2022-12-01 10:53:42 gonna upgrade deu7-dev1 and deu1-dev1 to 3.17 in a bit 2022-12-01 11:38:11 deu7 seems to be fine 2022-12-01 11:38:21 ok, dmvpn working? 2022-12-01 11:38:50 A patch got removed that broke dmvpn, but ncopa put it back 2022-12-01 11:40:55 not sure how i would check that :-) 2022-12-01 11:41:00 ip route 2022-12-01 11:41:08 do you see routes to the other sites 2022-12-01 11:41:18 can you ping 2022-12-01 11:41:21 ah 2022-12-01 11:42:09 seems like i can ping it from deu1 2022-12-01 11:42:17 and deu7 2022-12-01 11:42:20 That it appears to be working 2022-12-01 11:42:30 bunch of routes 2022-12-01 12:10:45 algitbot: ping 2022-12-02 09:18:31 ikke: which was the new dev box? 2022-12-02 09:18:34 the ip 2022-12-02 09:29:18 got it 2022-12-07 17:37:06 ACTION needs to look at that 2022-12-08 20:08:33 I guess OOM 2022-12-08 20:40:25 the armhf is gone too 2022-12-08 20:41:00 hmm, vm seems to be still running 2022-12-08 20:44:18 Why do you think it's not running? 2022-12-08 20:49:04 missing in builder list 2022-12-10 09:25:04 hmm 2022-12-10 09:25:06 I can still reach it 2022-12-10 09:43:42 me whistles innocently 2022-12-10 09:43:54 I had nothing to do with it at all 2022-12-10 12:43:25 definitely not 2022-12-10 13:05:44 hmm, that's for real 2022-12-10 19:26:02 psykose: !42206 2022-12-10 19:26:57 I know there is newer version but intentionally didn't upgrade it because kernel 'wants' older versions 2022-12-10 19:31:36 no, there is a single argument name change and is fixed with a mere https://github.com/AsahiLinux/PKGBUILDs/commit/9e607035bab7fd5af25555602bce38e41e5f0c15 2022-12-10 19:31:41 the actual versions don't matter 2022-12-10 19:32:45 don't look at asahi PKGBUILDs, they don't apply to alpine 2022-12-10 19:33:18 and these things at above url are outdated 2022-12-10 19:33:43 they do, that is the only thing one needs to change to use bindgen 0.63 with the linux tree 2022-12-10 19:33:47 and the asahi kernel is build with 0.63 2022-12-10 19:34:31 https://tpaste.us/Z4ld 2022-12-10 19:34:54 trust me, I've built it on alpine many times 2022-12-10 19:35:10 trust you on what 2022-12-10 19:35:15 all you have to do is add a sed -i into prepare 2022-12-10 19:35:21 but, please don't upgrade it 2022-12-10 19:36:12 I'm not in good health state to make long disscusions 2022-12-10 19:36:21 there is nothing to discuss 2022-12-10 19:36:38 ok, please don't upgrade 2022-12-10 19:37:25 allow me to check it on next week, and I will inform you of result 2022-12-10 19:37:51 and yes, I would like if it could be upgraded 2022-12-10 19:38:17 do whatever you prefer, i'm just saying it's 3 lines to fix and not broken :) 2022-12-10 19:38:19 no rush 2022-12-10 19:38:37 I'm not against you and MR, just would like to be sure 2022-12-10 19:41:33 btw, what is strange I noticed that I built asahi kernel with gpu driver and forgot to use CLANG/LLVM and it works. I'm really amused 2022-12-10 19:42:12 hahw 2022-12-10 19:42:20 was there a requirement for using clang in the kernel build for it? 2022-12-10 19:42:40 gpu author says yes 2022-12-10 19:43:09 gpu driver is in rust, first rust kernel driver afaik 2022-12-10 19:44:07 but working on it I see that we can build kernels for alpine with LLVM/CLANG without problem 2022-12-10 19:50:47 i build mine with clang so yeah 2022-12-10 19:50:48 works fine 2022-12-10 19:52:22 nice 2022-12-10 19:52:57 but I hope we will not get request to build two versions of same kernel for alpine :) 2022-12-10 19:54:18 we did like a year ago, i closed the merge request 2022-12-10 20:03:44 yes, I remember that someone asked for using clang instead of gcc, and it was not from you 2022-12-10 20:04:18 ok, I checked rust-bindgen MR and approved it 2022-12-10 20:04:40 I think it is fine 2022-12-10 20:05:11 thank you for forcing me to look at it 2022-12-10 20:05:57 (but now I must take some good red wine and rest) 2022-12-10 20:07:57 :) 2022-12-10 20:08:02 did you rebuild with it and everything still works? 