50:39 right 2019-07-25 20:51:49 midori is also packaged, although it is practically unusable 2019-07-25 20:52:13 agreed 2019-07-25 20:52:20 https://brave.com/ 2019-07-25 20:52:32 based on chromium 2019-07-25 20:54:24 timcowchip: you can patch links 2 to support GUI mode, i did at one point, but neglected to commit it to a git repo before nuking that installation 2019-07-25 20:54:49 was basically add some deps, and add a flag to ./configure 2019-07-25 20:56:43 for dillo? 2019-07-25 20:57:33 links 2 is superior to dillo in most ways 2019-07-25 20:57:43 oh links2 2019-07-25 20:57:45 support images, better keyboard support, supports basic page layout 2019-07-25 20:58:11 is it still run from a terminal? 2019-07-25 20:58:35 np 2019-07-25 20:58:48 I can make my desktop file 2019-07-25 20:58:51 https://files.catbox.moe/ft4us0.png 2019-07-25 20:59:02 links -g, if compiled with graphical support 2019-07-25 20:59:34 ah 2019-07-25 20:59:55 kind of kicking myself for not submitting a patch or something 2019-07-25 21:01:35 winny: I thought to add gui subpkg when I found time to links 2019-07-25 21:15:41 so perhaps a dumb question as I've just realized that alpine doesn't ship with pam: what's authenticating users by default? 2019-07-25 21:20:34 shadow ? 2019-07-25 21:21:14 maldridge: shadow pkg have pam support, iirc. 2019-07-25 21:21:24 I see 2019-07-25 21:21:38 openssh appears to have been built without pam support, this breaks session processing 2019-07-25 21:22:19 that is by intention, alpine is 'small, simple, secure' 2019-07-25 21:22:41 I wouldn't exactly call baring the use of 2fa secure... 2019-07-25 21:23:06 I'd call it short sighted, poorly planned, and a few other things, but I wouldn't call it "secure" 2019-07-25 21:23:42 well, my POV is oposite 2019-07-25 21:23:58 you would rely exclusively on password/key? 2019-07-25 21:24:22 keys, mostly 2019-07-25 21:24:51 so is there a version of sshd that has pam turned on, or do I need to fork and maintain that package as well 2019-07-25 21:25:54 you have to build it yourself for now (and I hope that will stay in future) 2019-07-25 21:26:11 well, that answers my earlier question as well if I should contribute my packages back 2019-07-25 21:26:39 without a usable pam stack in sshd, nothing else I maintain would have value to alpine, since its all based on the premise that one wants servers in prod to be secure and use multi-factor auth 2019-07-25 21:27:06 you can always fill bug/issue request and more people can discuss your proposal 2019-07-26 03:13:06 I still haven't figure out on how to make macvtap work on alpine ... 2019-07-26 03:13:12 Anybody has a clue? 2019-07-26 03:18:51 I'm pretty sure the problems comes from alpine ... 2019-07-26 03:19:02 Missing packages or dependancy maybe ... 2019-07-26 04:25:04 KH405: I guess a log of smth of how it's failing would be helpful 2019-07-26 04:25:16 Although I'd just recommend you to use NAT anyway 2019-07-26 07:15:20 for some reason the Alpine 4.19.60 kernel caused degraded performance on my Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6200 (rev 35) chipset 2019-07-26 07:17:31 this is on musl x86 64 bit 2019-07-26 12:48:32 I only have borked screenshot 2019-07-26 12:49:27 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/466834234422591499/604294167819976704/20190725_215242.jpg?width=512&height=682 2019-07-26 12:51:27 Hey guys, new user here. I`m struggling to get the networkmanager running with my wifi-card with gnome. Wifi connection runs with wpa_supplicant without a problem, but I would like to use the nm-applet if possible. Adding networkmanager to boot with rc-update doesn`t fix the problem that no ssids are shown 2019-07-26 12:53:39 Otherwise I`m pretty happy with my setup. But I have to mention that Gnome needs dbus and networkmanager added with rc-update. Otherwise it doesn`t start on my side. It wasn`t mentioned in the quick guide. 2019-07-26 13:01:12 Nice that GNOME works for you 2019-07-26 13:01:38 I think our wpa_supplicant is broken with NM, I'd suggest you just use iwd with NM 2019-07-26 13:02:30 That NM is added is normal IMHO, it's reasonable to use another networking service with GNOME, but I'll add the dbus thingie to the article 2019-07-26 13:03:54 Thank you for your quick answer and your support. :-) I will try to get it running with iwd and will let you know. 2019-07-26 13:17:29 So my wifi does work with iwd too, but doesn`t appear on my nm-applet like with wpa_supplicant. 2019-07-26 13:18:14 ocmylife: add yourself to netdev group 2019-07-26 13:18:32 if you didn't already 2019-07-26 13:18:41 will try in a few minutes. Thanks :-) 2019-07-26 13:26:09 But honestly I don`t think that`s my issue, cause nmcli doesn`t find any ssids with sudo too. 2019-07-26 13:27:47 ocmylife: is it enabled, check by rfkill 2019-07-26 13:28:10 or, iwctl if you use iwd 2019-07-26 13:28:28 1: phy0: wlan Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 2019-07-26 13:29:19 what iwctl say by 'iwctl device list' 2019-07-26 13:30:08 wlan0 9c:b6:d0:17:5d:f5 on phy0 station 2019-07-26 13:31:00 you run iwctl as user and not root? 2019-07-26 13:33:11 with root(sudo). What do I use to add my user to netdev instead of gpasswd? 2019-07-26 13:34:27 as root, 'adduser username netdev' where username is your real username 2019-07-26 13:35:12 `ip link` shows your link? 2019-07-26 13:35:18 you need to logout/login to work or even restart X if you use it 2019-07-26 13:35:36 I know, Thank you guys. See you in a few secs 2019-07-26 13:38:16 maldridge: we do have an openssh build with pam support. its openssh-server-pam 2019-07-26 13:38:33 iirc it was added for 2fa 2019-07-26 13:39:24 So I`m in the netdev group now, also. But nm-applet still doesn`t show any ssids. I will try to configure Networkmanager with nmcli again 2019-07-26 13:40:05 Could you try this first please? 2019-07-26 13:40:44 : wlan0: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP qlen 1000 link/ether 9c:b6:d0:17:5d:f5 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 2019-07-26 13:42:13 Good, so your link exists, that's quite something at least :) 2019-07-26 13:43:10 internet is running fine also, but nmcli and nm-applet doesn`t work. Doesn`t matter if I use my user or root account 2019-07-26 13:43:12 Hm, NM Just worked for me after I set iwd as default service in its config 2019-07-26 13:43:27 ok, I will try that as well 2019-07-26 13:43:31 :-) 2019-07-26 13:43:38 Maybe I should just make iwd the default already 2019-07-26 13:44:09 See /usr/share/doc/NetworkManager/README.alpine (or something along those lines, on phone rn) 2019-07-26 13:45:14 I have to go in a few secs, but will try it again, when I`m back at home. Thank you guys! 2019-07-26 13:45:45 No problem, feel free to come back if you have more questions :) 2019-07-26 13:47:01 oh, I was wrong about openssh and pam, because my memory fog. now i remember that I have seen it when I did 'apk search openssh' some time ago 2019-07-26 13:48:10 Alpine becoming too big to keep it in 'brain' ;-) 2019-07-26 14:22:22 I'm on my phone now. sorry for the alias change 2019-07-26 14:59:39 i just switched to iwd on my workstation 2019-07-26 14:59:56 anyone have experience with connman? does it work? 2019-07-26 15:02:01 i dont get iwd working on my laptop though 2019-07-26 15:02:17 I only get "operation failed" when trying to connect to the station 2019-07-26 15:11:10 ncopa: connman development is stalled 2019-07-26 15:12:24 I think Holtman and Kenzion are also connman developers so you can ask on #iwd, you are still there 2019-07-26 15:13:18 I tried to use it but give up and switched to iwctl scripting 2019-07-26 15:14:42 and Cogitri have good experience with iwd+NM 2019-07-26 15:50:41 hmm, didn't looked some time on connman development, but now I see that they continued work on it 2019-07-26 16:20:03 I'm using zfs on alpine 3.10 and I'm trying to ignore a zpool from auto importing. I tired modifying /etc/config.d/zfs by changing ZFS_POOL_IMPORT with my pool name and ZPOOL_IMPORT_ALL_VISIBLE to yes but it still seems to auto import all available pools. Am I modifying the right file? 2019-07-26 16:35:52 ncopa: I later discovered the -pam build, unfortunately I then realized that brought me back to the earlier problem with missing gccgo 2019-07-26 16:36:05 so now I'm looking for alternate ways to create ephemeral home directories 2019-07-26 16:56:58 <_ikke_> 2019-07-26 20:32:38 Hey guys! Just to let you know, I could fix the NetworkManager problems with your help! Thank you very much! 2019-07-26 20:33:50 Just as a quick headsup: iwd was neccesary as a backend, so I modified the Networkmanager.conf to use iwd instead of wpa_supplicant 2019-07-26 20:35:12 Then I had to remove /etc/network/interfaces, cause nmcli told me that wlan0 was unmanaged and it doesn`t help to edit the NetworkManager.conf(manage=enable iirc) 2019-07-26 20:41:23 So if anyone else stumbled across this problem with gnome: apk add iwd; rm /etc/network/interfaces; sudo adduser $username netdev; rc-update add networkmanager boot; rc-update add iwd boot and it should be fine. :-) 2019-07-26 20:43:07 And I forgot to mention this line here(adding to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf: 2019-07-26 20:43:09 [device]wifi.backend=iwd 2019-07-26 20:47:49 ocmylife: are you sure iwd should be in boot runlevel 2019-07-26 20:49:09 I really don`t know, but it`s booting fine. Is it more secure to put them in the default runlevel? 2019-07-26 20:49:21 or better? 2019-07-26 20:50:15 it need dbus to be started, and dbus is in default runlevel 2019-07-26 20:51:00 ocmylife: will make it the default, thanks for reporting back 2019-07-26 20:54:36 Hopefully it will work for the other users too. :-) I have to thank you! 2019-07-26 20:55:54 Do you have a guide, how I could write a config for apk to install a package, which wasn`t build so far(like polari or gnome-podcasts) 2019-07-26 20:56:12 you're welcome :-) 2019-07-26 20:56:36 wiki.a.o 2019-07-26 20:57:06 hmm, algitbot you don't know for wiki.alpinelinux.org 2019-07-26 20:57:40 ocmylife: wiki.alpinelinux.org development section 2019-07-26 20:58:59 https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Abuild_and_Helpers This one here? 2019-07-26 20:59:46 all of them are useful, but you probably want this https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Creating_an_Alpine_package 2019-07-26 21:03:08 Great: already bookmarked. Thank you again. I hope that I have time on sunday. If I have any questions, I will ping you guys again. :-) 2019-07-26 21:04:31 np, but read topic of this channel ;-) 2019-07-26 21:07:04 Will do. Have a nice evening! :-) 2019-07-26 22:36:59 Cogitri: Do you have any clue what my problem could be ? 