2023-10-15 08:39:40 can you cut the s​pam s⁠hit its ge​tting way to⁠o a​n​noying this​ i⁠s well pa⁠s​t t⁠he "hee​ hee hoo ho​o s​upe​r​nets is up to​ its s​i​lly m⁠isch⁠ief​ onc​e a​gain" threshold 2023-10-22 20:52:25 hello, does anyone know how come there is no selinux documentation page while an selinux package seems to exist? 2023-10-22 20:57:25 The package is mostly to help with parsing / compiling policies. There is no integration / official support 2023-10-22 20:57:34 So documentation would be upstream 2023-10-27 02:18:53 n8s...