2022-12-10 20:08:08 (just making sure) 2022-12-10 20:08:57 that fix lol 2022-12-10 20:09:00 i used it for rusticl and it seems to work there too, other unrelated issues aside 2022-12-10 20:09:35 no, I didn't, but looking at it I don't expect problems, and if they occurs we will fix it 2022-12-10 20:10:42 but now really have to go for wine, cheers ;) 2022-12-10 20:12:27 enjoy :) 2022-12-10 20:19:43 mps: I suppose there are no newer kernel versions for the starfive? 2022-12-10 20:23:31 ikke: there are but I'm busy with some other things, sorry 2022-12-10 20:23:34 np 2022-12-10 20:23:37 no priority 2022-12-10 20:24:32 because of hype around asahi and apple silicon I worked on it to make alpine ready for it 2022-12-10 20:25:27 and I finished most things, just didn't upgraded latest kernel 2022-12-10 20:26:44 I just powered on my board again 2022-12-10 20:28:44 6.1 kernel will be released in a day and I think Esmil will rebase on it, so maybe in 3-4 days we will have new version with some features added and some bugs fixed 2022-12-10 20:29:40 and my boars is also on the desk, but not powered for 2-3 weeks 2022-12-10 20:29:54 s/boars/board/ 2022-12-10 20:29:54 mps meant to say: and my board is also on the desk, but not powered for 2-3 weeks 2022-12-11 18:55:52 lesigh 2022-12-11 22:28:19 Build of dotnet7-build is stuck on `build-edge-s390x`. Feel free to kick it by killing the build. I'd appreciate access to the log of the failed build as to debug where it hung. :) 2022-12-12 05:24:54 ayakael: https://tpaste.us/Mk8X 2022-12-12 14:24:43 ikke: huh that's a new one, sourcelink has never hung during build. Noted, thanks! 2022-12-14 16:21:55 hi, i received an email about a package i maintain being out-of-date but it's not technically true. How are new releases detected? (in this case the release is still in a draft state on github so the notice is a bit early) 2022-12-14 16:23:08 btw I'm not sure if this channel is meant to be public but just in case it is: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Alpine_Linux:IRC does not list it 2022-12-14 16:23:54 they're usually detected via anitya (https://release-monitoring.org) 2022-12-14 16:24:13 kit_ty_kate: yes, this is a public channel 2022-12-14 16:25:02 in case of opam, they just check the git tags 2022-12-14 16:25:08 ( https://release-monitoring.org/project/16645/ ) 2022-12-14 16:25:43 and as 2.1.4 was tagged without any suffix like -beta/-alpha/-rc, it's treated as an actual release 2022-12-14 16:25:58 the tag is also final and you can't retag it so that is actual 2.1.4 2022-12-14 16:26:13 unless opam retags the same tag and changes the sha 2022-12-14 16:26:34 ptrc: you should fix that you know 2022-12-14 16:26:43 fix what? 2022-12-14 16:26:48 they're not filtered 2022-12-14 16:27:08 wdym? they are being filtered by the suffix on anitya 2022-12-14 16:27:17 ah, in aports-turbo? 2022-12-14 16:27:19 ye 2022-12-14 16:27:22 sure 2022-12-14 16:27:59 I guess anitya is the least-worst solution we have lol 2022-12-14 16:29:10 (the email doesn't really tell which IRC channel to go as well, i only guessed it) 2022-12-14 16:29:44 there's a couple of package I maintain (from the same people) who have their CI stuff as part of their tarballs, so every-so-often there's a "release" made where no code has actually changed and my packages get tagged as out of date lol. They even managed to go through quite a few separate release numbers in a single day due to tinkering with their CKI stuff :-( 2022-12-14 16:30:14 ugh, anoying 2022-12-14 16:30:39 yeah I haven't (yet) brought the subject up with them 2022-12-14 16:31:11 yeah this is quite common in the ocaml world too. People will wait for it to be merged in opam-repository and will retag the releases if it doesn't pass CI and needs fixing 2022-12-14 