2019-07-26 22:37:52 Sorry, what's your problem? 😅 2019-07-27 00:07:23 I posted the screenshot higher 2019-07-27 00:07:27 the discord link 2019-07-27 00:07:42 macvtap refusing to work :( 2019-07-27 00:07:47 I've wasted a week on that ... 2019-07-27 04:37:02 Is there a good SIP client for Alpine? 2019-07-27 04:38:21 linphone is decent 2019-07-27 04:40:04 I tried that but it was not intuitive for me. 2019-07-27 04:40:14 Aside from the fact that it segfaulted when running linphonec. 2019-07-27 04:42:48 linphone-daemon also segfaults. 2019-07-27 06:35:44 Is there a known problem with the LVM on LUKS page? 2019-07-27 06:36:04 It says to create a /mnt/boot directory that's already there. 2019-07-27 06:38:03 Don't think so 2019-07-27 06:38:04 KH405: Dunno about that, haven't really followed your debugging process. However, I always just use NAT 2019-07-27 06:38:33 Also the /mnt/etc/default/grub file it cites is not there. 2019-07-27 06:41:09 Following the guide to a T and it doesn't seem to work. 2019-07-27 06:41:17 https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/LVM_on_LUKS 2019-07-27 08:38:02 Cogitri: Where would you start from, i'm kinda lost 2019-07-27 12:59:47 Hi, How can I enable userfauldfd() syscall on Alpine Linux? It is needed for doing post-copy migration in QEMU 2019-07-27 14:29:47 for alpine 3.8 wich package has the apk manpage? or apk does not have it? 2019-07-27 16:06:31 mckaygerhard: there is none, just --help 2019-07-27 16:07:36 ok as i suspect! 2019-07-27 16:56:18 I really can't figure it out :( 2019-07-27 17:02:16 KH405: What? 2019-07-27 17:05:09 Making macvtap work on alpine 2019-07-27 17:05:21 using virt-manager 2019-07-27 17:11:45 NAT doesn't work for you? 2019-07-27 17:16:29 Never tried macvtap and really like the fact that there was no overhead by the host machine using it 2019-07-27 17:16:36 So i wanted to give it a shot 2019-07-27 17:21:43 And I don't know why it wouldn't work with alpine ... 2019-07-27 17:32:22 how to replace a word with multiline but without use \n ? 2019-07-27 17:32:22 i tried to put content in "tosustitute.tmp" 2019-07-27 17:32:22 and then run sed '/oldword/r tosustitute.tmp' target 2019-07-27 17:32:22 but need a "man in the middle" file named "tosustitute.tmp" 2019-07-27 17:32:38 <_ikke_> mckaygerhard: what's the context? 2019-07-27 17:32:53 <_ikke_> sed, ok 2019-07-27 17:33:17 i need a command for sed or something that dont use "\n" to put multilines.. i wants to change a only word with multiple lines 2019-07-27 17:33:33 <_ikke_> sed can read from stdin 2019-07-27 17:33:37 it's for my own alpine how tos in spanish 2019-07-27 17:33:57 read from sdtin ?great! how? please! 2019-07-27 17:34:04 that my target: 2019-07-27 17:34:08 <_ikke_> echo foo | sed 2019-07-27 17:34:40 i want to insert in /etc/hosts of a emulated chroot two llines 2019-07-27 17:35:10 just after the line that have " so by example: 2019-07-27 17:35:15 <_ikke_> { echo foo; echo bar} >>/etc/hosts 2019-07-27 17:35:28 <_ikke_> oh, ok 2019-07-27 17:35:41 <_ikke_> and why can't you use 2019-07-27 17:35:45 <_ikke_> \n? 2019-07-27 17:41:39 What happens when you select data for alpine? on every reboot we need to run the alpine-setup? 2019-07-27 17:41:57 <_ikke_> IGnorAND: It works with overlay files 2019-07-27 17:42:13 <_ikke_> everything committed with lbu commit will persist after a reboot 2019-07-27 17:42:13 _ikke_: so no need to restart the setup? 2019-07-27 17:42:17 <_ikke_> no 2019-07-27 17:42:31 _ikke_: but you need to boot from the cd? 2019-07-27 17:42:56 <_ikke_> IGnorAND: some kind of bootmedia, yes 2019-07-27 17:43:14 it says its handy for a db. But my db doesnt perform a lbu commit. does it matter? 2019-07-27 17:43:44 <_ikke_> IGnorAND: Your db should write the data on an actual disk 2019-07-27 17:43:51 <_ikke_> You would not use lbu commit to store database data 2019-07-27 17:44:31 _ikke_: sda in this case is my disk. so when I select data should I make a sdb and store the db on sdb? 2019-07-27 17:45:16 <_ikke_> sda would then where you store the database data 2019-07-27 17:45:23 <_ikke_> No need to create a 2nd partition 2019-07-27 17:45:34 <_ikke_> Unless you want to ofcourse 2019-07-27 17:45:44 <_ikke_> But with a data install, /dev/sda would not be used by alpine 2019-07-27 17:45:47 and the overlay for my mysql/pg_hba.conf would be stored on the overlay data with lbu commit? 2019-07-27 17:45:53 <_ikke_> yes 2019-07-27 17:46:02 and that gets stored on? 2019-07-27 17:46:04 sda? 2019-07-27 17:46:22 <_ikke_> usually this setup is done with a usb drive 2019-07-27 17:46:43 <_ikke_> so you create a bootable usb drive with alpine (which is writable as well) 2019-07-27 17:47:04 <_ikke_> then you do a data install, where the overlay gets persisted on the usb drive 2019-07-27 17:47:05 _ikke_: aah, I'm doing this with a VM. So I guess sys is better for me 2019-07-27 17:47:11 <_ikke_> Yes 2019-07-27 17:49:07 <_ikke_> mckaygerhard: content=$(awk '{ print $0 }; / / { print " "; print " " }' /etc/hosts); echo "$content" >/etc/hosts 2019-07-27 17:49:09 <_ikke_> something like that 2019-07-27 18:27:11 checkin.. thanks _ikke_ 2019-07-27 18:28:12 <_ikke_> mckaygerhard: if you use something like sponge, you can even do it without storing it in a var first 2019-07-27 18:28:30 <_ikke_> (part of moreutils) 2019-07-27 18:28:58 o imo! puff that command it scared people.... X-D 2019-07-27 18:29:36 works with little modifications but the idea its try to make it visible easy to newbie users... 2019-07-27 18:29:49 pufff i must end in the pipe adn stdin 2019-07-27 18:42:59 _ikke_: i made with sed -i '/.*oldworldtohange/r tmp.tmp' /etc/hosts but it replaces two times!!! why? 2019-07-27 21:20:08 hey, anyone with Radeon RX550 card on Alpine ? 2019-07-27 21:21:31 Not a RX550 but Vega M 2019-07-27 21:21:35 What's your problem? 2019-07-27 21:22:12 none yet, just doing small research if it has any problems, when RX550 is good in performance and not so hungry for power and quite cheap 2019-07-27 21:23:08 I got a new 2080 Ti myself, curious about how well/bad it will work 2019-07-27 21:25:06 the model is sapphire RX550 4GB 2019-07-27 21:28:05 for all of those ryszard and danieli you must first try if the corespondient modules have support for that gpu! .. somethin will need privative of them.. and alpine are muslc 2019-07-27 21:28:25 I am painfully aware of that, I've been using alpine for some years now 2019-07-27 21:28:50 my point is that the chip is pretty new and nvidia is a terrible company 2019-07-27 21:33:23 yeah thats why I wish to change from nvs295 to AMD RX550 2019-07-27 21:38:04 even on glibc distributions binary blobs are very problematic especially on rolling releases distros when kernel/xorg is changing frequently 2019-07-27 21:41:53 and with radeon/amdgpu at least everything should work prety fine and even if GPU is prety then is matter of time when will be supported enough good 2019-07-27 21:42:09 prety new* 2019-07-27 21:59:43 ryszard: amdgpu works wonderfully for me 2019-07-27 22:14:48 uhm 2019-07-27 22:23:39 The /mnt/etc/default/grub cited in this howto https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/LVM_on_LUKS does not exist. What gives? 2019-07-27 22:30:57 shrizza, should be some default configuration last time I checked/installed 2019-07-27 22:31:53 I did a find / -name "*grub*" across the entire install and it didn't find anything grub related. 2019-07-27 22:33:09 Shiz, did you install grub? 2019-07-27 22:37:04 shrizza, you got later description how to chroot and install grub 2019-07-27 22:37:39 Hm, so I need to go a bit out of order to complete this? 2019-07-27 22:38:32 you can install grub before even chroot 2019-07-27 22:39:24 I mean install grub package by apk, because for grub-install you need mount stuff and do it in chroot 2019-07-27 22:41:20 danieli: Yeah, Nvidia is pretty bad, it's really a shame that most laptops come with one of their GPUs :c 2019-07-27 22:41:43 Cogitri: it's also a shame they generally make the best cards 2019-07-27 22:41:47 but oh well, at least i'm getting an amd cpu 2019-07-27 22:41:57 solid upgrade from my FX-9690 to R9 3900X 2019-07-27 22:42:49 more than solid I would say :D 2019-07-27 22:42:55 Phew, that's pretty neat indeed 2019-07-27 22:43:06 my wallet hurts 2019-07-27 22:43:15 All this desktop stuff really hypes me up but I don't want something that's not a laptop in the end :/ 2019-07-27 22:43:21 I pretty much went for the ultimate build, but that's probably a topic for #alpine-offtopic 2019-07-27 22:43:34 yeah, my company is getting me a new powerful laptop so I'm Gucci there 2019-07-27 22:43:50 don't really need too much juice in my laptop, just needs to be fast enough to be comfortable.. and I'm pretty spoiled 2019-07-27 22:43:57 alpine definitely helps, it feels snapper in general 2019-07-27 22:45:49 Next issue is there appears to be no package called efibootmgr. 2019-07-27 22:46:44 shrizza, it is but in "edge" and in repo "testing" 2019-07-27 22:46:50 shrizza: It's in testing https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/edge/testing/aarch64/efibootmgr 2019-07-27 22:46:55 Ah, someone was faster :P 2019-07-27 22:47:05 :> 2019-07-27 22:47:11 This guide needs revisions for sure. 2019-07-27 22:49:53 shrizza, true but once you figure out how all that work then you will end up with text file with commands history in it and will never look at that page :P 2019-07-27 22:50:20 there is 8 nicks which start from sh* :D 2019-07-27 22:51:57 It's just frustrating. I've gone through slight variations of this guide like 10 times now and it's not booting. 2019-07-27 22:52:09 Just going to go unencrypted I guess. 