16:31:54 it is anoying 2022-12-14 16:32:09 people who fetched the old tag already will not automatically receive the updated tag 2022-12-14 16:32:19 so for them, if they checkout the tag they will get the old commit 2022-12-14 16:33:00 yeah that's why i'm surprised the github releases are not checked by anitya 2022-12-14 16:33:44 this is plain git I'm talking about, and the result of retagging 2022-12-14 16:33:51 https://gitirc.eu/git-tag.html#_on_re_tagging 2022-12-14 16:33:59 it can check releases too 2022-12-14 16:35:11 (so i made it do that) 2022-12-20 09:37:13 ikke: looks like arm only has ipv6 addresses 2022-12-20 09:55:44 Yes, telmich already mentioned that in the beginning. 2022-12-20 09:55:53 For me that's not an issue 2022-12-20 09:56:29 It should be able to connect to ipv4 2022-12-20 09:57:35 he mentioned we could also get an ipv4 address before 2022-12-20 09:58:03 ipv6 is kind of complicated when your provider does not support it 2022-12-20 10:20:44 IPv4 address can 2022-12-20 10:20:46 point to an IPv6 address in the server and thus they are fully 2022-12-20 10:20:48 reachable from the IPv4 Internet - if needed 2022-12-20 10:20:59 Emphasis on the last part 2022-12-20 10:22:57 i guess for now the easiest way is to route all ipv6 traffic over alpine openvpn connection 2022-12-20 10:23:22 or better do this on wireguard 2022-12-20 10:23:39 but our wg does not provide a ipv6 address 2022-12-20 10:23:52 Need to set that up still 2022-12-20 10:24:30 I've reserved a global but non-routable ipv6 prefix we can use for dmvpn / wg in netbox 2022-12-20 10:26:11 i guess i can route ipv6 traffic over openvpn right? 2022-12-20 10:55:06 I haven't checked if the dmpvpn hubs have ipv6 enabled 2022-12-20 11:17:23 ikke: what i mean is, i dont have ipv6 but when using alpiine openvpn i am provided with a ipv6 address. I guess i could use that to route to the internet based on ipv6? 2022-12-20 11:19:02 clandmeter: if it's a publically routable ipv6 address, that should work 2022-12-20 11:19:22 yes, i think you set it up before :) 2022-12-20 11:19:32 yes, but that was based on the equinix host 2022-12-20 11:20:13 so you are saying the routhing should be broken now 2022-12-20 11:20:18 routing* 2022-12-20 11:21:29 clandmeter: yes 2022-12-20 11:22:35 The prefix it anounces belongs to equinix, so that's not going to work 2022-12-20 21:35:09 psykose: ptrc: I've deployed aports-turbo with the anitya change 2022-12-20 21:35:56 ikke: cool, thanks! i'll check today at 3 (CET) if any of the pre-releases get tagged 2022-12-20 22:03:42 ikke: thanks :) 2022-12-21 00:45:56 hi 2022-12-21 00:47:53 what's up 2022-12-21 00:48:41 f 2022-12-21 08:01:52 ptrc: seems like it was fixed 2022-12-21 08:01:53 :) 2022-12-21 08:02:06 i checked a few and it didn't recommend the prerelease one over the other version 2022-12-21 08:02:14 ikke: also riscv64 has been stuck for days 2022-12-21 11:08:49 interesting performance increase with MGLRU on Ampere Altra https://lore.kernel.org/linux-mm/20221220214923.1229538-1-yuzhao@google.com/T/#u 2022-12-21 11:09:13 is the our aarch64 builder this model 2022-12-21 11:09:20 it is 2022-12-21 11:09:42 hah, so we have to upgrade it to linux-edge ;) 2022-12-21 11:15:15 We can try it perhaps on the new HW that we are going to install 2022-12-21 11:17:34 what's the new hw 2022-12-21 11:19:00 Should be similar to what we alreayd haave 2022-12-21 11:19:02 already have 2022-12-21 11:19:50 ah 2022-12-22 12:18:53 do we have tool for checking pkg version in different alpine releases 2022-12-22 12:19:31 aports-turbo :P 2022-12-22 12:20:30 apk search aports-turbo => nothing 2022-12-22 12:20:48 It's not a command-line tool 2022-12-22 12:21:04 ahm, right 2022-12-22 12:21:25 I forgot to ask for 'cli tool' 2022-12-22 15:55:23 arm1 is online :) 2022-12-22 16:02:51 \o/ 2022-12-22 16:31:54 looks like arm2 is down 2022-12-22 16:32:01 cant connect to it anymore 2022-12-22 16:32:04 so i give up for now 2022-12-22 22:53:54 arm2 is also online 2022-12-27 05:58:39 By curiosity, is there an APKBUILD for gitlab-ce implemented somewhere, or does our instance use docker composer or something along those lines? 