2019-07-27 22:53:16 shrizza, grub or syslinux working fine, but not sure how it is with EFI stuff 2019-07-27 22:54:34 MY_R: last time I tried on efi setup-alpine installed grub by default 2019-07-27 22:56:01 and this time you need to do manualy 2019-07-27 22:59:12 that was two weeks ago 2019-07-27 22:59:42 didn't need to install it after that 2019-07-28 00:00:39 ummm MY_R for sure once you figure and finish never look at that page.. but that's not means that the wiki must need revision.. currently there's no good for anybody! 2019-07-28 00:00:54 i wish to make many changes to the wiki 2019-07-28 00:01:10 but seems are better to make alternate pages! 2019-07-28 00:23:18 hey .. i just send a mail to alpine user list and received a reply very rare! are the list working and have just changed ? 2019-07-28 01:04:39 mckaygerhard: The lists work, but can be pretty slow. 2019-07-28 01:08:38 I'm about to give up lol 2019-07-28 01:17:41 errr sorry but list send me a reply that said something very rare 2019-07-28 01:18:33 -> "I'm going to be out of the office until Monday, August 5th, and may have limited access to email. If you are having a technical problem, please open a ticket in https://helpdesk/ " 2019-07-28 01:18:53 and then finish with "f you need something urgently, please contact my team at  ITLinuxAdminGroup-Hawthorne@spacex.com. " 2019-07-28 04:35:39 I figured it out. 2019-07-28 04:35:42 The package has a missing dep. 2019-07-28 06:18:35 arrgg the wiki page seems doe snot work! hey guys the wiki already works or any new user registered are banned second later? 2019-07-28 08:32:40 So not every package seems to upgrade even though an upgrade is available. E.g. I'm currently running mpv-0.29.1-r5, while mpv-0.29.1-r7 is available. I've ran `apk update` and then `apk upgrade`, but it says there are no updates available. Checking the mirror, the updated package is actually available there 2019-07-28 08:33:24 The only way to "upgrade" the package seems to be removing it and then re-installing it 2019-07-28 08:51:23 PureTryOut: try installing mpv=0.29.1-r7 manually (although I guess it's too late for that now :/) 2019-07-28 09:09:41 PureTryOut[m], add "-a" to upgrade can help, got few times same 2019-07-28 09:16:15 Yup, shouldn't be needed but maybe apk shows some conflict or smth when you do that which can help us debug it :) 2019-07-28 09:20:46 last time mumble blocked update other package but that was because of mistake with name/version "mumble-1.3.0-r0" was upgraded to "mumble-1.3.0_rc2-r0" 2019-07-28 09:22:50 anyone who using edge could do "apk update; apk upgrade; apk version" to check if got some not upgraded package left :D 2019-07-28 13:18:17 Does someone here happen to use gnome-keyring? It's not working for me and I can't really figure out what's wrong 2019-07-28 13:54:18 $ cat .xinitrc 2019-07-28 13:54:18 dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY 2019-07-28 13:54:18 eval $(/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=pkcs11,secrets,ssh) 2019-07-28 13:54:18 exec i3 2019-07-28 13:54:18 export SSH_AUTH_SOCK 2019-07-28 14:00:15 And it works for you for saving secrets? 2019-07-28 14:00:32 various applications can use it successfully 2019-07-28 14:00:44 slack asks to open the default keyring (and asks to create it on first run) 2019-07-28 14:00:47 this is however not on alpine 2019-07-28 14:03:52 Yeah, gnome-keyring works fine for me on other distros too, I'm just unsure if it's broken or the password asking thingie on GNOME on Alpine 2019-07-28 14:43:02 what it's the utility of the gnome-keyring ? i just use the openbox and that's all? 2019-07-28 14:48:46 the keyring saves passwords so you don't have to enter them all the time 2019-07-28 14:54:41 like keychain does for terminals 2019-07-28 20:06:36 MY_R: well `-a` made it upgrade, install and deinstall 288 packages, so I guess it worked lol. Thanks. Interesting enough that switch isn't mentioned in `apk -h` 2019-07-28 20:14:48 hi all 2019-07-28 20:15:37 how to know the mantainer of a package? 2019-07-28 20:16:12 See the first lines of the APKBUILD of the package 2019-07-28 20:16:24 Or the package on pkgs.alpinelinux.org 2019-07-28 20:17:09 tnx :) 2019-07-28 20:17:41 👍 2019-07-28 21:34:05 Actually it "replaced" a lot of packages with the same version. Not sure why... 2019-07-28 23:12:04 nick (-:|3 2019-07-28 23:13:12 oops 2019-07-28 23:13:27 :) 2019-07-28 23:13:56 . 2019-07-29 02:15:15 someone alive? alpine 3.7 repos are working ? 2019-07-29 03:00:38 <_ikke_> mckaygerhard: The should be working, yes 2019-07-29 03:05:01 dl-4 doe snot work i just change it to dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org and now i do not have chromium.. palemoon does not compiled and firefox are a crap in arm and x86 2019-07-29 03:07:53 <_ikke_> 3.7 is quite old already 2019-07-29 03:08:33 yeah, 32-bit lacks a decent web browser 2019-07-29 03:11:06 <_ikke_> No issues with dl-4 for me 2019-07-29 03:42:20 that's not a reponse.. "wuite old" 2019-07-29 03:42:36 but in any case.. viewing the https://github.com/alpinelinux/aports/graphs/contributors grapch... 2019-07-29 03:43:02 i have very worried.. if tomorrow ncopa does not are bet us.. what will happened to alpine ? 2019-07-29 03:43:24 <_ikke_> Who knows 2019-07-29 03:43:56 comoon men ! _ikke_ ? see the statics ? remove those statics and that work and what happened ? 2019-07-29 03:44:13 we must take that and have counter ideas to that scenario 2019-07-29 03:44:17 <_ikke_> I literally mean 'who knows'. Hard to predict what will happen 2019-07-29 03:45:18 it's opbios what will happened! we must take in consideration.. 2019-07-29 03:45:18 personally i now are making some wiki pages very different approach to the main wiki 2019-07-29 03:45:18 firts we need some users.. the laguage are a real barrier here! 2019-07-29 03:45:59 also we need alternate repos.. not only those in alpine.. the package have lacks of manpowers 2019-07-29 03:46:01 <_ikke_> mckaygerhard: There is already work being done restructuring the documentation 2019-07-29 03:46:14 inteersting.. tell me more please 2019-07-29 03:47:22 <_ikke_> join #alpine-docs 2019-07-29 03:48:18 thanks! 2019-07-29 03:50:31 errr _ikke_ seems very "quiet" 2019-07-29 03:51:01 and i have too many docs already made it: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Newbie_Alpine_Ecosystem 2019-07-29 04:42:24 its not like a project head of a small independant distro vanishing into thin air is totally unprecedented either 2019-07-29 04:42:34 its not like Alpine would have to go far to find help 2019-07-29 04:44:22 "we" not alpine: we need to go and find help and suport! 2019-07-29 04:56:33 any browser for x86 that work or at least compile in alpine linux? apart of firefox? 2019-07-29 04:58:07 midori 2019-07-29 05:10:26 lynx is a lot more stable than midori :) 2019-07-29 05:11:17 pretty sure surf will work on 32bit as well 2019-07-29 08:46:18 in alpine:edge in package bzip2-dev static library is missing in the package, while it was there in previous versions (3.10) - is this change intentional? As I use this static library for static builds of my program. 2019-07-29 08:47:33 see libbz2-static I suppose 2019-07-29 08:53:15 ivan_zderadicka: libbz2-static 2019-07-29 08:55:34 I see thanks a lot 2019-07-29 08:55:44 we should change policy about -static for libs 2019-07-29 09:16:11 mckaygerhard: hi. I believe that if I would disappear, Alpine would likely notice it, but I'm pretty sure Alpine would survive 2019-07-29 09:17:07 i have since the beginning (10+ years ago) been aware of the problem 2019-07-29 09:17:30 and I have always tried have atleast another person to have access to the keys etc 2019-07-29 09:17:40 so i think domain name, builder keys etc 2019-07-29 09:17:47 should be all covered 2019-07-29 09:21:21 i think what would happen worst case is that alpine would turn into a rolling release only distro 2019-07-29 09:21:45 that would be if people cannot read or understand the (internal) release docs i have written 2019-07-29 09:22:43 so i think alpine is in much better state than many other big projects 2019-07-29 09:23:24 and as you see, I am no longer the person doing most commits: https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/stats/ 2019-07-29 09:28:09 yes we need to make leo our new master :) 2019-07-29 11:07:57 I was emailing rob landley about toybox which is the bsd version of busybox and from what he explained to me this alpine linux is closer to the level of the stack I'm working on. 2019-07-29 11:08:05 I'm building a competitor to awk. 2019-07-29 11:09:41 to awk? 2019-07-29 11:09:52 Yeah. I want to make a tool a little nicer to use than awk. 2019-07-29 11:09:57 cool 2019-07-29 11:23:47 Can someone remind me if I can dev rust on alpine? 2019-07-29 11:24:00 Maybe I'll just learn C. 2019-07-29 11:24:12 alpine supports rust but I don't know if it comes with a binary fo rit 2019-07-29 11:24:17 you may have to compile your rust compiler 2019-07-29 11:25:41 priontology: rust is on x86_64 only, for now 2019-07-29 11:26:01 That's exactly what I need. Sweet. 2019-07-29 11:26:17 lisbeths: does that just mean rustc, or is cargo built for it? 2019-07-29 11:27:06 rust in edge is on x86_64, armhf, and armv7 by the looks of it 2019-07-29 11:27:20 As long as rust is on the same architecture it is supported. If it is not on the same architecture it is not supported 2019-07-29 11:27:23 oth rust and cargo 2019-07-29 11:27:26 both* 2019-07-29 11:27:29 danieli: does it works on arm's 2019-07-29 11:27:39 mps: i have no clue, it's built for them anyway 2019-07-29 11:27:46 arm{hf,v7} 2019-07-29 11:28:28 afaik, Cogitri didn't make alpine triplets working yet 2019-07-29 11:28:49 Cogitri: ^ 2019-07-29 11:29:44 although my interest in rust fading in last few months 2019-07-29 11:30:26 danieli: teach me how to hack the planet 2019-07-29 11:30:30 i know you want to 2019-07-29 11:30:35 excuse me? 2019-07-29 11:35:59 danieli: exactly. 2019-07-29 11:37:01 why'd you tell me that? 2019-07-29 11:37:15 it seems very random and i don't see how it ties into the conversation that was ongoing 2019-07-29 11:40:46 mps: Currently am working on it 2019-07-29 11:41:44 priontology: Hm, I feel like Rust is a better lang to learn these days 2019-07-29 11:42:43 Cogitri: yes, I know that you work, just wanted you to confirm my observation about it 2019-07-29 11:43:33 Yup, was a "yup, it's broken but that should hopefully change soon" :) 2019-07-29 11:44:17 I hope so, thank you for your work on it 2019-07-29 12:34:54 do we have guide for UEFI installation 2019-07-29 12:55:21 more I dig into alpine more I'm disappointed by design choices 2019-07-29 12:56:00 markand: elaborate? 