2022-12-27 06:52:22 ayakael: Yes, we build it in docker 2022-12-27 06:56:44 ayakael: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/infra/docker/gitlab 2022-12-27 07:58:44 ayakael: it's not really feasible to package it. The gitlab front-end for example still officially only supports ruby 2.7, which we last shipped in Alpine 3.14 2022-12-27 08:00:51 that, and its hell to manage ruby in apk 2022-12-27 08:01:47 i think jirutka did manage to package it ones, not sure what the status is now. he had it in his personal repos. 2022-12-27 08:03:00 https://github.com/jirutka/user-aports/tree/v3.16/user/gitlab-foss 2022-12-27 08:04:43 still maintains it apparently 2022-12-27 08:10:35 looks like it, think he did it for uni but what i read on twitter he was leaving. 2022-12-27 08:33:27 Many thanks for the details - does look like a pack of trouble to manage. I see why y'all took the docker route. 2022-12-30 11:38:27 Sometimes I wish it was easier to find out where traffic is dropped in the linux kernel 2022-12-30 11:38:52 Can ping one direction, but in the opposite direction, traffic does not arrive 2022-12-30 11:39:51 I see the traffic arriving at the host, I see counters for the iptables rules that allow the traffic increase 2022-12-30 11:40:09 but I don't see it arriving in a container 2022-12-30 11:40:26 from the container, I can ping the other way around 2022-12-30 12:14:28 tcpdump -i any 2022-12-30 12:19:14 oh, run tcpdump in container to see if packets arrive 2022-12-30 12:19:51 I did 2022-12-30 12:19:57 On the host I see the packet 2022-12-30 12:20:01 in the container I don't 2022-12-30 12:20:13 Forwarding is enabled 2022-12-30 12:23:25 iptables filter maybe? 2022-12-30 12:23:54 or some routing rules 2022-12-30 12:26:19 ip route get oif $out_interface address 2022-12-30 12:29:59 WHere do I run the latter? 2022-12-30 12:30:19 on the host 2022-12-30 12:30:53 you can also use 'from address' in combo 2022-12-30 12:31:00 and $out_interface is the bridge of the container? 2022-12-30 12:32:11 ip route get oif br-0da1bc49616a from -> RTNETLINK answers: Network unreachable 2022-12-30 12:32:11 yes 2022-12-30 12:32:30 (without the from I get an entry 2022-12-30 12:33:36 https://tpaste.us/BkrY 2022-12-30 12:34:11 Not sure why it's considered unreachable from that address 2022-12-30 12:34:33 my example: ip r g from oif br0 => from dev br0 uid 0 2022-12-30 12:49:26 Wondering why it would show as unreachable 2022-12-30 12:54:53 Ok, I think I see what's going on 2022-12-30 12:54:55 via dev gre1 proto zebra metric 20 2022-12-30 12:55:09 It tries to route it via the vpn instead of locally 2022-12-30 12:55:45 oh, wrong server, sorry 2022-12-30 12:56:09 dev br-0da1bc49616a proto kernel scope link src 2022-12-30 12:56:14 that's the correct route 2022-12-30 19:02:04 ah, I was missing a route in the container 2022-12-31 14:17:32 found another fun regression in gitlab: when browsing branches, the "merge request" button used to redirect to an already created MR; now it tries to open a new MR for the same branch 2022-12-31 14:24:02 aports-qa-bot or Aports QA Bot as display name? 2022-12-31 14:24:06 (Or something else) 2022-12-31 14:24:55 probably latter even though i prefer the former 2022-12-31 14:25:32 I think I prefer the former as well 2022-12-31 14:25:48 nerd :p 2022-12-31 14:26:09 Guilty as charge 2022-12-31 14:26:40 might be just me, but "Aports" feels weird to read 2022-12-31 14:28:43 Ptrc 2022-12-31 14:30:11 😠 2022-12-31 19:28:40 Going to reboot gbr2-dev1 2022-12-31 21:52:32 Got quite some things done today :) 2022-12-31 21:56:46 :) 2022-12-31 21:56:47 poggers