2019-07-29 12:56:16 mps: we dont, but it should kind of work 2019-07-29 12:56:49 I loved the basics of it but for the moment I have the impression that is ressembles a lot to the mainstream distributions 2019-07-29 12:57:43 ? 2019-07-29 12:57:59 for example (I agree that may be a good thing) but bringing several versions of LLVM and then having to patch/symlink/hack a little bit the package to make it work 2019-07-29 12:58:15 clandmeter: it worked on nvme 128GB disk, but didn't on 500GB HD, just got 'GRUB' and nothing else 2019-07-29 12:58:34 maybe size of disk is issue 2019-07-29 12:58:44 should not 2019-07-29 12:58:51 mps: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/LVM_on_LUKS#Grub_on_EFI 2019-07-29 12:58:52 Just ignore the cryptroot stuff 2019-07-29 12:59:23 markand: I don't see how else we'd deal with packages not supporting the latest version of LLVM other than outright dropping them 2019-07-29 12:59:27 PureTryOut[m]: thanks 2019-07-29 12:59:33 will look 2019-07-29 13:00:20 Every bootloader probably needs it's own wiki page really 2019-07-29 13:00:35 we only support grub atm for efi 2019-07-29 13:01:14 Cogitri, do you we have packages that require a specific older version of llvm in the tree? 2019-07-29 13:01:39 PureTryOut: Although I don't see why we should duplicate other Wikis like Arch Wiki which already have excellent guides for that 2019-07-29 13:01:41 I'll package refind in a bit 2019-07-29 13:02:05 Yes 2019-07-29 13:02:08 Arch wiki stuff can't be 1:1 copied to other distros, I prefer distro specific wiki pages 2019-07-29 13:02:43 yep 2019-07-29 13:02:45 E.g. crystal, although the git master now supports LLVM8 2019-07-29 13:02:56 especially since many things are systemd specific 2019-07-29 13:03:20 Sure, it's preferable, but if the distro specific wiki is outdated because no one wants to invest the effort it's no good either 2019-07-29 13:06:34 markand: it is not our choice to have more llvm versions in repo, we have to keep them because some pkg's reuquire specific llvm version 2019-07-29 13:06:52 PureTryOut[m]: what did you do with that acticle? 2019-07-29 13:07:00 looks like weird formatting 2019-07-29 13:07:17 No clue, I've tried to fix it but can't find what's causing it 2019-07-29 13:07:31 the pre tags? 2019-07-29 13:08:08 Those tags are used on other places without those issues 2019-07-29 13:08:59 i thought we had a Cmd tag for that 2019-07-29 13:09:06 or whatever the name is 2019-07-29 13:09:13 Doesn't work with multiline stuff 2019-07-29 13:10:04 And I personally don't like some command boxes looking different than others (single line vs multi line) 2019-07-29 13:13:15 i think i found it 2019-07-29 13:13:20 you missed a closing tag 2019-07-29 13:13:38 yep thats it 2019-07-29 13:13:50 ACTION slaps PureTryOut[m] with  2019-07-29 13:15:32 ACTION slaps himself as well 2019-07-29 13:15:51 Thanks lol, I've been searching for a mistake for hours when I edited that page lol 2019-07-29 13:16:20 i just started looking for broken tags up from when it starts on screen. 2019-07-29 13:16:31 so it was 5 seconds ;-) 2019-07-29 13:18:11 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2019-07-29 13:19:36 mps: if you find out what is the issue with grub and if the installer is to blame please report it. 2019-07-29 13:20:19 of course, i will 2019-07-29 13:21:19 mps: did you already signup for that 200 dollar arm notebook? 2019-07-29 13:22:05 don't know what is it? url? 2019-07-29 13:22:53 although I managed yesterday to 'mount' ssd on my chromebook 2019-07-29 13:23:44 over USB-C, it is about 8 times faster than microSD/eMMC 2019-07-29 13:23:59 I guess https://www.pine64.org/pinebook-pro/ 2019-07-29 13:24:12 https://www.tomshardware.com/news/pine64-opens-pinebook-pro-pre-orders,40034.html 2019-07-29 13:25:47 the part i dont like is: Small numbers (1-3) of stuck or dead pixels are a characteristic of LCD screens. These are normal and should not be considered a defect. 2019-07-29 13:26:01 probably using poor quality panels. 2019-07-29 13:28:49 I have this https://www.samsung.com/us/computing/chromebooks/12-14/xe513c24-k01us-xe513c24-k01us/ for about two years 2019-07-29 13:30:01 but, I would like something like that but risc-v 2019-07-29 13:30:54 clandmeter: yeah it can happen with some panels 2019-07-29 13:30:57 but try this 2019-07-29 13:30:57 uh 2019-07-29 13:31:07 http://www.jscreenfix.com/ 2019-07-29 13:31:26 then click the launch button and move the thing to whereever the dead/stuck pixels are 2019-07-29 13:32:23 i will first need dead pixels :) 2019-07-29 13:48:32 I'm following 'pine' for long time (when they announced their design) but had to by chromebook's because they are available on market and are quite good, and I install linux on them nativele, i.e. total removal of chromeos 2019-07-29 13:54:18 how yo do that? mps 2019-07-29 13:54:32 in my chromebook sansung arm are not possible 2019-07-29 13:57:01 I have two samsungs, arm32 and arm64, boot runs on alpine 2019-07-29 13:57:54 PICCORO: start here if this is your model https://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv8/rockchip/samsung-chromebook-plus 2019-07-29 13:58:17 I didn't wrote any docs about installation, just short notes for me 2019-07-29 13:59:57 and on this https://archlinuxarm.org/platforms/armv7/samsung/samsung-chromebook-2, look below for XE503C32 13" Chromebook (Peach Pi): 2019-07-29 14:18:30 reading thanks mps 2019-07-29 14:35:31 how do I know in which location is the usb that I'm connecting? 2019-07-29 14:35:44 in other distros this arduino pro micro is in /dev/ttyACM0 2019-07-29 14:35:49 alpine is different? 2019-07-29 14:37:09 alpine uses linux.. so must be same related 2019-07-29 14:37:25 check always dmestg with tail 2019-07-29 14:38:01 maybe different rules for udev 2019-07-29 14:38:02 PICCORO: can it be /dev/hidraw8 ? 2019-07-29 15:12:36 bexx: use dmesg please! 2019-07-29 16:31:04 hey ther 2019-07-29 16:31:07 *there 2019-07-29 16:32:02 i'm trying to build a project that is using librdfkafka 2019-07-29 16:32:15 and i want to link statically 2019-07-29 16:32:52 when i'm linking the project however, i get the a lot of errors regarding missing symbols of some libsasl stuff 2019-07-29 16:33:16 you need to add libsasl to the linked libs then... 2019-07-29 16:33:18 like this: /home/buildozer/aports/community/librdkafka/src/librdkafka-1.1.0/src/rdkafka_sasl_cyrus.c:407: undefined reference to `sasl_dispose' 2019-07-29 16:33:44 artok: right. just that libsasl doesn't contain an .a file 2019-07-29 16:34:04 oh 2019-07-29 16:34:08 there is cyrus-sasl-dev though 2019-07-29 16:34:15 but i'm really not sure 2019-07-29 16:34:23 right, read it wrong 2019-07-29 16:34:33 add that 2019-07-29 16:34:46 cyrus-sasl-dev? 2019-07-29 16:34:49 yep 2019-07-29 16:34:59 alright 2019-07-29 17:02:57 hm ok i'm a bit further 2019-07-29 17:03:03 now i'm getting: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/8.3.0/../../../../x86_64-alpine-linux-musl/bin/ld: /usr/lib/libsasl2.a(db_berkeley.o): in function `berkeleydb_open': 2019-07-29 17:03:05 db_berkeley.c:(.text+0x9d): undefined reference to `db_create' 2019-07-29 17:04:12 ncopa: do you expect the LXC package to be updated soon? 2019-07-29 17:06:16 tomponline: can you ping me tomorrow morning and i'll have look at it 2019-07-29 17:08:43 hm seems like i need libdb but there's also no .a file 2019-07-29 17:12:32 ncopa: ofc, thanks 2019-07-29 17:25:48 Hi, is there a guide for remote unlock via SSH of a LVM on LUKS system? 2019-07-29 17:26:02 I've found one on a GitHub page but it's a little old 2019-07-29 17:36:00 as far as I know, it's intentionally hard 2019-07-29 17:36:24 and if it's your OS disk, you'll have to do it from your LUKS/LVM-aware bootloader, which complicates things greatly 2019-07-29 17:38:38 danieli: why would it be intentionally hard? 2019-07-29 18:04:06 sy: it is in some cases considered best practice to only allow local input 2019-07-29 18:55:10 I'm using zfs for my alpine linux setup and for some reason on boot it always imports a pool I want to ignore. I tired adding the pool to /etc/conf.d/zfs config but it still imports the pool. Any ideas? 2019-07-29 19:51:16 it seems like nlplug-findfs mounts all zpool's instead of the root pool 2019-07-29 21:02:27 Hi there. Have a couple of alpine servers booting from usb and using LBU on different locations. Was trying to look into setting up a wireguard vpn in between: is it possible when running diskless with Local Back Up ? 2019-07-29 21:37:21 tode: should be ok, although I didn't tried so not sure 2019-07-29 22:06:26 Hello is anyone using deluge on Alpine? I'm having some issues running the daemon after an update. They is what I get in the logs but I verified that nothing is running on that port and even tried changing ports: https://pastebin.com/Rj2ndtqk 2019-07-29 22:19:01 Hello, has someone released an APK for GoLang on armhf (raspberry-pi) ? 2019-07-29 22:19:29 Is alpine statik link based? 2019-07-29 22:20:19 no 2019-07-29 22:20:27 Okay, thanks. 2019-07-29 22:20:37 i think there are a few packages available as static 2019-07-29 22:20:48 to have present in case you break your system 2019-07-29 22:20:57 like a static busybox and static apk (package manager) 2019-07-29 22:21:13 but generally it uses dynamic linking 2019-07-29 22:21:18 Okay. 2019-07-29 22:21:20 acidchild: 'go' is available for aarch64, armv7, and armhf 2019-07-29 22:35:14 I'm sitting down to try and figure out abuild, is it possible to use it outside of alpine? 2019-07-29 22:35:33 i.e. can I create alpine packages from an ubuntu host, or do I need to keep an alpine VM around for this 2019-07-29 22:37:29 you need vm/container/chroot/whatever 2019-07-29 22:37:51 very few package building systems are capable of cross-compiling 2019-07-29 22:38:22 indeed, xbps-src is the only one I am aware of that is 2019-07-29 22:38:31 I've become quite spoiled by it 2019-07-29 22:38:40 :) 2019-07-29 22:39:24 so an alpine chroot should be enough to get going? long lived containers on my laptop are something I want to avoid 2019-07-29 22:40:13 i think chroot will work fine 2019-07-29 22:51:05 maldridge: we also have a docker abuild 2019-07-29 22:51:39 https://git.alpinelinux.org/docker-abuild/about/ 2019-07-29 22:52:08 I saw that 2019-07-29 22:52:50 it looks like its used for running a persistent builder though, not doing rapid development work 2019-07-29 22:55:54 whats the best way to add a static route? I tried method 2 and 3 and neither seem to work. 2019-07-29 22:56:39 maldridge: persistent? 2019-07-29 22:56:54 yes, as in a buildbox to maintain a repo 2019-07-29 22:57:04 thats not what is for 2019-07-30 00:42:22 Cogitri: If I'm going to be a full-fledged skid, though, C might be nice. 2019-07-30 00:42:31 danieli: Yeah, only to conversations we've previously had. 2019-07-30 00:45:53 priontology: Rust ffi gotta do the trick for me :P 2019-07-30 00:45:57 heh 2019-07-30 00:46:11 Do we have a latex program available on alpine? And also a password manager? 2019-07-30 00:50:48 There's pass or keepassx or gnome-passwordsafe for password managers 2019-07-30 00:51:33 And there's texlive in the repos which I use via GNOME LaTeX 2019-07-30 00:58:56 Hell yes. 2019-07-30 00:58:58 Thanks, cogitri. 2019-07-30 00:59:07 You may have a bloated system, but at least yours works. 2019-07-30 00:59:16 👍 2019-07-30 01:14:46 what determines the size of the tmpfs on a run-from-ram installation using the raspberrypi .tar.gz? 2019-07-30 01:46:51 Hello Room! New to Alpine, trying it for the first time on an old RaspberryPi1 I have... It boots, but i'm running into a out of disk space error message when trying to install nano on a 8gb sdcard. I searched the wiki and didn't find anything, Any advice? 2019-07-30 01:51:22 how much ram does it have? maybe it's still running on tmpfs 2019-07-30 01:51:35 you'd get ENOSPC when running out of memory then 2019-07-30 02:12:27 432 mb 2019-07-30 02:13:27 I like the idea of it running from ram mostly 2019-07-30 02:14:04 free seems to be reporting 114mb free 2019-07-30 02:18:50 free isn't really meaningful 2019-07-30 02:19:08 tmpfs is probably limited to something like 1/2 of ram anyway 2019-07-30 02:24:54 if i wants to upgade alpine linux from 3.7 to 3.8 i just change the repo index and apk upgrde and update ? 2019-07-30 02:41:47 Hmm, Thanks for the tip dalias, sounds like I use a different pi or go for a disk install 2019-07-30 02:55:06 btw sd card performance and reliability is awful on pi 2019-07-30 02:55:23 i'd put just boot on sd and the real fs on a usb stick 2019-07-30 03:18:14 nice idea, thanks dalias, I'll see if I can figure that out and try it 2019-07-30 05:22:43 Hey all, alpine boot is failing with "mounting boot media failed". I copied the initrd and kernel onto the usb disk I'm using and set up syslinux.cfg to boot alpine. I'm not understanding alpines init process well enough to work out what to do next. Any help? 2019-07-30 05:24:53 I'm also having an issue booting the install USB, my system doesn't have legacy boot, only UEFI 2019-07-30 05:25:37 The Ubuntu Install USB image is working 2019-07-30 05:26:40 I did some digging and it looks like grub 2.04 might fix the issue, is there a way to update the bootloader on the installer? 2019-07-30 05:45:30 My USB u 2019-07-30 05:46:39 Sorry typo 2019-07-30 07:57:03 ncopa: RE LXC packages, the latest is 3.2.1 and suggest a couple of patches since then for 2 minor regressions: https://github.com/lxc/lxc/commit/3dd7829433f63b2ec1323a1f237efa7d67ea6e2b and https://github.com/lxc/lxc/commit/b31d62b847a3ee013613795094cce4acc12345ef 2019-07-30 08:01:35 tomponline: thx for the reminder 2019-07-30 08:05:20 clandmeter: No problem :) 2019-07-30 08:11:13 mckaygerhard: if you didn't already, yes, you change repo version and 'apk update' then 'apk upgrade -a' 2019-07-30 08:12:03 and you can check upgrade with 'apk upgrade --simulate --available' 2019-07-30 08:13:28 that is simplest, I usually do 'apk add -u apk-tools apk-tools-static busybox-static' before running 'apk upgrade ...' 2019-07-30 08:13:49 just in case to static version of important pkg's 2019-07-30 08:14:42 s/to /to have handy / 2019-07-30 08:33:18 tomponline: lxc-3.2.1 with backported regression fixes pushed to edge 2019-07-30 08:33:24 thanks! 2019-07-30 08:39:59 ncopa: do you think these fixes should be backported also to v3.10 2019-07-30 08:45:23 mps: good question. i think it would be good 2019-07-30 08:45:44 but i dont know how much is involved in the 3.1 -> 3.2 upgrade 2019-07-30 08:45:46 good, thanks 2019-07-30 08:45:49 if there are breaking changes 2019-07-30 08:45:54 then we cannot upgrade 2019-07-30 08:46:19 users should be able to `apk upgrade` in their stable branch and things should just work as it did before 2019-07-30 08:46:27 and since there already are 2 regressions.... 2019-07-30 08:46:39 i think its a scary thing to do 2019-07-30 08:46:43 I can try it to backport. is it enough to rebuild it from current edge aports on stable 2019-07-30 08:46:53 lets run it in edge for a while first 2019-07-30 08:46:59 backporting is easy 2019-07-30 08:47:10 i think the regressions are introduced with the 3.2 reelase 2019-07-30 08:47:15 yes, backporting on alpine is really easy 2019-07-30 08:47:23 3.10-stable and 3.9-stable has lxc 3.1 2019-07-30 08:47:37 but it would be good to upgrade to a LTS version of lxc 2019-07-30 08:48:53 I will try today and test on v3.10, I don't have any box with older releases where I could test it 2019-07-30 09:04:36 thanks ncopa 2019-07-30 09:05:21 yes the regressions were introduced with 3.2 2019-07-30 09:12:33 so then we don't need to backport these fixes to previous releases, I think 2019-07-30 09:18:26 we still may want upgrade to 3.2, which is LTS 2019-07-30 09:18:43 lxc 3.1 is no longer maintained 2019-07-30 09:20:21 aha, so we should backport 3.2 to stable releases, iiuc? 2019-07-30 09:20:56 if we can, ofc 2019-07-30 09:31:00 i dont believe 3.2 introduce any changes that would require users to change their existing configs from 3.1 2019-07-30 09:35:52 it builds cleanly on 3.10 2019-07-30 09:39:12 upgraded to lxc-3.2.1 on v3.10 and testing it ..... 2019-07-30 09:50:14 ncopa: 3.2 is _not_ LTS 2019-07-30 09:51:02 at least i dont see any ref for it to be LTS 2019-07-30 09:51:35 no it is a feature release, the next LTS isnt out yet 2019-07-30 09:51:46 3.1 was a feature release too 2019-07-30 09:51:55 yes, we made a mistake 2019-07-30 09:52:16 oh 2019-07-30 09:52:18 ok 2019-07-30 09:52:33 tomponline: have you seen a changelog for 3.2.x? 2019-07-30 09:52:52 clandmeter: should be published this week, ill link to it when its posted 2019-07-30 09:53:59 sigh, lxc is far from perfect when it comes to news/changelog. 2019-07-30 14:09:15 clandmeter: yesterday UEFI install issue I had is fixed by setting board bios to use destination disk in UEFI boot mode (whatever it means) 2019-07-30 14:10:44 board bios have options to set sata boot disks with or without UEFI, I overlooked it when tried yesterday to install 2019-07-30 14:11:33 :) 2019-07-30 14:12:14 the joys of efi and vendor firmware 2019-07-30 14:13:42 yes, first time i see it can be enabled/disabled by particular device. but on this board nvme disk can only be boot in UEFI mode, no option to change that for it 2019-07-30 15:17:42 hey, anyone using i3wm on edge with Terminus font? :D 2019-07-30 15:21:26 done upgrade today and saw pango and terminus new versions and now I have got squares in i3 bar/status and not sure what could cause it 2019-07-30 15:35:43 MY_R: was i3 rebuilt after pango was updated? 2019-07-30 15:37:23 must be rebuilts agains new symbols 2019-07-30 15:38:45 danieli, no but I done it and didnt help 2019-07-30 15:38:53 anything in the logs when you debug i3? 2019-07-30 15:40:04 didnt see anything bad at all or maybe pango stopped support bitmap fonts... cus all other ttf/otf fonts are fine and terminus is .pcf.gz 2019-07-30 15:40:25 do you adde right paths? 2019-07-30 15:41:29 in i3wm or rofi enough to put name like "Terminus" and was fine 2019-07-30 15:41:50 fc-list return it with "Terminus" name too 2019-07-30 15:43:21 danieli, PICCORO ok so I was right, ehhh: https://github.com/GNOME/pango/blob/master/NEWS 2019-07-30 15:43:43 "- Stop using freetype for font loading; this drops support for type1 and bitmap fonts" 2019-07-30 15:43:56 so nevermind, not Alpine issue 2019-07-30 15:43:56 damn it 2019-07-30 15:44:00 yee 2019-07-30 15:51:20 so people who using bitmap fonts wont be happy if their xterminals got pango support :< 2019-07-30 15:55:00 i have a feeling that change is going to break a bunch of things using pango 2019-07-30 15:55:22 hexchat is acting weird tbh.... :D 2019-07-30 15:59:04 wtf. if not freetype what are they using? 2019-07-30 15:59:08 like mouse text selection, every dunno 40 letters it cut 1 character off 2019-07-30 15:59:18 and yes this is bad breakage 2019-07-30 15:59:41 type1 is needed for helvetica/courier/times (nimbus clones) 2019-07-30 15:59:42 dalias, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/pango/issues/386 2019-07-30 16:00:37 Harfbuzz 2019-07-30 16:03:44 uhg 2019-07-30 16:03:49 harfbuzz does font rendering now? 2019-07-30 16:04:11 *sigh* it was supposed to be just an engine for mapping character sequences to glyphs 2019-07-30 16:04:24 love scope creep.... 2019-07-30 16:04:42 anyway, if alpine is going to ship the new broken pango, there need to be updated font packages 2019-07-30 16:05:09 the ghostscript-fonts package needs conversion to ttf 2019-07-30 16:18:32 someone should inform upstream that type1 also matters in case they're not aware 2019-07-30 16:18:57 gnome went and changed their infrastructure and my bugtracker login no longer works and it's nonobvious how to make a new one so..... 2019-07-30 16:21:53 dalias, in above pango/issues page read comments from Matthias Clasen :) 2019-07-30 16:25:04 seems like an asshole 2019-07-30 16:25:29 dalias, https://blogs.gnome.org/mclasen/2019/05/25/pango-future-directions/ 2019-07-30 16:25:42 not too bad, bit "don't assume ill intent" rubbed me the wrong way 2019-07-30 16:25:51 that's often a red flag 2019-07-30 16:26:03 ("gaslighting ahead!") 2019-07-30 16:26:34 so need push Harfbuzz project to "do something" :\ 2019-07-30 16:26:59 "Using Harfbuzz for font loading means that we will lose support for bitmap and type1 fonts. We think this is an acceptable trade-off, but others might disagree. Note that Harfbuzz does support loading bitmap-only OpenType fonts." 2019-07-30 16:28:22 interesting -- it's not that harfbuzz does any rendering, they're just using it to manage font loading/metrics/etc 2019-07-30 16:28:28 and it doesn't know how to do them for bitmaps and type1 2019-07-30 16:28:35 so adding support might not be that bad 2019-07-30 17:30:48 good evening 2019-07-30 17:31:16 when rebooting alpine and not having a link on eth0 or eth1, the boot process gets stuck; I've configured inet dhcp and inet6 static 2019-07-30 17:31:20 Is this a known problem? 2019-07-30 17:32:11 telmich: ime, after some time dhcp client give up and boot continues 2019-07-30 17:32:27 mps: not here - it actually says going to the background, but it still stops 2019-07-30 17:32:49 on edge or stable? 2019-07-30 17:33:13 On 3.9, but I'm upgrading to 3.10 right now 2019-07-30 17:33:13 I can check stable in a few minutes 2019-07-30 17:33:41 I've documented it in our redmine for the moment, if the problem persists, I'll open an upstream ticket; https://redmine.ungleich.ch/issues/7009 2019-07-30 17:33:58 I will test it now, and report in a few minutes 2019-07-30 17:34:22 thanks, mps 2019-07-30 17:37:02 just verified with 3.10, udhcpc v1.31.0 2019-07-30 17:37:11 just tested without cable, after 5 dhcp requests it stops sending them and boot normally, only it doesn't have IP address 2019-07-30 17:37:28 v3.10, I mean 2019-07-30 17:37:57 less than one minute to boot 2019-07-30 17:38:34 hmm 2019-07-30 17:38:53 It actually seems somebody[tm] changed the repo lines to edge 2019-07-30 17:39:03 So I was mistaken when saying 3.9 or 3.10 2019-07-30 17:39:10 maybe you have extra config in /etc/network/interfaces 2019-07-30 17:39:50 I put it up on https://redmine.ungleich.ch/issues/7009 2019-07-30 17:41:06 it started chronyd, so it could be some other problem, not dhcp 2019-07-30 17:41:29 entropy issue maybe? 2019-07-30 17:41:54 entropy source, I mean 2019-07-30 17:44:40 today forgot to plug in the cable and started 3.10 and boot just fine (like mps said, just few extra seconds more) and chronyd started too 2019-07-30 17:44:43 mps: it hung before chronyd - at the line of udhcpc saying it forks to the background 2019-07-30 17:44:55 hmm 2019-07-30 17:45:12 that is normal message and should boot 2019-07-30 17:45:15 I wonder if it has anything todo with my ipv6 lines 2019-07-30 17:45:25 telmich, which ones? 2019-07-30 17:45:53 https://redmine.ungleich.ch/issues/7009 you see the whole network config -- I'm adding an IPv6 address per device as the system in question is a router 2019-07-30 17:47:04 telmich, and when boot normal what start after chronyd? 2019-07-30 17:47:13 MY_R: it hangs before 2019-07-30 17:47:18 your ipv6 is static so shouldn't be cause of problem 2019-07-30 17:47:23 but if got cable pluged in 2019-07-30 17:47:39 MY_R: then it fully boots 2019-07-30 17:47:54 ye but which service got after chronyd 2019-07-30 17:48:35 ah, I can check - but how is that related? 2019-07-30 17:49:05 it stopped on that service 2019-07-30 17:50:53 wow...commenting out IPv6 makes it boot without a cables 2019-07-30 17:50:54 well, it hung on it probably 2019-07-30 17:51:03 MY_R: I updated the ticket https://redmine.ungleich.ch/issues/7009 and added the services afterwards 2019-07-30 17:52:49 telmich: you can debug it after you boot with cable, then do 'ifdown eth0' unplug cable and run 'ifup eth0' 2019-07-30 17:53:30 ha! 2019-07-30 17:53:33 I think I found the reason 2019-07-30 17:53:35 telmich, try with disabled service "radvd" and check if will start 2019-07-30 17:53:50 If I have an IPv6 address assigned on an interface, but no cable attached, it hangs 2019-07-30 17:53:54 MY_R: I'll check that, too 2019-07-30 17:54:52 The boot process does always hang a bit while starting radvd, but it continues after ca. 10 seconds 2019-07-30 17:57:54 hm? but if you disable radvd and unplug cable then it still hang? 2019-07-30 17:58:18 MY_R: testing that right now 2019-07-30 17:58:23 ok 2019-07-30 17:58:24 *booting* 2019-07-30 17:59:10 MY_R: hanging 2019-07-30 17:59:58 telmich: can confirm that it hangs when there is ipv6 section, it hangs 2019-07-30 18:00:09 mps: \o/ 2019-07-30 18:00:39 so there is something what badly need ipv6 on active interface? :\ 2019-07-30 18:01:04 although it set ipv6 address/mask correctly, but dhcp client doesn't exit 2019-07-30 18:01:35 Shall I create an issue in the bug tracker? 2019-07-30 18:06:25 looks like the issue is /etc/network/if-up.d/dad 2019-07-30 18:07:05 it have endless loop 2019-07-30 18:07:31 nice 2019-07-30 18:07:40 telmich: yes, you can create issue, now on gitlab.a.o 2019-07-30 18:08:13 bugs.a.o is EOL, I think 2019-07-30 18:09:16 'it has endless loop'* never will learn these diff's in english 2019-07-30 18:09:53 high five o/ 2019-07-30 18:09:54 :D 2019-07-30 18:11:46 mps: which project would that be? 2019-07-30 18:11:58 s/project/repo/ 2019-07-30 18:12:06 aports, I think 2019-07-30 18:12:54 I'm now 'out of firefox' so can't check 2019-07-30 18:13:31 https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/issues 2019-07-30 18:21:23 telmich: I see your issue on gitlab.a.o, thanks 2019-07-30 18:47:00 when I run bluetoothctl then in interactive mode I can't see what I type there 2019-07-30 18:47:03 why ? 2019-07-30 18:47:26 I can type in commands and after press Enter the command is executed, but can't see what I type 2019-07-30 18:47:34 alpine 3.10.1 2019-07-30 18:55:24 is this the only documentation available for building packages: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Creating_an_Alpine_package 2019-07-30 18:56:25 There's https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/APKBUILD_Reference too 2019-07-30 19:05:23 perhaps the bluetoothctl thing is related to readline? 2019-07-30 19:05:24 just a thought 2019-07-30 19:06:07 can be 2019-07-30 19:06:10 dunno 2019-07-30 19:09:24 alpine doesnt use pulseaudio ? 2019-07-30 19:12:12 We usually only enable ALSA support and require pa users to install alsa-plugins-pulse 2019-07-30 19:12:56 uhm 2019-07-30 19:18:41 ok, anyone set up headphones on alpine with use Alsa only? 2019-07-30 19:18:52 whgen I;m trying to do connect it returns in syslog: 2019-07-30 19:19:04 a2dp-sink profile connect failed for
: Protocol not available 2019-07-30 19:22:00 Not sure if ALSA works with bt headphones, I use pulseaudio-bluez for that 2019-07-30 19:23:52 As of Bluez 5, no. Only pulse. 2019-07-30 19:25:19 hm :? 2019-07-30 19:25:35 'the deeper I dig, the darker it gets ...' 2019-07-30 19:27:03 hmm, ok I have just connected up bt keyboard (writing on it now) 2019-07-30 19:27:35 but I was getting silly errors 'device_request_pin: Operation not permitted' until bluetooth service was restarted 2019-07-30 19:42:13 ehh, well I will stay on wire then ;p 2019-07-30 20:10:58 clandmeter: I'm having decent luck with the docker builder, just the slow plodding progress of learning a new packaging system 2019-07-30 20:30:32 is it possible to have an arbitrarily named repository? 2019-07-30 20:34:56 yup 2019-07-30 20:35:02 if you name it like that on the web server 2019-07-30 20:35:21 Not quite sure if I understand correctly but you can name a repo however you want (maybe without special chars tho :) and then put it in /etc/apk/repositories 2019-07-30 20:35:59 yeah, I'm maintaining a fully internal repo, so I wanted to know if I could name it something that would have meaning to my organization 2019-07-30 20:36:32 I'll look at maintaining some of these packages for the aports tree, but right now I'm stacking patches on top of patches 2019-07-30 20:37:44 maldridge: I have (for example) '/home/mps/packages/mps-aports' (local repo on machine, no http server) 2019-07-30 20:38:39 ok 2019-07-30 20:39:02 right now I'm still fighting with abuild, I'll see about getting a webserver running later 2019-07-30 20:42:56 for the dockerized abuild is there some magic I need to do to get it to see the local repository? 2019-07-30 20:45:12 https://github.com/alpinelinux/docker-abuild/blob/master/dabuild.in#L51 2019-07-30 20:47:26 I may be missing something here then, as I was not using dabuild directly 2019-07-30 20:47:42 I have another directory adjacent to my aports clone which contains my packages 2019-07-30 20:47:56 should I move this directory into the aports tree and maintain a long lived branch? 2019-07-30 20:48:55 You can have the package dir wherever you want as long as a corresponding entry is in /etc/apk/repositories 2019-07-30 20:49:20 right, but dabuild is looking for aports/ in my path 2019-07-30 20:49:27 And in the REPODEST setting in your abuild.conf so it knows where to put packages 2019-07-30 20:49:49 If you do not set DABUILD_PACKAGES it tries to make a best effort guess 2019-07-30 20:52:41 I must be misunderstanding Line 20 then 2019-07-30 20:52:52 as that really appears to want to be in an aports tree 2019-07-30 20:56:37 Ah, that's just a (somewhat primitive) check since you theoretically need to be in an aports tree (where the APKBUILDs are located) to build something since you can't build anything without an APKBUILD 2019-07-30 20:56:44 I suppose you could remove that check if you want to build in another dir 2019-07-30 20:56:58 I can build in aports, its just a bit annoying 2019-07-30 20:57:11 s/build in another dir/source APKBUILDs from elsewhere/ 2019-07-30 21:01:48 honestly at this point I just want even an in-tree package to build 2019-07-30 21:05:38 What's the problem? 2019-07-30 21:05:49 I'm not entirely sure 2019-07-30 21:06:21 first off I don't think its installing dependencies since I get the -r for autoinstall -R for build message, but I also don't think its using the right key since it appears to try and generate one every time 2019-07-30 21:07:50 I think I may just need to keep fiddling with it, I'm trying as well to figure out what parts of this I version and what I don't 2019-07-30 21:12:57 its not entirely obvious how patches are supposed to be applied, so I just add them as additional sources and then they get applied? 2019-07-30 21:13:20 maldridge: yes 2019-07-30 21:13:40 but run 'abuild cheksum' first 2019-07-30 21:14:09 to recalculate source files checksums 2019-07-30 21:14:19 ok 2019-07-30 21:14:29 I'm still generating the patchsets, each one is ~30 patches 2019-07-30 21:15:51 keep in mind that patches are applied in order as they are in source field 2019-07-30 21:16:23 yeah, I'm exporting them in from git in the order I want, then I'll add them in exactly the same order in the source field 2019-07-30 21:20:55 is there a way to see what a tarbal is being unpacked to? 2019-07-30 21:21:05 vs what abuild thinks it should be? 2019-07-30 21:21:35 wdym? 2019-07-30 21:22:20 the source directory unpacks as something different than the tarball name 2019-07-30 21:22:35 It unpacks to whatever is in the tarball 2019-07-30 21:22:59 yes, so the tarball is libnss-cache-0.16.tar.gz and the unpacked dir is libnss-cache-version-0.16.tar.gz 2019-07-30 21:23:10 I can either fix this in what I tell the tarball to be named, or in what the builddir is 2019-07-30 21:23:34 If that's what the creator of the tarball has compressed into that tarball, yes 2019-07-30 21:23:51 I don't think tarball naming has anything to do with it 2019-07-30 21:24:31 If the tarball is named something.tar.xz but contains the $pkgname-$pkgver dir as top-level dir abuild won't do anything about that 2019-07-30 21:25:59 iirc, it can be renamed with source prefix, 'source="$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https:.......' 2019-07-30 21:28:09 look in abuild around line 435 2019-07-30 21:28:43 That'll rename the tarball yes, but not the name of the uncompressed dir 2019-07-30 21:28:57 unpack() can be used if default_unpack doesn't do what the wanted 2019-07-30 21:29:55 although I never tried it, TBH 2019-07-30 21:31:20 I'd just set builddir appropriately or rename the thing in prepare() 2019-07-30 21:32:06 yes, that is what I do usually 2019-07-30 21:50:01 hi all! 2019-07-30 21:50:47 is there any chance i can get a cups printer driver to work under alpine that was compiled years ago against glibc by xerox and is only available as binaries? "apk add libc6-compat" doesn't quite cut it... 2019-07-30 21:51:25 Maybe gcompat can cut it? 2019-07-30 21:51:35 ACTION tries 2019-07-30 21:56:34 I suspect the answer is no, but has Alpine got a documented patch policy anywhere? 2019-07-30 21:57:51 okay, now i messed something up majorly ... apparently adding cupsd and nginx to the list of startup processes and adding my user to group lpadmin made the system unbootable :-( 2019-07-30 21:57:52 You mean patch formatting or when to apply patches? 2019-07-30 21:57:59 what patches are okay to version in aports 2019-07-30 21:57:59 ACTION goes searching for a VGA cable 2019-07-30 21:58:30 I still don't intend to PR musl-nscd yet, its not stable, but once it is I want to know what patches it can carry 2019-07-30 22:03:12 Hm, I don't know if we have an explicit policy on that, but shifting the maintaince burden downstream usually isn't a good idea 2019-07-30 22:03:21 indeed it is not 2019-07-30 22:03:27 this is why void has a policy against it :) 2019-07-30 22:03:48 Cogitri: https://gist.github.com/sixtyfive/47b2e6edc7c99b26726069854e0a96f7 ... is there any way to learn *what* file or directory is missing? 2019-07-30 22:04:02 I'm trying to obtain maintainership of the package I want to fix, but the developer of it appears to be completely inactive 2019-07-30 22:05:29 rapha: libc is missing if it happens that early 2019-07-30 22:05:47 maldridge: well, how about a fork until you have taken over then? 2019-07-30 22:07:29 Cogitri: so "apk add libc6-compat gcompat" is not enough to get it installed? 2019-07-30 22:07:47 Apparently no :/ 2019-07-30 22:07:59 Cogitri: as a general rule I don't cut releases for packages that aren't mine 2019-07-30 22:08:18 Sorry, I don't really know much in that area other than that I use Flatpak for everything that needs glibc but that doesn't seem feasible here 2019-07-30 22:08:20 it makes it very hard to get back in if the original mainatainer comes back and disagrees with the release schedule or numbering 2019-07-30 22:09:48 thanks anyways Cogitri! might end up installing a VM just for the printer 2019-07-30 22:10:13 Or maybe you can do something via a chroot? 2019-07-30 22:10:17 maldridge: Fair enough 2019-07-30 22:10:45 not sure if that's worth the effort 2019-07-30 22:10:53 thinking about p9100d instead of cupsd 2019-07-30 22:20:59 hmm 2019-07-30 22:21:15 shouldn't usblp create /dev/lp$i when it has detected a printer? 2019-07-30 22:22:07 oooh it's /dev/usb/lp* 2019-07-30 22:58:14 Umm, any idea on where to start if DNS is fucking up on alpine ? 2019-07-30 22:58:24 Idk what's happening at all ... 2019-07-30 22:58:41 KH405: figure out what is working, and what is not 2019-07-30 22:59:06 Well i've got not internet on my host at all 2019-07-30 22:59:13 I'm 99% sure it's a DNS issue 2019-07-30 22:59:23 KH405: what have you tried, and how does it fail ? 2019-07-30 22:59:40 Sorry I can ping apparently 2019-07-30 22:59:44 Can't update upgrade 2019-07-30 22:59:50 My docker containers are all riped 2019-07-30 23:00:19 until I add DNS : 2019-07-30 23:01:02 can you ping dns.google ? (yeah, that's an actual hostname :) ) 2019-07-30 23:01:46 Are you sure ? ping: bad address 'dns.google' 2019-07-30 23:02:09 that would imply your DNS is not working 2019-07-30 23:02:26 Make sense 2019-07-30 23:03:00 So how do I fix it ? 2019-07-30 23:03:15 /etc/resolv.conf has valid nameservers in it? 2019-07-30 23:03:31 nope 2019-07-30 23:03:32 lol 2019-07-30 23:03:55 I can't say with certainty, but I'll bet that's where your problem is 2019-07-30 23:04:18 It would make sense 2019-07-30 23:04:48 Now how do I restart networking without crashing ... lol 2019-07-30 23:05:02 I'll just reboot later, thanks alot 2019-07-30 23:05:05 if you know valid nameservers you can just add them by hand 2019-07-30 23:05:22 Welp I added my gateway 2019-07-30 23:05:24 ACTION is afk 2019-07-30 23:05:33 Which I think is my DNS, not even sure 2019-07-30 23:06:05 KH405: what is in /etc/resolv.conf currently ? 2019-07-30 23:06:46 search home 2019-07-30 23:06:46 nameserver 2019-07-30 23:07:06 is a pfsense VM 2019-07-30 23:12:31 check wether that is supposed to be your dns. and also if there are rules allowing your machine/network to talk dns to it :) 2019-07-30 23:12:59 also worth a try: echo 'nameserver' > /etc/resolv.conf (but if that pfsense is filtering dns anyway ... won't work) 2019-07-30 23:19:35 Worked like a charm, thank you :) 2019-07-30 23:32:19 KH405: you shouldn't need to restart anything if you've just edited resolv.conf 2019-07-30 23:32:48 since dns wasn't properly set up and working, even the odd caching service/program should try again 2019-07-30 23:39:35 ok, I have my 2 critical packages working now with libnss-cache and musl-nscd 2019-07-30 23:39:53 if I want to maintain a private repo long-term, is there a better canonical way than doing just a branch in aports? 2019-07-30 23:43:08 Boi 2019-07-30 23:43:44 I guess it's easiest to just have them in aports, you won't have conflicts during rebasing anyway with new pkgs, maldridge 2019-07-30 23:54:58 Cogitri: makes sense, I just hate long lived branches 2019-07-30 23:55:35 As long as they don't diverge too much I don't see the problem 2019-07-30 23:55:41 Better than having a stray folder 2019-07-30 23:56:20 if only you could see my working dir 2019-07-30 23:56:36 its composed exclusively of stray folders 2019-07-31 00:00:33 Oh my 2019-07-31 00:04:29 actually I really wish I could have my aports files under my existing infrastructure monorepo 2019-07-31 00:04:39 but having a forked aports probably makes the tooling much simpler 2019-07-31 01:47:53 o/ 2019-07-31 02:12:45 IGnorAND: zzzZZZZZ 2019-07-31 02:12:58 mckaygerhard1: why are you sleeping? 2019-07-31 02:13:04 the world is at your feet 2019-07-31 02:13:09 awaiting you to do great things 2019-07-31 02:13:11 well we must sleepp ... 2019-07-31 02:13:37 more that 32 hrs and no sleepp.. my eyes goin to get out by "their own feeds" 2019-07-31 02:13:41 mckaygerhard1: you can sleep later 2019-07-31 02:14:03 IGnorAND: ^_^u 2019-07-31 02:14:16 fine, sleep for 30 mins 2019-07-31 02:14:36 -> "you can sleep later" -> as lnda blair said: "sure" 2019-07-31 08:22:59 https://pasteboard.co/IquSkkj.png my fonts are afu 2019-07-31 08:25:57 Most likely the pango update, which doesn't accept old(er) fonts anymore 2019-07-31 08:26:41 ok 2019-07-31 08:26:51 thanks Cogitri 2019-07-31 08:30:49 Maybe you can upgrade to tff fonts? 2019-07-31 08:31:22 I just did thanks again 2019-07-31 08:31:32 brb 2019-07-31 08:32:07 Hello... 2019-07-31 09:09:42 Cogitri, not only bitmap/type1 fonts are broken, but normal one ttf in application like hexchat got some glitches with align or something 2019-07-31 09:11:52 Oh :/ 2019-07-31 09:11:54 but it is gtk2 so... 2019-07-31 09:13:07 ... cant expect much probably :\ 2019-07-31 09:51:40 Did I already ask everyone for the most common methods of optimizing boot? 2019-07-31 09:51:54 Looks like I have a long time on "starting chronyd...", but I have no clue if that matters. 2019-07-31 09:53:08 Does chronyd even need to start before I log in? 2019-07-31 09:56:16 if you machine doesn't have RTC it is good to start chronyd at boot 2019-07-31 09:57:07 it it has RTC (and it is working) then chronyd could be started later 2019-07-31 10:28:43 mps: Is the default runlevel only started after boot? 2019-07-31 10:40:11 default is started after system, iirc 2019-07-31 11:23:37 Hello! I installed Alpine 3.10.1 from usb to the hard drive. after rebooting my computer is stacked in "booting..." (before the boot loader). Can the boot process last so long or there is some issue with my installation? 2019-07-31 11:44:49 it loaded. I had configured booting with legacy BIOS not UEFI 2019-07-31 13:14:33 I recompile the kernel by running the command 2019-07-31 13:15:08 I recompile the kernel by running the command abuild -r. It is very slow. Is it possible to speed it up by compiling on many cores like -j option with make? 2019-07-31 13:15:29 kiwi910: check abuild.conf 2019-07-31 13:16:02 tahnks 2019-07-31 13:16:06 thanks 2019-07-31 13:17:34 even set env var in your shell would work, '$JOBS' I think 2019-07-31 13:45:40 does anybody know what happened to the "deadbeef" package? i can't find it in the repos, and i definitely recall it being there 2019-07-31 13:48:33 oh 2019-07-31 13:48:39 it was moved into unmaintained 2019-07-31 13:52:10 kiwi910: there's an issue on your instalation.. 2019-07-31 13:52:56 deadbeef are a great player.. why are unmantained ? 2019-07-31 13:53:19 there's an build service for alpine like opensuse build or similar ? 2019-07-31 14:03:36 we have CI and a build service, yes, but that doesn't change the fact it has no maintainer 2019-07-31 14:03:42 CI/building isn't the issue 2019-07-31 14:04:11 PICCORO: why is there a problem with their installation? 2019-07-31 14:06:18 PICCORO: nobody stepped up to maintain it 2019-07-31 14:21:02 umm that-s a problem.. 2019-07-31 14:21:17 i must take into it 2019-07-31 14:35:03 after building the kernel I install it with apk add linux-vanilla-*.apk. However, I get the output "initramfs: creating /boot/initramfs-vanilla, cp: can't create '/tmp/mkinitfs.oCA.../lib/modules/4.19..-vanilla/': No such file or directory" and then "depmod: ERROR: could not open directory /tmp/mkinitfs.oCA.../lib/modules...: No such file or direct 2019-07-31 14:35:04 ory" and "modinfo: ERROR: missing module or filename" What could be the reason? 2019-07-31 14:55:31 after rebooting the system could not load. how could I install the new linux kernel as a separate grub configuration? 2019-07-31 15:10:47 anyone know what happened to the sddm package? 2019-07-31 15:11:08 looks like it disappeared from everywhere a few days ago 2019-07-31 15:14:49 emerson: was moved from community/ without utmps being moved as well 2019-07-31 15:15:05 There is a series of patches to fix it by moving utmps to main 2019-07-31 15:15:39 but i have no permission to push stuff to main 2019-07-31 15:16:25 ah, okay 2019-07-31 17:14:28 Umm, anyone else is having trouble with there GUI ? 2019-07-31 17:14:32 I apk update apk upgrade 2019-07-31 17:14:42 And all the letters has been replaced with squares ... 2019-07-31 17:14:51 what is a GUI 2019-07-31 17:14:59 any program in specific? 2019-07-31 17:15:26 sounds like your fonts are broken, can you change to any that work with lxappearance? 2019-07-31 17:18:25 KH405: "Most likely the pango update, which doesn't accept old(er) fonts anymore" 2019-07-31 19:54:29 Hello everyone. IIUC there is no official Vagrant image for Alpine Linux right? 2019-07-31 19:54:56 There is one that looks official but it isn't: https://app.vagrantup.com/alpine 2019-07-31 19:55:17 Is there any interest in building an official Alpine Linux image? 2019-07-31 20:01:26 I don't know of any official Vagrant image, AMI, or similar 2019-07-31 20:01:41 franklinyu: given the available resources, sure 2019-07-31 20:02:31 danieli: Cool. I'll see whether I can come up with an image with Packer. If I want to create an issue to track this, where should the issue be? 2019-07-31 20:02:48 I see that there is a GitLab instance for Alpine 2019-07-31 20:02:55 clandmeter: ^ 2019-07-31 20:03:11 Not sure which repository should I choose to create an issue to track it. 2019-07-31 20:03:56 you can create an issue in infra. 2019-07-31 20:04:02 infra/infra 2019-07-31 20:04:14 I could probably just give my vagrant build 2019-07-31 20:04:23 alpine/infra/infra to be precise 2019-07-31 20:04:27 https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/infra/infra ? 2019-07-31 20:04:31 I have the whole thing in packer, and I'd appreciate having an official image rather than one that's checked into my converged infrastructure repo 2019-07-31 20:04:42 maldridge: Yes please! 2019-07-31 20:05:24 only for virtualbox backend though, if you need others you'd need to extend my work 2019-07-31 20:05:53 maldridge: I'm also using VirtualBox 2019-07-31 20:06:27 alright 2019-07-31 20:06:36 I have to go reset my password from the old redmine instance 2019-07-31 20:10:55 franklinyu: 10638 2019-07-31 20:17:01 maldridge: ? 2019-07-31 20:17:10 that's the issue number for vagrant 2019-07-31 20:17:15 for your records 2019-07-31 20:17:42 Oh I see you mean https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/infra/infra/issues/10638? 2019-07-31 20:17:48 Cool 2019-07-31 20:17:49 yes 2019-07-31 20:32:54 Hi all, I'm trying to get alpine to boot on an old NTC C.H.I.P the $9 computer that failed miserably... I need help flashing it with the current alpine for ARM 2019-07-31 20:33:38 I have the Sunxi tools installed 2019-07-31 20:33:56 The CHIP is in FEL flash mode 2019-07-31 20:34:17 OneManHateGroup: what is 'NTC C.H.I.P', allwinner? 2019-07-31 20:34:22 yes 2019-07-31 20:34:38 A10? 2019-07-31 20:35:23 USB device 001:021 Allwinner A13 1625420d:50303554:39313030:0601d2b8 2019-07-31 20:35:49 it is sunxi then, I think 2019-07-31 20:35:52 sy, sorry for the delay, I'm using Awesome 2019-07-31 20:36:32 I don't know if we have u-boot for this board 2019-07-31 20:37:25 Should I file a bug request? 2019-07-31 20:37:27 it also identifies as 2019-07-31 20:37:27 Bus 001 Device 021: ID 1f3a:efe8 Onda (unverified) V972 tablet in flashing mode 2019-07-31 20:38:38 OneManHateGroup: it is it's USB id, from this I cannot conclude board name. do you have url with tech specs? 2019-07-31 20:39:32 maybe... Lemme see 2019-07-31 20:39:57 is it listed on https://sunxi.org site somewhere 2019-07-31 20:40:14 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHIP_(computer)#CHIP 2019-07-31 20:41:05 sunxi tools replaced the defunct website flasher from NTC 2019-07-31 20:42:40 does it support boot from external media, usb, mmcSD or sdcard? 2019-07-31 20:42:58 Uh... I don't think so 2019-07-31 20:43:16 I'm pretty sure I tried that 2019-07-31 20:44:04 how do you flash u-boot on it (and filesystem) 2019-07-31 20:45:06 KH405: awesomeWM, you mean 2019-07-31 20:45:27 it has a jumper that puts it into "FEL flash mode" 2019-07-31 20:46:05 then you are supposed to be able to use sunxi-fel to flash the image to the nand 2019-07-31 20:46:16 and you flash it with some tools over usb cable from 'main' computer? 2019-07-31 20:46:23 yes 2019-07-31 20:47:07 never worked this way with sunxi boards, only with some tablets, (asus TF101, iirc) 2019-07-31 20:47:08 Yes mps! 2019-07-31 20:47:37 Asked in #alpine-devel and they heard about it already apparently pango update shit the bed 2019-07-31 20:48:01 KH405: I use it for years, best for my workflow 2019-07-31 20:48:33 Did it shit the bed for you too ? 2019-07-31 20:48:48 KH405: pango update made a lot problems, not only for awesome. For this reason I don't upgrade it 2019-07-31 20:49:03 https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/pango/issues/386 2019-07-31 20:49:13 For the Pango issues. 2019-07-31 20:49:24 I can try, I use only TTF fonts so probably it will work for me 2019-07-31 20:50:13 I don't even know how to change fonts, might look into that :P 2019-07-31 20:50:29 OneManHateGroup: if you can flash u-boot for that board and then filesystem you can try alpine install 2019-07-31 20:51:16 KH405: in themes file 2019-07-31 20:51:26 > So here we are 17 years later still having the same argument. Just convert. The world has to move on. 2019-07-31 20:51:27 So yeah 2019-07-31 20:53:12 It's waiting to flash and I suppose that I have the right u-boot.img to flash to it, I'm just having trouble with the sunxi-fel command that gets it there 2019-07-31 20:53:35 is there a way that I can use "dd" to get it there 2019-07-31 20:53:36 ? 2019-07-31 20:54:09 over usb? I'm not sure 2019-07-31 20:54:42 do you see it's NAND as disk on your machine 2019-07-31 20:55:26 how do I tell which disk it is? 2019-07-31 20:56:55 dmesg, after you connect it with usb cable 2019-07-31 20:57:36 aight 2019-07-31 20:59:23 https://pastebin.com/8YbNwNgq 2019-07-31 21:00:45 looks like it doesn't set self as disk, and you are doomed to use tools you mentioned for it 2019-07-31 21:01:16 do you know if some linux distro work 'out of the box' on it 2019-07-31 21:03:29 I haven't been able to find any... I really wanted alpine on it... they smallest computer with the smallest OS... Kinda gets me off in a nerdy way 2019-07-31 21:05:08 I have experience with some sunxi boards, but all of them have mmc card slot and it is a lot easier to install alpine (or any other OS) on them 2019-07-31 21:05:52 but I don't have experience with boards which have to be installed over usb, so can't help you. sorry 2019-07-31 21:06:40 thanks... I'm asking in the sunxi room also 2019-07-31 21:07:19 hope they have better knowledge than me 2019-07-31 22:02:45 OK.. it seems like It flashed u-boot 2019-07-31 22:10:31 https://pasteboard.co/IqAiht7.png 2019-07-31 22:11:12 nice 👍 2019-07-31 22:11:38 polybar with clickable modules 2019-07-31 22:12:09 pip3 install openweathermap-cli 2019-07-31 22:16:37 OK... I've found something cool...the alpine for arm package comes with a "dtbs" file with the name of the NTC chip right on it!! What is "dtbs" and how do I load it onto my CHIP? 2019-07-31 22:18:06 I can't answer the second part, but a dtb is the device tree blob which tells the kernel how the hardware is laid out 2019-07-31 22:18:19 it was designed to solve the massively broken ecosystem that is ARM 2019-07-31 22:19:16 u-boot usually loads proper dtb 2019-07-31 22:21:47 or desired one, on alpine in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf parameter 'FDT /dtbs-4.19.21-r1-1/sun7i-a20-lamobo-r1.dtb' 2019-07-31 22:29:54 it identifies as /dev/mmcblkp0 2019-07-31 22:46:33 are you sure it's not mmcblk0? 2019-07-31 22:46:41 it's usually mmcblkXpY where Y is the partition 2019-07-31 23:57:58 ummm the upgrade are so easy but still same problem.. how alpine have a browser in each release tht are a crap? firefox does not work in any way! and chromium are only available for amd64 ? so tell guys how the others arch may have a property desktop? the web of alpine said "general purpose" desktop are in general but seems that are a lie! 2019-07-31 23:58:35 i upgrade from 3.4 to 3.5 to 3.6 to 3.7 until 3.9 and well firefox still are a cracp 2019-07-31 23:59:01 what's broken on firefox? 2019-07-31 23:59:08 i use it on x86_64, not sure about other archs 2019-07-31 23:59:52 of course you dalias does not know nothig.. amd64 ( x86_64) are the only arch that firefox works "almost good"